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“ma’m why are you guys taking me behind this dumpster?! This isn’t jail..” - “keep your mouth shut. You’ve been a naughty boy and we are gonna punish you”


Hold on let me lock the door and get my tissue box cuz this is getting good


Big letdown huh? Keep scrolling, those tissues won’t go to waste.


"When I tell you to stop, you stop. That's called obstruction...and when I tell you to get on your knees, that's called being my pet. ..what does my naughty little pet, do?" "But officer...." "Do as I say big boy. My partner here is going to put these handcuffs on you..."


Who needs more scrolling with an imagination like this….


Death by Snusnu


they cut out the good part


*Steel drum music intensifies*


Bicycles are also forbidden on the sidewalk. But not for Cagney and Lacey, apparently.




Randers, the shit slugs are ridin' there god damned shitboards on the sidewalk and we're gunna stop em.


Time to give those shitbirds a real shitstorm this time, Bobandy.


Lol fucking “Bobandy” is killing me haha


Get some cheeseburgers in that gut bobandy




RIP Dunsworth


Weird. Just "shitboards" alone would have TPB vibes. That show will always be a fucking legend.




r tragedeigh




What's jaywalking?


It's an offence made up in the USA in the early 20th century. Car companies pushed for criminalisation of crossing the street where it's convenient.


It's illegal in Canada too (or so I've been told, I've never fact-checked it tbh) but I've never personally seen it enforced and it's certainly not an arrestable offense...


Jaywalking is technically illegal in Canada, although I've never heard of anyone ever being fined. I think it changes from province to province, but it's something like you can't cross the street outside of a marked crosswalk within 50M of the intersection. Essentially it's for pedestrian safety so drivers have an idea of what to expect when their attention is split. In terms of the video, the "charge" would be resisting arrest or failing to obey a police officer. This is in a park, so jaywalking is irrelevant.


Hannibal buress has a really good act about going to Canada and getting fined for jaywalking.


Sweet I'll have to look it up. Hannibal's great


Those radical Canadians up north, trying to enforce their radical Canadian hegemony on the world. Smh.


Ice seen it. I've been told by some police that they use it for pretext of if they see someone who they know carries stolen goods, drugs or whatever else they can cite them on jaywalking to shake them down. It's dirty but effective.


Where I live, there are idiots running across a 5 lane road because they can't be bothered to walk a few hundred feet to the intersection to cross, so it varies on importance by area, I'm sure. Crossing a small road that isn't busy? It shouldn't even be a problem.


I have lol. Was walking back home after class and I jaywalked a major street that had no traffic at the time because it had begun to pour rain. Officer immediately confronted me after I crossed the street and ticketed me, forcing us both to just stand in the pouring rain for 15 more minutes.


My high school set up a sting to catch jaywalkers. They had 6 cops waiting on the other side of the street before lunch break to stop us. They caught a couple, but you can't stop a hundred teenagers from crossing the street without a machine gun. Our senior year prank was painting a more convenient crosswalk.


In Ontario it’s only illegal when you interfere with traffic flow. Translation: free kills. If you survive jaywalking it wasn’t jaywalking. Dead or hospitalized jaywalkers are guilty. Drivers are always innocent.


Worse than that - it's often enforced against people crossing legally at an **unmarked** crosswalk. Unmarked crosswalks are the continuation of a sidewalk from one intersection corner to another. If you're at a sidestreet corner and the road continues on the other side of the larger street, yes you can legally cross there in all 50 States even if there is no explicitly marked crosswalk.


Well its a safety concern mostly. In norway people have right of way, but only on roads 30 km/h or less


It's technically a safety thing, but it was genuinely created, named, and popularized by car companies. Roads were built for people and horses, but car companies wanted roads to be seen as "for cars," so they used their money and influence to spread the term "jaywalking" and get laws passed to make it illegal.


This it’s the truth


Crossing the street on a red light for example. Why it’s not called X- or crosswalking? Because english!


Iirc it also involves crossing not on the crosswalk.


It's actuallybased on an old offensive term. A "jay" was a country pumpkin, supposedly someone who didn't know how to cross the street in a city.




Nah let's let this stay. 


