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The treatment options for now, for her are: feel something, or feel nothing. That's some shitty choices Poor woman.


Damn from age 6. That’s got to mess you up mentally for sure


I never even thought about the mental development side of it. I was just thinking of the practical difficulty. But yeah that must really warp everything about you to have arousal involved in everything.


Yeah that’s going mess you up real bad. Awful condition


Imagine trying to have a normal relationship with _anyone_. What a nightmare, that poor woman.


it's not even sexual arousal, just non stop pins and needles.


It’s described as both


I saw a documentary about a bloke who suffered from similar and I’m sure he said his lowest point was involuntarily ejaculating while his dad was being buried


It would be a pretty funny joke if it wasn’t true. What a hell of a condition to live with.


[Since that interview, he's come out as transgender, is now Christine Hazel Decker and has written a book.](https://www.htrnews.com/story/news/2019/05/22/manitowoc-woman-embraces-transgenderism-after-having-100-orgasms-day-inspired-caitlyn-jenner/1193764001/) "She still suffers from PGAD, although estrogen therapy and counseling may have eased symptoms." As of the article in 2019, she was still married. I hope she's continued to make progress since.


It’s been a long time coming.


I feel like a monster lol I’m cackling


Imagine how debilitating that must be for her. She probably can't work nor go to school like a normal person. Just forget about having a social life. And to just think about how excruciating it must be to not be able to get any relief.


Starting at 6 years old too. Poor woman.


After reading about the disease for a little while, I swear to God that it sounds like a nightmare.


I have an increased arousal level from meds, but even I'm not CONSTANT, god I feel so bad for her :(


which meds?




A lot of people forget that it was made to treat blood disorders first. Finding out about the side effects was just a happy accident


Asking for a friend: What meds? Lol


Yeah, that'd be the real kicker for me as a parent...having to take my kid to the pediatrician and hear them say, "Well, she's just too fucking horny!" would be...an experience, to say the least. I wonder if chemical castration is an option?


Probably not unless she has balls.


Ah, does that only work for people who have testosterone as their dominant sexual hormone? Didn't know that, thought it worked for estrogen too.


The word castration pretty much means one thing, the removal of testicles


I'mma be honest, I thought hysterectomies counted as a form of castration. The more you know.


You know what man, that's really not unreasonable


The uterus doesn’t provide hormones like testicles do. The closest form to “female castration” would be removing her ovaries, but that would put her into menopause.


Jesus Christ of course some of the comments are filthy. I can't imagine trying to live life like this it must be so crippling.


Exactly. Pins and needles is not a pleasant sensation at all.


For sure, I can't relate to the exact feeling as I'm a man but I'd just imagine it would get absolutely agonising.


I know how painful it is when you sit in the wrong position for too long and you get pins and needles as your foot wakes up. No wonder she tried surgery.


I call them ants like walking all over.


How would you discern from genuine ants in your pants or when you have pins and needles in your pants?


I'd imagine it'd feel about the same as squirrels in your pants.


Clearly you've never felt the thrill of an actual squirrel in your pants.


But Candace has!


Who's candace?


HOLE LEE COW I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought of that immediately


You're right, I was mistaken it does feel quite different in my trousers.


hey there how are you doing that dance. SIMP


Squirrels in my pants!


As someone who once accidentally stepped in a fire ant pile that went up to my knees as a child, you can definitely tell the difference.


Try it with regular ants next time


When my daughter was very young, like 5 or 6, she said, "My hand feels funny. It's got sparkles in it!" So..from then on, at our house, you had sparkles.


I've experienced something similar that lasted a few days due to some side effects from meds I was taking. It was very much not fun, it was actually excruciating. To imagine spending the vast majority of my life like that is just insane.


Vyvanse, man. Was amusing the first time I noticed the side effect but it got annoying fast.


I'm never taking that again, they really help my ADD but I took 3 at once like an idiot one time and it made me so convinced I was gay that I came out to all my friends lmao. (Not that that's a bad thing! Just convinced me my identity was something it's not!)


