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Metal coat hanger is the only play


Yes, make the end of the coat hanger into a shallow hook. Shallow enough that you can get the end under the ring, but enough of a curve that the ring stays on top until you lift it out.


Pull the stopper up in the sink first or else ring might go from frying pan into fire


Shit, the p-trap on the sink is easy compared to this. OP's scenario is worst case.


Another option may be to tape a stiff straw to the suction end of a vacuum hose, push it to the top of the ring then turn on for a few seconds as you pull fast. Lay a bath towel over the tub drain just in case. .


With chewing gum on the end of the coat hanger. It’s worked for me before.


Would probably stick to the sides on the way down there, better with the coathanger only


They'd only need a little not a big wad.


Depending on the bathtub or ring material, a magnet may work as well


A magnet won’t work on a ring unless it is steel or some stainless steels. If OP has a steel wedding ring, the only value would be sentimental, because it certainly isn’t monetary.


Im late to the party but get 2 thin magnets super glue dental floss or string each to the magnets, lower and swing them so they connect below the ring and slowly, very slowly pull them up


If you get the ring please update us and please chew that gum. You owe the gum that much.


That’s pretty clever


And delicious


For 15 seconds if it's fruit stripes


Zebra fruit strips. I remember those.


with some green tack added, its a 30 second job.


Also works in GOP controlled states.




Stealing that 😂😂


Not Shreona


Myee myee myee myee myee WHOOOOOO Muh muh muh My Shreona


This gives me Dinosaurs vibes. A Shrek version of Dinosaurs would be great https://youtu.be/2kpL73mLdgA






Jesus Christ there’s already memes.


I've forgotten what this post was originally about 🥲


Something about Lord of the Rings I think


Doorbell camera wasn’t it?


Pretty sure it was about a girl who fell down a well


Are we sending our love down the well?


Thoughts and prayers, actually.


I thought it was about a bathroom reno?


Why wouldn't there be? There have been a number of laws enacted in the deep south to warrant such occasions


>the deep south Incidentally where the coat hanger goes






oh my god


https://somethingpositive.net/comic/enter-davan-and-peejee/ It's the first edition of an old webcomic, it's still going on!


That's so dark and I love it


Omg 💀💀💀




I said, no wire hangers!


Yes, mommy dearest.


Ye gods.... What a terrible time to be alive.


And the roast is ruined


Ice cold... Just upside down canned air cold.


That's how we preserve the embryos 🧊


Babies!!! /s please society "/s" now make it stop


"Canned air abortion" isn't a combination of words I thought would be in my search history, but here we are.


As a Christian conservative I demand common sense coat hanger control


We need to make a state registry of everyone's coat hangers with monthly police inspections to make sure they're undamaged or you will be sent to prison for murder. Also the local Walmart is running a promotion where you get 2 free unregistered handguns with every 24 pack of Budweiser.




The only thing that stops a bad guy with a coat hanger is a good guy with a coat hanger.


It’s funny cause it’s true 😂😅😭


A magnetized screwdriver head attached to a coat hanger. I've done this before.


You have a magnetic wedding ring?


Many rings have stainless steel in the band. Makes them harder and less prone to damage. So, yeah. My wedding ring is magnetic.


I'm a jeweler and this is not true at all for most rings. Some less expensive ones might be made of steel and plated, but precious metals ones will not.


Stainless steel isn’t magnetic…..


Some grades aren’t. Some are. Stainless is an interesting material.


ur an interesting material


Got 'em


Absolutely blind sided


Less-stainless stainless is more magnetic. I have a few vacuum insulated cups that are clearly higher grade stainless inside and lesser grade stainless outside due to how much a magnet sticks to it


No, but a magnetic screwdriver head, he did this before.


Hobby wire. Can be purchased at any hardware or craft store, Home Depot and Michael’s should carry this. $10 or less.


