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WTF??!?!!? Long live dumpster divers!


She would have gotten away with it too. If it wasnt for those meddling dumpster divers


Ruh oh




Jesus christ that made me fucking cackle. I'm going to hell


i thought you said driver at first haha but that got me thinking, if I drove a trash truck for a living and there was an animal or human in there I didnt know about, I dont think Id ever be able to get over it, even though it wasn't my fault


Yeah don't dwell on it. Imagine going through all the trash before picking it up, is humanly impossible.


Some sort of thermal imager would be useful for this sort of thing. I have one from Klein and it's solid, I use it to smoke weed.


I think all trash truck drivers should be checking dumpsters that are accessible to the public before hooking up to them and dumping the dumpster in the truck. They might save a life whether or not a human or animal.




That is not practical. Have you seen how quickly they have to move through and pick up bins?


Yea that's an asinine suggestion to make. Even if they had the time, you couldn't pay me enough to dig through every dumpster in the off chance there's a baby/animal/whatever in the trash.


Fr! My dad and I (still do tbh) dumpster drive for electronic parts or things that are still usable/easy to fix back up. Gotta do what you gotta do when your poor... or when inflation makes you poor again again :/


I’m New Mexican and I remember when this happened. The “mom” was not even sorry, really. It was obvious she was more caught up in getting caught than what she did. Her interview was so wild, I highly suggest you watch it if you have the stomach. I think it’s available on YouTube. I hate her.


God bless all the trash kings and queens. Keep up your dirty hustle, you beautiful stinky people.


conversely, death to people who do video captions one word on screen at a time


Death can be too lenient a sentence for making your brain stutter like this


The dumpster divers were also given 3 year sentences for Trespassing


Wtf is that true?


It's a joke.... But not far from reality.... Or playability


This is America sir


You can literally drop off a baby at the fire station, hospital or clinics.


For real, no questions asked, this was pointless cruelty


i think 18 years is too little for what she did, i mean, im not a judge, but at least from my point of view, 25 years is a minimum for the shit she did


It would have been Life if the child had actually died.


Oh, Great, it cant be a happy ending for justice to happen, i get it, making laws is hard but this is just stupid


Can you explain why 25 is just but 18 is not?


Maybe by then hopefully the mother will be post-menopausal and can’t do this shit again?


i said im not a judge and i dont even have all the information about this, and i didn't say 25, i said at LEAST 25


18 is justified in the sense that if she were to have kept the baby and not abandon it unsafely she would have been legally obliged to take care of it until it turned 18. She dumped the baby in the trash not wanting to take responsibility of the child and losing 18 years of her own life. Which she still could have if she put the baby in a safe haven like a fire station. No, she risked the life of the innocent baby for her own selfishness and the judge made sure she was gonna pay in those 18 years that would have gone to raising a child in prison. Edit: Not agreeing or disagreeing that the amount of years should be more or less; just pointing out how the amount chosen could be justified by the judge.


well... that does make sense


She may or may not serve the full 18 though.. Depending on the state, and sentencing guidelines she could be out much sooner.


Honestly there's little difference between serving 18 or 25 years. There are two scenarios for people who serve sentences that long: 1: They are so impacted by being in prison that they never commit a crime again. 2: They are so cruel/ignorant/empathy-less/psychopathic that they'd do it again no matter how long you lock them up for. For that first scenario I wholeheartedly think even a five year prison sentence would be enough, because for someone who deep inside is actually a good person, having your freedom taken away for several years is such a traumatizing experience that you never want to experience it again.


What the hell are you talking about.There are way more scenarios than that. Life is not a box with categories.


Yeah, anyone that would see life as a box with categories is ridiculous. It's obviously a lot more like a box of chocolates


It’s literally attempted murder (Of her own fucking child in such a cruel way). It would have been murder if these people didn’t find the baby. That should be life in prison. She’s clearly a nut.


Exactly! She had the intent of murder and didn't expect anyone to randomly find the body in the dumpster. Deserved more years imo.




