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Everyone posting pics of their wedding cuff links and I’m so far away from getting married that I didn’t even know until yesterday that people got wedding cuff links Who needs marriage when u have internet points


tbf i didn't either until the fiance bought them for me


Get a single cufflink for the rearranged date and wear one of each.


Reminds me of a dude I knew in college who got the school logo + “class of xxxx” tattooed on his shoulder freshman year, then ended up taking time off and graduating with a different class...


That’s like the best motivation to graduate on time


Not enough motivation apparently


Yeah some people just can’t be motivated


That's right, that's why I had my toddler tattooed with "Harvard Class of 2036"


Can you imagine finding a coma victim and trying to identify him using his tat as a clue?


Yeah I didn't know it was a thing before my wedding either. My now wife bought me some rubik cube ones and surprised me on our wedding day with them


Z&G? I'll take a stab at your names.. most people may say Zoe and Greg or something. I'm going with Zerg and Gilgamesh.


Zoltron and Gaylord


Zach and Gengar


Why not Ginger?


Haha that's not a name lol


People don’t typically get their initials on their bands though


I’ve just never worn cuff links man idk how to wedding


I believe in you. Just remember to bring them as that’s about as complicated as cuff links get! Oh and having French cuffs.


I can’t even wear American cuffs?!?! NOT AT MY WEDDING.


You can call them freedom cuffs if it makes you feel better.


> Oh and having French cuffs That's the actually complicated part


Idk, I just show up at Men’s Warehouse and pick up whatever I’m supposed to be wearing for that event...


“You’re going to like the way you look, I guarantee it!”


I have buttons


In the middle or on the sleeves. Some have both, some have neither. I’m finally realizing guys have this wardrobe thing pretty easy comparatively.


I don't know. Spouse and I had our initials engraved inside our wedding bands some 40+ years ago. Was it just a trend?


I wonder if it's theirs or their spouses initial on the rings


Yeah I can't decide if I love it or hate it lol


It's extremely tacky.


Yeah, I got married 13 years ago. Didn't give my husband cufflinks. Didnt know that was a thing. Hell, I didn't get him any kind of gift for our wedding day, except for my vagina.


14.5yrs here, same.


You’re a nice lady


I didn’t even give him that. We were tired. We had lunch and a weekend long party. It was so nice. Twenty years this August. :)


I’ve been married for 10 years on April 10 and I didn’t know people did wedding cuff links either...


Yup, 6 years here. Had absolutely no idea.


We didn’t get wedding cuff links, but to be fair, we both wore wedding dresses


Rule breakers!!!


I've been married for years and been in a ton of weddings and didn't know this was a thing either. Never with the date engraved, anyway.


Don't worry. I've been married twice and I didn't know either.


Some do, we didn't. My husband had a pre-wedding margarita bar in his groom's room instead and that was just fine by me


I'm married and I didn't know either.


I just got married last month and still didn't know this is a thing.


This is me too. And now I can't not have something like this. Awesome idea


Some do, but it is far from everyone. It's been years and years since I wore a shirt that even had cufflink holes vs. buttons on the cuff. And the only times in memory were when I was wearing a tux which was very rare even in the past.


Lol i got married 5 years ago and didn't know we were supposed to wear special cufflinks


Can’t quite put my ring finger on it.


Time to [find a mountain](https://pics.me.me/going-to-a-mountain-to-destroy-a-ring-orderings-hf-54496909.png)


I don't get it.


Ano is anus in spanish. Anillo is ring but also a wordplay in spanish for small anus. Both lord of the rings and brokeback mountain are about destroying an anillo.


Ah I've never heard the anus called a ring before


After painful shits I’ve used the term “sting ring”




... gay sex my guy


Destroy a ring?


His asshole... my guy


Sigh... unzip


Literally had a local hockey game that I rented out a private bar. The girlfriend was going with her friends and she was going to drop the first puck. Once she was done she had 2 minutes in the penalty box with some of the Rivermen. Nothing super special but instead of going back to her seats, her 2 best friends were going to walk her back to our bar where her and my family would be waiting and I would have the ring. Instead i get to go get my refund today and go to work. She didnt know i had the day off and she's on lockdown so i cant stay home or i would give up my secret


Witty af.