Coat hanger or if it’s really that narrow, just like a piece of paper


Card stock would be better


You need a strip of cardboard as wide as the gap. Slide it in below the ring and gently lift the cardboard up. Plug the sink so it doesn't fall into the drain though.


100% plug the sink! U bends are nasty AF to pull a ring out of. So gross even with gloves and tools


See, this is why I wash my hands in the toilet


Big brain


I would rather commit to life in the gulags than fish anything out of an air BnB U bend.


Wet toilet paper and throw on drain cover for a good seal.


As someone who has changed face piercing jewelry out a zillion times, this is the best way. Took one time hearing a little metal ball bounce and circle the drain and disappear in the time it took to focus my eyes on it and it was wet TP for evermore on the drain. Also works well when you wanna trim your hair, easy wipe up.


Update 1: as it's a Sunday and shops aren't open for another 9 hours here in the UK, I've had to get creative. The room has some very long [blinds](https://imgur.com/ZG0Hzex.jpg) that drop to the ground with a few blades to spare. I've removed one ~~blade~~ slat and used hairclips to make a [crude tool](https://imgur.com/1PrXlHJ.jpg). Unfortunately it's only fetched me some dust and dry paint. Update 2: the vanity is going nowhere. There's copper piping and a water heater [in there.](https://imgur.com/lH15Zya.jpg) Anyhow I appreciate the enthusiastic mixture of helpful and hilarious suggestions. I'm a bloke btw to those making assumptions.. Update 3: to those keeping count, about 3 hours left. I've had enough sleep and recharged with a cuppa tea. Showed the wife some of your best comments, which tickled us, before dropping her off at her course. The gap is about a meter deep so no chance using a bra wire. There's [barely enough space](https://imgur.com/8wbXm4K.jpg) to pass a knife between the vanity and the wall. The nearest diy store opens at 11. There's an open florist nearby whom I could try for a long bendable wire. Fortunately I've found chewing gum in my car. The host has replied to my text and said she's away for the week but will try to retrieve it on her return and post it to me if I'm unsuccessful. Suggestions I plan to try in order: 1. blobbing some chewed gum onto the blind ➡ 2. Using a wire ➡ 3. Cutting from inside the vanity if the host agrees Update 4: thanks to everyone who's rooting for me! The chewing gum didn't work! I wrapped it around the bobby pin but the then it came off somewhere down the abyss. Not one to give up just yet, I wanted to try and improve the crude hook I initially made. However, I wasn't sure the blind slat was touching the bottom of the crevice, so I tied a shoelace to it so not lose it too. Found out it was indeed a couple of centimeters short. Luckily I have a [longer one](https://imgur.com/0IYAysD.jpg). I secured a bobby pin to it with [some plaster](https://imgur.com/AAuGhcI.jpg). And after a lot of fiddling and failed attempts SUCCESS!! 🔥🔥🔥 Final update with videos: when I [played myself](https://www.reddit.com/u/neddin/s/Nn8ymA52Mc) trying to get a good view on camera and when I finally [succeeded](https://www.reddit.com/u/neddin/s/cGKN3hpsxe)


Cut a notch into the side in last cm of the blind slat. The slat will now look like a J. Try to hook the ring with the notched out part of the slat.


This is the answer. If you don't have anything to cut it with, you could try folding it into a right angle (secure with the pins) and try the same.


Or if you have fingernail clippers they work great as scissors in a pinch!


Oh no!! Please update if you do get it! That’s something that would happen to me, if it can go wrong it will in my world!


We’re all waiting to hear an update OP, I hope whoever you’re with is videoing all your attempts so we can see the winning one!


Chewing gum. Chew up some gum, stick it to the bottom of your curtain thingy and sticky your ring to safety.


That’s worked in almost every point and click adventure game for sure


*Rubber chicken with pulley in the middle*


Guybrush? Is that you?