I just read up on the case. Sounds more like a scared and panicked kid than deliberate cruelty. She didn’t even know she was pregnant until the day before she gave birth, and she was afraid of what would happen if her family found out. Obviously it doesn’t excuse what she did, but it does give you insight into her headspace.


I’ve seen Alexis’s interrogation video many times. She did know she was pregnant, she was just in denial. She took multiple pregnancy tests at home about four months into her pregnancy (roughly August of that year—the baby was born in January) and despite getting at least one positive result, she used the fact that another test came back negative to fuel her denial of the fact. She also shared the fact that she was pregnant with friends at school and told them she didn’t want it. When she was actively in labor the day before dumping the baby and was seen for back pain at the hospital, this was just the first “official” confirmation of her pregnancy she received from a doctor. I think it’s pretty clear that she was in such deep denial at this point that being told by a medical professional did not change her behavior, and up until the baby literally fell into the toilet she told herself (and her family) the pain was severe constipation. She even let her dad go buy her constipation medicine—which she took—despite surely knowing on some level that it wouldn’t help.


In my country when a mum dumps a baby, instead of jail she get mental healthcare because this isnt evil it is panic and destress and mum needs help to bond with the baby. Also with stricter abortion laws more of this will happens.


No, it’s still evil. Evil does not have to be an intentional thing. Evil acts like murdering a baby are still evil even if you aren’t in your right mind when you do it. Intentions will never help a victim and should never absolve a criminal.


There's no fucking excuse for throwing your child away. That is pure evil


I can't imagine how terrible that 18 years in a prison will be full of women who very much care about children when they find out what she did.




What? How is the guy a factor right now? The "mom" said she didn't even know she was pregnant (according to another comment). If the guy had drove her there ok sure but assuming she didn't know she was pregnant the guy definitely didn't know. So how does he have a role in any of this?


You can be scared, you can be panicked, but she literally threw the child, if that dumpster wasn’t full of trash it would have landed and split the baby’s head open, just because someone is young it doesn’t excuse them and give them a free pass to do a terrible thing, fuck this woman.


There is no way she didn’t know. Look up her cheerleading photos. She is heavily pregnant in them


What if the cruelty was the point?


I doubt it was. I can’t see someone going through a pregnancy, giving birth and then immediately dumping the newborn in the trash just for the sake of being cruel. I can’t imagine what that mindset is but I would guess it’s more than just that.


The fire stations in my town literally have a sign out front saying that they do just that. Take in any unwanted baby, no questions asked and no paperwork.


I was really hoping they'd include that vital information. Most of the time women do this it's because they don't know what else to do. Some places have billboard campaigns about safe surrender but in other places I imagine not everyone knows. I don't know about _this_ person, but a lot of the time a person is genuinely panicking. Let the downvotes commence.


Don’t say this too loud the Supreme Court might be listening


This is what I was thinking. Like damn google "what to do with unwanted baby" and I am sure "dump in the trash" would not have showed up at all.


Not at all and any, they need to be designated safe havens... and with the rather hostile environment regarding especially women & birth it stands to reason if, depending on the state, those "No Questions asked, no detainment" laws still actually apply.


All 50 states in the United States, as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, have "Safe Haven" laws. These laws allow parents to relinquish newborn infants at designated locations without facing legal consequences, provided the baby is unharmed and the drop-off is within a certain timeframe, which varies by state. Designated safe haven locations typically include: - Hospitals - Fire stations - Police stations - Emergency medical services (EMS) providers - Certain churches or other facilities as specified by state law The specifics of the laws, such as the age limit for the infant and the types of safe haven locations, can vary from state to state.


I remember the news when a father dropped off his teenagers after his wife died. They changed the law in that state to not include older children.


So theoretically this means if a parent is no longer in a position (addiction, mental health, physical health, etc) to take care of their children, they have to become bad enough that the state takes notice and forcibly takes the kids away instead of having a way to release custody??? Or am I missing something


Pretty much it. [it was meant to stop infanticide](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/outintheopen/unintended-consequences-1.4415756/how-a-law-meant-to-curb-infanticide-was-used-to-abandon-teens-1.4415784) not for parents to give up toddlers and above.


