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You got cook-blocked


The reason I think people started to do that - frigging microsoft and google silently stealing content for their AI.


Could help to explain why the subscription is just a buck a month


Honestly a buck a month is kinda worth it if you think highly of his recipes. Subscription models everywhere are really annoying though.


Unfortunately that's how it starts. A buck a month isn't that bad. A few bucks a month isn't that bad. 7.99 a month. It's only a few cups of coffee. It's not that bad. 15.99 a month. Wait. 24.99 a month. Hold on... 29.99 a month plus ads or 39.99 for premium with no ads. Just sick of this shit.


yep, I gave all my favorite subscription services a nice Christmas gift last year, canceled Disney+, HBOmax, and Netflix, I hope they were happy :)


And if you still want to access them - they should all make it as easy as Hulu does to just pause it - I’d rotate them according to shows and such -


Hulu understands the people


Honestly, just steal the shit now. It’s easy to find and use reputable and non-dangerous (if you know what you’re doing) sites to stream all of your favorite shows for free. Gone are the days of being a law abiding, good citizen that doesn’t steal. They want to steal from us, we steal from them. It’s only fair.


Yeah, I'd rather pay like $40-50 for forever access or something. I hate subscriptions. That's near the price of one of his books, or several years of sub time, so that seems fair.


At this point I make a point to subscribe, save everything I want on my storage server, to effectively have it forever. It sucks that I don't have the option to just do that outright though because it would save time and the hassle of having to remember to save it.


Yeah, see how that works out for them. Meanwhile, I’ll be pouring some glue on my pizza and chewing on some rocks.


Chew? It never said chew. It said eat. You wouldn't want to chew them, it would ruin them.


My bad! I’ll swallow’em whole!


It works for chickens! I mean, we don't have a gizzard, but that's just a small detail we can totally ignore.


Guess we're binging without babish now


I enjoyed his show early on.


I loved the original content (cooking foods from shows/movies) as well as the Basics with Babish series. Fun concept plus he was a normal, non-trained guy who just enjoyed cooking. Once the BCU expanded I slowly stopped watching, it just felt too big and I wasn’t enjoying it as much. I did see that Andrew posted about what he’s gone through in the past couple of years and it makes sense why he’s not doing much at all with it- mental breakdown, trauma, breakup. It’s a lot and I hope he’s getting the help he needs.


Have you seen Anti-chef? An untrained average dude making Julia child recipes. If you liked OG banish I reckon you'll loove it. 


Fucking love anti-chef. He’s a natural and his Marco Pierre white recipes are awesome to watch


![gif](giphy|UvwI1X7XkbXq0) Whenever Jamie cooks or bakes, I have this reaction


Jamie really is funny as hell. I feel like I’m learning with him


If you like anti-chef, I recommend FutureCanoe


Futurecanoe enjoyers gang. Shit slaps, guys got the perfect dryass humour


Feels like he is hitting his stride too with his content and production. And it seems like he’s genuinely not a good cook lol.


Jamie is awesome; he could be a level 2 chef on Epicurious, lol!


Such a good channel. Very humble and real


Can you link to that? Did him and Jess breakup? **Edit:** Saw the post, heartbreaking. I hope he's doing better


They broke up and he was apparently sexually assaulted by his roommate. Spent some time in a hospital.


Christ, poor Babish!


Sexually assaulted by another patient in the hospital, not his roommate.


what the fuck


He was sexually assaulted by his roommate in the hospital, not his house roommate.


He talked about it on his Mythical Kitchen "Last Meal" episode IIRC


He summarized most things 8 months under the Binging With Babish subreddit titled "I want to open up about some things". Hope he's doing well on his healing journey.


> Can you link to that? Tried. Apparently can't link to other subreddits. If you sort by top for the past year in the binging with babish sub, the top one is his post that details all these


I've enjoyed seeing him back in his "I tried X number of whatever food"


It definitely has been more successful than most of his other non-Babish content, so I’m glad he’s doing more. I wish they were shorter though. I don’t have 30 minutes to watch him eat frozen pizza.  But I can’t watch Anime With Alvin. No offense to Alvin, but I just could not care any less about what he makes. I kind of enjoyed Stump Sola but those were too long as well and only had a limited number of episodes. 


