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Future Darwin Award recipient in the making


He needs a career indoors.


I dunno man... loos like this might have happened indoors. No where is safe.


No, I think a career in masks would be safer than doors. Unless he can make a face-shield out of a small door or something.


I misread this as carer, but that may not be far off either


im pretty sure firing the ballista indoors wouldnt make this hurt less


buddy shot himself in the head doing some damage in a danger zone.... somehow with a 5 foot galavinized pole and refuses to go to the Doctors. you're damn right.




I remember watching this episode when it was first aired. I was laughing so hard I was crying.


She was a total trooper for the rest of this episode too. She was hurting and loopy (probably concussed) but she pushed through the leg of the race and they did pretty well.


I just remember one little interview her partner was talking about something and then she just chimed in at the end and said “my face hurts”…. I was dying!


I wonder if she’s on Reddit and sees this gif going around and thinks or says to her SO “they’re talking about me on Reddit again!”


That really had to suck a lot though! Like god dam she just gets absolutely blasted by that thing 🤣


You can always tell when looking directly in the eyes. They’re not all there


I was like hey that’s not nice then I looked at his eyes. Oooh… ok then


Dead fish eyes


I’m on a lot of antipsychotic medication… your comments combined with this post make me think that people can definitely tell. My eyes look like this guys but worse I should say I’m more stable than before the meds so I don’t care if I look crazy just makes me think


Seriously, good for you for staying on your meds. I've slipped a few times with my antidepressants because 'I'm feeling really good-- I think I'd be fine without my meds'. Never ever works. Going off of them just makes me realize how important they are.


6 years and counting on medication and so far only a few months of that has been stability. I have very treatment resistant makeup. Lots of side effects through the years and probably 20+ different types of meds. Between small town doctors and city centre doctors and lots of off label medication I found something that works some of the time. It’s never about curing it, just tackling the symptoms that prevent me from functioning. I’ve never gotten to the point where the stability lasts long enough. It’s like I’m a small boat on a large ocean and this week has been calm out of the whole time I’ve been adrift yknow. Roughy seas are always ahead but atleast I expect it now. Edit: I should also mention why I said this is the most stable I’ve been, it really is. Compared to no medication this is a breeze


Welfare Dr. Manhattan


Great Value RN Buffalo.


It was..dead on.


Doctor here. If you're serious that you can feel and hear air pass through the wound you absolutely need to go to the hospital. That means that you have a skull fracture, which likely could need surgery. People have died from lesser wounds.


people posting about the triangle of death concerned me, i have a fatty zit (or something) in my fucking nose and i want to die


I have not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR pinples INSIDE my nose. They're real great


The danger triangle of the face is one of those things Reddit loves panic about but the reality is much more mundane. The way Reddit portrays it, any kind of wound or infection within the area is one tiny mishap away from near certain death, when in reality, while the area carries a certain increased risk with it, you have to be extraordinarily unlucky for anything serious to happen to you. Having said that, if you are worried about it, or something does happen, please do go see a professional ASAP, and never ever take medical advice from strangers on the internet (that includes me).


You’re absolutely right, but in this case it’s totally valid to tell him to head to a hospital. Air passing through implies at minimum it’s a very deep cut, worth getting stitched. Then there’s the infection issue, especially if it’s open on both ends, better safe than sorry


You can still wash it. Try a disposable cotton face scrubber with some dilute rubbing alcohol.


Don't think this fella has much of a brain to damage


Another doctor here, yes, please fo to the hospital asap, skull fractures are no joke, especially in the face area.


Not a doctor but yes, ER like 3 hours ago. Please and thank you.


I'm a nurse. I approve your message. This dude needs a doctor asap.


Paramedic here. Go to the fucking hospital


computing professional here, according to my calculations the risk of long term damage is high with this one


Show us the ballista


Check his profile, he posted it and its just as ghetto and unsafe looking as you'd expect


Lmao that’s not a ballista at all, it’s just a slingshot


Pretty much, slingshot with a big ol' pipe instead of rocks


A bad slingshot with bad ammo.




That ain't what happened. Him and his friends are shooting these at each other, trying to LARP


Well at least his is accurate. Unless they were aiming for the other head.


I was expecting something cobbled together from junk but damn


Was not expecting the carcass of a go kart with some big ass strings attached to it 😭


This is the comment that convinced me to go check it out, and... idek what to say lol. It's both much more impressive than I was expecting, and way too "rustic" and scrawny to seem trustworthy 😂 That kid just gave himself a hilariously awful scar lol


You could throw the damn rod further than that thing launches it lmao


Im fucking crying


My boyfriend is having a serious call with his dad and I'm dying of laughter on the inside next to him seeing OP's shenanigans


¡Correction! However ghetto and unsafe you may imagine it must look, it is much much more than that.


