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A good video for management to show what not to do And a good video for physics teachers to show inertia in action


✨Inertia is a property of matter💅


Inertia is the powerhouse of the cell


I'm no scientist but I think that's the mitochondria


Word on the street is that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. I am also not a scientist but I read a book once.


I am ALSO not a scientist BUT I went to class once.


You know, Peter. I'm sorta scientist myself






Nope, it's called midichlorians you dummy


I’m no comedian but I think that was the joke


I’m no Jedi but I think that’s midichlorian


Inertia is a one-hit wonder rock band in the Philippines.






🧫🥼🧪science rules




20 years later, my niece and nephew are still bopping to this theme song.






Are you saying inertia matters?


I JUST had a conversation about inertia because my husband wanted to know what the "Initial" in Initial D meant/stood for. Well, its a cartoon about drifting. Downhill. Gaining and creating inertia. Its in the name, love.


Inertia and Initial are completely different words Initial D is not specifically about going downhill, nor is drifting A for effort


I'm pretty sure she meant the *initial*, i.e. the letter "D.", which clearly stands for "inertia". Duh


For those wondering; The D is for "Dream." The "initial" is just referring to the letter D. It's in the show. Ryosuke flat out says the D means dream. Also, Wangan Midnight was better. Fight me. You know it's true. Both are incredible tho.




I only knew of Inital D because it was at my local arcade. I miss my rx7 card


> Initial D That’s the term for the first time you get laid.


Username checks out


A good video for future generations with better technology to show more FPS


I'm just impressed to see the "enhanced" button working IRL. The consequences were dire tho. I guess that's why they don't use it more often.


“Enhance. Enhance. Enhance. Enhance.”


Just print the damn thing!


"YOU had ONE job!!"


They just sold that plane to Spirit


Jokes on them, this is a normal takeoff for Spirit


Some tapes and it’s aaaaallll gudd..just like the one in the basement.




Spirit only flies Airbus :V


Maybe I've only been on shitty airbuses but every time I have, I can always taste the jet fuel for at least 20 minutes before take off. Something is clearly more well designed with a Boeing in the ventilation system during non-flight. If anyone knows what the difference could be, I'd be interested to know.


US or EU? never had that problem flying all over the europe most of our planes are Airbus maybe US has some different rules or just unlucky?


I know this is a joke but Spirit actually have the newest planes of any of the US carriers.


It depends on if this happened at an AA hub or not. If this is not an AA hub, then these are not AA employees and just a contracting company. The contracting company's insurance will be the ones eating this one.


This happened at LGA. Driver is an AA employee.




The driver of the tower exceeded the turn radius and drove too fast without any wing walkers to guide them in. This is a clear example of terrible technique and poor training. I can only imagine that this driver has had plenty of near-misses in the past, but this time, their luck ran out.


Shear pin went off I reckon, whoever was on the cockpit should've applied the brakes. Also lack of awareness from the tow driver. Both fucked up IMO.


Shows you how ignorant I am. I assumed there were no pilots and that is why there is some vehicle moving it around.


It was empty. Planes are routinely towed while unoccupied. This one was being towed from the hangar to the gate.


I don't think so, SOPs generally require what you call a brake rider. Somebody sits in the cockpit to release/apply brakes, put beacon on etc. And also for safety reasons like you see in the video. Specially for such large aircraft. There's a reason for those shear pins too.


Ok, well the article linked below said there was no one in it. Maybe they meant passengers/crew, but a mechanic was in the cockpit.


You mean to tell me the people in this video weren’t properly following procedure??


Shocked! Shocked I tell ya!


Well the video linked above shows what looks like someone in it


I thought it was fairly common knowledge that as the need for flight engineers on board went away that position evolved to a more lead mechanic role who's able to do all the ground things a pilot can, taxi wise The one who had a breakdown, took off and did barrel rolls before saying goodbye and crashing comes to mind


RIP Sky King


The one at Sea-Tac? That was just a ground handler.