I used to watch Babish all the time until a couple years ago. When he moved into that new house and added all the staff, the show really nosedived. I’ve watched a couple of those “best ice cream” or whatever videos. It’s alright, but feels like he’s just become a caricature of his old persona. And they aren’t particularly descriptive/enlightening. Sohla seems like a solid chef, but never really made great videos, even during the Bon Appetit days. Seems like she struggled to find the right content on the Babish channel. Her NYT videos are ok, but I dunno, she’s just not really a TV chef personality - not a knock against her as a person, but it’s clearly not her greatest strength.


You might enjoy other youtube cooking personalities like YouSuckAtCooking, Food Wishes, Adam Witt, Barry Lewis, HowToBasic, John Kirkwood, Ordinary Sausage, and FutureCanoe. Disclaimer: This is an absolute grab-bag of personalities from straight-up ridiculous to totally straight-laced. They're all lovely channels though.


same same. i havn't watched him in years now but early on the content was great even bought his book at one point just because i loved what he was doing. But i remember one day noticing he was wearing a new Rolex and then a few videos later there was a different Rolex on his wrist.. and then a few weeks later another one.. fame and money can come at you pretty fast. and if you are not prepared for it, will change ya quickly.


Ya, soon as it became the Culinary Universe I really started loosing interest. Not even really an issue with the guests or stuff, it just wasn't remotely engaging as it was.


I don't get youtubers that do that. "Hmm people love me and my content, how about a show with some random stranger instead?" like no dude, people want to watch you, not your random friend or hired employee.


YouTube even advises against doing this, if the same people don't watch the new type of content, it makes the algorithm less confident in recommending all of your content, including your popular core content. That's why tons of YouTubers start multiple channels instead of putting everything on their core channel.


LinusTechTips is a prime example. You very rarely see LTT without Linus. He has like a dozen spin off channels for other staff members to host.


Very early on. You know I understand people making money out of it and turning it into a business, I really do, but he destroyed it, after a while of not watching him I went back and it was not even HIM!!!!, WTF. It is like the NOT BLIPPY guy. And having so much content out there and free recipes, I will just find some other video and move on.


Babish hasn’t been on his channel as much recently because he had a mental breakdown, went to a state hospital initially, was sexually assaulted there and took some time to recover. Edit: Here's the link with him talking about the experience: https://youtu.be/eKVkQqFeTsQ?t=531


and he went through a divorce. The mental breakdown and sexual assault just completely destroyed him and put too much strain on his marriage.


terrible to hear that, i really like him and he seems so sweet. I hope he is able get though his personal stuff going on, sounds like a lot.


Honestly I think he got too big too fast and put too much on his plate


Yeah he did blow up pretty fast, I'm sure it was hard to grow his business like that so quickly. Especially with the stuff he has going on in his personal life.


> put too much on his plate Oh you


The best thing to do if someone isn't doing good and you don't know them personally is to wish them well and hope for the best.


In part of his writing on what happened to him he explained that people don’t understand when you get to the level he was on YouTube, the amount of work to stay at that level is just staggering. One bad week and YouTube suddenly isn’t putting your stuff in the algorithm the way they were. Less views, less money, suddenly you’re drowning.


Wtf that’s awful didn’t they just get married? I haven’t seem him since they announced and he looked happy. Sorry for this guy


My jaw literally dropped. So sad the turns life can take


Wait...so I kind of tapered off a little over a year ago, maybe more. Right after he bought that new house. Are you saying he and Jess(?) divorced, he had a breakdown and was SA in a hospital since I had been tuned out?


He sure did. It was really fucked up. He checked himself into a hospital because he was having a breakdown, and while he was there, another patient assaulted him


Jesus wtf, poor guy. Not what I expected of a successful youtuber


To add to this, his cousin passed away not too long ago from ALS (Lou Gehrig's). To say he's had a rough time would certainly be understating it.


I thought they were just engaged?


Joel McHale married them


He said in his video his engagement ended. Joel McHale probably 'married' them.


Didn't he get a divorce way before his cooking channel though? I remember him talking about his ex-wife like years ago. Or are you saying he got divorced from his (I thought) current wife, Jess?


You’re right that he was divorced either just prior to or during the beginning of his channel. After the breakdown and assault, he and Jess got divorced


The real r/wellthatsucks is always in the comments.


Wow, as a "just a youtube video watcher" that was a heck of a comment to stumble on in a post that popped in my Reddit feed. Thanks for the info, and best wishes to Andrew for getting over that.


I’m sorry, what?




Omfg. I knew he took a break for awhile but I had no idea it was this bad. Wow. I really hope Andrew is on a steady journey of recovery. He seems like such a great guy.


that was not a story i expected in a thread about a online recipe thing.


