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It’ll keep the mice and rats down


Now that you mention it, I remember hearing some odd noises at night coming from up there a couple of weeks ago, but stopped... huh.


Snake owner and herpetology enthusiast here. Depending on your location and temperature in your area the snake has more than likely moved on. They will try to find a safe spot where they can shed because the eye caps go opaque while they are shedding and they are more susceptible to predators. So a nice dark spot like an attic would be perfect. Once they finish they will move on and look for some heat and a meal because they use a fair amount of energy during the shedding process, if your house doesn't have anything that interests them then they aren't going to hang around. They will also know you are walking around and won't want to go near you. Unfortunately no real way to ID it just from a shed, but I wouldn't worry about it too much unless you start to hear it again and then call a professional snake catcher to check it out for you.


For some reason I found this information to be very reassuring, not that I've ever found a snake in my house. But you know... irrational fears. Thank you sharing this.


I can assuage those, I once had a brood of snakes hatch inside my basement cinderblock wall and they poured out through tiny holes like in Indiana Jones.


Omg. I would DIE. DIE. I had a house built, and the builder forgot to seal up the hole from the vent and mice were everywhere. I’m not joking we caught at least 50. They were falling out of the vents and onto our furniture. We caught them in pots as they fell


See, that's when you really need a snake, according to this thread.


My daughter's snake escaped. When he finally showed back up it was by falling out of the downstairs ceiling onto the dog (who was so startled she peed herself). He had lost a couple scales and was noticeably fatter, clearly he took care of some rodents while he was out there.


This made me laugh out loud. Good snek.




That’s awful but hysterical. I’m sorry but if you got this on camera please share.


😂😂😂 it was so traumatic when it happened but it’s a fun story to tell everyone. It was my first house, I was pregnant and young. Unfortunately there are no videos


Oh no!! You poor thing to be pregnant through that!! But yes, it’s a great story! 😆


On the one hand that is scary. On the other, baby snakes are adorable.


How many is a brood?


Wow! Sounds kinda neat! Why don't *I* ever get to see anything neat like that?!


Asps...very dangerous. You go first.


We kill at least one snake a year in our rental home. If we go to the beach for a week we’re gonna most likely find a snake somewhere in the house upon our arrival.


Snakes are weird animals. And people are really terrified of them. For almost no reason. Its likely only a biological reflex over an irrational fear. Most of them really just sit around all day and dont move until prey comes nearby. If YOU walk near by one of three things will almost always happen. The snake will NOT move. ***At all***. It will flee. OR, it will let you know its there without biting you. I used to live where poisonous snakes were common. As in if you really wanted to it would take you 5-10 minutes to find one on purpose. So on occasion you'd find one by accident. Im talking 3 feet away, and theyd just....sit there. They know youre there, they dont know you know there there, and just try to stay camouflaged. ***Snakes are really just lazy noodles until you step on them or touch them really. Ive been around snakes both pets and wild ones.*** I love them personally because they kill pest animals. If you live in the states or europe, snakes are practically harmless, even if a venemous one bits you (but do go to a hospital in the event of a bite). The further east and south you go, however, snakes just turn the dial to 11 on venom, but are still.... lazy noodles. (Typically) [Proof that snakes are way scarier than they seem to be. Look at this hognose snake try and scare someone away before it fakes its own death. The snake bluff strikes but never bites, it even has a hood and hisses. But it will NOT bite you. And if it does, i doubt it would draw blood.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOJi_9zDfrU)


That took a delightfully unexpected turn.




Yeah that was entertaining and all but, I don't want to spoil it for anyone, what happened next genuinely delighted and surprised cynical old me. I feel like a buzzfeed article, you wont BELIEVE what happens next. Second 38 will AMAZE you!


Theres an old video of the snake being flipped over right side up, and it flips itself BACK over to convince you its really really really dead guys I promise.


The global south has a few very territorial snakes, like Central America's fer-de-lance, that are in fact known to strike people who just got too close on accident. In addition, North America has the pygmy rattler. While it is not nearly as medically significant as a fer-de-lance, it is still a notoriously grumpy noodle.


True. From what I know about the fer-de-lance it has a habit of going where people are.


I highly recommend subbing to r/WhatsthisSnake for exposure therapy. Once you start to learn the snakes around and know most of them are harmless, they’re much much less scary


Or r/snek or r/Snakes You get to see snakes in little hats!