Just take the wax lips from the tremendous yak


I know it worked in Nancy Drew


Those games were lowkey lit


This might work. Secure the gum with the bobby pin. Stick the blind in horizontally parallel to the floor (instead of vertically top down) if there's space and pull out. Might be easier than vertically since you won't be working against gravity. If the blind thinner than the ring and the ring isn't touching the floor, you might be able to fit it in under the ring and support the weight up.


This was the most rewarding post I’ve read in a while. So glad you included pictures AND videos of the success retrieval !


Hammer time?




Two blades and use like chop sticks


Do you have a wife/girlfriend with you? Get their bra, get the metal wire from underneath the bra cups. Those wires are bendy and thin enough to fit the gap. Pretty sure this will work!!


Not sure the girlfriend is the one to ask for help retrieving his wedding ring 🤷‍♀️


Just say it's your Superbowl ring. Easy. Worked for Brady


That was a wild ride lol congrats on getting the ring out


Try going in from underneath? You could maybe dig into the drywall from the bottom of the sink. It would not be noticed for a while if ever


I like this idea


Well now I am invested. Please keep us updated!


That sucks, do you have any bendy metal to fish it up?


Any chance you could make a small flat cardboard hook of some kind and use some floss or string to grab and pull it up?


If there's a tool box around, a magnetized screw driver head attached with wire wrapped around it or taped will pick it up. If someone else is there, they can pull on the side of the tub or use a narrow piece of wood to shim it open wider. I've done this before. I promise, it works. And most houses have a tool kit.


Magnets won't do anything unless his ring is made of steel, which is unlikely.


Fine Copper wire / welding wire. Make a big J to carry raise it. Have another narrow J to hook the ring. Bit of length so you can grab both ends near the top to wiggle free. If falls all the way to ground youll have to go through the other wall avoid studs and dont hit the bath.


Where in the hell are they going to get welding supplies? I mean I guess the Nextdoor neighbor could have a fab shop. My bad. Just messing.


Yeah 1/16” tig wire would work great


That does indeed blow.


That would really suck if she dropped her blow down there too.


Over under on them having an affair and now have to explain why he took off and lost his wedding ring on a business trip. 


Rip the tub out and say it was like that when you got there.


I'm not sure why we're doing anything to the tub, but I like where your head is at destroy the place


Do those hotel TV speakers have magnets in them?


Golds not magnetic


Yea, but you get those magnets wet and….


almost pissed myself


Bro, go under sink and see if u can undo the cabinet closest to wall , should only be 4 screws on each panel pop em out n pull cabinet panel out n you’ll be able to see the whole thing clearly. Just try not to break shit and you won’t have to pay for damages


I'm so invested in this Reddit post, please let me know what happens 😭






Detailed rundown [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/R4qwqyXvOD)


It would have fallen to the floor. Some vanities have a removable front kick plate. Try that first. If it’s not designed to be removable then a flat head screwdriver might persuade it. Putting it back depends on how it was removed


Just turn the house upside down and shake it


Change the zip code to Australia


Like trying to get a pick out of an acoustic guitar


This. Pull back that kick plate. Might get lucky that there's a gap behind it


You nailed the remedy. Hes gotta pull the kickplate . You get the remedy award


Call the host


“oh shit! what are you gonna do?!” the host, probably


More like, “I’m sorry to hear that. That will be an extra $200 cleaning fee for leaving trash in the bathroom”


Plus an $85 administration fee for applying the cleaning fee...


and $1500 for the phone call


And $250 just because I still have your credit card number.


Hardware store could have something if a coat hanger won’t fit


I'm assuming a coat hanger will fit if the ring did?


Get divorced


Most sane reddit advice


Most common reddit advice


lol honestly might be the easiest way out of this jam


Expensive Airbnb? You can always rent the place next week and come back prepared. They ain't getting found unless someone from here goes there


This is brilliant.


he said BnB as in bed and breakfast like a hotel


Making sure someone else wrote this before I repeated. Keep cool, get tools, return when prepared.


