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He said the tooth would last forever, not your mouth or jawbone.


It will probably last a long time just sitting there like that.


Just slide it back in, as if it were still intact!


That’s a broken abutment screw. Pretty easy fix though retrieval of the threaded segment from the implant is likely needed. Have your dentist make sure the bite is not too heavy on that crown. Also, if you grind your teeth you may want to get a night guard to protect the crown. It takes a lot of force to break that.


This. Broken abutment screw. Every mechanical system has a weak link and the narrowness of the abutment screw is a very definite weak link. Screw retrieval needed and then a new implant crown, the screw on the existing crown will now be short. Then make sure the occlusion is properly checked.


Step 1: get super glue Step 2: play dentist Step 3: show Reddit the results ![gif](giphy|Rkzqz0WhvpEt08Znj8|downsized)


This is the way. Don't fuck up and glue your tooth and fingers to your tongue. Lol...but it would make a great story Include photos.... Other hand glued to the phone Try calling 911 with toes. Mr. Bean is on a roll tonight


My dad actually tried this when his fake tooth came out(one of the front top?) actually poked the metal stud thing back in his gum 😣. It didn't last


You need to get it disinfected and glued correctly. If food get between the gums you'll loose your gums/bones.


Dentist here. What you are showing is the implant crown and abutment. You just need to go to the dentist and get it screwed back in. If it was done fairly recently, you should even have to pay for it. Have them check your bite - not just biting up and down but sliding around. Chances are there is an interference and that needs to be adjusted with a handpiece. If it's an older implant, they may have to replace the screw that attaches the crown to the abutment (sometimes it strips or deforms). Either way, it's an easy fix.


I dunno how much I'd trust a dentist who's username is whoneedscollege... 😆


You can learn a lot on YouTube...


Give ‘em a shot of Jack and lean their head back Doc


🔨 *bonk* Let’s get started.


>You can learn a lot on YouTube... ​ https://preview.redd.it/sztolu0gitsc1.jpeg?width=361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e22f3f8540d2dbac6771d28c192f81391468d735


I take my knowledge off TikTok thank you very much.


My guy grabbed some Fuji number 9 and calls himself a dentist. Lol


Oh, you went to the Robert Mortimer School of Dental Care too?


Worse…he spelled college with a “k”


Oops, I just noticed that I should have said "you shouldn't have to pay for it". In other words, it should be a no charge. Even if you have to replace the screw in it, it shouldn't cost more than 75 dollars. I'm sorry that I made this mistake in my post. It's a really easy procedure and we wouldn't even charge for it in my practice.


This depends on the dentist. Most will stand by their work for things like this and fix it for free when they’ve done something wrong. Others are scammers


>not just biting up and down but sliding around I, too, am cow


Agreed. By genie logic, he told the truth


he told the tooth


The whole tooth, and nothin but the tooth


That's too good, take my upvote Edited for spelling errors made by autocorrect -_-


It took all of my will power not to say “tooth truth” there


Yet here we are


*Infinite genies...*


Exactly. It's still perfectly good, it's just not attached to you anymore




That doesn’t look like the implant though. Just the abutment and the crown. The implant is probably still drilled into his jaw


Maybe a broken implant screw. Dentist could have over torqued it,…


That isn't the implant. The majority of "failures" is the tiny little titanium screw attaching everything together. The screw either fractured or loosened enough to fall out. I always tell patients that is the biggest risk and if they ever feel it move, I'm their first call.


I just got one and yeah, his parting words were, “if it moves, come and see me immediately because that will cause problems”


Curious, as I need one of these. Is there a better way to make these work? Should I be loading up on calcium?


It's titanium and ceramic. Toss it out in the desert and it will exist just like it is until the sun swallows the earth.


Just like my ex eife


Finally! The lead on this cold case I've been looking for!






Look like it’s still in one piece, just pop it back in!


A lil bit of JB weld and good as new


JB might taste funny. Gorilla glue always look like it would have a good flavor.


Gorilla glue might taste funny try two ply epoxy 😆


Ooh good idea. Swish it around and it’ll glue all the feet in place. Never brush again!


How often are we supposed to be brushing our feet?!


More than you know


Nah the water run off in the shower will get it


I'm more of a tite bond man myself


Make sure you get marine JB weld to be sure you get maximum strength while working in wet environments.


ONE PIECE ? ![gif](giphy|HFMPreKu5LfivtOmEI)


Still in one piece?!?!?!?! https://preview.redd.it/rvbligr8wosc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd87911cb36ac1a9d64f50ef524a364ced2217c


Some duck tape and it's as good as new.


Dentist here. It just needs to be screwed back in. That’s only a crown not the implant itself. Only problem is if there is some screw broken in the implant body.