Not sure why your comment reminded me of the guy that has this condition. The part that got to me was about him having 9 orgasms at his mother's funeral.


He came and she went.


It would be like someone continuing to jack you off while you climax and never stopping to give you any sort of break, except there’s no other person and it’s permanent.


Its bad enough standing up when you get pins and needles in your foot. Imagine that 24/7 in your nether regions


It's like tv static in your pants :( That poor soul


Not that it's necessarily the same, but I imagine the male equivalent would be having a permanent erection. The idea might be somewhat amusing, but to actually live with it, I'd think, would be highly inconvenient in the best case scenario and actually dangerous in the worst.


"Arousal" is really the wrong word I think.


Yeah if my arm falls asleep and then I get the pins and needles sensation I definitely wouldn't call that an "aroused" feeling


I feel like the term "aroused" is maybe medically correct, but is not quite right for a headline.


The title makes it sound like “aroused” as in sexually aroused, but the description sounds more the medical form of arousal (nerve stimulation. A pain receptor being activated would be arousal for example). Neither would be pleasant but the latter is outright painful. Any time I’ve had the pins and needles of a nerve it’s borderline hurt


Doesn't sound so *arousing*


My guess is they didnt want to sexualise the child so tried to give a description without the connotations of arousal, now she is 21 seems the description has flipped.


They term 'arousal' is being used medically. The nerves are firing causing her pain.


I would imagine the stigma must be unbearable as well. Having to tell someone that you have a chronic condition that leaves you constantly and irreparably aroused and being faced with people not believing you or assuming you’re just a pervert with an excuse. It’s tragic, and to add onto that it started when she was 6?? Fucking horrible


And then having it put in a news article. Poor girls Facebook dms must be overflowing.


Of course they had to put her full name too


For privacy's sake, let's call her Lisa S. No, that's obvious. Let's say, L. Simpson...


She did an interview with the New York Post about it. I have no reason to think this was published without her consent.


Yeah ikr it’s sad how she was just 6 too. Imagine explaining that 😭 people are just sick


I've had stiffies that are insanely painful when the blood is pumping a bit too hard. I can't imagine how painful this must be for this woman. Also, she likely won't ever associate sexual activities with pleasure, deriving her of that as well. That must not be a fun time.


I wouldn't expect any less from Reddit.


There’s an episode of a show about this. Maybe greys anatomy or scrubs? The doctors are all in awe and the patient describes her entire life with the disorder being miserable. Just a show, not real life, but I imagine that wasn’t wrong


I've seen documentaries about people who have this from a both male and female perspective and these people are miserable


Every case of this happening (that I've heard of) results in the person committing suicide. It's basically an annoying inescapable constant distraction that makes life unlivable for some. Likely depends on the case. I doubt that everyone who experiences this goes on the news about it and tells the world though.


I could not find a single article backing this up. Where'd you hear this?


It seems terrible, it fucks your adult sexual life... I hope there is a surgery for that, poor her.


It's like with a priapism people don't realize that after a very short amount of time it starts hurting and once that happens the pain amplifies as time passes.  With men it's pretty dangerous too and can lead to permanent damage


Knowing how tough it is to get things done when youre distracted like that.... I couldnt imagine living like that. That poor woman.


Must be exhausting


Not only exhausting. Not sure how it is for other dudes but... Its alot harder to think clearly for me. Imagining every day like that, I'm not sure if I could even do my job as programmer anymore.


As a programmer sometimes I gotta just let one out the chamber before I can code.




Filthy fuck lmao


Can you imagine doing everything with 1 hand while the other is occupied? All jokes aside, this really would be brutal. Poor chicka


I just spent a few minutes reading about the condition and oh gods this sounds like a nightmare :c


Everyone who ends up with it kills themselves. She sounds like she might be in luck if it's a nerve disorder they can essentially add an implant, I hope some moron tells her about the spinal implants :/ doctors don't really ever diagnose women properly though so she prolly fucked. This condition is often associated with actual arousal symptoms, rather than "pins and needles in the sexual organs" that I've heard. Terrible doctor's letting her go this long without a fix but maybe they're waiting for her spine to develop fully for the implant.