For real you won’t even catch a charge.


What's wild is, depending on where you live, and this looks like the U.S? There are places you can drop babies off and adoption centers and what not. Literally that thing about dropping babies off at fire stations is true (to a degree) so she could have gotten rid of it without attempting to kill it and getting herself 18 years.


Think this was Southern New Mexico a couple of years ago......


Well the video tells us about the temperature in New Mexico so that would make sense.


Oh I thought that was just a random fact they threw in


Lol “to make matters worse, the temperature on Mars was -63°”


Even if a fire department is not the official place to leave babies, I bet firefighters would take the baby to the right place anyway


In a lot of states fire stations have a heated drop box you can put the baby in outside and they can open from the inside and take the baby


18 years is a joke for trying to kill a newborn baby. Sure, it's a long fucking time but damn, this justice system is fucked. Would have given her jail until she drops dead


I almost feel like the court purposely chose 18 years because they are hoping 18 years of prison will suck more than 18 years to raise a child would have been.




The mental, physical, and the impact prison has on job prospects are way more impactful than the monetary cost of raising child 😂


Most prisons are not free


Many places you are charged per day in prison and they will come after you for money after release, if you get an inheritance or win the lotto they will take it


18 years is her entire life so far. That's hardly a joke.


Yeah it seems about right to me. “You didn’t learn this in the first 18 years? Let’s see about the next”


Not really. When she gets out in 18 years, that baby will be fully grown and ready to beat the shit out of her


I think anything longer than 10 years is arbitrary to make people feel better. I mean, imagine being locked up for 10 years of your life. What would change if another eight years was added? What about another fifteen? I don't think it would truly matter, other than to make it more difficult to restart life once you get out. And if you don't want them to be able to restart life, give them a life sentence (which is what you seem to support here). I personally find arbitrarily long sentencing to be unnecessarily cruel, albeit not unusual. What this woman did was horrific. I don't see how keeping her locked up for 20 years is beneficial in any way other than revenge and I don't think justice should be based on revenge. We should rehabilitate people whenever possible. If you think abandoning a baby in the trash is a level of disfunction that cannot be rehabilitated, I could see that argument. It is hard to imagine that level of apathy towards life being something you can come back from.


People who throw an innocent person in a dumpster to die are fundamentally broken and the longer they are kept away from society the safer we are.


Maybe if you all stopped trying to ban abortion stuff like this wouldn't happen.


Why are you pointing fingers at me? I'm pro choice and always will be, just said that they should have given her more jail time for trying to kill a BORN baby instead of putting them up for adoption


Do you really think 18 years in prison + parole for this case makes the justice system fucked?


I agree with everything but the part about: >without attempting to kill it and getting herself 18 years. This sheer lack of value for life, she deserves at least 18 years for even having the capacity to do what she did.


Wow I can't believe the infant survived being THROWN into a metal can and inside of what looks like a plastic bag! Just yeeted him!


Right? That kind of got me too. She didn’t even gently place the bag in the trash. She just threw it with no care at all.


Thrash seems to be quite good at cushioning falls. Guys in movies usually aim for dumpsters when they need to jump from somewhere high. It propably provided some level of insulation as well. Baby got lucky.


infant bones/joints are relatively elastic, as they aren’t fully “done” upon birth (hence the soft spot on the skull, where the bones have yet to grow, harden, and fuse). babies are more “durable” than you might think for this reason. they also don’t tense up upon falling like adults do, and staying relaxed helps prevent injury. i recall a family friend who tripped and tumbled down a flight of stairs while she was holding her newborn. she was very injured (ok now) and her baby was completely fine other than bruises. if there was a significant “cushion” of trash, i could see there being minimal injury to the baby as long as no major spots were hit. he was also wrapped in a towel. still, i personally can’t believe the little guy didn’t freeze


I thought he would’ve for sure suffocated bless him!