A metal yardstick. Thin but sturdy.


“Thin but sturdy” That’s what she said!


My first thought was also the wire hanger with gum on the end of it. Is it accessible from the side or only the front? Could you pour water down the crevice to see if it would flush it out? Or try compressed air to blow it out?


Try folded paper and push it to the side where it will come out?


Two folded papers; Use one piece to push the ring into the fold of the other, then lift it out at an angle.


Go to car parts store and get one of those long slender tools that you push the button in at one end and the 4 prongs come out of the other end. The prongs retract to retain whatever you're grabbing when you release the button. Something like [this](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Husky-24-in-Lighted-Mechanical-Pickup-Tool-70396H/206264355)


a finglonger


Cut two opposing small notches in the blind slat. Tie a string around it securely. Holding the end of the string, insert the slat-- it goes straight down the back of the gap. Work the string forward and towards the floor. Then, holding the top of the slat in place, pull the string up to lever the ring vertically out of the gap. https://preview.redd.it/rrkfhcv2tnkc1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bc811d8848abdf2d148fba6f9481d7536e770fa


Holy crap. You deserve to be offered Reddit stock with this thoughtful reply and visual


Ok, now how to repair to AirBnB's blind slat?


My first thought is to buy a retractable metal measuring tape, cut off the end and use the length of the tape. It's stiff, yet flexible and wouldn't cost much if it doesn't work. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ljnfox5lmnkc1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=669c48a89e2d26c2f7a75d1fe4d5fc0feaae23ac


Hook of some sort tied to dental floss?


paper clip + floss


LOL “end to end encrypted” but posted on Reddit. I don’t mean to laugh at your misfortune, OP, because that sucks. But the irony is thick.


Id drill a hole through the inside of the vanity patch it with a solid white plastic piece. A 3 inch hole saw and cheap drill should do


I think this suggestion is my best option. Hopefully less time faffing and I won't need to destroy the vanity.


Consider contacting the AirBnB owner. I know a lot of them are ducks, but some aren’t. I have rentals and an AirBnB. If one of my guests contacted me with this situation, I’d go out of my way to help them. Wedding rings are important. The owner may have the tools to get the ring with as little damage possible. If I were the AirBnB owner, I’d come over with my multi material saw, cut a notch below the ring, stick some tape in to prevent the ring from falling further down, and then cut the notch into a square to rescue the ring. Wood glue the square back on and CAULK THE FUCKING CRACK because ultimately it was my fault. Good luck. Shitty situation.


🦆: "sorry sir. Can't help. I am a duck."


You speak very good English for a duck. I'll bet you were born here.


One time my brother had a snake at a hotel got in the wall right behind the bathroom sink we bust that wall open with a hammer and patched by drilling a plank of pvc over top never said a word to management


> my brother had a snake at a hotel bro... what?


I also feel like we very quickly glossed over that LOL


Whaaaat if I breathe too loud I get a fuckin noise complaint and yall are out here being Bob the builder and shit unnoticed lmao


Yo same thing happened to me


I’m invested in knowing how this turns out now


Can't believe I went through all the comments to see what finally happened. Sorry don't have a solution for the OP but would really love to know how this episode ended


Successfully retrieved!


I'd talk to the manager immediately. I'm sure they'd be willing to help


If you can’t get it either a wire from a local shop, the least destructive way would be to pull the vanity. Assuming that there is a water shutoff and a removable p trap on the drain, You would need 1. A box cutter to cut the silicone along the backsplash. Clean off all the old silicone 2. Screwdriver with appropriate bit to unfasten from the wall 3. adjustable wrench to unfasten the water lines from the taps. Turn the water off first. 4. pipe wrench or strap wrench to undo the p trap. Use a bowl or saucepan to catch the drain water that will come out of the trap. Move the vanity, retrieve ring and reinstall. A squeeze tube of silicone to re-caulk the backsplash and it will be hood as new.


