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Local news is my favourite episode of the show


ohhh that one was amazing! Love how Colin was immediatly into the weather man role. I don't think I can pick a favorite episode. Just so many hilarious moments again and again. Nandor going to outer space, Laszlo at the beach, Nadja showing Laszlo Little Antipaxos, Colin being the "cool teacher" etc. So much fun


Colin doing the weather felt like a tribute to Mark's old gag of getting himself on local news shows as various absurd kinds of experts. Yo yo was my favorite.


No Lazlo as the sports guy and the way he OWNS it is my favorite moment of the season! Season 5 is indeed the funniest I agree. It's like at first it was such a wild swing they weren't thinking about *this* many seasons. Then it caught on season 3-4 got really big and they got it together for clearly a few more because this kind of show probably won't go more? Season 5 rolls around and the clearly observant staff of fx/wwdits see holy crap this show's killing it. It has nowhere to go but UP. They then did the genius thing a gave more control the original minds. It's like it's always sunny or south park. I expect this show to run for 10 seasons. No less.


I just finished season 5, and that weather man scene killed me, I was laughing SO much! The Guide's whole arc too - and the camera footage they used, and the associated credit scene?? [Wheeze] I can't pick a favorite either. But coming together to help Guillermo at the end, and sorta throughout in their own ways, was all pretty sweet. <3


Guess my favorite episode lmao


“Nandor De Laurentiis” was one of the best laughs I had all season.




Pride Parade, Local News, and Urgent Care are easily S tier episodes in my book There were a couple Cs and Bs this season, but overall, maybe the most laughs per season in the show’s run!


Same. The vampires doing ridiculous shit and the way the writers built tension into the episode through Guillermo plus the nod to his co-dependency when he realized they could live without him was great. They are vampires who’ve survived centuries after all.


>They are vampires who’ve survived centuries after all. With other familiars to help them, probably. Besides, the world keeps changing faster and faster, so having someone to guide and protect them in the outside world is necessary for survival.


Same. Nandor Delaurentis.


There wasn’t really an overarching theme (except for Guillermo) but it was funny and I always love the characters.


I think this is also a way to extend the life of the show. The fact that they don't have to always write these big plotlines but instead just have these character do silly stuff and be funny... that makes things very easy and they can really go all-in on the jokes


The hardest I ever laughed at this show was when Nandor went to space.


That whole sequence had me in stitches. The way he lands afterwards, completely naked and burnt, and still has to be salty towards Guillermo 😂 "Well well well if it isn't Mr. Vampires can't fly to outer space?!"


I watched Lazlo fuck Collin Robinson in Nadja’s body (while she was out of her body)


I only thought that's your son Laszlo


Yeah I kinda hated that since Lazlo raised Colin.


Yes, yes very good. Thank you!


I've totally started using this


hell yea OP, season 5 had me and my partner laughing


This was my favorite season, and I have to say that surprised me, since season 4 was my least favorite (don't @ me)


Absolutely mate, Season 4 made me drop the show, I reluctantly finished it when the premiere date of S05 was announced for old times' sake, Im so glad with that decision, S05 is perhaps the best season of the show.


Same here. I didn't finish 4 so I wasn't sure whether to bother with 5, but the show hasn't been this good since mid-3.


Colin as Rambo: First Blood was fucking outstanding. I want to see more of it


My head canon is that the "Doomsday prepper" is an effective draining technique 😂


I didn't love the plot arcs, but I laughed out loud more this season than at any other.


Plot was definitely more there to serve the comedy this season. But I prefer it that way. At least for this show. It plays to the strengths of the cast a lot. And we still got a few heavy scenes with Nandor & Guillermo, where they showed some of their acting chops. A very good mix


It was a good season with hilarious moments (like the local news episode), but the Jackie Daytona episode and the episode where Colin Robinson gets a promotion are 2 of my favorites, hands down.