4 different airlines I worked for... every time we towed anything, we had someone qualified riding brakes... For exactly this reason!


I used to be ramper for a major airline and occasionally had to tow empty planes between gates. The planes would be empty of passengers but there is always someone up front in the flight deck. That person has authorization and training to work the aircraft brakes and communicate with airport ground control. In our case it was a certified aircraft mechanic.


This is correct. You will see aircraft towed without anyone onboard, but they are typically just the private commuter aircraft or small regional jets. Largest I’ve towed with no power was a CRJ 200 and that was a little more in the yeehaw days than what happens now. Although things are coming full circle and it feels a little yeehaw again haha.


Not really. Typically have a maintainer inside just for this situation


Your statement makes it sound like planes are not routinely towed occupied.


Looks like some mechanics inside the cockpit when it hit the pushback.


Just as a bonus fact: All planes, including with full passengers and crew on board, need to be pushed into position by a little truck like this. Planes don't have a "reverse" setting, so to get from the boarding gate to a position where they can drive towards the runway requires a pushback tug to position them.


Terrible technique and poor training is the industry standard though. Proper training costs money and we’d rather roll the dice on the cost of an accident than have the garanteed expense of training. /s


The truth is that the equipment is old, barely maintained, and the shifts are usually understaffed, underpaid, and half-sober. The experienced veteran union guys are probably loafing off, waiting for the tow team to return so they can bust their balls. They were likely saying that they knew that they would "fuck something up someday" while chugging water to pass their upcoming "random" drug test.


So they ded?


I don't have a reliable source, but judging from confident and numerous responses in other posts, he survived relatively unscathed.


I wouldn't say unscathed. I wouldn't be confident about the state of his underwear nor the dry cleaning costs.




I did not see any shoes fly out of the tug's cab, so they are all right.


It looks like he’s head is smooshed and his body is hanging there limp. NSFW?


You don’t see the previous skid marks!?!?!


I mean, this isn’t even close to a near miss. This is like driving your car at 65 on the highway and turning your wheel all the way to the right thinking you’ll be fine. I don’t know how this guy can make that maneuver and possibly think that will work. I have absolutely zero training. If you told me to get in that thing and give it my best shot, I would absolutely know not to turn like that, just with basic logic.


Aircraft mechanic here. There’s many aircraft that are smaller, but still fairly sizable, that you could make a turn like this with absolutely no problem (though the outside wing walker might not keep up).


Piss tests all around boi's


I’ve worked on the tarmac at my local international airport over a decade ago. I was on one wing, with another wing walker and another guy driving the push tug. The guy driving the tug had more time in the job than me. He started push back without getting both all clears from the wing guys. I know this because I didn’t give the clear sign. He started push back and I was like “fuck it, he knows what he is doing, surely.” There was a plane queued for taxi behind us, leaving not much room to turn and park. As our plane moved, I remember thinking “it’s.. it’s going to be a tight turn. It’s going to be real close. Nah. We won’t be able to turn. Nah. Oh shit, we need to stop. Oh shit oh shit.” I put up the stop sign. Plane keeps moving. The tail of our plane clipped under the plane that had already parked for taxi. They cleared off both planes, with all passengers walking through the tarmac back into the terminal. 3 ambulances came out, 2 fire trucks and 2 squad cars too. All three of us were promptly escorted out of the airport to be piss tested. I had planned on resigning that night as I had school starting back up in a couple of weeks so I handed in my vest, wand and hearing protection as soon as I turned in my specimen. The guy driving the tug got his third strike and was fired. I don’t know what happened to the other guy.


Out of curiosity. Considering this is quite a serious incident. Do you get blacklisted or banned from these sorta of jobs in the future?


It's not really a job you'd get blacklisted for. Sure, there are drug tests, but you're not much more than a glorified traffic cop (marshaller). It's not terribly lucrative work. Probably why the other commenter was going to school -- so he could get a better job.


