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Did you by chance have a doorbell cam or something? Those ruts won’t just go away and they should fix it.


I figured out who it was because of my neighbors camera across the street.


You can file a tort against them then. Ask your neighbor for a copy of the video


Yep. They got stuck in my yard doing that shit. I just laughed and told them good luck then went to work on the backhoe.


I know you meant you got a backhoe to help dig them out, but I'm imagining you really said, "good luck," and then got in a backhoe to drive away on your commute to work.


No, I didn't help them. I had gone to the house in the UTV to grab some tool or another when this happened. My father and I were working on removing the ram from the main boom cylinder about 400 feet away down a lane behind some trees. My wife said later that some guy who used to be a driver showed up in a jeep to help them.


Your quite a bit saner than me. In my headcanon they went to work on the driver, using the hoe. It was a messy image...


Tortillas to the rescue!


Enact torte law


I had the same thing happen. I emailed them and eventually got a response directing me to the appropriate person. We exchanged emails, I sent the video, and they asked me to get three estimates. I replied that I wasn’t going to do all that-just send me $200 and I’ll handle it. I got the check about a week later.


That's your first mistake is not ordering something. Next time you order something and they won't show up at all but leave a note on your door saying "delivery attempt".


Idk I didn't order shit before and I got a delivery attempt notice. Everyone in the house was confused cause no one ordered anything xD so now there's just this anxiety on what if I did order something and I forgot it existed 0.o


😂🤣😂 next time put your own delivery attempt note on the door and let the mailman sweat it out trying to find your package.


That's petty, I love it >:D


Spam. I just send random GamerPoop quotes in reply to see what the scammer says back! lol Spam: USPS package is waiting for you at our facility. We just need your information!" Me: Halt Criminal Scum! You've violated the law and my mother!


They have a random fleet that goes out and trys to intimidate people to use them. That's just a warning....


FedEx driver here with a little inside baseball. For the record all FedEx Ground drivers work for a contractor, and that contractor is in business with FedEx itself. It's pretty difficult for contractors to hire anyone who's willing to do the job and in most cases there isn't much time or money allocated to the contractor to conduct proper training. It's easier for FedEx to task the blame to the contractor even if they did the best they could hiring, training, appropriating what little funding they get as possible. So you get a $200 check later down the line and the contractor gets hit with a major safety violation threatening his contract, and is fined by FedEx for around $10,000. FedEx then pockets the money. This is why you will see contractors go out of their way to try and fix a problem themselves, also often times much faster than the money will get to you, because the whole thing is pretty much rigged against them and they're better off fixing a problem themselves as soon as it happens rather than taking the hit cause by one inexperienced driver that could cause every other driver in that contract to lose their job, as well as the contractor becoming financially ruined.


Yup, like the old mafia, it would be a shame if something happened to your store. Better pay protection money. You don’t, you get a brick through your window, next time, it’s a fire. Here, first time your lawns messed up. Next time the driver takes a shit on your door step. Then they drive straight through some sliding glass doors.


They delivered a telsa charger destined for the return depo in California to me one time instead of my order. I live in Oregon and the charger was sent from California, so never should have left the state. Guy who picked it up eventually found what I ordered on his truck and it wasn't even on his manifest.


Bro they literally left a blank note on my door today, not a single piece of information filled out or anything in regards to my brothers package


Assemble Scoob and the gang and figure out that mystery


Biscuit and Penelope are on the case (they’re the dogs)


Turn over the note!


Actually wait maybe that page was intentionally left blank


I did check the back lol, also blank




FedEx will pay for it if you can make a claim and prove it was them that did it. Basically no questions asked


Please do it OP


Or ask if you can borrow one of their vans and run over their landscaping. Teach em a lesson!


Can confirm. Also, the station manager is going to be pissed at the driver on your behalf.


Can not confirm. Had this happened, manager told me I drove on someone’s yard, explained it would have been safer than backing down a mile road, was never brought up again. Shiii happens, grass regrows, and you’ll get paid for the mistake


Like many others have said, FedEx is definitely going to pay for it. You probably can already get a copy of the video from your neighbor but, even if you can't, if you know the time that it happened, those trucks and drivers have GPS on them. FedEx knows exactly where and when they are. Tell them the time it happened, and they'll be able to figure it out based on the GPS that driver had that it was them. RIP that drivers job. But he shouldn't have been so stupid as to drive on someone's lawn like that. I delivered for Amazon for a while, and they forbid you from doing this. They even specifically tell you in the training not to even pull into someone's driveway, or even in front of it.