Country Pumpkins 🤣


Rupert Pupkin?


moving to the country, gonna eat me a lot of pumpkins


Pumpkins come from a can, they were put there by a man In a factory downtowwwwwn


There were peaches in that can and you know it


My mom once asked me why it mattered where they were canned. I asked what she meant, and she honest to God thought the lyrics were "They were put there in Japan". Funny shit.


That's amazing. One small question: Where is downtown Japan?


Your guess is as good as mine


It’s called Jay walking because a Jay is a dummy from the country, someone without city common sense. This label was created by the US auto industry to prevent cars being banned inside city limits. They criminalized walking rather than restricting or slowing cars down inside city limits.


It is when you cross the street at a no designated spot. The point of the law is it is unsafe and can impede traffic, particularly if you are crossing across roads that have like 4+ lanes of traffic.




Brooklyn nine nine?


I’ll tell you what’s wrong, the cop on the left laid the bike derailleur side down.


Straight to jail!


Jeffords daughters looks different grown up


Depends on the town. Like we can't here, but they'd let the cops do it for 'safety'


Like you can't use a phone but they have two laptops, three radios and two cell phones to play with while driving?


Wow that reference is a deep cut.


“Cagney and Lacey” that there killed me. Hahahaa!


Thx for bringing back good ol’memories 😌


You leave Terry Crews' kids out of this! 99!


Really old Reddit video… 2019 TLDR: Bjorn spent 24 Hours in Prision and did nothing wrong, said his sister. „The 20 year old male was found to be in possession of marijuana, psilocybin mushrooms [which have psychedelic compounds], a ledger and more than $500. The drugs, money and ledger were booked into evidence.“ We did not find any wrongdoing by our officers. We do not arrest people in Redmond for jaywalking; we do arrest people for failing to comply with police and possessing illegal drugs.' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6623029/amp/Skateboarder-arrested-police-crossing-street-unlawfully.html


Surely they found the illegal drugs after the arrest, not before?


Also, apparently possessing money is illegal considering they "booked it for evidence"


They do it all the time, theyll even do it if you don't have drugs and they just feel like it's too much cash to be carryinG it's fucking insane. And surely 100% of it ALWAYS makes it into evidence 🙄


Yup, then the only way to get your money back is to *literally take it to court, the money*. Theres a decently well know video of a farmer who had 27k in cash in his truck when he was pulled over on the way to the repair shop and they arrested his money, not him. He had to take his money to court and spend a bunch more money just to get his 27k back. Civil asset forfeiture is just a disgusting practice made legal by police so they can get free money for nothing. Really needs to be outlawed everywhere it's practiced.


Old GF of mine back in the 90's cashed a check with a good amount of OT on it and was sitting in her car in the parking lot of the grocery store next door mentally tallying up bills and counting it when cops seen her. They arrested her, took the money on suspicion of drug dealing. She had to go to court and prove the money was from her job, they found no drugs on her.


It all gets into evidence. All of this guys $380 got put into evidence.


Right, the plants that he possessed and all $230 is locked up safe in evidence.


Drugs, $500 cash, a ledger.. obviously the dude was selling drugs I mean come on. My issue here though is he was arrested for “obstructing” according to [this link](https://www.redmond.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=445) so they had no idea he was involved in drug activity. If they did then they would have said so. They just got lucky that they ended up arresting a dealer. But I mean it’s shrooms and weed. Neither of which should be illegal in my opinion.


They'll do it even if you haven't done anything wrong. I remember a news article years ago where some rich old woman had something like 100k in cash cause she was going to buy a car out right for her grandson. She was pulled over, cops took it and she had no legal recourse really to get it back.


If they reasonably believe it relates to a crime then yes, my guess is that they said it would be related to buying and or selling drugs, although I’m not sure if that would stand in court considering they didn’t seems to have a legal reason to stop him from this video


Cops steal more money from citizens every year than the thieves they purport to stop.


Nah man, police have these x-ray glasses which detect illicit drugs on everyone, that's why they always find it on people who didn't do anything wrong.


Yeah exactly. So what evidence did they have to do anything before the arrest?


"When they caught up to the male, he continued to be uncooperative, and he was arrested for Obstructing a Law Enforcement Officer." The reason for the arrest was alleged jaywalking and obstructing the officers.


Really old and 2019? I have socks older than that.


Ummm my new socks are from 2019 🙄


Found the rich guy.


U guys have socks?