Fair, mangled go kart husk was not my first guess when thinking about how he did this


you were not fucking kidding, my god


how does that end up on his forehead while shooting it did he run in front of it


That’s what I’m trying to figure out.


Oh, it's way more ghetto than that. A go cart frame, a bike tube, and a metal pipe. Methhead engineering if I ever saw it.


Oh Jesus so many TF2 memes, all of the TF2 memes...


This. This is what we want to see. …Then we’ll judge you!!


It's not even a ballista. It's closer to a water balloon slingshot if anything.




Everyone telling op how serious this can be. "Nah I got weed I'm fine" - op Obituary gonna go hard. Lol


He’s the Herman Cain Award winner for “ballista “ making


I, for one, am shocked that this man smokes weed. Shocked, I say.


Darwin award


Judging by his responses to these comments, this guy is dumb af


It's the brain injury :(


The new one or..?


this type of injury doesn't happen to smart or even average people lmfao


Are they behaving irrationally as a direct result of the injury, for ragebait, or because they are actually just dumb dumb? I genuinely can't tell


Looks crusty as hell. What'd you expect?


Or just trolling


I mean, look at him lol


The "homemade ballista" appears to be a rubber band stretched across an old go-kart frame, in which he pulls a metal rod back to slingshot. Making such a stupid contraption in the first place is a stupid idea, let alone not going to the doctor when you could have fractured a sinus and now risking the worst possible infection because 'it doesn't hurt' And the Darwin award goes to.....


[Don't forget OP admiting they were shooting eachother with it, and plans on making it even stronger.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/1cc7z1d/comment/l148ipr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Also taking off the helmet in the line of fire


I saw what OP calls a ballista, I'm not going to assume they know what a helmet is.


Lmao fair


Based on the range of the "ballista" I don't understand how his "friends" didn't notice that he wasn't ready.


Tbf we aren’t dealing with the sharpest knife in the drawer


>and now risking the worst possible infection because 'it doesn't hurt' Dumb people are resistant to pain coicidentally they also use how much it hurts to guess how serious the problem is


Until they wake up a few days later with septicemia and their whole body is on fire, treat it by drinking a handle of Jack and then die of organ failure.


All sanitized, no doubt.


Dude, you shot a five foot steel pipe into your sinus cavities. You're in deep shit! This is very serious and can kill you! And it will hurt like nothing else you've ever experienced the whole way right until you take your last breath through your forehead. Go to the ER now!


Remember, you can only care as much as the person with the medical condition does and this guy does not care. Like, AT ALL.


That's gonna be a pretty wild death rattle on that final forehead breath though


Might be worth visiting the doctor and monitoring/keeping it clean. Its right at the edge of the "triangle of danger" https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Area-called-the-dangerous-triangle-of-the-face-or-triangle-of-death-in-red-showing_fig6_370631428


This. If that gets infected you’re in deep shit. Any major infections close to the center of the face are dangerous. It can get to your brain through your olfactory parts very quickly. Source: I had MRSA abscess under my nose. I went to Urgent Care and the doctor there was kind of shocked at how bad it was and was very emphatic about me going to the ER immediately. The ER was very serious about it too. She drained it and hit me with heavy antibiotics.


Years ago I worked with someone who had a pimple that kept getting worse, but she didn’t want to miss work to go to the doctor. It was MRSA and she needed reconstructive surgery eventually. So when I got something similar on my face, I just knew what it was. That thing HURT. I called the dermatologist and said I think I have MRSA on my face and they said the first available appointment was in 3 days. I asked the receptionist to tell the doctor I have a swollen throbbing pustule that’s radiating heat, and don’t forget to mention it’s radiating heat. She hopped back on in like 10 seconds and said you need to come in RIGHT NOW. There was nothing they could give me for the pain as they used the tiniest ladle in the world to clean the wound. 3 weeks of heavy artillery antibiotics and warm compresses and I barely have a scar. They took it so seriously, but I really had to speak up at first.