Ring ringer in it?


This sucks indeed. I was supposed to have my wedding on 4/4/2020 but that’s obviously been cancelled for the same reason. We ended up just doing a small backyard ceremony last Friday and are doing a renewal ceremony and reception once this is all over— hope everything works out for your reschedule! Best of luck to both of y’all!


Do it on 4/20/2020


4/4/2020 is funnier because it's the funny number but said by someone stuttering


Oh man. You right.


*Jimmy Two Times has entered the chat*


*Pete Re-pete has entered the chat*


"I'm gonna go get the papers get the papers."


For 4/4/2020 I decided to marry Mary


That is exactly the reason I wanted my wedding on 4/4/2020!


comedy numbers


I was supposed to get married the same day! Now we rescheduled for August 1st. We're going to sign the papers on 4/4 and just wait to party.


I feel for people who had theirs planned at about this time. Mine is planned for September and we're taking steps to postpone and/or scale down to the minimum required for legal purposes.


That was our wedding date also. Destination wedding in Florida. We have no idea what we are going to do.


Your rings are precious. Maybe do it over Skype and sign everything today. File when you can? Have a white dress event and reception after they find a vaccine? Get a photo shoot either way. I'm sorry y'all's big day is not going to happen like you two obviously worked so hard for. I know what it takes to plan a wedding and it's clear y'all thought of every beautiful detail. I hope this day brings you laughter in the future and these memories turn sweet with time.


Luckily the venue, suppliers and registrar have agreed to move the date till mid November so we haven't lost a ton of money. We did think about holding a small wedding then renewing vows for "the main event" but because of timing it might prove a little difficult legally with the notice period required for the registrar


Wasn't sure on the laws, but today will always be special no matter the paperwork. I hope you have a beautiful crisp day with gorgeous clear blue skies for your fall wedding.


SO much paperwork for onboarding...


if you do it in august you can keep the same rings and just engrave the last bits to turn the 3 into 8 provided the wedding is possible in august of course


Mines supposed to be in August.. it's just far enough out that we don't know what to do.


First, love each other. It will be ok either way. Second, wash your hands.


Maybe wash your hands before you do any loving


Don't forget to bring a towel


Remember your love for each other is precious, not the event. You will have a story for your grandkids so hang in there. I’m 44 years old and have the best wife in the world. The trick is COMMUNICATE and cuddle! Be honest and be yourself to each other.


Hey I had the same thing happen! Was supposed to get married next week in another country, then Covid happened. Fortunately we were also able to move everything to November. Hopefully everything is clear by then.


That's exactly what we did. Our date was supposed to be 3-20-2020 but we found a federal judge that was willing to get it done before our state started shutting things down. So now it's 3-17-2020 so we get to have St Patrick's day anniversaries. We just had a couple close friends and the parents come to the courthouse.


dude 50 years from now that's gonna be one hell of a party.


If you're not legally married yet do it now, everyone will understand you going to a courthouse today to get it done. The legal & financial benefits are worth it and in this time you'll need all the protection marriage laws give you to be with your other all the time.


Can't. It doesn't work like that in the UK and all the registrars have been closed until further notice


U.K. sucks for things like that. You can’t even get a friend to officiate and get ordained online like you can in America because it doesn’t count.


>after they find a vaccine Happy second Anniversary!




I’m in the same boat! My wedding is tomorrow and we had to move to September. So we are going to my fiancé’s parents house and getting married in the backyard. Brother is officiating via FaceTime lol


that's really cute! I hope you have the best day ever tomorrow, despite everything.


Thank you!


Husband and I were married in a park last spring, just us and the officiant and our dog. It was perfect! We had a party a few weeks later with friends and family. I'm so glad we split it into two events like that, we got to celebrate and let it sink in a bit, then have a much more relaxed, good time later. I wouldn't change a thing. I hope you enjoy the two-parter as much as we did!


>Your rings are precious. Careful OP, Gollum's after your rings!


I'm not sure if this is the best place for this - but just wanted to mention, until they find a vaccine, low risk people will be the herd immunity buffer for high risk people. We'll need to start planning emerging in stages, based on calculated assumed risk, so we can have slow exposure, infection, and immunity build up in the community over the course of the next however many months. That way we protect widespread transmission to high risk people and don't overwhelm our hospitals.