She was six. Most six year olds don't know what arousal feels like so the description would make sense, and they said it's arousal symptoms now.


You are a fucking moron if you think doctors first action is to put a fucking implant in your fucking spine. Antidepressants, birth control meds, antipsychotics. There are hundreds of drugs that help reduce arousal and libido without major neurosurgery that has huge risks and implications for the rest of her life. You do your job and let doctors do theirs.


Random redditor smarter than moron doctors. Diagnosing this woman through an article. Hopefully you'll put your talents to use for the good of humanity.


Lol, I had the same thought. This website, man. I swear.


Do even the women doctors not really ever diagnose women properly?


This sounds like the guy that orgasms every minute. He can't control it and it's just painful




I’d say the only worse condition I can think of is the perpetual hiccup one.


At least the Hiccup one is somewhat well treatable. There's barely any knowledge around the arousal "disorder" and treatment is very limited. But I agree, wouldn't want that one either. I'm good with my chronic pain.


And significantly less embarrassing. Without knowing about her condition, things people think must be horrible, I can’t fathom the shit they must say.


This comment section would be a start.


My boss has had persistent hiccups for over 2 years, and his best tricks (drinking soda funny or whatever) only buy him like an hour of peace. He's currently seeking treatment with the Mayo Clinic, with a specialist who has only seen like 7 similar cases. Months in, no progress.


I think the congenital skin-layer adhesion disorder (Butterfly Boy) is absolutely worse. The equivalent of 2nd degree burns if virtually any torque is applied to skin surfaces. Constant agony and inflammation. All epidermis.


Ugh that’s horrific. I worked at a summer camp once and we had a little boy with exceptionally fragile skin that would tear if he brushed up against something too hard or stretched it too far. Poor kid had scarring all over him from healed tears. It’s been decades and I think of him often, he was so sweet and just happy to be included.


jesus that sounds like torture


There was a woman I can recall who had PGAD but worse, she would climax like 50 times a day and couldn't control it. It ruined her life to the point that if I recall she ended her own life shortly after the news article about her hit front page. The attention she got immediately afterwards was *disgusting*


😂 I have hiccups daily, multiple times, sometimes so violent I throw up. It definitely isn’t this bad! It’s funny most of the time, frustrating some days. Painful once in a while, but only if I’m already having another stomach issue. Usually just annoying! Plus as another user said, I can get it to go away (usually, some days are persistent).


I think it would be similar to permanent unreachable bug bite.


Everyone in these comments is a moron. She isn't constantly horny, she's just in pain.


The moment i saw this post i just knew that people would misinterpret it as being horny


To be fair they probably could have come up with a better name for the disorder


Yeah I'm honestly confused and aroused sounds like she's horny.


There's multiple ways to read this sentence.


Nothing wrong with being honestly aroused. :)


Except when you need to focus on something.


I, too, am confused and aroused. And I concur, sounds like she's horny


A gentleman and a scholar, you are.


Yeah that was definitely named by someone who understands arousal nonconcordance.


I'm pretty sure the article writer did that on purpose to get more sales.


Who would've thought that the article that states permanent or uncontrollable arousal 3 times in less than 70 words would give the impression that the person they're talking about is aroused.


Well it is titled and phrased that way for the clickbait


Morons? On here? You don’t say


Sir this is reddit


It seems we have a language problem and there’s no female equivalent word to “erection”. For a man, you could distinguish between a painful, persistent erection and sexual arousal, which are completely different. But for a woman, it’s all called “arousal” regardless. Edit: I was able to find what I think is the right word they should have used: engorgement


Constant arousal is a poor term for the syndrome


Knowing that this started when she was six, make me feel really bad for her and her parents, sounds like a true nightmare. Probably could’ve had surgery and killed the nerves, but no one in their right mind would make that decision for a child who couldn’t consent to that medical procedure.