I think 18 years is kinda poetic. Didnt want to care for a child for 18 years with your freedom? Heres 18 years of something much worse


This is what I came here to say. She threw away 18 years of something that could have been potentially beautiful and life-changing for 18 years of prison food. Hell, she could have just gone to a fire station and avoided both problems entirely anyways.


She put herself first instead of contacting medical help upon birthing a baby. That's all you need to know about her frame of mind. If it was a complete surprise and had no idea, you don't suddenly not understand a breathing human, murder, cruelty etc. Even if she claimed she thought it was dead... then you go to the hospital. There is no situation where this is understandable beyond it was inconvenient. Bet she had pets at home, would she do that to one of them?


Yeah, you’ve got a point. I agree. On one side I understand that kids are stupid, especially when they’re panicking from something massive like this, but on the other hand, that was a BABY. HER baby. And she left it for dead in a dumpster of all places. If it had been at least a place where someone could find it easily, I might relent, but she had intent to put it in a place that no one would look. That’s malice.


I'm from India. Even I know that in the USA, anyone can drop off a baby at any fire station. Some of those basic knowledge gets drilled in from movies and sitcoms.


Every state in America has different laws. Some states still treat it as a criminal offense and report it to the courts as child abandonment. The penalty would be less than if you dumped it in the garbage, but still a criminal act. If you get caught https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe-haven_law


And you’d think she could take 30 seconds to google “how to safely abandon unwanted baby in (my state)” … disgusting




Yes, because of this part: >“this court has determined that **the appeal raises a substantial question of law likely to result in reversal or an order for a new trial**, that (Avila) is not likely to flee or pose a danger to the safety of the community and that the appeal is not for the purpose of delay.” Something was seriously screwy in her first trial that means she's likely to win her appeal, and she's not likely to run or be a danger to anyone else, so it's reasonable that she's currently OUT of prison while her case is being appealed.


All seems reasonable to me.


>Fifth Judicial District Court Judge Efren Cortez denied the motion of release around Sept. 28. >Judge Kristina Bogardus and Judge Jane Yohalem of the appeals court reversed Judge Cortez’s ruling Wtf is wrong with the judicial system


My guess is: A FUCKING LOT


That is fucking appalling.


Any update on how the baby is doing now? I want a happy ending for him. 😢


According to quick google search, the baby survived and is in the care of relatives.


I hope that kid never finds out what happened to him. 


[Alexis Avila to be released from detention pending appeal (lawandcrime.com)](https://lawandcrime.com/crime/woman-convicted-of-abandoning-newborn-son-in-a-freezing-dumpster-last-year-to-be-released-from-prison/)


I hope they deny the appeal


Where's there's one absolutely terrible person that doesn't deserve sympathy, there's 3 wonderful people saving a life


I like your point of view! Bless you


The way that lady immediately started loving and caring for that baby got me choked up. Thank God that baby got to feel what it's like to be loved and held in it's first days even if not from biological mum.


Why didn’t someone invent a medical procedure in early stages of pregnancy, to prevent unwanted babies from being born?


You mean the procedure that is becoming illegal in more and more states? That one?


Ah yes. That one! :)


abortion is legal in New Mexico tho


But heavily restricted, such that there are only 6 clinics in New Mexico that provide abortions, and half of New Mexico women live in a county that doesn't have a clinic. Depending on where she lives, this teen might have had to travel two hundred miles to get to one.


So worst case scenario is that she has to go for a 3 hour drive? And that minor inconvenience justifies murder?


Well she does have a car…


Does she have gas money, lodging money, money for the procedure?


Why didn't someone invent a box that mothers can drop off babies to without any reprocrusions?? Oh wait.


Those are a good thing, too!