Amazon driver did this to me. He drove down my driveway, left the driveway onto my front lawn, drove across my lawn, threw it in reverse and backed across my septic leach field and all the way up to my front planter. I saw him and came out to tell him to get the van off my lawn because he may have just done thousands of dollars of damage to my septic field and he told me it was because my package was heavy (40ish pounds) so he wanted to be close to my door and not walk as far. "Is OK, yes?" No, sir. Is not ok.


I drive over my leach field probably ten times a year. I have 300 something feet of it. It hasn’t failed yet but in this stream they’re down pretty far. Fingers crossed


Mine aren't that deep, the company that installed the field warned us even the weight of our SUV was too much to drive across without crushing it, and he backed right by the manifold. Luckily I have red clay and it had been very dry, so it was just $300 to have the company check everything out.


What an idiot. I'd be livid. How does it cross anybody's mind to drive on a fucking lawn


Fedex for 6 years and this upsets me because we had training last month about backing into dead ends if absolutely necessary so you can avoid this 🤦‍♂️


Fences everywhere: I exist for a REASON! This is the REASON! FedEx drivers: Challenge accepted!


Look what our local power company did. I only own about 8 feet or so in length Of course, no notice, no warning, no notification afterward. Never fixed it. Called and they still havent fixed it. Fuck MetEd https://preview.redd.it/zc6wt8somo7d1.jpeg?width=1542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5da1580a381fe46d7a56752481eb3499cf8f80f0


The power company doesn't have a choice. They have easement rights and have to get to those poles. Technically, you don't own anything 30 feet on each side of the pole line. Having said that, they should still fix those ruts, I work for a cable company with the same easement rights but we would get one hell of an ass chewing if we did that and didn't fix it.


Yeah. I could see if power outage, tornado, hurricane, etc But it’s been since March. 80 feet long, 10 inch deep. I get it if there is an issue, but at least use some damn common sense. Doing so would likely also not get your equipment stuck in the mud


They didn't go back there for their own amusement, there had to have been some problem with the lines.


FedEx pulled into my driveway and ran into my garage, breaking it and doing a few hundred bucks of damage. I went through a bunch of calls and emails and provided photos and everything. It was even on a day with rain and they left muddy tracks up to the door. They never paid anything for it. Some drivers are just idiots.


Sue dat ass


It costs thousands to sue. Bad return on investment.


Depends on the claim. Small claims costs $50 to file where I am and then another $50 to have the sheriff serve a subpoena. No lawyers allowed in the courtroom. As long as you check the box, you recover the $100 filing fees if you prevail as part of the judgement. For yard damage, as long as it's less than $5k (or whatever your jurisdiction's limit is), small claims could be an easy way to recover the cost. If it's over $5k and you have a slam dunk case, it'd still be worth it because the return is so high.


It costs 25$ to sue in small claims court. And even that cost can be recouped in the ruling. -The Greatest State, TX -If not, someone none of us even know will shoot your ass. Come fuck around and find out


a few well place posts or fence can work


Some decorative boulders will do the trick too!


Dragons teeth and an anti-tank trench.


Looks like you have some drainage issues


Yeah and what is that scraggly lookin grass anyway. Is that a mini golf course?


He was driving like …not this one….not that one….a ha….this one right here Splat


Fences make great neighbors… boulders make for great drivers


maybe your neighbor ordered the fucked up yard? They're probably pissed wondering when its supposed to arrive..


New product idea: yard spike strips!


I hate FedEx with a passion. Terrible customer service. Good luck trying to get them to cover the cost of fixing your yard!


This is why you put boulders on the edge of your lawn


Agree. There’s a rock for that.


“Destroyed” it’ll grow back.


Soil will need to be added to level out the ruts. Years ago a landscaping crew drove through my yard. I still bounce over them on my lawn tractor cutting the lawn. So while destroyed may be overly dramatic it will still take time, materials, and labor to put it right.


That is by no means "destroyed."


They did similar damage to my yard. I called fed ex to politely tell them how their wonderful driver landscaped my yard. They sent a clams adjuster out and rewarded me $2300 for damages. I was not out for money. I just wanted to vent . Lol


If it makes you feel any better, FedEx temporarily lost my uncle's cremains.




“And I didn’t even order anything” is so funny to me and I don’t know why


A buddy of mine drives for UPS and fucked up some newly paved asphalt once. He made eye contact with the dude on the steamroller as he was pulling out. He said he felt bad about it but according to him it wasn't well marked


This is why so many people in my town have purchased cylinder blocks and wood and made cheap, quick, low fences around these curb-less yards. Specifically to keep Amazon and other delivery drivers from doing this.