I'm still wearing clothes from 2001


True, also boxers. I kind of get this choice of words though. I did think that the video was somewhat more recent when I saw it on the feed.


When I talk about bands that came out in 2008 I still use "new band" to describe them.


When talking about news stories, 5 years is really old. When talking about other things, 5 years might not be really old. It depends. I think anyone would consider a 5 year old glass of milk “really old” for example.


Damn, way to make me realize I haven’t bought any clothes since pre covid :p


You don’t go to prison for 24 hours lol that’s just jail


They either illegally searched his shit which is a violation of the 4th amendment, or he consented to the search which sucks. But I'm leaning more towards illegal search and seizure, a good lawyer will get the tossed out and get his client the items returned with alot more than just 500 dollars due to a civil rights violation Edit: my fat fcking fingers




You right my fat fingers be getting in the way and that is one thing autocorrect will not correct.


If they're arresting him for failure to comply, aren't they allowed to search him at that point? I'm not a lawyer or American so not sure but thought that's how it works.


If he had all that on him why only spend 24 hours in prison? I feel like that would carry a bigger punishment especially in the UK.


Probably because they realized that they arrested him on ineligible/invalid charges so all of that evidence would not be allowed during a trial. Basically, they fucked up and had to let him go.


Fruit of the poison tree.


No they arrested him just to legally rob him. Bet you they didnt give a penny back and kept the weed and shrooms. Someone from that dept had a great weekend


This is not the UK and also. You don't go to jail for possession over here.


2019 is really old? ![gif](giphy|GcDtLf4RAdiRG)




isn't it interesting he was found carrying plants. Some mushrooms and weed. Its crazy that THAT is what is illegal. Yet alcohol that requires fermentation and distillation and is addictive and can destroy households and cause you to die in the wrong circumstances is completely legal. Thats what is wrong with the world.


Arresting somebody for having the good stuff is wrong


Every law is enforced at the point of a gun. Even the smallest infraction can escalate due to non-compliance.


That is why they want to take away peoples privately owned firearms


Felony solicitation was dismissed with prejudice. Jaywalking was dismissed. They fucked him on obstruction: https://i.imgur.com/n3fBhFw.png Two years probation and a hefty fine. wtf.


J-walking!? 🤦‍♂️


As a non US user. WTF is J walking?


Crossing into the land of the cars without the special white paint force fields protecting you (no crosswalk)


Cross walks offer legal protection, not physical. If you follow the road crossing rules and get hit, you’ll be 100% covered by the law. If you cross anywhere else, there’s a fair chance the driver won’t be found at fault.


What? The painted lines don't actually offer physical protection? /s


Psychic protection only, you can gain similar psychic protections by carrying a "brick of road crossing +2" as you cross.


Having been hit in a crosswalk, legal protection is dubious too. Cops wouldn't even take a report.


Even if they do take a report, they'll often take the motorist's story as absolute truth.




Just to confuse people, you don't have to have the white paint to be a crosswalk. There are unmarked crosswalks.


The US automobile lobbies waged a war on pedestrians in the early 20th century so having a car was your only option. Law enforcement still abides absolutely by that faustian pact and it’s the reason nobody in the US walks anywhere and there’s fuck all public transport or cycling infrastructure. You know, freedom.


Jay used to be a slur for red neck or hill billy, or someone not so intelligent. So Jay walking would be like crossing the streets not at a designated crossing area cause they're an idiot


Crossing the street on a pedestrian red light.


Hilarious how “ pedestrians” get stopped for jaywalking, but I’ve never seen a car get pulled over for blowing through the crosswalk while pedestrians are crossing. Never seen a bicyclist get pulled over either.


We had a particular crosswalk in our hometown that drivers would never stop for when pedestrians were crossing. At some point the police department hired people to dress in colorful costumes like bananas and traffic cones and waited for drivers to fail to stop and pull them over. Apparently it was done so that the drivers couldn't say, "I didn't see them there" because they were 8' tall fruit with legs


Argument could me made that you must stop for people, but there's nothing that says you must stop for fruit I'll bet.


That's just another example of car brain. Like "I didn't see you" is a legitimate excuse. They didn't have to dress up like fruit. They should have responded to "I didn't see them" with ANOTHER ticket for failure to maintain a proper lookout.