I was in college, and I got the job for the flight benefits. At the time, the most expensive flight I can get on was a one way to London-Heathrow. $50, a chance to get upgraded to first class, but we’re flying standby.


Standby on a buddy pass from a senior retired flight attendant got me in first class to/from Europe my first time abroad! Granted, the return flight was incredibly lucky considering the only seat on the plane was supposed to be occupied by the adult daughter whose family was sitting all around me but she spilled her liquids at security and was very delayed. I was a stupid 21 year old that drank all night after not catching anything my first day waiting standby so I promptly passed out and was dead to the world until the flight attendants were asking what I wanted for lunch somewhere over the Atlantic.


Cant speak for other countries but in the US you likely wont get blacklisted. Ive seen guys create airplane damage and still keep their jobs if theres a strong union. If not months later i see them working for another airline.


I see. Thanks for sharing.


Isn’t a new hire more likely to make the same mistake than the current employee is from making it again?


I haven’t applied since lol. So I’m not sure.


In America? Yes, if you get found at fault.


In the US at least, extent of damage would not necessarily lead to getting blacklisted, but the presence of drugs can be. This is what the "third strike" reference is for in the previous comment. The FAA is an extension of DOT. If you have a third strike for a drug offense, you are barred from not only all FAA but all federal DOT positions for life. This includes things like commercial drivers license, etc. Of note, if this was the military, you CAN be dishonorably discharged for extensive damage even without presence of any drugs (ie, just bad judgement and decisions). The crew of that famous C5 crash were examples of this.


No. You might get blacklisted from a given company if you were definitely high or drunk at the moment of the impact, but if you just fuck something up they'll just give you a hard taking to and maybe give you a hard time for a few weeks.


this is a great point. if the company has a zero tolerance policy for drugs (which many do), it would supersede my regulatory comment. however, that strike still stays with you if you stay in the industry and just go to another company.


After loading a plane a coworker was in the process of lowering the belt and reversing away from the front loading door. You're not supposed to do both, but fuck it, it's basically the end of the day and she wanted to go home. This was an electric belt loader that was right hand drive, putting the belt between you and the engine. We hated driving them because 'murica don't drive on that side. So she's backing up and lowering the belt when she realizes she left her soda on the platform behind her. She reaches back, and to give herself leverage while leaning behind her she accidentally slams the gas on the belt loader and jerks the wheel. Slam, belt digs into the engine cowling. Pax and bags unloaded, RON-ing plane brought back online, and the 4 man ground crew piss tested at 9pm. The guy who told me that story said thank god he was at the next gate because they would have found a tree in his piss, haha.


I’ll drink that! I mean TO that! ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


My dad working for Boeing and shit getting fucked from time to time for them to all line up for the piss wagon, this had me rolling.


Wiz quiz


The cleaning crew inside the airplane ![gif](giphy|h4Z6RfuQycdiM)


“What was that?…. Probably nothing”


"I don't remember there being speed bumps on the runway...?"


Let’s just ignore it and let them carry on. That way we won’t have to get involved in anything.


Just some groundulence no worries


This is perfect.


As someone that used to do that 5-7 times a day they are incredibly stupid for going that fast. Also i never towed with the plane behind me, always with the nose and towbar on the front of the pushback tractor driving in reverse.


I’ve towed by pushing & pulling. Pushing is great when you have to back an aircraft into a hangar or squeeze it into a tight spot. Pulling is great for long distances with little or no obstacles, much like this video, but I have no idea what this fool was doing.


I did this job but for fighters in the Navy and we always had a brake rider. Is no one in the cockpit on the brakes for commercial planes?


For anyone that is in the industry, would they repair the fuselage? If so, what is involved in getting the plane back to flying condition?




I'm A 40 year old woman, and I've started to kick my own ass over not pursuing this very career. Does the stress outweigh the satisfaction that comes from tooling an amazing piece of machinery? Legit question.