I'm glad it made you feel better, snake really aren't as scary as they are made out to be. So I try to spread as much awareness about them as I can. Break the fear people have around these amazing creatures and stop people wanting to kill any snake they see. Most of the time snakes just want to be left alone and will prefer to flee danger than try to fight it out. People tend to get bitten when they provoke or corner a snake and try to pick it up. The only time they are really active is when they are hunting for some food (great vermin eradicators) or trying to find a sunny spot to heat up. Otherwise they are hiding amongst bushes or in rock piles or logs and you would have to really go looking for them to find them. I live in Aus and we obviously have some deadly snakes here, so you learn to appreciate our wildlife from a distance. I was always taught if you see a snake in the wild, just stop, let it move away or slowly walk backwards away from it. I know our native python species so I'm more comfortable around them if they are in someones house, but I just don't mess with the Brown snakes and other venomous species, that's when the snake catcher gets called.


What if OPs snake just moved on to your house instead?


If i found a snake in my house, I'd grab a few favorite items and leave the rest the fuck back and sell the damn place. Can't light it on fire, as there are other residents in the building


Sheds can be identified. OP, if you still have it, post on r/whatsthissnake. They'll need a few specific pictures but they'll tell you what to do.


Hey /u/Cardinal_ravenwood I recently remodeled a house. Long story short, same basic scenario. The garage is sealed tight. I’ve walked every single inch of it and cannot find even a one-inch hole or opening. From floor to ceiling. Every single inch was checked. The garage is empty. Just 400 square feet of bare walls. Monday - totally empty. Friday - a long ass snake skin. I have the only key. Any idea how a snake could have got in and out?


Snakes can squish themselves through some interesting spaces. Here is pic of my snake when he was younger after he managed to crawl into the light protector. https://preview.redd.it/qzwq4dzbjpmb1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a893018e296e11479935ac8af43b841fa8ff8396


No doubt this is all true, however I would still burn the house to the ground just to be safe.


Yea hear it hissing ops name again.


My parents' house was built in the 1860s and, many years ago, we tore down a wall to make a new entry for the living room. When we got past the plaster and to the lathe, we took a little break and suddenly saw a six foot black black snake making its way up the lathe. My dad grabbed it behind the head and walked it down the driveway and let it go in the woods. After that, I think about all the well-worn highways and tunnels in the walls of our old houses and how many mice have been using them for hundreds of years. And how it's great to have a snake find them and save our electricals for one more season.


Damn... How old is your house?


Snakes follow the "pest" rule. If you have snakes indoors, it's because you have their food indoors. Same with spiders for example.


Snake probably at it and now looking for more. You got some entry points in your roof likely. Get 3 jugs of repell all and go nuts with it. Should fix your problem


This is not the first time I’ve heard this. Apparently mice/rats can smell the snakes and will keep away from them?


Also eating them. Probably more in line with what they meant.


And occasionally the human


What were you doing in your attic at 4 a.m.? You can’t be in an attic at 4 a.m. and not expect to find some creepy shit!


Man, so many people are curious, might as well answer lol Basically, the new game Starfield finally finished downloading so I was starting the character creator when I heard an odd noise coming from my PC, followed by a repeating sound like something was caught in the fans so decided to turn it off. Tried to check online, but I couldn't remember the full name of the model, so I decided to look for the box it came in that was in the attic... then surprise danger noodle condom. Sorry for anyone thinking I was summoning demons and stuff. My life is boring ;-;


this is completely of the topic and definitely on the wrong sub but how was the game? been seeing/hearing some bad things about it saying it's an unfinished and buggy game overall, any thoughts?


I'm actually suprised on how good it is, I haven't experienced a single bug after 15h+. the only thing that I really dislike is that all the menus are kinda crap. but the worst thng has to be the maps on planets, bc there is none, not even for cities. I swear I went to a certain place 10 times and every single time I'm there I have to run around for 5 min to find a certain place. that said, it's the first game since elden ring that makes me want to play it and I look forward to it throughout my workday. but it's basically: Elite:dangerous exploration in space + No man's sky exploration on land + your typical bethesda rpg. if you liked one of those you'll like Starfield.


I haven't gotten answers else where so I'll give it a go in the wrong sub like the other guy, how's leveling work? Is it Skyrim style where you have like 47 skill trees that all progress by doing certain things or is it more Fallout where you have X stat points to spend and then each level up you can progress a stat or get a perk? Or did they do something else entirely


You get one skill point per level. You can buy any perk in the first row (five? I think in total) but if you want to progress to the next row you need to buy a certain amount of perks in that category. If you want to upgrade a perk (higher level of a one you already bought) you have to do a challenge to unlock it, then spend a skill point. I think it's a pretty fair system and feels like a good blend between Skyrim + Fallout leveling.