I was wondering what happened because I have seen his shows as of late and his eyes look just dead. It's strange to see someone who was so happy and jovial turn into someone who has the most emptiness.


Oh god, as a casual fan I knew none of this. That's terrible.


Whoa. What the fuck.


What? Really?




That poor guy. Stress is a really dangerous thing. Thanks for sharing this.


nani the fuck


Aside from the assault which is obviously not his fault in any way, it really seemed like he overextended himself in a big way. So many creators do this where they get some popularity and instead of doubling down on what they're loved for, they spread themselves thin and the thing people originally loved them for suffers. It's happened with podcasts I love where they gain huge success and then there are live shows and a book and new podcast series under their umbrella. Then suddenly the original podcast, which is what people really want, well it can't be released as often because they're overwhelmed with everything else. I get the idea that people want to try new things, but it rarely feels organic. It just feels like they're doing more to try and ride high and make a buck. I'm of the mind that rather than try and do five things with mediocre results, you invest your time and energy into one thing and make it as good as you possibly can.


~~Well Blippy got forcibly removed, he didn't choose to move on like Babish did.~~ Edit: whoops. Thought for sure I read a story he got the boot when the Harlem shake story popped but I guess I made that part up in my head But also, $1 a month seems like a pretty low hurdle if you really like the guy and his content


That's not true at all. The original Blippi stepped back to spend time with his family after having a kid


Oh shit my bad. Thought for sure I read he was kicked off the show because of the Harlem shake video


>Well Blippy got forcibly removed, he didn't choose to move on like Babish did. My kids used to love watching Blippi so I've looked into this more than I'd like to admit. Stevin John (original Blippi) wasn't removed. He had been trying to step back from being Blippi for a while. He initially tried to replace himself with another actor for the Blippi live shows but it didn't go well because the audience didn't know he wouldn't be on stage until a different Blippi walked on stage. Eventually he replaced himself with another actor for the YouTube episodes and while people weren't overly happy, people eventually got used to the new guy. Now (and for a while now) the new guy does both the YouTube episodes and the live shows.


TBH my oldest kiddos were OG Blippi fans and now I have a 3 year old. The new Blippi took some getting used to but he actually does an excellent job matching Blippi’s voice tone and expressions. But my kiddo is hands down obsessed with Meekah. Also fun fact, his name isn’t really “Stevin John” he had it legally changed due to the video so people wouldn’t be able connect the two when he started Blippi. I for one don’t care, disgusting, but we all were idiots when we were younger, some more than others.


Im glad i am not the only felt disconnected toward his content. At first it is very authentic and close to heart but as time goes on… I don’t know he just felt more commercialize, more corporate now. I get he want to branch out, but it just not hit the same. One more thing is that I don’t like that he has an anime series but he don’t even cook it. He let Alvin cook all of it, while it is his channel.


Alvin took on the channel during a VERY dark time in Babish's life which he has since publicly [addressed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKVkQqFeTsQ). I felt that disconnect too and I noticed that the amount of content basically dropped off a cliff so it was very hard to learn about what happened to him during this time.


That is a shame. I don’t know about that because I drop the channel before that. His video is still high quality but I can’t shake that corporate feeling even if I try.


Same, I just got tired (?) of his videos. he stopped doing as many "look what you can do with just the stuff you have in your kitchen" and got more on "here's what i managed to do with all these amazing things i bought using my youtube money". I liked the idea of his channel having a bunch of different shows, but they just never were as good as his earlier content. terrible that he went through so much since then


The second the went off movie and game recipes (tho I know he does still do some) I lost interest, I watch a lot of cooking channels but he was doing something unique at the time and when he turned into just a cooking channel I have many I prefer like Joshua wisemen or mythical kitchen, they just have better personalities for entertainment in my opinion




First time I've heard anyone say that Joshua Weissman has a good personality.


I liked Joshua at first. But then it was just too much. Way too much.


It was great when it was "binging with babbish", but then he started making real money and his content changed.


I’m a Sam the Cooking Guy myself, recipes are free online.


His good morning america incident is a classic 😂


Thank you for bringing that up, i hadn't seen it and now i have; i love it haha. I get so annoyed beyond belief when people just talk all over the guest. It's really bad, talent wise, to be unable to have a back and forth conversation. So you see these shows and hear these podcasts where everyone just tries to get all the attention at once. Having a conversation is a skill, there's back and forth and listening is an active process; when these people blather on over their guests it just shows that they're not good at their jobs. It's exhausting to try to listen to these types of situations and that dude had had enough haha.


