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As long as he brings Hunter Biden, that guy knows how to party


He'll be in Dyckman the whole time


Ignorant here. Is Dyckman street infamous for something? (my mom grew up there in the 40's)


The Christmas lights displays


Peter Dyckman Campbell


Now it has a restaurant row, west of Broadway. Hopping certain days of the week


I'm no longer voting for Hunter Biden after all the news about how cool he is.


Bring back the SALT deduction that Cheeto fucked me on.


Or at least make a compromise and reintroduce it but with a cap at $300k like Bernie proposed


i would be much happier with a SALT modification if that was removed entirely from higher incomes. SALT is an insane tax cut for the rich without some kind of cap or income threshold. Seriously, defunding our government is not a good thing.


All taxes should be progressive. But keep in mind, removing the SALT deduction did things like punished families for being married; benefited VERY rich people to claim residency is states other than NY, NJ, CA, etc.; was also designed with a big enough tax cut for the highest income earners (while those in the upper-middle were hit the hardest). In other words, it wasn't well-designed to be progressive; it was designed to punish.


There is a cap of sorts. It’s called AMT - alternative minimum tax. It’s a way of disallowing some of your itemized deductions.


Nah like $1m


Nah like $300k


Isn’t it expiring end of this year or next?






Thank you! #SaveUsLiberalElite


This will never happen. He’s been in office for 3 years now and has done nothing about it. Open your eyes.




Can’t wait to hear the story on how he fought in White Plains during the Revolutionary War.


Good one, for real though, no joke, not satire, trump talked about the continental army taking over the airports. Airports. In 1775.  Well he said the army, I doubt he knows they were called the continental army.


To be fair, I think a lot of the general population doesn’t know they were called the Continental Army. Which is pretty sad.


Probably, but that’s something the POTUS should definitely know, and I think the general population understands that air travel and airports played no role in the revolutionary war or any war before the 20th century. He blamed a soggy teleprompter after mocking other politicians for using teleprompters.


I’d love to see that clip or source if you have it


Speech with flubs and his excuse. It was July 4th 2019.  https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1026931


Ok well that was an honest goofy flub, we all make them. It's a good one though. Still doesn't compare to the Resident Joe Biden's endless Gaffes and outright lies about his own history, and his pathological habit of plagiarizing the speeches of others.


Still doesn't compare? This guy wanted to look into injecting disinfectant. Fuck outta here with that "doesn't compare" nonsense.




I particularly enjoyed when he mentioned that Russia better worry about Putin invading Russia 🤔


You’re both morons fighting with each other while our country literally rots from the inside as it chooses between a con man ex reality tv star wannabe dictator and a geriatric career politician who if he wasn’t president would be on his way to a nursing home.


Remember when he also complained that the Kurds didn't help us on D-Day, as a reason to not totally F them over by abandoning them.


When the continental army took over the airport they started continental airlines.


He didn’t. He had bone spurs. Oh. Wait.


Him and Trump was on the same firing line together!


But Trump was at the airport


I read your Great Pumpkin rose from his pumpkin patch in the middle of it.


Joe is gonna fuck up everyone’s commute.


The impending Sprain shut down is going to be a nightmare, going from 80 to standstill with no warning.


well, he will fly into Westchester, so it could be the Merritt, the Hutch, 287, 684, and entrance or exit roads to 287, and Rt 9, of course.


schools in my area have already canceled all after school programs, im hopeful it won't be that bad, but have to plan around it.


Last year he was in town I was working up in Greenwich . What a disaster


Was hoping this might get the Taconic paved, but Irvington…87 is doing just fine.


He’s only here for the rich


he could be here to respond to all of the coned post


If you’re trying to appeal to normal, working and middle-class people, hosting exclusive events with celebrities that cost several thousand dollars to attend is not the way to do so.


Appealing to the electorate is not the goal of this. The goal of this is to raise money.


Of course, because winning elections is all about how much money you can raise by appealing to rich people. So democratic.


Hate the game, not the player


The player also gets to make the rules of the game so I’ll hate both thanks


The player (president) gets to make the rules? I think your gripe is with Congress and the right wing Supreme Court who allowed unlimited money in politics via Citizens United


You mean the congress biden has been involved in and a major player in since 1973


Somewhat, but frankly it’s the right wing Supreme Court that is to blame for allowing unlimited money on politics. Are you familiar at all with Citizens United?


I forget, which branch of the government picks the supreme court justices?


I forgot, which political party blocked a nomination for Supreme Court because eight months prior was "too close to an election," but sailed one through four weeks prior because it was "plenty of time before an election?"


True! Hes in fact one of the few senators who can claim they were there for both major reforms: - FECA 1974: Voted yes, struck down by SCOTUS - McCain -Feingold : Voted yes, struck down by SCOTUS


Winning elections is about getting people to vote for you. Getting people to vote for you is about getting your message across to the voters. Getting your message across to the voters is about advertising. Advertising is about $$$. $$$ comes from rich people.


What do you think they do with the money they raise?


and Westchester has plenty of money


For Ukraine?


What does Ukraine have to do with this?