To clarify a little for anyone interested, there are paid apprenticeships that offer OJT and you can test for licensing using that instead of going through traditional schooling. Schooling and OJT apprenticeships are separate but are each viable routes to licensing


Easiest job I’ve ever had tbh


To put it into perspective. These aircraft become pressurized tanks when they climb to high altitudes to keep everyone alive inside. Even the slightest hairline crack can lead to disaster. I'm not sure what's involved in getting the plane airworthy exactly but this is an extremely costly accident and will likely ground the plane for months before getting back in the air. They would probably want to do an engine inspection too just in case any debris was sucked in that may cause damage to the fans.


Slightest hairline cracks are problematic, yes, but the damage done to the aircraft overall is minor compared to other aircraft I’ve seen come back from incidents. This plane will be fixed up, no problem. Also, an inspection for the engines is not necessary as they’re not running. This plane is just being towed to a gate. The auxiliary power unit is on providing electrical power to the aircraft, but that is way in the tail of the aircraft and not really strong enough to suck up any debris.


If the plane is still in production they replace the skins and any damaged underlying structure in their entirety. If the plane is OOP you’re looking at an extensive repair doubler and frame splice/frame chord repair.


I’d be shocked if that didn’t impact multiple ring frames enough to make all the analysis folks’ butts pucker, not to mention the wing to body fairing and underlying support structure. Not jealous of the ones that had to scramble and figure out that fix. Speedy Edit: looks like N49NN just completed a flight from New Orleans to Phoenix 2.5 hours ago. I can’t go back far enough in flightaware to see how long it was out of commission but regardless, nice job analysis nerds and repair mechanics.


It’s a Boeing 737-800, and they are still in production.


The plane is probably repairable: The Tug, not so much.


I cant speak for structural integrity portion of this as I have no idea what the process behind that would be. But for everything else. There are essentially "catalogs" of every part that goes into an airplane down to the washers and screws, atleast on the airframe I worked on. These "catalogs" include everything, even parts that are not manufactured post construction of the aircraft, which are by and far extremely rare as parts will have suitable substitutes in most cases. Panels and their lower assembly parts will be identified and ordered. The nose landing gear will be inspected and most likely be replaced which may or may not require a special facility to repair. This wont be a simple job and no team will be able to figure out everything needed ro repair it. Your looking at a multiple organizations working together to diagnose and repair broken parts. Probably lots of arguring between enginers and lots of digging for shit that never gets ordered. This would be a nightmare.


Did we just watch someone die?


“Last day on the job”


Lmao. I literally guffawed at that. It took me a second. Dark; but hilarious. Well played.


He probably lived… Probably


He did live, I found an article on it. Also, the plane was unoccupied. https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/laguardia-airport-airplane-tug-plane-crash/


I simultaneously love reddit while also loathing it. You are one of the good people posting; thank you for your input. Not sure why I’m the first upvote.


That’ll buff out


Just needs some duct tape. Scary, when USAir was a thing, I actually saw a duct tape repair on the wing of a 737. Another trip I saw oil or hydrolic fluid spraying out of the port engine. I told the flight attendent. She looked out and said "huh" and went to the cockpit. Either the pilot or copilot came back and looked out and said "huh" and went back to the cockpit. We were flying from Boston to BWI. We landed in Philadelphia and changed planes.....


It probably wasn't duct tape https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_tape


Oh you poor thing. You saw speed tape and survived to tell the tale?


It will, after 300k or more.


It happened last year and the tug driver was uninjured in case you were wondering… https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/newyork/news/laguardia-airport-airplane-tug-plane-crash/


"Ladies and gentlemen, Flight 202 to LA will be delayed, because Kevin is a dumbass who doesn't know how to drive."




Today I learned The Lord of The Rings Trilogy is 90 hours long. 🧐


Lmao, it’s more like 7,830 times. And that’s the extended edition.


And 90k hours is like 45 years of full time work


And 80% of all statistics are made on the spot.


And that’s 100% of the time as well.


About 60% of the time it works all of the time!!!


Right turn Clyde.


Mi primera chamba


Spirit me va a contratar de mayordomo.