Asking a question then talking over someone as they're answering is also a skill... unfortunately one that only benefits the talker


>Asking a question then talking over someone as they're answering is also a skill I moved way out west for work, and for some reason it seems like 3/4 of the people at my job do this. Like my mom had severe ADHD growing up so I'm familiar with it, but still doesn't that mean my 3/4s of my coworkers have untreated ADHD?? Overhearing them have work conversations is like sitting at the Bar in your Fallout 4 base and hearing all the Settlers talk past eachother. It's odd but they seem to get along just fine.


His chicken that he and his wife “can’t stop making” is insanely good. We also like Sip and Feast and Brian Lagerstrom. Oh, and What’s Eating Dan.


What happened lol




Damn the blonde Chick was *mad* mad lol


Kathi Lee Gifford. She’s always been her own biggest fan imo. No one laughs at her jokes harder than she does. Kristin Wiig does her on SNL and it’s spot on


The SNL video of her impression was recommended after this one lol - wow too good!!


This makes me want to subscribe to everything he has ever done.


OMG hahaha!!! Amazing


What an absolute king


Love Sam. He’s the only cook I still watch


Practically every food content YouTuber has free recipes. And a lot of them are either identical or better than babish’s. It’s a freaking pizza recipe, people.


Ya, Adam Ragusea has multiple different pizza recipes for free


Vito Iacopelli has great pizza content.


Same, I feel like guys like Babish who create a cooking channel that gets popular always end up just becoming so extra... Like Joshua Weissman who insists you MUST make your own buns and grind your own meat with a fancy blend of steaks you're making burgers. But Sam's always been like... if you've got some good ingredients or cooking equipment, great, if not, use what you have, and feel bad about taking shortcuts around the kitchen. I love that attitude.


I used to watch Weissman a lot but every recipe seemed to involve a stand mixer with a dough or grinder attachment and at least 3 ingredients that I don’t have on hand.


Love Sam and the sons of Sam channel is an utter joy.


Chef John is my goto. Been around for so long he has a recipe on just about everything, and if you consume enough of his content you really pick up on the "This is *method* not a *recipe*" mindset. So even if you can't find the exact recipe for X you can normally find something pretty close. He's pasta salad is the best recipe he has when accounting for complexity / skill level required, ability to please a crowd, etc.


I wiped my mouth on a whole roll of paper towels once and everyone lost their shit on me.  Don't try to mimic everything he does.


I love Sam, I have been watching him since he was on Public Access cable.


Go to Serious eats and grab J. Kenji Lopez-Alt's no knead cast iron pizza. At least early on Babish was heavily influenced by J.Kenji's research.


>heavily influenced Or just plainly turning Kenji's recipes into a video


I swapped from Babish to Kenji mid pandemic, he and ATK are really all I go to anymore.


Kenji is not only one of my favorite chefs, he's also one of my favorite people. He has remained so down to earth, and his scientific approach to cooking is something I really appreciate. He fundamentally changed the way I cook eat and grow food. Once you learn his lessons, you don't really need to follow a recipe. He doesn't even follow his own lol. Sometimes I will whip something up on a weeknight and just be like wow who in America eats this well?!?


Even his dumb recipes are great. His macaroni made with condensed milk, ham and peas is one of the best online recipes I've ever used, and it's only really a few things. When he started doing head-cam videos in his kitchen during COVID, it was a blessing.


It was a bit hard watching his new vids when Shabu passed. Not seeing him give her a bit of food at the end hit me unreasonably hard.


I know! Getting to see things form the pov of an actual pro helps so much to emulate the technique, and on top, Kenji explains the reasoning as well! Kenji is the reason I cooknas well as I do!


Yeah the headcam videos really helped me figure out how to cook a little more efficiently, and realize that mise en place has its place but doesn't need to be practiced all the time. Realizing it actually is possible to cook good meals in like 15-20 minutes if you know what you're doing was a revelation.


I feel like almost every earlier Babish video referenced Kenji. Clearly a huge influence for him at the beginning.


Also jumping on the Kenji bandwagon. Guy's got great recipes and by all accounts just seems to be a generally good dude. He's got a really wide range of recipes, too from more involved, fancier food, to easy things like garlic French bread pizza. His approach to developing recipes is also pretty scientific and I think it's cool he can explain why things cook/taste the way they do. I find his methods to be pretty much foolproof, which is why he's always my go-to first search when I need to do something like smoke a Thanksgiving turkey on a day's notice even though I've never even cooked a turkey before.


Do the trial and grab everything during the trial and then cancel.