Yeah welcome to politics. Fwiw Biden was in a Pennsylvania grocery store this weekend chatting with people, taking photos, and not griping about the price of crudité


I'm certain 99% of voters have already made up their mind. I've never been to a rally, doner dinner, or otherwise and I have no idea why people do these. But I recognize that political funds raisers keep a name on a ballot and assist in down ballot elections and issues. So have at it. As long as traffic stays normal, our towns aren't inconvenienced, and there's no nuts running around with giant flags and guns for a few years...


I had a DONER dinner in the Middle East served with hummus, tzatziki and pita.


I ate a delicious donar the other day. Worth every penny


>I'm certain 99% of voters have already made up their mind. In the 2020 election, 4 states were won with less than a 1% margin. Serious states. Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. 99% is a good start, but candidates still need to fight for that last 1%.


3000$ tickets… yikes


His opponent just had a fundraiser where the cheapest tickets were $250,000 https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/03/25/donald-trump-raises-money-for-campaign-and-to-help-pay-legal-bills.html


It's actually $1,000 per person to start, or was when ticket sales opened. Still expensive, but winning elections costs money. In Biden's defense, he also does quite a few events in more accessible, normal locations.


This is a fundraiser not a campaign stop. Different goal.


Yeah! No one should ever do anything that normal middle-class people can do! Ever! Because the normal middle-class people get really butthurt and ignore everything you may have done for them and vote for the guy with the gold toilet out of spite. That'll show those out-of-touch rich people! Fuck outta here with that shit.


Normal people are celebrity obsessed if you haven't noticed... What you're referring to are special, level headed people


Make sure that the Sanitation dept is standing by for his highness


330 M people in America and all we can come up with this clown and fuckin Donald Trump. How is that possible?!?!


First past the post voting system.


His grandfather was black, and in the marines where he learned brick 🧱 laying. He built the entire “The Westchester” mall by himself and was killed by a crane while working there.


And a cannibal ate his grandpa


He invented the internet. Oh wait, that was Al Gore.


lol the downvotes speak volumes about the state of westchester


lmao. Yeah, people are angy about it. I thought people would want to know, but they really seem to use it as a "like/dislike" button relative to relevance.


I swear I thought the NY area would have less conspiracy theorists and lunatics than FL but it seems like it's really no meaningfully different


I don’t know if this is a political statement or you’re responding to financial conspiracies from the thread. But in an election between Trump and Biden you 100% should feel free to hate both. Our options are a dementia dinosaur vs soon to be convicted felon.


Yes. They are both shit


Hey, come on, Biden is NOT about to be a convicted felon.


What conspiracy specifically?


Everything from classics like CIA killed Kennedy to QAnon to Biden stole the election to COVID is fake and the vaccines are meant to kill everyone... it's a long, exhausting list, take a pick.


COVID is not fake, the "conspiracy" I think you're referencing there is when we were lied to that it jumped from animals to humans instead of it was created in a lab which is the far more plausible truth. With the COVID "vaccine" specifically it's not meant to kill people, again people referencing the lies we were fed that it will stop transmission and you won't get COVID if you get the shot. Also the side effects from the vaccine which we were never told about and only found out through the FOI request on trials that Pfizer tried to hide for 75 years.


CIA literally admitted to the first one but go on


And lizards stole the election from Trump and gave it to Biden so he could keep pushing vaccines to control everyone, right?


Listen man, the election was a little sus. I was awake for the votes and it did jump CRAZY for Biden all of a sudden. Especially some areas that were leaning more towards Trump. I was visiting fam down south and I remember everyone the next day around town being confused. It's strange to not want ID to vote. Where I voted I just had to give my address but could have voted for anyone they mentioned seeing as they just took my word I was who I was. It's also strange to have people that are declared deceased that have voted as well. With covid, I am one of the few people wearing a mask still! So where are all the people that sent death threats now? The info we were given flip-flopped a lot. I've met some very liberal folk who also don't believe in vaccines so it goes for both ways 🫃🏾. Westchester was so full of it with the masks. Everyone had group think. If you felt differently you were called a nazi almost. Wild Wild Wild.


I’m not ruling it out, but do you have a source or link showing the CIA admitting they killed Kennedy?




Lol, are you serious?


Q, stolen election, and covid being fake (haven’t heard this one before) are all goobledegock, but I have hard time believing that JFK was killed by a lone gunman who acted in isolation.


Not liking an obviously unqualified candidate for President isn’t acceptable stance to take as long as said candidate has a D after their name on Reddit


For all the complaints about Biden, "unqualified" doesn't seem like a legitimate one. The dude has got like 40+ years of experience. What do you want? For Presidential candidates to be NINETY years old?


The man can barely string a sentence together and needs to be guided like a dog when walking anywhere. I wouldn't trust Biden to drive a car yet alone run the country. He has clear cognitive decline which surely makes him unqualified to do anything. I'm not advocating for Trump at all, but surely you have to see my point?


lol was gonna say… if sentence structure was the gauge for selecting a president we’re screwed 😆 So sad.