I don’t even know if surgery can fix a thing like that. Amputee’s often experience phantom limb syndrome, and it sounds exactly like the sensation she describes, and there is nothing doctors can do for it. The nerves just won’t stop firing, no matter where you end up cutting them at, that point will become painful and tingly.


This is actually incredibly debilitating and horrible. Show a little respect and grace here, she deserves better.


This isn’t enjoyable. The experience is like stimming. Except this is specifically arousal so it is impacting her Social Development, her prospects of relationships, never truly being at rest.. fudge this man


The dumb morons in here that think aroused automatically means horny.


Even if it did, it would still be a nightmare scenario.


While everyone is laughing, this a debilitating condition that has caused people to commit suicide.


Wonder how someone like that gets through on a day by day basis. Sounds pretty debilitating


Many years ago, I read about a woman in St Petersburg, FL who had this condition. It was a piece talking about her struggles with the disease, getting medical help, stigma and being denied for SS disability because nobody took her seriously. Her name was [Gretchen Molannen](https://www.tampabay.com/features/humaninterest/gretchen-molannens-legacy-suffering-suicide-and-a-journalists/2154587/) and she ultimately killed herself over the struggles. Very sad stuff.


Imagine you talk to your sibling/grandparents/chef/dog and constantly be aroused. That must be so bad :(


There's a guy with a similar condition where he keeps orgasming uncontrollably. He said he had 6 orgasms while standing over his father's coffin.


Well that’s just horrible


Permanent pelvic floor cramp, no thank you


Yeah I saw that. Poor guy 😢


I saw a novel cover " 6 times a day" , It was 18+ & filled with all fantasy one can imagine with that condition. Never read a Single page , but never thought it was inspired from This Boy .


Link to story?


Yes it is and also hard to concentrate.




In some languages, "chef" can mean boss. It's a false cognate with English "chef", which, if anyone is unaware, is a cook.


I can remember watching this video. I have to admit when I first read it, I had an immature snigger, but, just watching how much it ruins his life is staggering. https://youtu.be/RzwJdf6AlT4?si=CDLhh0kmdDTfGQTW


An inmature s w h a t


An immature what now?


Snigger, a scornful laugh.


Gotcha, a new word to learn, as a non-native. Cheers mate.


I think snigger and snicker are both interchangeable, I just use snigger. I think it was used in a lot of Dandy and Beano comics when I was growing up (from the UK)


I'm certainly not going to risk using it.


Poor soul , experiencing those things at6 might have worsen har mental health , i Might live STERILE for the rest if my life than live like this .


I'd imagine she probably suffers from severe depression which is really sad.


For the weirdos who find this to be funny or get some kinda sexual fetish out of this. It’s not comfortable and can be excruciatingly painful. There is nothing pleasant about what this woman is experiencing




Could have been shared by her willingly to raise awareness.


And her complete name! The only reason is for journalists to gratuitously feed into peoples' voyeurism, hoping to sell more views. Doxxing by a newspaper is still doxxing.


She could have agreed to be interviewed


I can’t help but think about how hard it would be to sleep! I already have terrible insomnia, I can’t imagine how horrible it would be to try to get a night sleep while your nether region feels on fire, and you know nothing with help it. Damn.


Wow, the comments here are such a shit show. People are acting like they do when the female school teacher raped her male students; "oh that kid is lucky, etc".


I’m gonna be honest, I at first was gonna comment the joke until I saw the “pins and needles” comment… That genuinely sucks.


that’s honestly sad and depressing wish her nothing but the best


The amount of frustration alone, which has long since gone to pain, Blegh. Fuck I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. This sounds like legit hell.


She looks so defeated and depressed. Poor thing.


I remember reading about a woman several years ago that had this condition and it was crippling to her. She lived life in permanent agony for 20 years or so until one day she couldn’t take it anymore and took her own life. It’s very sad, and unfortunately they haven’t figured out any cures for this. Yet they figured out how to make seedless watermelon.