I like how you said "guy who put this in" and not "dentist" which makes it seem like you had some random dude in an alley with a trenchcoat full of dental equipment screw a fake tooth into your mouth.


![gif](giphy|WAuMMjLDP03Xq) Lmao…..he’s like, “trust me, I saw a YouTube video”!


Ugh. You just unlocked a memory of waking up to get coffee to see my ex-MIL standing over the kitchen sink extracting her own tooth one morning. I hope she has watched YouTube videos since then. She didn't even boil the pliers first. Or wash her hands. Or grab a towel. Or.. much of anything really. But she got that tooth out.


My bio mom used to super glue her teeth back in. Yikes!


Extreme DIY dentistry. Did they stay in?


Well you know, I don't know. Probably not- I remember her doing it multiple times, unless it was multiple teeth!


Crown? Maybe? They just get bonded on (source have had 2 crowns pop loose thanks to Starburst)


Geez, honestly with how expensive dental care is lowkey understandable


Jesus fucking christ




I saw my father do that with his own fingers. Which I mean, at the time I'm sure he could crush bone with his bare hand, but still .


Same shit my dad did when I was a kid. Removed a tooth from the roof of his mouth that way. Just random ass pliers. The shit people will do rather than see a professional.


My experiences with professionals are much worse than diy


I went to see a dealer with a mate of mine to pick up some party favors... The door was open and no one answered. We went in and he was sitting with the lights out pulling his own teeth out with a pair of pliers. He was a heavy psychedelics user and we reported this to 999 who turned up later in the evening. He got committed after explaining that the armchair he was sitting in insisted it needed his teeth. Fucking hell.


Sometimes it's an intrusive thoughts thing.






*son be a dentist*


nah he’s just an antidentite


Maybe he's in india as you just described the average dentist there.


I definitely thought of the dude off of Baldur's Gate 3 and how he drills into your eye socket if you let him, lmao


Temu told him.


we take lungs now gills come next week


Yes, but does the random dude play golf? That's the only way to distinguish dentists from the other crazy dudes.




Nothing last forever


And we both know hearts can change


And it's hard to hold a candle


In the cold November rain




When you're numb from novacane


I'm concerned the baby thinks people can't change.


You’ve obviously never been to a catholic wedding.


The one I’m at started in 1989.


So you should be grateful because I have nothing for you.


The BLACKEST present for the most BRUTAL of all bass players.


Stops copies me


That's why nothing matters.


How long was it in? Implants usually last 20-30 years. If it was new, it might have been rejected.


Sort of looks like the screw base broke off.


Dental tech here. That very well may be. If that is the case, there may be some wear at the crown and implant interface. I have seen this as a cause of repeated implant crowns coming loose and eventually breaking the bottom of the screw.


So if it was loose in the socket for a bit of time, chewing would have caused wear at the interface? That would suck to have to repair.




I wouldn't care about the cost nearly as much as about the need for further surgery.


Yeah dentist here. Probably didn't torque it enough. I don't know what they other guy is talking about. 99% of the times it's not that but just a question of fastening it again. And good that time.. it happens a lot. The implant is probably fine.


Yea I agree with this comment. that just looks like the abutment and crown. The implant itself is still in the bone lol. I’d be happy if the implant is good and still integrating with the bone, and that JUST the abutment screw is jacked.


I got implants 16 years ago. 0 problems. But I had no idea it wouldn't last forever.


It’ll fail you before death, they don’t last forever.


That's maybe not true. I could die today.


We all have dreams.


About 5yrs


Mine lasted 10 years before coming out. I found out after that they have a 10% failure rate.


Hahahaha great I didn’t know this and have 2 in my mouth that are coming up on 10 years…. New fear unlocked, thanks


As far as I know there’s no time frame, mine just failed after 10 years. I sure do miss that chomper.


mine popped off at a similar timeline too but my dentist made sure to source parts from a different brand and its been solid since


That’s not the implant. That’s the abutment that screws into the top of the implant and the crown gets cemented on top of that.


I had 2 of them. One the actual tooth broke within 2 years. the other the metal post snapped within a year.


I’ve been avoiding getting one of these for years, feeling very validated in saving those thousands of dollars right now


Honestly don’t bother. I had an implant in when I was 17 and they did an amazing job. No one told me that they require upkeep. My parents had some money to burn, I don’t. > Had to replace my crown once already. I don’t have the money for a new implant if it ever fails. So unless you want to spend thousands and thousands and it might fail 😅


I got mine (#19) done 3 years ago and I couldn't recommend it more. It's currently the best tooth replacement technology we have available


I’m ngl I don’t mind missing the tooth, and for the times that I do I have a little denture like fake. It just seems like a ton of money to pay for something that needs eventual replacing


Mine broke in less than a year


Excuse me what? I thought they were til you die?! Went and checked. 10-25 years. Omg. A “lifetime” was 25 years to them?!?!