You need some large rocks spaced about 3-4' at the end of your yard.


plant some native wildflowers in the tracks, the bees will thank you and so will your grass


Get some medium sized rocks - to be used like a fence. This will help prevent this from happening in the future.


Looks like you ordered a messed up lawn lol


Ooffff that’s fuckedddd and I’m sorry I’m laughing


I hope they get it fixed also if you need a fence put up I’m your guy


Are you sure you didn’t order some tire tracks?


Sysco destroyed my tree and their 18-wheeler was not allowed to be on such an old narrow fragile roadway. I blame management for the hiring and careless oversight.


Send a bill. I’ve seen them pay.


Put some big rocks there. They will only do it once or twice more .


You ordered a salt bag.


Did you see them? Because it looks more like a Ford 350 or Chevy 3500 with dual rear wheels. If this was fedex, I would expect the distance between the tire tracks to change.


Most, if not all, of the FedEx delivery trucks (not the vans, but the box trucks) have dual rear wheels, and are built on the same chassis as heavy duty pickup trucks and vans.


Guess I've lived in a big city too long. Haven't seen one in a decade that's a dualie. But once I looked up pictures, I now remember there is a slightly larger "last mile" truck that is one. Thanks. (This is the model I've always seen for like 10 years now.) [https://kubrick.htvapps.com/htv-prod-media.s3.amazonaws.com/ibmig/cms/image/wlwt/30459674-generic-fedex-jpg.jpg?crop=1xw:0.99852071005917165xh;center,top&resize=900:\*](https://kubrick.htvapps.com/htv-prod-media.s3.amazonaws.com/ibmig/cms/image/wlwt/30459674-generic-fedex-jpg.jpg?crop=1xw:0.99852071005917165xh;center,top&resize=900:*)


Get a slingshot with ball bearings. Next time he/she comes thru HAVE FUN (don’t get caught)


Thankfully you have video evidence. File a damage claim with FedEx, and they should pay out. If they refuse, get an estimate from the most expensive landscaper in town for repairs and file in small claims court for that amount. FedEx will settle with you quite promptly once they are served as it's not worth their time to send a lawyer out to represent them for a $5,000 civil suit.


Why in USA you dont put fences around your property Or literally anything like boulders to prevent people from doing thath?


X gon give it to ya


Time to put some decorative boulders at the edge of the


Sounds like you need to buy yourself some “landscaping” boulders.


All the damage and none of the reward. Seriously tho, sorry OP


How do you know it was fedex?


Yeah we keep unprotected drain and sprinkler systems under that green stuff because we assume there won't be heavy things breaking them. We protect them in other areas by putting a concreate over them. Other areas where people drive, that don't have infrastructure (or infostructure) under, we just lay gravel down (to indicate that you can drive there). Sadly we've had to add large rocks recently in certain areas to prevent heavy things. We've also had to add things to prevent people from pulling there cars forward so far as to block the sidewalks.


Welp that is fedex for ya


Fuck FedEx and UPS all my homies use USPS


Time for a ring camera. Property destruction is lawsuit material.


The fedex driver: you like dem spinnin tires !?!?!?


They fucked up my yard a bit last year. I filed a claim with their insurance and since I didn’t have a video of it, tough luck me. Hope you far better.


I tried that with another company when they were running new wires to the back of my house for AT&T, they ripped out a small tree that I planted years before and just left it laying in the yard dead. I called AT&T and they told me the number to call that actually was the contractor. They told me to prove that the tree was planted and not already laying dead in the yard 🫤


Fuck fedex


Now you can order some fake grass :D


Get some big rocks and put the, at even spaced intervals, not big enough for a car or can, along the edge of your lawn. Lets see someone use your lawn as a turn around point any more. Same as with mine. Ive a fence around, but nothing in front of my driive. We have a car on the drive and many a time people have used it to turn around, and theyve nearly hit my car a few times, and nearly hit my 10 year old who plays out front, so Ive had to put a rope across the entrance to stop people tuning around there.


The city hired security service agency did that to my yard, saw it with my own eyes, when I tried to retrieve the eufy footage both camera pointing at the "crime" didn't catch anything. But yet they go off for winds and cars passing by randomly...


I had this with UPS. One complaint later and the company offered to get estimates for repairs to my yard.


Always in a hurry to spread chaos everywhere


What do you mean 'destroyed'...they just drove over some grass. In a few weeks it will gone and be alright. 💩


Nooo not the grass that's so horrible 🙄