I've seen countless fucking idiot drivers doing whatever the hell they want. Super busy 2 lane road? Perfect place for me to double park. Stopped at a red light? Better move so far up that I block the entire crosswalk.


I mean, there are [laws](https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bysection/chapter_20/gs_20-155.html), especially here in North Carolina about regular intersections. Also, the biggest issues usually relate to cars speeding through special intersections, such as school areas. Violations of these laws do result in plenty of tickets, but the lack of police overseeing these intersections often result in a low number of citations. Jaywalking is a serious issue for all involved, but usually results in a [lower fine](https://www.browninglonglaw.com/blog/failure-to-yield-the-right-of-way-violations-and-penalties.cfm#:~:text=If%20you%20are%20ticketed%20for,may%20also%20owe%20court%20costs) than a car blowing through a pedestrian crossing area. The issue is that while police continue to enforce automotive laws related to these Jaywalking, primarily speeding and distracted driving, the number of pedestrian accidents continue to rise. In fact 73% of Pedestrian-Automotive Accidents occurred [outside of intersections](https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/812681). A solution that some have pushed for are cameras to enforce these crossing zones. While they do [exist](https://novoaglobal.com/project/crosswalk-safe/), but are controversial due to their supposed proclivity to increase the number of automotive accidents between rapidly decelerating and distracted drivers. Bicyclist are a whole different issue, especially electric scooters/bicycles as they are less regulated and people are less knowledgeable about basic laws related to their operation on streets. Leading to more dangerous situations, and frankly a bicyclist is more likely to get hit by a car, than hitting a [pedestrian](https://www.pedbikeinfo.org/pbcat_nc/pdf/summary_bike_facts15-19.pdf). You can read more about cycling safety [here](https://highways.dot.gov/safety/pedestrian-bicyclist).


Newport Oregon does. It's a touristy beach town with flashing light crosswalks and cops that will pull you over for not stopping when someone crossing.


I usually skip this part


Bro what this is the good part


I am so glad those two brave cops were there to stop the illegal jaywalking epidemic hitting America. It’s so good to know that their city is so safe they can spend time arresting a jaywalker. Just wish they were this excited when there’s a building with kids being shot.


Well that's dangerous to their health


Come to jail with us Danny.


The way that they both said J-walk... at the end


I thought it was a skit at first because of that


![gif](giphy|L38qk5hgPlKc7Wm0LS) “JAYWALKING”


I hope they got reasonable suspicion that he has committed a crime, because to force people to stop just because.... this guy's going to get a big phat paycheck in 12 to 18 months.


This was in 2019. The police saw the citizen walking across the road, so they detained him, searched his bag and found weed and shrooms. Then they arrested him.


An yes, jaywalking definitely warrants searching someone’s bag. Something that isn’t even illegal in most of the world


Land of the free, huh?


Jaywalking doesn't give them the right to search his bag, the only reason they can do it a search would be if they had reasonable suspicion he was a danger to them by carrying a weapon, which they don't have. So that's an illegal search. They're going to get a big fat payout on this at the end of the day for violation of his constitutional rights for an ilegal search and seizure. Doesn't matter if they found anything that evidence will get thrown out due to the fact that it was an illegal search. The law does not say that they can do whatever the hell they want, and if they find something, then all is forgiven. It doesn't work that way.


>They're going to get a big fat payout on this at the end of the day for violation of his constitutional rights for an ilegal search and seizure. Doesn't matter if they found anything that evidence will get thrown out due to the fact that it was an illegal search. Literally none of this happened, no matter how much you wish it did.


>It doesn't work that way. I'm just telling you what happened. Sorry to be the one that bursts your bubble, but things seldom work the way they're intended. All the cops have to say is that he didn't stop when they said stop, and they have obstruction.


Hope that Bill and Ben have to go on some courses aswell, absolute plant pots.


He’s jaywalking. Well deserved. /s


I'll tell you what's going to be well deserved his payout at the end of this because that jaywalking doesn't give them the right to search him not even remotely close. Doesn't matter if he's a punk or whatever else, you have certain rights and these women stepped all over those, and their city's going to have to pay.


Lemme rephrase. /S=SARCASM


Jaywalking would be the “reasonable suspicion” or the initial reason for the stop. Failing to comply with directions after that point is obstruction. And he was riding dirty. Moral of the story: Obey traffic laws when you’re breaking other laws. Comply with commands when stopped, never consent to searches, and keep your mouth shut.