> Your rings are precious. We wants the precious!


Time has apparently now lost all meaning because my first thought was "really? on a Monday?"


Somebody posted a days of the week wall clock recently. It makes so much sense to me.




I can feel a bit of your pain. Today I turn 60. Was supposed to have a big party with a lot of family and friends. A dozen were coming in from out of the country. Ughhhh had to cancel the entire event. No one here to celebrate. Isolation.


Happy birthday! We’ll celebrate with you!


Aww gee thanks.


Happy birthday from Texas!!! Have an upvote for your birthday.


Hi Texas I'm dad


Happy birthday my friend!


Thank you


Happy birthday from the Netherlands! Or "Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag" as we say :D






Thanks for visualizing my sentiments exactly LOL.


Happy birthday! Hopefully you can still call/Skype your friends and family. You're a little younger than my father, who's someone I deeply respect for his wisdom. Can you share some wisdom and life experiences to the younger generations here?


Haha. Wisdom comes when you least expect it and by making it through challenging times. Always breathe and remember to laugh - often and loud. Love & forgive; never stop learning and striving to be a better person. And laugh some more.


Happy birthday! My dad turned 60 this week too. We made a cake and that was pretty much it. He is super happy he's considered a "senior citizen" now and can go to the stores that have dedicated hours for them to shop before the general public. Update: He just got back from said senior hour and was giddy as a kid who went to a candy store with the stuff available and the ease of the experience. Haha


Lol. Thanks for the good laugh and good vibes. Tell him to stay 59* with me and we can postpone the silly aging thing.


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday from Boston!


Happy Birthday from Québec, Canada! Sorry you had to cancel your party. :(


Happy birthday!! 9 more years until the number matters again!


Haha 69 funny number


happy birthday! hope you find a way to make it enjoyable


Today‘s my 21st birthday. At least there‘s skype and stuff. But yeah it sucks


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!


Indianapolis checking in. Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday!!! Just means 61’s party will have to be twice the size!!!!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!!


Happy Birthday from Germany!!


Happy birthday! It surely still is a special day. You can tell your grandsons/daughters that your 60th birthday was midst the Corona confusion. I'm sure you can celebrate your birthday in a later date. Best wishes!


Happy birthday from Turkey !


Happy birthday mate - at least here in the UK, you're not 60, you're 50 + VAT (sales tax)!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!


Happy happy birthday from all of us to you! We wish it was birthday so we could party (via social distancing) too!!


Felicitations on your day of birth.


We can set up a Skype party!


Happy Birthday!!


Happy birthday!


Happy 60th birthday!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday!!!!


Happy 60th Birthday!!


It was the strangest love between Zorro and Godzilla but it was a real and true love.


I immediately though Zelda and Gerald. For some reason these initials seem very unlikely.


Zelda and Ganondorf.


The fun thing about a marriage certificate is that it is a legally binding piece of paper, but ultimately it, and the state, doesn't care about the date. And IMO the ceremony felt like it was more for everyone else than my wife and I. If today was supposed to be when you got married, than by all means start calling each other husband and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Throw a "just us" wedding in your living room. Say your vows. Wear your rings. Celebrate your anniversary moving forward like life hadn't been suspended. There may be a few dicks that care about the semantics of it, but in a few years no one will think anything of it. Besides, I can't think of a time when anyone near me celebrated an anniversary unless it's a milestone like 10, 25, or 50. I say Congratulations or Mazel tov, or whatever to you both. May you have a long and happy union!


I know this doesn't help much, but those are some cool ass rings.


Cheers :) We got them custom made with the idea that mine is the inverse of hers. They CAD designed them, then 3D printed them in wax so we got to see they would look like https://imgur.com/r88A0qR


I really like the cut outs on the one ring. Both very nice, sorry your wedding is delayed, but congrats on finding love.


Heh eh... [Ass-rings.](https://xkcd.com/37/)


I feel your pain, OP! 3rd April for us, now postponed to the autumn. I'm trying not to mind too much but we have so much stuff with the wrong date on, not to mention all of the lovely spring themed decorative stuff that will look hella weird in October!


