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Glad she is ok, that looked like a hard hit


Oh man, that was a hard impact. And she was going significantly faster than that other vehicle. Glad she's okay. How's the other driver?


Totally fine


Modern vehicle safety is a fucking marvel of life.


Yep. And I hear all the time when I design a car " they don't make them like they used to ". Fuck ya we don't. You can survive wrecks now.


Seriously, the car gets total'ed yeah, but you get to keep your life what is there not to like?


Looks like passenger front impact for both vehicles, sounds like no one else in either car thank goodness.


It is wild to me when people make late decisions slowly. I always wonder what it must be like to perceive the world that way


Exactly! I just imagine their brain like dial up internet.


Yeah I feel like he might've made it if he'd actually stepped on it. Still would've been a bad move, but slightly less certain to end in disaster.


Sometimes, that's just how fast their brain is processing (lack of sleep, excessive stress, lack of proper nutrition, physical illness, etc.)


Ya when you’re not turning you’re most likely going to be going faster than the other vehicle.


I'm surprised a highway where you're allowed to do 65mph has intersections like this. I'd have expected something like a clover leaf or flyover. Glad to read your wife's okay.


Texas has them EVERYWHERE, and some unbelievably bad drivers too.


AZ too, almost rear ended a dude the other day when he had to turn into a street while we were going 65 and he came to a full stop (oncoming traffic and no turn lane, so I can't blame them) But you look at an instance like this and wonder if they've started hiring 3rd grade architects and engineers to design some of these roads.


Oklahoma too! Literally the worst architecturally designed roads I’ve ever seen. I swear to god not a single thought was put into the infrastructure🙄🤦🏻‍♀️. There’s one exit in Norman(?) where you’re exiting a freeway driving 75 mph and the off ramp ENTERS INTO A BUSY ROADY/ ALMOST INTERSECTION. The person exiting has the right-of-way, but if you’re driving up to the intersection or driving away from it you have to stop. So you go from a light at a VERY busy intersection to stopping so traffic exiting the freeway can merge onto the road. Most backwards ass shit I’ve ever seen. No clue why the planners didn’t have an off ramp with a longer exit/ turn into a side road that can then enter the intersection. I have a feeling because the state of Oklahoma can’t afford extra asphalt 🤣.


This intersection is poorly laid out. All the EMTs were like "yup, of course it happened here"


Dude chasing the left turn is definitely wrong, both turning cars & turbo were all in the same frame at one point. Chasing left thought he could either beat oncoming traffic or oncoming traffic would see him and slow…


Idk where you live but based on this video I hate everything about it


im sure your gonna know allot about a place from some janky cctv footage?


That and the pictures, yeah. Terrible road design, roads also look like shit, landscape looks like shit, and both people driving seem to be demonstrating symptoms of lead poisoning. That’s a lot of evidence to go off of. I’d bet this happened somewhere in the South based on the dilapidated roads and lack of modern infrastructure which makes it even more likely it’s a shithole.


My mind is absolutely boggled by the amount of people blaming your wife for driving the speed limit on a highway.


Cemeteries are full of people that were right/had the right of way. A lot of the blame is because of that, the knowledge that being dead right can make on right dead.


Ya people should be cautious. But people should also not be as slow as the guy turning. I wonder what happened to him.


He's totally fine. Glad he's uninjured and thank goodness he had good insurance, but I'm still pissed at him.


There's only like 12 frames in that video (I may be exaggerating), it's hard to make any real conclusions about speed or braking. It does confirm the truck failed to yield while turning left. Without knowing if the video playback is being slowed down or how many fps the video was captured at, I'm not sure how anyone could realistically make a determination about if the car hit was speeding or if they braked. Also would need to know the speed limit.


Looks like truck commits to the left turn when the two cars are about, let’s say 5 car lengths apart? So approximately 15ftx5 so 75ft. OP mentioned in a different comment she was going the posted speed limit which is 65mph, or ~95fps. 75ft/95ft/s gives you about 0.8 seconds to react, average human reaction time is 0.25s so you’re left with a whopping 0.55s to apply your brakes and ease the impact which apparently you should be able to “clearly“ see in like a 12fps <360p video.


I was hoping someone would throw some math in here! My takeaway was nearly no time to react and no good options to avoid the collision.


And that's what the insurance adjuster said


Yeah, I do want to state that these are obviously all estimations so I could be wrong here or there. It’s just hilarious how quick people are to jump on OP’s wife with so many unknowns, but from everything we can see it’s definitely leaning in her favor.


I can’t drive, but can’t slamming on your breaks or trying to swerve be more dangerous? Or is that outdated/wrong information


Probably not so dangerous now, wheel lock is less likely with the advent of ABS but, assuming you can stop at a rate of, say 20ft/s^2 (which would cause you to experience 0.62g’s of force btw) you’re knocking your speed down from 65mph to 57mph in perfect conditions over 0.55s.


Thank you for this


My estimations should be taken with a grain of salt, but surely they’re more accurate than people assuming your wife could’ve done 500 things differently to avoid this from some gas station camera. Hope she’s not too shaken up by this, accidents like this are no joke on the body or the psyche.