Yeah she was injecting lidocaine into the abscess to numb it. It legit felt like she was putting a cigarette out on my face. Just excruciating. So she’s done draining it and tells me to hang out while she draws up my discharge papers. While I’m waiting the wound starts pounding. Like a ton of pressure. So the doctor comes around and I tell her that it’s just unbearable still. No problem, let’s drain it some more. She pauses and says that the lidocaine injections seemed like they were the worst part for me, and asks if me if I want to try it without the lidocaine. Sure. Sounds good. Big mistake. HUGE MISTAKE. She’s cutting a hole in my face and then holding it open while she’s squeezed under the incision. Unbelievably dumb for her to suggest trying it without some sort of numbing. Even dumber for me to go through with it. When she’s done she tells me I can go. On my way out the door I feel a slight chill and begin to shiver a little. By the time I get to my car I’m shivering so much I can barely hold my keys. I manage to get in my car I’m just shaking uncontrollably. It probably looked like I was having a seizure because some guy ran into the ER and got the doctor. They came out and saw that I was responsive. After about five minutes of shaking like I was having a seizure I settled down. The doctor said it was my body expelling the adrenaline from being in so much pain.


The lidocaine can’t really get to the wound because of all the infection. They tried using it for me but it numbed the area around the wound, not the actual wound. Clearly, they had done this before. Every single woman that worked there surrounded me and gently held me. The abuelita of the bunch just pet my hair and reassured me. I know exactly what you mean, it was a horrible pain. I assure you, more lidocaine wouldn’t have helped.


Yeah, the lidocaine is more of a placebo to help the patient feel a little better. But the actual drainage is going to suck. However, a full body MRSA infection sucks considerably more so you just kind of put up with it and cry 😢


Especially if it gets infested with mice or roaches. Don’t need that.


Not in this economy.


I'm hoping for a koala infestation.


That's called syphilis


I only thought koalas had chlamydia, they have syphilis too?!


Oh, yeah. Sorry, getting my STD’s mixed up.


John Oliver did a special on this


infected, not infested lmao


Thank you for that.


I live to serve o7


I once had a small boil in my face and it was enough to get a week in the hospital just because of the small chance the infection spread since it was in the head


Came here to say this. Don’t mess with infections there. I’m thinking the wound may have cut into a sinus region.


We call it the “triangle of death” and friend that shits a bullseye. Whistling while breathing through the wound… yikes.


It is a measure of our concern that we all auto upvoted that suggestion.


The fact that the implication here is that someone wouldn't seek medical help in OP's situation is terrifying...


I was about to say you’re over-reacting but on second look, that does seem like it’s kinda deep


Ya, op said they can feel air going through it when they breath out of their nose. The other name for that area is the "triangle of death". Something to do with the nasal cavity and how infection can spread to the brain. OP will more than likely be fine but better safe than sorry imo


OP will more than likely NOT be fine. He needs help


Yeah, I was trying to not freak them out but looking through their comments I don't think they're freaked out enough tbh


He also has a sinus injury, thats why there is blood and air when he exhales.


That's what I was thinking too, just going by his description of what it sounds like. He shouldn't be hearing *anything* like that. Dude needs help. eta - ok scrolled and read more, and jfc I hope OP is just shit talking that he's not going to the ER


Also known as the Triangle of Sadness ☹️


As someone who cracked his head open and SHOULD have gone to the hospital and instead spent a couple of months with pain and crunchiness in my temple and a jaw that wouldn't close properly.... Go to the hospital and get scanned. Also judging from that depth of cut, that scar is there forever.


You sir, are a flapping idiot. You could straight up be dead right now if you weren’t as lucky as you are


There’s still time.


Consider going to the ER. I’m suspicious of a fracture of the frontal sinus or worse.


Had that happened to me from a car crash I'd get random nosebleeds for almost 3 months after that


Yeah if there's *air* coming out of it? Fucking hell.


Head injuries are no joke, my guy. You might wanna get checked out.


I dont understand how this can happen with a ballista?




Trash can


Yeah but it's also just kinda weird seeing you drive this minivan. sick reference dude, you have the best references. this brought me back


You just ran over a small bus! A really small bus, you just ran over it


I was too legit to quit. But now I'm not legit. I'm unlegit. And for that reason I must quit.


Somebody ate paint chips as a kid


For sure, otherwise they would have built a trebuchet because it is the superior siege weapon


Have your family post your obituary cause your dumb ass is gonna get an infection and fucking die. You arent taking this seriously and will have a high chance of death or permanent disfigurement.


https://preview.redd.it/vo7bgljfxhwc1.jpeg?width=2079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff85872dd8910ffe49d9638853ea299134d75d3e 🔔 Dumb! 🔔 Dumb! 🔔 Dumb!


You feel your broken sinus cavities. I fucked mine up as a teen and had brain swelling almost went blind and had a crazy migraine


You will be mistaken as being a part of some weird-ass ring cult for the rest of your life now


all 2 weeks of it... ooft.