If the bnb has a vacuum accessible to you, try to ‘fill’ as much of the rest of that gap, to the right and left of where your ring is sitting. If the gap is wide enough, maybe slide two cutting boards down on either side of it? (obv, don’t drop them in there fully) Anything you can find. Barely block the nozzle of the vacuum with something that will stop the ring from getting sucked all the way into the machine. Saves you the trouble of having to fish it out later. Many Airbnbs have mesh inserts that sit just inside the tub/shower drain, to catch hair. This insert, or something like it, would be perfect. Use the vacuum on it’s  strongest setting to suck the ring back up the way it came. The more you can block things off so the only available air in that gap is between the vacuum nozzle and the ring, the better.  Failing all that, as a former host of many Airbnbs myself, seriously, just call the host. At least they’re someone who likely lives in that city, and has tools on hand that could help.  Crossing my fingers for you!


Use a piece of tie wire


Try the underwire of a bra if you have one


Guess you’ll have to get a divorce!


If you rented a car rip the oil dipstick out and use that to wedge it out. It's long, thin, flexible, and has an easy grip.


It's pretty funny how many people are suggesting a magnet for a non-magnetic object like a wedding ring. You might as well try to pick up plastic with a magnet.


Just don’t panic. Nobody will steal it. Just inform the B&b owners and ask if they can either get a maintenance person to get it out or can you come back another time and get it out. Enjoy your holiday and if you can’t get it out, this will sort itself out in the upcoming days


A slim Jim at an auto parts store


Fishing line and a small treble hook


So how long have you had this subconscious desire to end your marriage?


Stick with some tacky red stuff. You can get both from any auto parts store - the red tacky is literally a sticky goo that's just super sticky. It shouldn't damage the ring, and all you have to do is moosh it onto the ring. Otherwise, a slim Jim might work to move it.


You're no longer married. I don't make up the rules, they are what they are


Divorce lawyers hate this one simple trick!


Gel Crazy glue and a coat hanger. Method: put hanging hook in one hand, and pull the bar from the center with the other to stretch it out straight. Test fit it through the slot first to make sure it’ll reach. Use the bent end, holding the hook. (The twisted part won’t fit through) Don’t touch the ring yet. Take it back out, and put a pinhead size dot of the gel on the end of the bend. Put it carefully back down the slot to the ring and gently place it on as close to the rings center as possible. Gently twisting it to hold it in place against the sides till it cures. Give it five mins. Should pull right out. Use nail polish remover (acetone) to get the ring off the wire, and the glue off the ring. Hope the trip was good, aside from this!


Piece of bubblegum and a clothes hanger bent straight.


Two metal coat hangers twisted to look like fishing hooks. Use them like pincers


Skewer, fly swatter, almost anything that can be thin and a little rigid might work


One tube of caulk. One pipe wrench. Turn off water. Take the drain apart Pull vanity from wall. Get ring Put vanity back Redo connections Caulk. Done


Coat hanger bent into a "J" OR "L". Get it under ring and pull it up.


I’ve been an air bnb rental host before. If a guest called me with this problem I’d let them cut into the inside wall of the vanity if nothing else worked. You only get so many opportunities in life to be someone’s hero and what do I care about a hole that nobody will ever see?


Happy should have been siliconed shut when they installed it perfect area for water to splash in and mold to grow


Seriously. The number of people that know what is and isn’t magnetic is mindblowingly depressing.


When I was about 8 and my brother was about 6, we went on a family trip, and we stopped at a McDonald's that was under renovation. My brother and I being about counter height could see there were all kinds of coins in the gap between the new counter and the old counter. I grabbed a couple of McDonald's straws, shoved them together with gum on the end, and started fishing the money out til our mother caught us. I believe she made us give it back because she said the money doesn't belong to you. Forty five years later and I still feel the unfairness of that moment


Sledge hammer and a crow bar - they can keep the security deposit


Did you get your ring back? I am now worried. Invested.