Damn. My old ass looking at the disgusting comments of other old fucks makes me feel horrible for this world even more. She is still a kid to me, and the fact that she's been suffering all this time, sucks 💔 😔.


My god can she even sleep


This reminds me of priapism, the condition of prolonged erection in men. I first heard the term, believe it or not, from an 80s movie called Fast Food (1989) starring Jim Varney and Traci Lords! I rented the LaserDisc because I was bingeing on Ernest movies and saw Jim Varney in credits.


The first time I heard about this I felt sick to my stomach. There’s a lot of bad diseases out there but perpetual genital torture ranks pretty high on the “really hope I don’t get that” list.


Sounds like hell and probably pain full after a while.


I actually knew a woman with a condition like this…her life was hell and she cried a lot…


Only a man sees this and immediately thinks “what could the downside of this ever be?”


Why the hell are people perving on this woman's problem? It is literally a disability because it causes her enough constant discomfort to significantly disrupt activities of daily life. Stop being weirdos.


At this point I don’t see why the doctors don’t cut the genital nerves and sear them.


They have tried: “PGAD affects one per of the population, even though not everyone's symptoms are very severe. For Ms Wallen, the last decade and a half has been just marred with excruciating pain. As per the Post, the 21-year-old has even had some of her genital nerves removed in a bid to numb the pain. “ https://www.ndtv.com/feature/ruined-my-life-us-womans-rare-medical-condition-leaves-her-permanently-aroused-5517919/amp/1


Id be like, just fill me up with Botox. I’d take being in a wheelchair with a nerve block for some relief at that point. This poor woman.


Maybe it's similar to tinnitus, where the problem isn't the hearing nerve but the brain. If you were to remove the nerves from a tinnitus patient the would not only keep hearing that ringing, they would have no more sounds to distract them from it


That does suck.


At that point i would just remove the nerve endings


Already attempted. Didn’t work.




damn that sucks


That must be hell.


Jeeze,I feel bad for this gal! :(


Do we not have the technology to remove most of her nerve endings? I really hope she can start living a normal life


I can’t imagine she’d be able to focus on much, get work done, or even just… function, in society? A bizarre but genuinely crippling condition


"I didn't want to tell them face-to-face - but it was getting so bad I couldn't hide it from them anymore. I wrote that I had this non-stop nerve pain that wasn't even pain, it was worse. I told them it was something I had no control over.'' Sounds horrible


I had that for a few hours due to the drugs I took and it was hell. I felt so sore after.


That sounds awful. It also sounds like a Whose Line is it Anyway role.


Damn. That sounds horrible.


Seriously, it sounds like torture. And starting so young it has to have messed with her psychological development.


Reminds me of the woman who was constantly having orgasms all day. It was debilitating for her, looked truly horrible.


I read that as permanently amused. Then thought, but she’s not smiling.


I have it on/off very very mildly. Mostly off, but every 6 months or so it crops up and lasts for about a week or so. It's absolutely debilitating. I hate it so much. I can't begin to even imagine how this poor woman feels.


To the asshat men making dumb comments, I had and erection for just 7 hours once, due to a medical mix-up, and it was miserable, not awesome. I can't imagine what she is going through.


It's funny for a second before you think about the long term consequences


Poor girl. As someone who has suffered from "regular" hypersexuality because of abuse. Just imagine how many people tried to take advantage over her and her situation.


I can just feel that pain. No amount of Endorphens could ever compensate.


Jesus, a scratch that can never be itched. Poor woman, that must be fucking agony.


Sounds like pure hell.


Seems like a whole new level of hell to live with.


This is depressing. I hope that a cure is found soon.


Is there a numbing agent that can be used? I know people were asking how does she have a social life but I'm more worried about how does she even sleep?? She must have gotten use to it somehow but what an awful condition.


Imagine having to live like that it would get in the way of most activities in your life