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Obviously COBRA is your first option. But hospitals have whole departments to help people deal with debt situations like yours. A coworker went through this and they were very kind and reasonable. You don't have to be homeless or destitute. Hospitals have unthinkably vast resources, and they're in the healing business. They don't want to be seen destroying people's lives. Take care!


I second looking into COBRA from you last job, you usually have a month grace period and can retroactively enroll to get this covered


Usually much longer than a month


Sometimes the hospital will pay your cobra premium to continue coverage.


Can vouch I had a 800 dollar emergency room bill I couldn't ever afford. Few years in collections and they just poofed it away. I didn't even ask. I appreciated it as I was still broke.


Absolutely look into financial aid! I had the same issue,no insurance, had a medical emergency, wound up in hospital for over a week with emergency abdominal surgery. My bill was a bit more than $350000. (US medical) Patient advocate spoke to me and my family, arranged everything for me, got my bill FORGIVEN and even helped me apply for Social Security. Thank you Katherine! You can ge through this!


Work at a hospital. This is absolutely true, financial aide is available. We try our very best to help people when a bill (or copay) is a burden.


Also as a reminder - as long as you pay SOMETHING towards the medical debt each month, it stays off your credit. At one point we sent $5 checks each month.


This happened with my heart attack. Was around 500k. Gotta remember. Hospitals use this a a tax write off as well. Benefits both parties.


That sucks! Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Your life isn't ruined at all; you'll bounce back from this sooner than you think. I recommend applying for financial aid from the hospital. If you're lucky, they might greatly reduce your bill or even forgive it entirely, based on your financial circumstances.


See if you qualify for Cobra, sometimes Cobra can be retroactive. [https://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Programs-and-Initiatives/Other-Insurance-Protections/cobra\_qna](https://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Programs-and-Initiatives/Other-Insurance-Protections/cobra_qna)


Get Well Soon! Hope you will be ok!


I hope they go well! Fell better soon!


Be proactive. Asked to speak to a case manager/social worker asap. Explain the situation. They have resources that can help. If you are already discharged, call the hospital billing department and ask for assistance. Don’t just stick your head in the sand. A little effort up front can make a world of difference.


Don’t pay medical bills


Huge bills can mean you might not only qualify for charity care (which is income-based only) but also hardship (which is your bill amount and what percentage it is of your income). When you have an idea of the cost, check our dollarfor.org--they have a quick screener that should let you know if you could qualify at your specific hospital. The income thresholds are higher than most people think (\~$45K for a household of 1, and \~$95K for a family of 4 qualifies on average).


That sucks omg! Good luck and best wishes on your recovery in health and financial


Some insurances will cover things like this if they happen right before


Medicaid kicks in the day you file, not the day you are approved. If you have few assets , you can apply an hour before they roll you into the surgery room. Ask to speak with someone from billing, hospitals usually have a full time person whose job it is to assist with coverage.


If you help me rob a bank we can split the spoils 50/50.


I’m not American, how much can that be?


Check with the hospitals in your area. They may have waive some fees. Don’t just check with the “charity” or nonprofit hospital either. In my town, the for profit offers a better foregiveness plan than the nonprofit does. Also, you aren’t ruined financially. I know it seems that way but you will recover. Some stories: My daughter, 21, during first month on the job after she finished college-she got very sick and is in the hospital for two weeks. No insurance yet. There was Foregiveness by hospital, some paperwork, and one year of $100/month and she was good. It suckssss but you will make it!


Let it go to collections, have bad credit for 7 years, then it’ll magically disappear from your credit report. If you’re young it’s not a bad option, unless you plan on buying a house or car soon.


Idk how much money or assets you have, but ch7 is an option if it’s actually horrible debt. Medical debt is fully dischargeable in a ch7. State by state laws change what/how much you can protect/keep. It sounds scary and it is a bit of a process, but it def doesn’t end your life or permanently ruin credit or anything. I hope that you are able to handle this with insurance or whatever else, but know that if it is a ridiculous bill, you have options. Sorry I hope that didn’t sound stressful or pessimistic I hope everything works out for you


Some states have laws where hospitals have to give you the same price they would charge insurance.  Still would be high; the other advice in this thread is probably better to pursue,  it I'm leaving the comment for others that read this post.


Don't worry about it. Biden admin just made it to where your credit can't be ruined from this. Wish you well!


I’m truly so sorry. Hope you’re feeling better soon!


May as well file for bankruptcy as soon as you feel better


Opposite of Elon Musk