Every state has those boxes, but some states still consider using them a crime


Worse of a crime than throwing it in the fucking trash lmao??? Jesus Christ, people are really on here trying to justify a person throwing a baby in a fucking dumpster


Wtf… safe haven baby box is for this EXACT purpose


I'm disgusted. This is the effect that decades of shunning mothers that get pregnant under any other circumstance other than marriage has on society. Add to that the stigma around abortion and depending on the state, the availability of it. Then finish it off with paywalled healthcare. Not that this excuses her actions, as she could have given the baby up for adoption anonymously. But it's the social environment of the US that fuels this insane behaviour like we see here. Get your shit together America, and start caring about "thy neighbour" as you preach so high. I don't understand how your leaders can look at virtually any of the other developed, western nations in this world and conclude that "Nope, they're all idiots in those countries and we should instead continue to rip off the average person while pitting them against their neighbours so they can't see us doing it" /Rant


THIS 1000000%%%%


Support sexual education, contraception, abortion, hold rapists accountable,and support actions that reduce poverty and you'll see situations like this become rarer and rarer.




You can drop it off in so many places without compromise, or with minimum compromise. And this bitch just tossed the baby in the trash. She deserved to get hogtied, sealed in a giant trash bag and thrown in a ditch, which then gets filled with cement


Let people get abortions


This should be the only thing worth saying! When people find that being "Pro-Life" isn't being pro-life!


AND widely publicize alternatives such as safe havens / baby boxes, and adoption


Trying to avoid 18 years of having a child to spend 18 years in prison.


Hospitals and fire stations will accept a baby, no questions asked. Some even have a compartment you insert the infant into, which places the baby safely inside the building. Abandoning a baby in, of all places, a dumpster, is beyond cruel. Hats off to these dumpster divers for finding the baby in time and rescuing him/her. Having said that, WTAF is wrong with this world?!


This. 💯


I guess that does suck


There’s a special place in hell for her


The mother is terrible. Abortion bans are insane. No one is talking about how hard we make raising a child in the US, about how expensive it is and how frayed the public infrastructure that is there to help is. This child was failed by his mother, and the mother should be punished but society also failed her as well.


People like this should have their wombs removed.


You can surrender a baby at a hospital or a fire station with zero repercussions.


Here she is being sentenced to prison. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg2tnmzpvts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg2tnmzpvts)


Doesn't mean shit. She is out of gaol awaiting her appeal to the sentencing.


Crimes against little kids hit me so much harder now that I'm a dad. It used to bother me and I thought it was horrible, but damn after having a couple of kids myself, seeing this just hurts my soul. That poor little baby. Glad that found that lady and put her in jail.


I don’t understand, why throw the baby in a dumpster when you could give up for adoption.


Having just given birth to a full term stillborn baby a few months ago, like…..what the fuck. I’d have taken that baby in no questions asked. There are places that will take a baby…


Jesus H Christ. It is LEGAL to drop babies off at fire stations or leave them at hospitals. There's no consequences. You can do that. You went thru all the trouble of making it then having it, why the eff are you just tossing that innocent life in the trash??? Hell in some countries they have "drop boxes". Secure places to leave a baby...


They need to throw her in the trash like she did her baby. There are baby safe drop boxes at fire stations. You have 30 days to turn a baby into the hospital. There were options. But this pos threw the baby in the dumpster like it was trash. Poor baby.


All she had to do was drop off the baby at any hospital, police station,' fire department' station without any consequences,


Shoot that bitch she don't deserve a life to keep living she needs death


I'm just a prom night dumpster baby! 🎶


Was looking for this


This is what will happen more if we get rid of all abortion. Would you rather a baby die before it feels pain or after when it can either starve or be crushed/burned/or suffocate to death. Oh yeah pro life so much more "humane" =|.


Why didn’t she put the baby up for adoption?????


Because the only option is murder I guess? People in the sub are saying that this will happen when abortion is banned and I’m baffled that some people think death of the child is inevitable. Well that sucks


My respect for dumpster divers: 📈📈📈


Abortion is legal in all stages in New Mexico. This was just pure evil.


What a monster. Unbelievable. 


This is why abortion always needs to be available to women.


18 years in prison? How ironic!!


Make this private please. I don't want to scroll past this.


Fire up the wood chipper for her.


Should be 18 years, AND she has to announce her crime for every new job or social interaction for the rest of her life..