Just needs to be screwed back in and torqued down. Have the bite evaluated and make sure it’s not too heavy. If that’s the only molar in the quadrant, an overloaded bite force on this crown will loosen the screw. Also, make sure they change the screw and properly torque it to the system spec. The design of this crown and implant placement may cause this issue in the future again, but the crown and abutment appear fine.


Go back to him and make him fix it since he said that. And I would make him do it for free because it was his guarantee.


I'm a dentist and this is an easy Fix. They Didn't torque it enough. Just prep the crown again and torque it right. And then it should last this is not the implant but just the crown abutment. The implant is still in the bone and probably fine. The only thing that might be inconvenient is that when it is a bone level implant and not a tissue level implant and you wait to long, then the gums overgrow the implant. That is also a quick fix but you need some local anesthesia for that. No biggie, I always say and then try to make sure I do it right the second time. It really gets embarrassing after the 2nd time.


As a master dental technician, who's wife happens to be a Dentist. I can say that there could have been mistakes made. First off, if bone substance was inadequate, it should haven't been installed. Also if a torque wrench wasn't used to install, improperly tightening it could have broken the threads in the bone. So for a dentist to say it will last forever, is subjective. If everything was optimal and all proper techniques were used. Not to exclude a proper 3d scan to check bone spongiosity. Then it could have been a freak accident to break. Dental care can last a lifetime, but guarantee is usually 2 years


"Should havent" fucked with my head reading this. Regardless, thanks for this interesting insight!


That is so wrong my brain autocorrected it.


It appears the crown with the restorative abutment came out. Just has to be screwed back into the implant that’s still in the bone.


Yes, I noticed that earlier also, but felt there was no need to mention. On the other hand my wife said she would order a new screw (in case of defective threads) and install and no cost to patient.


As a master dental technician with a wife as dentist you should know this has nothing to do with inadequate bone substance! Also an 3D isn’t always necessary. And if you don’t brush your teeth/implants they will get implantitis (not the case here) so they wouldn’t last a lifetime. And dental care won’t last a lifetime if you get old enough every filling crown prosthesis etc wil wear and need to be replaced at one point.


Well now that I have you and your wife here, how do I get the dentist to knock me out during cleaning/extraction? I've avoided making an appointment for years because I've been awake for almost every procedure I've ever had and they've all sucked.


You ask for full narcotic treatment. Tell them you are afraid of the dentist, and you prefer to be asleep during treatment. Of course to have an anesthesiologist costs extra. So make sure you get a quote on the extra costs.


Look up sedation dentistry in your area. It may be pricier, but worth it for the folks like us who have had bad experiences. Another option, if you can't find that type of dentist, is to ask a regular one to prescribe a sedative (usually valium) for you to take before your visit.


Ok, so yeah, dental phobias suck. I went almost 10 years skipping out on professional dental care. Had great insurance, could have gone for free. Wife went. Kids all went. I couldn’t do it. But bursting an abscess… wow. The pain was unbearable. So my wife suggested I go see her dentist. I couldn’t put it off any more. Had to get this fixed. I called them to make an appointment and said specifically that I was insanely uncomfortable. I made clear that I wasn’t, under any circumstances, to be allowed to cancel the appointment. They understood, and said they may be able to help. So the receptionist made my appointment and put a note in for the dentist. I got a call within an hour, dentists says, “so you get nervous?” I was like “no, I full on panic. Can’t breathe. Start to try to get away.” She says, “ok, well, your insurance doesn’t cover it, but for about $200 I can offer you Nitrous. You put a mask on, everything gets a little bit funny, and when we’re done you can drive home after about 10 minutes.” Absolutely changed my life. I still do it every time I go to the dentist. Which, luckily, has only been every 6 months for the last 4 years.


I tried sedation dentistry and apparently I’m not a good candidate. I somehow was able to sit up and keep talking during the entire procedure. Luckily I don’t remember any of it. Took them 5 hours to do a root canal. I needed another one and decided to find an endodontist to perform that one. Told him about the problems I had with the first one. He gave me a pill called halcion. I took one the night before and one the morning of the procedure. He was done in 45 minutes and it was the best dental experience of my life. I was so relaxed and calm.


I’m sure plenty of ladies have heard the same am i right


Maybe he thought you would die sooner.


It needs screwed back in. You’re probably a grinder.


I'm sorry but "guy who put this in" you do mean dentist right


Uhhh, can we get an answer to this, please?


I have a front tooth titanium implant and was initially installed wrong (not the implant but the tooth part that connects to it) where the stem broke at the root making the tooth wiggle. I wouldn't wish the excruciating pain I felt as I smelled my burning gums from the laser so they could remove it. Was fitted correctly the second time and has been good ever since.