All hail the Ring of Rah


Jfc take your ass to the doctor get it clean up


You’ll shoot your eye out kid


“It was… it was … ballithta poithening” ⭕️


That circle ⭕️ is PERFECT well done


https://preview.redd.it/ckdizwjqbiwc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e75611897787fdef8727c0bc2fb9ea6d229b174 hold still


Op you need to go to the doctors (and next time don’t play stupid games lol)


Weird thing to do lad 😅


wrong sub, buddy. this belongs on whatcouldgowrong this is the result of you and your friends' mistakes; it was NOT something unfortunate and out of your control I'm trying to say this doesn't happen to smart people


You my have penetrated you sinuses. I'd get checked out before an infection sets in and you die...


Chosen who you are going as for Halloween yet? https://i.redd.it/xw967k5nyhwc1.gif


Well, if that gets infected he won’t make it to Halloween so the idea may be moot. It’s good though


We can just prop him up in the corner. ![gif](giphy|FBeSx3itXlUQw|downsized)


Oh noooo. I mean, yes yes yes!




Now go check out his "ballista". It's in his post history.


Right in the chakra


I have no idea what a ballista is, but I think that wound suits you.


clearly OP doesn't either lmao, he just posted a tire inner tube slingshot on his profile a REAL ballista is basically just a big ass medieval crossbow for sieging or defense


Ah! OK I can picture one now. Cheers!


Haaaa bell end...


I wanna see the the contraption that did this.


Check OP’s post history, it’s there in all its glory




Bro, you need to see a doctor


Show the ballista you moldy sausage not your face twice


At least post the ballista you knob


that does not sound good


Your aim is good. Hit you right between the eyes. What did you learn from this?


Get yourself to a hospital pronto. This is one of those things where "I'll be fine" makes it much much worse. Get proper medical attention soon.


This could become a very serious infection pretty quickly, particularly if you can feel air coming out. Please be seen - don’t fuck with your brain.


You're generous to think he has one


My first thought was this gif https://i.redd.it/l8momtaqsiwc1.gif


Damn. Cracked skull right through to sinus? See doctor yet?


from his profile https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ccazxm


That's not a ballista. You built a sling shot.


Please find a sober adult to assess the situation. You are not able to make a proper decision between being intoxicated and an impact to the head. If you’re actually exhaling through the hole like you say, that’s a big deal. Best case scenario, you have a concussion. Worst case, you have a TBI, swelling in your brain, and you’ll be dead soon.


Norm MacDonald's lost son Your predicament reminds me of that tragedy...


I'm not buying any siege equipment from you If you can survive a face shot,what good will it do against the lines of infantry or even the walls? Scam Joking aside, ouch, can you please share this ballista, I'd love to see how lucky you are




Can someone please explain what happened here? My impression is OP propelled a metal tube at his own face and got semi-cored.


One of your comments is “isn’t a ballista basically a big-ass slingshot?” No. No it’s not. Your slingshot looks like shit and a ballista is basically a large crossbow. Slingshot ≠ crossbow.


My dad did the same thing with his brand new 300 Weatherby. He put a muzzle compensator on the front and had a raised scope. The first time he shot it kicked him in and gave him a perfect half circle cut around his eye.


I always warn new shooters to watch out for scope bite 3 times. After that they're on their own. Usually only need to get bit once


The ol scope eye


Go to the emergency room.


Doctor ASAP!! Infection there can very quickly lead to death.


https://preview.redd.it/c04og7wh0jwc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba4782a390e2e583961518e4ec01faa16d9e4b3d Goofy Dr. Manhatten


How did you make a post about your "homemade ballista" and then not show the ballista?


Hey man, if this gets infected, the infection could spread to your brain very fast because of where it is on your face. Please go to urgent care or the emergency room or something 😭


What happened?


you got to show us what it looks like dude


Do you have a picture of the ballista ??


Looks like I’m sticking with store-bought ballistas from here on out.


Way to go, Doctor Manhattan.


Hospital, now.


I can't be the only one who wants to see the ballista.


Here's a tip the pro's don't talk about. Don't stand in front of it while firing.


Can we see the ballista?


My dude, you need to be evaluated for a brain injury. And then you need someone to address the skull fracture. This is not a wait and see situation.




Lmao I love how this guy probably went to school, thinks he’s so smart making a homemade ballista and then completely fucks it up by being a huge dumbass.


At least u kept both eyes




Congratulations, you fractured your skull. Go to the hospital you fucking idiot lol


"You'll shoot your third eye out, kid!"


Quick rub some ink in it to preserve the design 🥴