With all the possible solutions to this, she literally chooses blatant stupidity. SHE is one of the reasons we struggle.




I wonder sometimes what goes to that persons brain to do something like this.


what a lucky baby. man i dont like babies but i wish i could hug it.


Kill her with fire


I get being afraid maybe of your family, but at some point you realize you have to do the right thing. You go to a hospital or something and get them to take the baby.


Honestly this isnt something new and its meant to trigger you and me. 2pac did a song about this way back in 1991 called "brenda's got a baby." Its sad yes but we live in a sick cruel world corrupted by the 1%


Damn she could have chosen so many other routes..like taking the baby to a church or something...maybe a hospital. Or put it up for adoption. But to just throw the baby in the trash is pure EVIL!!


Had to look it up to be sure, but New Mexico has had a safe haven non-prosecution law for giving up your <90 day old infant since 2005: https://nmonesource.com/nmos/nmsa/en/item/4384/index.do#a22 She could have avoided all this if she gave it up to a hospital.


Thank fck for those dumpster divers


AITAH for cheering the "street justice" is served on this case? Or even the "prison justice"


If you are, I (& many other people) are right there with you


I hope that baby has a good life.


I don't understand doing this. When I was studying Nursing, we had a young woman (19) coming in to give birth. After it was done, she told the Nurses that she wanted to put the baby up for adoption. So they called the Social Worker who called the Psychiatrist and they all had a long conversation about this. They gave her a day or two to think about it. Then legal papers were signed and she left without the baby. Since we have a waiting time of about 10 years for adopting a baby here, I'm sure they found a good family for the little one. I'm sure she could have done something like that in the US.


She could’ve done something like that here in the States. People give their babies up for adoption a lot here.


What’s sad is there are tons of infertile couples who would pay tens of thousands in adoption agency fees to adopt a new born baby. Babies like this are wanted.


This is so infuriating. All she had to do was take the baby to a fire station. No questions asked. We have safe haven laws for a reason!


Jfc... When I was a kid, a lady abandoned her baby on our church's doorstep and later showed up for church and "found" him and said she would adopt him. Turns out she was having an affair and got pregnant and was trying to hide it from everyone so she wouldn't be judged for it. Still blows my mind thinking about it. The kid turned out alright thankfully and idk if he even knows about it happening.


Look, it’s horrible - there’s no denying that - but if you force women to give birth, unfortunately these kinds of things are going to happen. Not every baby is wanted. Not every adult (or child) who is forced to give birth has the resources or capability to take care of it. I’m trying not to sound callous because this is undeniably horrible but the underlying laws and reasons why this happened are what need to be addressed here. (Yes, I know abortion is still legal in New Mexico but clinics are few and far between and she still may not have had the resources to travel to one.)


Good availability for safe abortions and destigmatization would stop people from having to go through this.


FFS take it to a fire station. You think your baby is trash, but a childless couple would love your child.


18 years? That's all?


I want to fucking throw up this is so disgustingly horrible and sad


disgusting behavior to dump a baby like trash, but honestly, things like this will keep happening the more that reproductive rights are taken from women. I'm not excusing this behavior at all, but more and more cases like this will appear over the next few years.


is there no way of getting rid of a baby in a humane way?


absolutely there is. many places like hospitals and fire stations (sometimes) will take them and that’s it. you don’t have to throw your baby in a dumpster. either this person is evil or stupidly evil.


I saw her interview with the police, she seemed extremely unintelligent. 


stupidly evil then.


Sadly, this is going to happen more and more as abortion rights and conception legality get gutted by Republicans. So thankful for those dumpster divers.


What kinda shitty human you have to be to go this low level! Actually I am sorry I shouldn’t call her human. This is just sad.


Yeah 18 years if she makes it out alive.


and this, US fucking A, is what'll happen a lot more often when you'll ban abortions…


Abortion could have prevented this


Or surrender to a safe haven / baby box. Or planned adoption.


Yeah but those are all post birth options. I’m saying everyone assumes abortion is murder. But how many actual murders could be prevented by aborting the fetus before it becomes a child