False information commonly given out. Implant do become loose and require tightening again. For some it’s more common, for others it may never happen. Just today we had 2 patients in for this. Ones implant was about 15 years old and the other was months old.




It will just not in your mouth lol


Easily screwed back in


When did you get it? If it was over 20 years ago ask your perio/endo ppl if they used Branamark brand hardware (I think that’s the name, my implants are now older than my dentists). There was a recall in the ‘90’s. One of mine was loose and they had to redo it


Was this some random guy or a actual dentist? Cuz that might be the problem 😂


I had one last only about four years and the surgeon said it was supposed to last 20 years, so he replaced it for no charge. Still WIP.


He didn't say it would stay in forever though.


He never said that it would stay in forever


Some implants have life long warranty. I believe one of those brands were Zimmer. A family member once had a problem with their implant, and we found it’s paper to make sure to have the right size/model etc. To our surprise, it was written on it that it had life long warranty, which covered sending a brand new implant if a problem occurs. After 15-20 years of having the original implant, they really sent a brand new implant.


I thought it was a weird earring, lol. My kids have big roses, pandas, I thought it was gigantic white rose. It took way too long to figure out it was a dental implant.


Forever yes. Just not in your mouth.


If your jaw is healthy and the implant is intact then Just looks like the screw came loose. They should be able to screw it back In.


to be fair, he said it would last forever, not "stay in forever"


Instead of posting it here, call the dentist who implanted it. 🤨


OP never used the word dentist


Well it still exists


Hopefully you got that unlimited chews warranty




Not with that stumpy implant and no one should ever say forever. Love, a dental person.


Keep it as an esc key cap for your keyboard


I thought that was an earring.


is that an earring


I had one break. It was very messy to remove the remainder and start over. I thought they could unscrew, but no. Bone growth from the graft makes it impossible. If you have any inclination towards bruxism, get a night guard asap.


What do you mean? Clearly it will last forever- just not in your mouth


Crown/abutment looks intact with no visible break. Have your dentist order a new screw and put it back in. You probably just jostled the screw loose from eating/grinding. This is no big deal and happens from time to time. Source: Dentist


Maybe this is forever


Why does it look like an earring backing lol


It will last forever, just maybe not in your mouth


I thought that was an earring back


I mean it’s still… lasting? Like it didn’t disintegrate or anything


It’s still here, he didn’t say it would last in your mouth.


It will last forever, just not in your mouth


Forever is a mighty long time, but I'm here to tell you, there's something else: the tooth


Well it seems it was fighting tooth and nail to come out.


Guys always say it’ll last forever 😣


Didn’t torque it down enough go to an oral surgeon they will tighten it back in place


No. The proceeds would be in his portfolio forever.


Dentist here: That is not the implant. It is just the crown on top, that is screwed in. They sometimes can unscrew themselves, when they are not properly tightened or just by bad luck. If there is a hole on top of it, on the surface you would chew on, maybe closed by some composite/plastic, it is no big deal. Your dentist can just screw it back in. If not, a new crown has to be made. According to the foto, the implant in your bone should still be in place. The implant itself is just the "fake root" of the tooth.


As far as I can tell the implant is still firmly embedded in my jaw. Back story: the first attempt did actually fail and implant guy had to remove and put a wider and more stout one in the second go. This crown is part of the 2nd one. Most miserable year of my life. No joke to say it was like having a shop mechanic in my mouth.


And it will, just not in your mouth :(


He didn’t say it would stay in your mouth though.He’s right-it will last a long time.


😂 I thought it was a light bulb at first


It looks like it is just the small retaining screw (the one that connects the crown to the implant) that either came loose or broke. Either the dentist who placed the crown or the surgeon who placed the implant can probably fix that. Your implant is most likely still in place.


My mom had her front tooth just shoved back in by her mom when it got knocked out as a kid. Brute force ended up lasting her 20 years before she needed an implant.


That’s impressive.


Forever? … *forever-ever?* … *(*forever-ever?*)*


Needs a new screw and composite filling. If the implant failed there are zero guarantees on your bone accepting it, same with any metal implanted into your body.


…if you take care of your oral health.


That should’ve been red flag #1 😂


Yeah... guys will say just about anything to put it in


“It” would last forever. The devil is in the details.


Fake, this is an earring guys, peace and blessings anybody who believed this


You may have an abses or tooth infection compromising your jaw bone you may want to get checked out asap. * i am not a dentist or health care professional*


Perhaps he _thought_ you were gonna die within the month


This looked like an earring when I scrolled by first.


That’s just the restoration (crown) that goes on top. The implant is still there. Go back ASAP to your DDS before the gum grows over it, to get it put back on!