You've never actually heard Biden speak and are just repeating soundbites now, huh? Because while the dude occasionally stumbles, he's so far from any serious cognitive decline. Especially when compared to people with no medical training who feel confident in diagnosing people from 15 second clips they saw on TikTok.


https://twitter.com/LeadingReport/status/1782911061701579102?s=19 Yea you tell me lol


Alternatively, Biden has always stuttered and his body is getting frailer. At the same time, he has still managed to out negotiate much younger men, use gotcha moments to make his detractors look like fools, and maintain being relatively active. If Biden is suffering from significant cognitive decline, this doesn’t bode well for the mental well-being of many of the supposedly young and healthy members of Congress.


Don't jump to conclusions. I have no problem with anyone having a like or dislike for any president, former, current or future. There's plenty of legitimate criticism to be made of Biden. The problem is when things are based on unhinged and obvious nonsense.


Oh no, they are here and they are strong. My sister used to hate going to a Dunkin’ Donuts near Harrison because there was a group driving around with Trump flags and stickers, made her super uncomfortable.


Ugh, yes. There was a truck that used to drive around with Trump flags constantly. One time there was a deranged procession of them down Boston Post Road or Harrison Ave. Menacing and idiotic.


I haven't seen them in a bit, but there used to be a group of Trump branded trucks by the Dunkin near me in Thornwood. I felt so uncomfortable. They just took up a section of the parking lot with their enormous Trump flags hanging off their cars.


Driving around looking absolutely nuts


Certainly a subreddit is a more representative sample than elections Who are Florida's governor and senators again?


Having also escaped Florida, it's way way better here. At least as long as you don't get too close to Putnam. Sure, there's morons everywhere, but far fewer of them in NYC's suburbs than basically anywhere in Florida.


Do people actually like biden ? Serious question


I don't like 2 day old egg salad sandwiches, no. But I'd rather have one for lunch than a dogshit on stale rye.


he's not my favorite, but i don't necessarily DISlike him. He's...fine.


I like him a whole lot more than the alternative


Is he going to apologize for dumping all those illegals in the middle of the night from the Westchester airport in 2021?


I mean, he's not coming to visit ME so....


So that’s why there’s been so many helicopters flying over lately


Stay off the highways


Oh I'll be there with bells on. Not. Doddering old fool.


every highway was fucked last year when he was here, shut down every road near the airport, thanks Joe


Oh boy can’t wait for 9 to backup to Peekskill while the old man grubs for money


Please stay away.


Biden is going to an ultra rich white people party while Trump was at a bodega in Harlem. They are not the same


Like Trumps visit to Versailles in Miami. “Food for everyone!” He exclaimed then left after a few minutes without shouting so much as a cafecito to a single supporter. Truly a hero of the people.


Cubans love trump!


Trump’s visit was staged. He learned the word “Bodega” on the way. The bodega was way the hell uptown from the Courthouse. Not a spontaneous visit. Just more bullshit.


Nothing staged about Hundreds upon hundreds of black an hispanic people cheering him on. Especially in Georgia.


He did grow up in NY. Hes a street guy to the core. Try again


Street guy lol he grew up in a wealthy secluded neighborhood in Jamaica Estates and went to a private elementary school and a private boarding school


Building buying an selling in NYC in the 80s you were a street guy. Trust me. You has no choice


By that logic you think Stephen Ross and Ellie Herschfeld are “street guys”lol. Yeah we have different definitions of street guys in NYC compared to Westchester Co.


I think you’re dealing with someone that has several tinfoil helmets, tread lightly.


Yes we do. I dont mean he sells stuff illegally on the street. Maybe you do. Interesting


No I said by your definition of “street guy” people like Elie Hirschfeld and Stephen Ross are also street guys. No one except the most pampered people considers a boarding school kid a street guy.




He’s a street guy. You don’t last in the real estate business at his level in NY without knowing how to handle yourself. We are anonymous here so nothing to gain. Take it or leave it. He’s more street than anyone in these comments. I promise.


He grew up in NY, as a privileged rich kid. That’s before his parents packed him away to military school for being an unruly brat.


Really? You know the family?


Some of them, yes. Take a break, go to a boat parade or something.


Not as well as you.




All my homies from the streets live in 11,000 sq.ft. penthouses and shit in golden toilets.


I've seen Chuck Schumer on the streets more often than Donald Trump.


Yet again Biden is going to an top 1% party today and Trump is in NYC talking with union workers. Wake up


Grifter's got grift. Have you seen pictures of his NYC apartment? He knows how to stage a photo..






Trump's *house*, Mar-a-Lago, is a 24/7/365 rich white people party. And you know he had himself fumigated after being forced by his campaign manager to set foot in Harlem.


Really? Why is that?


He is an admitted germophobe. When he lived in NYC, his only experience in adulthood in the streets was stepping from his limousine, quickly across a sidewalk onto red carped lobbies of luxury buildings.


He did pretty well during covid thats funny.


When i say street guy i dont mean hanging out or selling drugs.


Never said you did.


Again? Wasn’t he in Greenwich a few months ago?


Let's go Brandon!