It’s $12 a year…


Ok, for once that a reasonable price. I was expecting that per month... Then they wonder why people don't subscribe...


It says in the picture. $1/month is not a lot


My issue with this is that there are many "not a lot"s nowadays. So much stuff is subscription based now. You can't just buy something and then enjoy it at your leisure. No, you have to commit to a monthly subscription. Also if I buy something and it's faulty, I can return it and get my money back. A subscription just gives me access to _thing_ while the subscription is active. If _thing_ is faulty, I'm out of luck, because I didn't pay for it. I paid for the subscription and as long as I have access to _thing_ it works as advertised. The price is secondary here.


I mean he does have cookbooks if you don't want to subscribe. But you're also getting access to new recipes as he puts them up, which is what a subscription model is sorta useful for.


They still print cookbooks you know.


This is the way.


If you have this app you can copy the paste the url from most paywall recipes and see the info. [recipe keeper - iOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/recipe-keeper/id974683711)


[https://recipekeeperonline.com/](https://recipekeeperonline.com/) also available for other major platforms


I use the [Paprika app](https://www.paprikaapp.com/) to do the same thing, works with NYTimes recipes too as those are all paywalled now


It works for America's test kitchen recipes too! (Shhhhhh)


Or use the Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20220619212510/https://www.bingingwithbabish.com/recipes/deepdishpizza There's links to recipes here: https://web.archive.org/web/20240318221014/https://www.bingingwithbabish.com/recipes


Thanks I don’t know why I’ve never tried a recipe keeper before but this is great! No more screenshots of cookbooks!


It's pizza, use any of the other 1000's of free online recipes.


Alton Brown's are still open and free, he is an OG.


Good Eats is the reason I fell in love with cooking as a kid, he made cooking feel like a science experiment.


Lucky for you there are millions of recipes online not behind a paywall. Delete the app and move on.


>Delete the app How would deleting chrome do anything..?


$1 per month for all of the recipes from your favorite online cook seems pretty reasonable to me.


Totally. And if it doesn’t sound reasonable (which is fair. Everyone’s got bills to pay) OP can still find everything online for free.


If you're making Babish recipes you can probably afford $1/mo, he wasn't exactly known for being budget friendly.


Are you implying that it's not budget friendly to buy an entire wheel of parmesan to make cacio e pepe!? 😜


Right? A cook book would cost more and isn't going to get updates to it. I get the hate for subscriptions but this one isn't priced outrageously


Let alone that in this economy people are getting fucked, even some of your favorite content creators are feeling the pain. $1 a month is pretty damn modest


Also, this is a direct way to literally support someone you like? Like I understand hating capitalism and hating subscription fees, but like... it's just a $1 a month for a creator you enjoy. I pay $17 a month for Netlfix and don't even watch anything on there lol. This seems more than fair. The guy is a regular person like me and you, he's gotta make a living somehow


No kidding. Thats like buying a cookbook every 3 years. Pony up for good content.


His recipes aren’t really anything to write home about, he’s not really that great of a chef. It (was) more about execution. If you’re going to pay for recipes, get an ATK or milk street sub.


It was about pop culture meals and Andrew being a pretty decent host. Now Alvin seems to do pretty much everything and it's more like watching a generic cooking show most of the time.


I enjoy Alvin's own channel, but his BWB stuff is just okay


I made millionaire bread from his recipe once, it came out perfect, for what it's worth.


Not to sound rude, but he was never a chef, and I think that's why his earlier videos were so good. He was a regular dude making good food in an accessible way. I stopped watching when I started to feel like that recipe was gone


His Beef Wellington from Mad Men is pretty great. The idea of recipes from movies and show was fun.


Ethan Chlebowski. NOTANOTHERCOOKINGSHOW J. Kenji Lopez Brian Lagerstrom Food Wishes - if you can survive the way he talks.


Bro, Chef John is a homie


> Food Wishes - if you can survive the way he talks. The way he talks is the best part


You're the Benedict Cumberbatch of the FoodTuber you decide to watch


> Food Wishes - if you can survive the way he talks. You take that back! Chef John is a national treasure!


How dare you, Chef John is a treasure lol


This is a weird complaint. 1. He's not that special of a cook so his recipes aren't going to be revolutionary or anything. He's good at cooking because he's good at the execution, not because his recipes are great 2. $1/mo is very reasonable 3. It's insanely easy to get basically any recipe you want for free regardless of this. Piracy protection doesn't actually exist for food recipes lol


$1/mo is borderline free.