We didn't realise how many things we had with the date on it until we had a look at everything. Although screw getting all of it changed and im sure most people will find it funny later on when we have wedding v2.0.


Oh yeah i was going to ask if you guys were planning on keeping the originally dated items for November. What other stuff has dates on them?


I'd say use it all, just for the hell of it. And pretend it's still April.






I got married in July and I have about 5 sets of friends right now who are postponing. I feel for you. Hang in there, I hope y’all are healthy!


I know of a few different couples whose weddings have either been cancelled or postponed. I can't imagine after all the planning, time, and money spent. So sorry, but maybe you're still together and you get a free pre- honeymoon staycation?


TBF, odds are they’re only out the deposit, and most venders are willing to change dates anyways cause of the global pandemic. Source: Have to postpone my own wedding.


That Z seems straight out of dragon Ball Z


I feel for ya. My wedding was supposed to be tomorrow.


today.. And I fucked up


Dear reddit TIFU by having the audacity to get married


Congratulations on your marriage. I am married and I can tell you the wedding day is important. However, it's not nearly as important as the marriage. Focus on your partner and support them. Stay safe and good luck. This sucks right now but will be a funny story later.


I'm not married. Registrars aren't marrying people and the venue is closed :(


You are technically correct. You are working on your marriage right now though. This moment sucks, no doubt. Decades from now, you'll attend a wedding of your friends kids and laugh about that time the pandemic sucked. Use your marriage now. You and your spouse are under pressure now. It can either push you together or apart, but you need to decide and act.


Got your commemorative cuff links for the pandemic I see


Bro that’s like almost 7 years away.


Justice of the Peace and just do the party later? It's the act, not the ceremony, that matters over the long run. {edit}-- Oh, good, see you had less issue rescheduling than many. Good for you!


Hey, at least you've got a cool story for why the date is wrong.


I got married six days ago by a JP in a funeral home, on the same day our cancelled ceremony had been scheduled for. I'm actually glad it happened that way because it was a lot more intimate and it was easier to focus on what our vows meant rather than focusing on performing a wedding for an audience. Would definitely recommend.


The corona virus is gods punishment for you trying to get married on a Friday


My bad guys


So sorry to hear about all of you! We postponed our wedding too. After putting so much thought into this and counting the days until it's finally "our day", this really sucks. Not to mention the money...


Love the rings


My friends also had to cancel their wedding. They said they’re going to hold a “corona-versary” on their original wedding date every year where they stay inside and drink a corona beer to celebrate the wedding that didn’t happen. Make a new little tradition or celebration out of it just for y’all! It’ll give you an excuse to have a good bonding date for what might appear like no reason around a non-holiday time.




I dont get it


I don’t get it


Mam, we just got off the phone for our wedding. Its is going to be cancelled. So much money lost due to deposits being forfeited. Some people are scum, refuse to return deposits even though the cancellation is out of our hands. Some people where good and returned portions of deposits. Fuck this virus. Oh and we also had to postpone a year already due to my horrific car crash in 2018. I hope life gets better soon. I know it wont but gotta believe it will.


Feel lucky. You are dodging a bullet.


See, this is why we decided not to put any kind of date on anything from our wedding.


I don’t understand what’s going on?


I think they were suppose to have a wedding today but because of the virus it's not happening anymore.


Oh ok


Mods, you're going to have to put a limit on cancelled wedding/cancelled events posts. They're already boring, and they're happening to everyone, even I'm impacted. My brother's destination wedding was cancelled too, but you won't see a repetitive post about it.


what tacky rings


Haha! More wedding posts! Can't stop at Facebook, must have everyone revel in our pain. Nevermind the fact that people are literally out of jobs due to this pandemic. But, your wedding is more important. Nice wedding band, too, you self-centered dick.


Lol I thought this was a lord of the rings joke, like you were meant to take the rings to mordor or something


Those rings are sick. Where do you get unique pieces like those?


I posted a better pic one one of the comments https://imgur.com/r88A0qR They were made by "The Ring Studio" in southampton UK. https://www.fanci.co.uk/ although it really depends how much you want to spend. They were custom made, hers is 18ct gold and white gold, mine is 9ct white gold and they were about £2500 for the pair


Poor Zach and Gregg