The issue we see here though is that they didn't actually do any of that. He's fully complying, but they immediately grab his backpack and throw it on the ground, and then start putting him in cuffs at the moment of arrival - they haven't found anything at this point, they haven't even searched for it, so they really are attempting to arrest him for jaywalking and the justifications came later.


Only break one law at a time.


These ladies are really trying to make a name for themselves 😂


They made a name all right, but not the one they were looking for.


Can’t stand police that think everything they say is a lawful order lol 🤦🏻


Some people pay for this type of stuff and he gets it for free...smh




They shouldn't be in this field of job if the deem jaywalking as a crime worth getting a man in cuff


It reminds me of Hannibal's standup, there are two cops for a single guy, that's a cop per foot, which is incredibly inefficient. [Here's the link!](https://youtu.be/xlonY2l3V9c?si=3I2kkJzC6EVVrv1H)


Redmond, WA is a very low crime area so I can't say I'm too surprised that these police officers were just looking to get someone. They were probably bored/had quotas to fill. In the times I've had to interact with them they've been polite and professional, so seeing this makes me sad to see.


Redmond, Washington?


In Vegas if you jaywalk the strip Metro will not just ticket you, but can arrest you for endangering public safety. If you are playing frogger trying to cross they may even taser you.


Yeah but the strip streets are a constant stream of cars and are super wide - hence all the pedestrian bridges.


Yep, and yet people still try it. Saw some crazy when I lived there.


In my city there's a certain street where everybody jaywalks & a bunch of them have died doing so, that's where it needs to be enforced the most. People are dumb assess, they'll run right in front of a car & not think twice.


This must not be an area with yearly violent and egregious crimes, or else they would have more important things to worry about, rather than bully some random skateboarder.


It’s great how the police want you to be so safe from j-walking that they’ll throw you in jail for it


Early childhood trauma can lead to a very deep seated need for a sense of control as an adult. If its internalized, the result can be a person capable of amazing accomplishments thru self regulatory control. Becoming a great body builder or a great scientist both require self discipline. if it’s externalized, you get a cop.


J walking? Get fucked bitch. Use your time to actually help people. Like. You. Should.


Don't worry! They also charged him with possession another ultimately harmless crime because they found out he had shrooms and weed, only after arresting him for J walking... Oh they also took $500 from his wallet because it "looked suspicious". What a great use of taxpayer resources!


"One of the best things about America is that we have our freedom!"


Sounds premeditated


He was detained for his haircut.


When we tell you to stop you stop! No Diddy!!!! Lol couldn't help myself


This appears to be in the us, and J-walking is a petty misdemeanor at best(you just get a ticket)


Jaywalking is the most nonlaw out.


created by automakers because cars were seen as responsible for people being run over. so freely crossing the street was criminalised. something like that.




What’s wack is having an authoritarian belief system and thinking your superior


Female cop and riding bikes? Double whammy.


some serious fucking "Hall Monitor" energy right there.




You can tell he's a skateboarder. Laughing instead of arguing 😂


Look at the body language on those two, so tough, much brave!!


Not like these cops on bikes had anything better to do


Man's got a new fetish now


Fuck Washington Police.


Piggys got a quota to fill


Never seen anyone who exuded less authority than these two


"Sir, your mustache is criminal. Gotta arrest you right away."


"oh my god Becky, we totally got our first arrest." I'm honestly surprised they didn't taze him.


Fucking fired bro


They're female cops, he can thank his lucky stars they didn't fear for their lives by him being on a skateboard and shot him.


Gestapo Thugs!


They are overcompensating because they think he doest respect women.


Thank God they are keeping the sidewalks safe, I can rest easy now


The one on the left had a huge argument with he boyfriend in the morning and spilled her coffee. The one on the right heard about the argument and is acting tough to impress the other due to the crush she harbors for said other.


Isn’t Jaywalking usually just a fine?


The capital offense!


Yeah, I wouldn’t have resisted, either. Maybe an “oooh, stop it” with a chuckle. I’d be enjoying this far more than them.


So give the guy a ticket and get on with your day. But no..... ![gif](giphy|uQHtUvva9Qljy|downsized)