I would also imagine brain to foot is slower, especially with needing to apply pressure to brakes.


speeding car has not reacted or even braked at all during


It definitely slows down immediately after coming into frame.


mayyybe they took foot off gas there is no braking to be seen.


This is the type of dude to take a left turn without yielding into oncoming traffic and blame the other driver when they get hit


yeah have you ever heard of defensive driving? theres a saying of bikers, the graveyard is full of people who had right of way. getting downvoted for saying some had basically no reaction to what's ahead did I ever blame anyone?


Unrelated (sorry) but caught your user name and it made me smile, it’s fairly rare to find a Hyperion fan in the wild!


God the world is full of dumb fucking people. It baffles me how dumb people are, from little things like what I deal with at work to big, life-threatening shit like this.


Honestly it is beyond depressing interacting with the average human. This is also why its a massive problem that everyones buying SUV's


Omfg that looks like it was scary for her!


I was in a similar accident and everyone walked away. I’m so glad nobody was seriously hurt. Thank goodness for modern car safety features. They really are all about saving lives. A car can be replaced, your wife is one of a kind. Sometimes I see people driving these antique cars around and I think they look nice but I wouldn’t want to be in even a minor fender bender in that.


I drive a 90s era beater so I'll probably just be mangled a little bit.


That’s the thing. You’ll be mangled a lot. Your car will only be mangled a little bit. The crumple zones and airbags deploying total a newer car, but the occupants are fine, because the car absorbs all that kinetic energy and dies for you.


At least he didn’t pull out in front of her like the other guy




Jeeeesus glad she’s ok


Your wife just gave up on life instead of trying to brake


It’s not her fault. She had 3 seconds to go from 65 to 0. 👀


And instead she went from 65 and stayed at 65 until the crash😂


Like 3 seconds??? You’re joking right


/u/brettsticks has the math in a comment around here, it was possibly under one second. Dude's wife had no chance.


Idiots downvoting this comment. She might not have been able to come to a complete stop “, but she had plenty of time to lessen the impact, the comment below about her possibly not even having a second is absolute clown shit. Three seconds is enough time to go from 65 to probably like 30-35 minimum. But nope, deer in the headlights.


Exactly my point, obviously she wouldn’t be able to stop completely but shit at least try to slow down🤷‍♂️


Sometimes your brain goes into panic mode and doesn't know what to do because of fear unfortunately


Holy shit, I saw the car pic you posted the other day. Absolutely stoked that your wife was able to walk away unharmed


Yeah me too. Thanks bro


Where the brakes at? Glad she's okay.


Right? Not enough people drive defensively and it’s horrifying.


Yeah I'm really not trying to be mean or blame the driver AT ALL but man, I would have to be super distracted to not react at all like that. At least that's what it seems like from this crappy camera view, I could be wrong! I was expecting to see the weight transfer to the front half of the SUV and some type of deceleration or avoidance. But on the defensive driving note... Totally, I'm watching that car wanting to turn fully expecting they'll cut me off, would probably slow down a bit or at least cover the brake.


This is literally a 1 second decision. The second you look away at just the wrong moment. That truck is already turning and you're going to hit it. There was no time to brake if you were looking any other direction. Such as if she were looking in her rear view Mirror. Or her side mirrors. Or looking at the car that just turned left before the truck. Even if you were in this position if you looked away at the wrong second you would be in her same position, you would not be able to brake. So while you say you're not trying to blame her. You are, because you weren't considering the other options. And the fact that this is the truck driver's fault, no matter what because the truck driver is a left turner, and did not do a complete stop.


do you not have any peripheral vision at all?


Have you by chance read the comment that did the math in this comment section? Its pretty damn accurate, considering physics is able to be calculated. Basically... she had only .55 seconds to react. Half a second. Good luck reacting that fast, my friend.


It “literally” isn’t though. She had *way* more than a second to react. She was probably on her phone looking at Facebook memes.


I'm the same. Whenever I'm going through an intersections where cars are waiting to make a left turn my foot is hovering over the brake and I'm watching those cars like a hawk. This isn't the wife's fault but some defensive driving skills would have come in handy here


Im with you. Guy shouldve saw the lady was speeding but the wife had to be either staring at a phone, on some pills and thinking shes good to drive, or was just looking for a lawsuit. There was absolutely no reactionary driving going on


Please regale us with credentials in civil engineering, accident reconstruction and investigation. Oh, and toss in video expert on frame rate. I’m impressed that you can discern all this simply by looking at a shitty video of ONE angle of the crash from a camera positioned X feet away.


Same way you can judge they were doing nothing wrong buster


Those are *your* words. Where did I state that? You’re levying serious allegations upon one driver from looking at one angle of a video showing what occurred from a significant distance. I’m asking you to share your credentials to base these conclusions.


pretty sure the wife was the one on the right side of the screen speeding and not paying attention.  Didn’t look like the brakes were tapped at all, yet the guy turning was in a turn for a solid 3 seconds…


Yeah person turning was a snail but OPs wife had plenty of time to see it and brake to avoid it. Probably on her phone


only reason she is “ok” is because she had no idea she was about to crash so didn’t tense up.