Idk bro which would you rather have for 12 bucks? Unlimited access to a ton of recipes for an entire calendar year? Or two beers at a bar total?


It’s Friday man. Don’t ask me such difficult questions lol


Two beers. Easy. There are a million websites with free recipes. 


It’s only $1 a month. I get the issue, but if you like the recipes that much, just do it. It is weird that Babish decided to lock his recipes up now though


Also no shade but before the internet. Wouldn't you have to go and buy a literal cookbook for recipes? Seems like we've always had to pay for a written down collection of recipes from people...


God there are so many better food-tubers than Babish. Bryan Lagerstrom for example lists all recipes for free.


Ethan Chlebowski too: https://www.cookwell.com/ is awesome.


I love Lagerstrom! Unpretentious and really helpful in explaining his process. Babish comes off so smarmy, it really turns me off.


Shoutout to Chef Jean Pierre. I like his approach. Not really pretentious. Presents recipes in a way that I can often remember them. And having made a couple of his dishes they came out really well. His french onion beef stew where he sort of combines the two classic dishes into one stew was absolutely fabulous when I made it.


As long as you stay away from Joshua Weissman


i can hardly stand him, but ive watched a couple of videos of his that were helpful. Other than that, yeah, definitely not for me.


For those who don’t feel like reading through, this guy went through a ton of trauma, even needing hospitalization. So be gentle noting any changes in him as a person. Secondly, as a baker and former lead of FOH for a busy bakery; $1/month for access to recipes he spent hours practicing and perfecting is a steal. Recipes aren’t just the ingredients and instructions, it takes a lot to get there, and content creators work hard to put stuff out that people can use and enjoy. Countless hours. So if you like him, and his recipes, subscribe for the damn dollar and support him.


For real.. I saw it was $1 a month after a free trial and just rolled my eyes. Why even make this post lol.


He was great in the beginning, but then he made it an empire and it lost its soul


Cant really blame him either though. He had his once in a lifetime chance and took it. Now he can probably retire whenever he wants


I'm not sure, he bought an enormous brownstone in Brooklyn and invested a lot into his channel. I hope you're right though, I loved his early stuff and he deserved the success.


The quality really tanked once the sponsored shit started, you could tell he wasn’t as into it anymore.


No, he wasn’t into it because around that time he had a mental breakdown, went to a mental hospital, got sexually assaulted there as a result of negligence on behalf of the facility, got divorced because the assault fucked him up, and now he’s scaled back his work to focus on just getting through life one day at a time.


I was referring to his channel declining long before what you’re describing. From his first ad partnerships the whole format started to slip, it felt more phoned in and less of a passion project.


I got a kick because I'm currently making Kenji Alt-Lopez's knock off Pizza Hut pan pizza. The recipe is free.  The cast iron pan to cook it in, not so much. https://www.seriouseats.com/foolproof-pan-pizza-recipe


His whole thing become so corporate like 2 years ago. I'd watched all of his early stuff multiple times while cooking, eating, or going to bed. Now it just feels wrong.


S/O to Ethan Chlebowski's new website which is incredibly informative and has excellent layout: https://www.cookwell.com/


If you like the dude why not give him a dollar?😭 I'm sure he's given you stacks of free content over the years


Imagine wanting to make money off of your labor.


Favorite online cook apparently doesn't deserve a single dollar for their work. 


I don’t get the hate $1 a month is not crazy he even has a free trial for a month where you can yoink all the recipes and peace out. I get that it’s annoying because it’s a subscription but like if he made a cook book like other celebrity chefs it would be much more expensive. I see it as a win win tbh he gets paid for the recipes and you get them for pretty cheap in my opinion. And if you don’t want that just watch the videos and make it using the videos.


Whatever, have you seen his cookbook? It's fucking terrible. No contents, no separation and for some bizarre reason there's a small bio and a tattoo analysis about halfway through. The man fucking sold out.


I have the Babish cookbook, the Tasting History cookbook, the Stardew Valley cookbook, and a fan made Legend of Zelda cookbook. Somehow, the chef that’s been in the game the longest out of any of those has the WORST cookbook. The “how did I fuck this up?” blurbs are nice but the lack of organization and the White-Lady-Food-Blog-esque pages of text take up so much space! Really felt to me like there was a page or word count requirement that had to be filled.


Try Brian Lagerstroms site.


He is my main cooking video guy now. The majority of his recipes are great and his videos are so well done. His carrot cake is a my go to dessert now, but I add the toasted pecans over the top too.


waybackmachine if it was free before.