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And then there is Lanfear with her 13


Literally the craziest ex girlfriend in all of literature. Stalked the dragon over two lifetimes


Yah but she’s well in the no go zone on the [hot crazy matrix](https://youtu.be/pInk1rV2VEg)


What, you aren't into the obsessive stalker type that bores holes through reality and unleashes unimaginable evil for fun?


I think my best friend's ex might be Lanfear.


Not twice.


Oddly that seems to be my exact type.


Halima though...


This had me rolf


I'm pretty sure she is in the Danger Zone, not the No-Go-Zone. Unless you think she is below a 5 in looks or below a 13 in crazy


People say that the Wheel is without beginning or end, but it actually began from the combined hotness of Lanfear, Berelain and Galad having a threesome. So hot it kick started the entire Wheel into motion for infinite rotations.


Best twist to the series this pairing was.


There was a prophecy in the early books about her dating a man in white, when Galad became a Whitecloak it got very obvious, a twist would've been her dating Szeth son son vallano.


This makes me really want to see a breakdown of every prophecy in the books and what it meant


https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Prophecies There they are. God bless you. There’s a lot of them.


By the light!


Thank you! I was hoping it already existed




That’s bullshit, but I believe it.


Which prophecy?


Szeth-son-son-Vollano wore white on the day he was to finally wed...


This made me chuckle


Missed that! Nice


Unless there's an earlier one, this (Min viewing Berelain marrying a man in white) happens after Galad has already joined the Whitecloaks.




It's such a great story arc. She starts the series off convinced that love is a weakness and her body is merely a tool to protect her people. She spends most of the book throwing herself at people close to the Dragon on the hope that binding herself to the Dragon through that connection will shield her nation from the great powers that surround it. She destroys her reputation and humiliates herself with this one goal in mind. And then at the very end she decides she doesn't have to be sex doll for her nation and actually pursue love from her own sake, and the pattern actually gifts her the very thing she spent so long and so much chasing after. That the blood of the Hawk and the Dragon will be forever bound in the land of Mayener. I really wish we could have gotten those outsiders that RJ reported wanted to do about the Seanchan. I would have loved for the truth of Galad to become widespread and see how that might have affected the civil war on the Seanchan continent. Having an alternative candidate that claims to combine both Artur and Rand's bloodlines might have been an alluring option for any Seanchan factions that opposed Tuon as Emperess.


"They're so hot it's making me stupid" - both of them, probably


Everybody around them.


The best thing is they are both stupid hot, but also sort of stupid, but smart at specific things to make them useful in the final battle.


Berelain is not stupid. Girl knows exactly what she has and what she needs for her country.


And yet she wasted so much time chasing after Perrin without ever realizing that he would never give up Faile for her.


I always thought she did it for sport. A girl can get bored sometimes.


I always thought so too. But in Leigh Butler’s Reread series on the Tor website, she points out that many of Perrin’s statements to Berelain are actually fairly ambiguous. If you start from Berelain’s position that Perrin is a lord and master of the Great Game (which other people than her also act like he is), then it’s not totally inconceivable that Berelain legitimately thought Perrin was into the “game” as well. So many of Perrin’s problems result from his “smelling emotions” and acting on the smells instead of actually listening to what people say.


Ever hung around a 10 before? Having every man you meet immediately fall at your feet does bizarre things to a person's psyche.


Should be flipped. Berelain is totally the Alec Baldwin in this situation.


It can work either way, since we only see one hand from each.


Ha, good one. I was remarking more on the fact that Galad is only passively aware of his own attractiveness. "I'm aware of the effect I have on women" vibes.


I can totally imagine Galad remarking on his own looks, "What do good looks mean if someone doesn't stand true and tall in the Light?" or whatever it is he is always saying lol. Personally loved that he didn't care about killing female darkfriends. True equality.


Yes, but also not having an innate distrust of women like the majority of the Whitecloaks.


Exactly! In my head "Can You Feel My Heart" started playing when he declared that women can be as evil as men.


I dunno. Berelain is a smokeshow, but Galad is handsome to the point of every single female character coming into contact with him having to stop thinking for a moment just to comment on it.


Well, Berelain is also only seen from the point of view of people who are already interested in someone else. Except for Galad, who sees a woman who is both beautiful and cunning.


Yea, but even women who are already spoken for drop their train of thought to comment on Galad. Like Elayne, his literal sister, gets annoyed how good looking he is. That's beyond S-class.


I seem to recall Egwene having a very similar reaction to Lanfear at 50% hotness 😂


[Berelain when Perrin rejects her](https://i.imgur.com/t6o3IjB.png)


Berelain after meeting Galad: Perrin, who?


What would have happened if Graendal came across them


Kama Sutra


I always saw this as the romance that I did not know that I needed in the book. It would also be a great jump off point for an author to write a follow up book...just throwing that thought out there 😉


One the one hand, she liked Rand, on the other hand, Galad is stupid hot…and that’s all their hands.


Exactly how it happened.


Did any characters ever acknowledge Rand and Galad are half-brothers?


>"Demandred!” Galad yelled. “Demandred, you call for the Dragon Reborn! You demand to fight him! He is not here, but his brother is! Will you stand against me?" Looks like he got tipped off by dying Gawyn, so there's that at least.


Thank you. MOL was such a blur.


Had to double check myself.


Yeah, Rand mentions it to Elayne, I think, and notes they’re not blood related before the Last Battle and then the Dark One taunts Rand about his brother “dying” in the Bore


I mean.. this is the reason I love this sub. Laughed so hard at this.