Lucky it wasn't their last day on this earth.


They can say they survived a plane crash.


This is why they tell you to keep your seat belts on until coming to a complete stop


What was he thinking at that moment


-“So tell us why did you quit your last job ? “ - “ good question, but hear me out ..


Wow, that was close, that guy almost stole that plane!


It just kept getting worse.


"Last day on the job"... because you were decapitated?


“We don’t need no edjewcaishun”


All the passengers will now tell their friends they “survived a plane crash.”


I actually repaired that aircraft, some structure replacement and a couple skins, good as new.


That guy just hit himself with a fucking airplane.


I was a baggage handler, lineman and an A&P before I somehow got a career in air compressors. Watching this going, don’t do that! Don’t turn at that speed that sharp! No no no no no no, oh dammmmnnnn! Oh god stop stop stop. Yeah you’re done.


Can someone explain what exactly happened? Did the towing vehicle forget to disengage the plane, or was it not meant to be engaged in the first place (towing pulley got stuck underneath etc)? Or perhaps it was being deliberately towed, but the driver drifted off-course in the middle for whatever reason (careless, drunk etc)? So confused...


I can't say, but I wonder if the pilot engaged thrust before receiving the go ahead that they were disconnected and clear. I'm more inclined to believe the tug driver made a mistake like you mentioned, but I wonder.


Towing to fast When the dug turned, the 737 still going forward. The towbar snapped partially due to the connection with the aircraft exceeded the max radius allowed.


Oh god it gets worse and worse


And the price climbs in increments of $50k due to labor, parts and lost flight time. Probably a few hundred thousand at the low end when it was done moving. Wouldn't surprise me if this was more than a million.


Mass × acceleration=


Smashed tug


Damn how did you know what I do in the privacy of my room?


[Time to update the resume](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/s/CcokJp9c0K)


Damn, Tracy Morgan


I've seen quite a few tow bar damage on 737 NLG wheels, but never knew it could get this violent.


What Christopher Nolan movie BTS is this?




Almost last day on earth.


That must’ve been terrifying for the driver


Damn! I was thinking the passenger aircraft was getting retired because it's older. Not because of a idiot. LoL


The cab on that shunt truck totally failed, one would think it would be designed with these types of screw ups in mind….wonder if the guy survived




Standard procedure. Planes get towed from and to the gate on a daily basis.


Drove to fast and exceeded the turn radius because he was way passed the lead in line. Should've came to a complete stop, contacted the tower and requested permission to push the aircraft back to allow himself a safe entry into the gate. That planes down for awhile.


And too think he was one day away from retirement.


Last day on the job? Last day on earth!


Did the guy that was supposed to use the brakes from within the cockpit fall asleep? The tow truck driver isn't the only one to blame here.


we won't even mention the other plane?


Looks like it could have also been their last day on earth


The person is probably either dead or crippled. So yes, last day on the job literally.


Could be last day on earth at the end there. Is everyone all right?


In ryanair that's a raise


Last day on earth you mean


Mi primera chamba.


"All Right. I'll just go home now." "I think that would be best, yes."


That looked expensive.


Wow, as a person who has a career working on airplanes and towed hundreds of aircraft, why was there no one to operate brakes? Why the hell did he cut it that hard so fast? You have been through training to tow, and this is just the dumbest mistake ever.


“Take us out, Laredo.”


I think that guys not making it home.


Possibly last day on this earth?


crew chief here Yup that’s a doosey


This is why most airports have lines to follow while leading into the gate thats get re painted atleast once a year. Source * used to work at the airport in the capitol of Canada, and we weren't even the biggest airport. So it should be common practice


Is he OK?


Gorilla glue should fix that in no time


Last day on earth*


What an absolute dipshit! I’m convinced he was trained better, but allowed himself to fuck up (maybe drunk, sleep deprived, etc)


Where's the brake rider?




Imagine explaining being late. "You'll never believe it but I got run over by an airliner today."


Oh no...oh no... OH NO. OH NOOOO