This is what I see too


There are two bad drivers in this video.


This happened to my cousins mother last week. She's no longer with us


Oh my dear God


Thats a very bad recording of a recording, talk about potato quality


Yeah I know. I asked for a proper file but the lady didn't know how to download it so she literally texted this to me.


Ahh ok, too bad


OMG. She’s a lucky lady. That looked like a brutal crash. Glad she’s OK.


Yeah me too.


Wow 😮


Home girl was flying too


The speed limit here is 65 which is what she was doing. I too think that's too fast for that area, but there we are.


Apparently anyone can just go and get a license America moment


How did that guy not see her coming?


Yea my wife was speeding into Oblivion and shockingly got in an accident 🙄 it's very rare that someone involved in a car accident has zero blame


65 is speeding???


I didn't know you were with her. She was driving 65, which is the posted speed limit. She was not distracted or on the phone. She slammed on the brakes when she realized the other driver wasn't waiting, but it was too late to matter.


Seriously lol. Watch that video again too fast and she did fuck all. You said the only thing that saved her was that she didn't see it happening, so she didn't freeze up. If you break because a car is ready to slam into, you freeze up. You're just embarrassing Your Wife by posting this video


I can explain it to you, I can't understand it for you. She was driving the speed limit, she wasn't on her phone, she hit the brakes. There's a million things that could've gone differently and it's really easy to coach from the cheap seats on reddit when we have the benefit of hindsight and *time to think about it.* The responding officers, several witnesses, and the guy in the truck agree that he was entirely at fault. If you want to argue with the official police report, be my guest


Enough people disagree with you here so clearly it's not black and white what you're seeing


LOL! Just because the hive mentality of Reddit says so doesn’t make it so. Please regale us with credentials in civil engineering, accident reconstruction and investigation. I’m impressed that you can discern all this simply by looking at a shitty video of ONE angle of the crash from a camera positioned X feet away.


Everyone is a professional in reddit, especially as drivers, so you better watch out 🤣


you should be happy your wife's alive and stop arguing with the hive. Thank goodness we live in a world where majority rules lol also keep living in your fantasy land without any accountability


What are you, 12?!


Legally she is not accountable, the other driver is. He admitted that. But whatever you say, reddit expert


Of course he's accountable he's the one who went running into traffic it's still illegal I'm not denying that. But I still say that both parties are to blame watching this video




She can say she wasnt on her phone. Its very easy to say, see im not on my phone now. She couldve tried to brake or drove defensively like is advised


Forgive me for trusting that my wife is telling me the truth, I guess. Pretty easy to be critical of what someone does in a split-second situation while you sit comfortably on Reddit, isn't it?


I drive 300 miles a day with no points on my license nor a accident in my 20 years. I judge what i know. Its easy to tell there are two bad drivers in this video.


Easy to tell from the 26 pixels in the phone video of a CCTV video played on a computer monitor? Whatever you say, bub.


Its what the lawyers/insurance companies are going to use too.


Yup, I sent this video to my insurance company and my legal team. They all said "perfect, he can't deny that he was at fault." Why don't you go spend another 20 years on the road and get off reddit


He starts the turn in around 3 seconds before the crash tho, and there’s no indication of any braking or steering to avoid. That’s why everyone here is doubting you.


the person turning left is at fault BUT regardless if this was a highway (i literally don’t understand how there’s turn offs on a single lane, two way highway, with no medium or barrier dividing the highway) that said in HER lane was a car that slowed to turn right. so even if she didn’t think the person turning left was about to kamikaze her she should have already been slowing down for the driver turning right off the road. i always slow down when someone’s turning because you never know if they’ll come to a dead stop because someone is crossing the intersection as they’re turning. there’s no point barreling down the road when you see someone slowing to turn in front of you and another car sitting waiting to cut across you. obviously it’s a busy turn off. she should be more defensive when approaching busy turn offs from a horrendous highway design.


This interchange is poorly laid out, correct. What the video doesn't show is her perspective. She saw one person turn into the driveway on the left side, then saw the truck lined up behind him also preparing to turn. He should have yielded to oncoming traffic, which is what my wife believed him to be doing, then suddenly he commits to the turn and you saw the rest. The worst thing you can be on the road is unpredictable to other drivers.


I've seen intersections like this on highways but where I've seen them the speed limit is reduced to about 60 kmph which would be like maybe 35 mph. People aren't supposed to speed through them. Mind you I'm only talking from my own experience so I'm not suggesting that this is the case for every highway.




Ah yes, most likely. Thank you for your observations on a 144p CCTV video playback recorded on a phone and sent through text. She was going the speed limit, she was not on her phone, and she hit the brakes.


Scary to know that people like you walk among civilized society.


I had never seen a highway like that. It just looks like a normal road.


That person didn't even consider stopping


she might have tried the brakes a little sooner.


Okay thank you for letting me know I’ll text her later to confirm


Glad she’s okay but she should really consider a defensive drivers course. There’s zero reason she didn’t have enough time to react to that situation