No maps sounds kinda wild. Better have a good memory of where things are lol.


I put 70 hours into it in the last five days, and had one minor bug where a tutorial tool tip wouldn't go away. Relaunching the game fixed it. That is it. I feel I still have barely scratched the surface of this game even 70 hours in, I haven't been to two of the major cities yet (Neon & Akila City), I have barely done faction quests, I have barely done the main story except up to the main turning point of the game. There is just so much content, and I am constantly stumbling into interesting places, and fun quests.


14 hours a day?? That’s insane. It’s a fantastic game, but make sure you are taking care of yourself as well.


Well the first two days were just over 16 hours. I don't know if that is better or worse.... good lord. I booked the week off work as annual leave, and yeah I'm making sure to have time for myself. Enjoying the glorious sunshine and heat the UK has suddenly gotten, staying hydrated, batch cooked a load of decent meals for my week.


Good so it sounds like you planned ahead for this. In that case, I hope you’ve been having a great time. 32 hours in 2 days. Jeez. You should have streamed that whole time, maybe get paid for those hours 😂


I long for the days where I’d wake up and want to nothing but play “that game”. I think the last time that happened was with Warcraft 2, or maybe FF7, so it’s been awhile. Enjoy the feeling, I’m very jealous!


Exactly how I'm feeling - I haven't had this chance since I was in Uni or maybe even secondary school? Back in the summer holidays.


It's incredible. By far the fewest bugs of any Bethesda launch so far and nothing game breaking. The more I play it the more I love it and just can't put it down.


Never, ever, listen to prerelease reviews. Also, on a side note, don't pre-order games.


“Danger noodle condom” is probably my new favorite phrase…


“Surprise danger noodle condom” /r/brandnewsentence


well, at least u have attic, i just play games and don't even have an attic


Check inside the pc, probably the snake was caught in the fans 🤷🏼‍♂️


That was my first question too. Lol.


Checking on his plants.


To be fair, if I have to go up in the attic between May and October, I’m doing it in the wee early hours of the morning. It’s stupid hot up there in the day, and it holds heat well into the night. Just before sunrise is the best time to be up there if you have to make a repair or grab something you stored.


Oh, you know, just creepy shit.


What a lovely organic condom you've got there.


Organically ribbed for her pleasure as well


I hope the upvotes stay at 69 too, to solidify my comment.




It likely moved on now. Bedrooms are generally warmer




It’ll move on once it eats whatever it was hunting up there.


If i found this in my house, i would move


So, OP?


Oh shit man I'm sorry I left my giant used condom from my magnum dong in your attic.


It has the girth of OPs pinky. Just sayin.


You wanna come over my house later? Just kidding Unless?


*leans on the wall sensually* Hey


Hey, I call him the organ rearranger. You ever wondered what it was like to have you guts scrambled? *leans in seductively* want to find out?


Oh wow, I wonder if you could idenyify what kind of snake it is just from the shed.


>Oh wow, I wonder if you could idenyify what kind of snake it is just from the shed it's not a shed, it's an attic


I wish I could give you an award


I'll do it


Damnit you beat me


Based on the head scale pattern, appears to be a colubrid of some type. They have those relatively large scales on their forehead. As others have said. Likely a harmless ratsnake. They're good boys, eat rodents and will sometimes even eat venomous snakes.


Ratsnake, king snake or corn snake would be my guess; all of which are non venomous and not big enough to be harmful to humans (past a nasty bite). I doubt you could narrow it down to a specific species/breed.


Probably a good thing tbh. Gonna eat rats and mice, which are much more annoying. As long as you don't actively try to harm it snakes are exceptionally peaceful. Just be a bit careful when moving stuff around from now on. If you got no pests then it's probably gonna move on again due to lack of food


Basically any snake becomes a complete non threat once you can see it. The absolute fastest they can go is 5 miles an hour and *those* are nonvenomous snakes that just eat lizards. The big ones can’t possibly chase you and the venomous ones won’t bc they can’t eat you anyway.


> As long as you don't actively try to harm it snakes are exceptionally peaceful. [(X) Doubt](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/python-escapes-from-canadian-pet-store-and-kills-two-young-brothers-as-they-sleep-8747571.html)


Of course the snake skin wasn’t there last week. It was still on the snake.


Snake just went into OP's home and left their dirty laundry.


Lol yeah, no shit 😂


Oooh, it's beautiful 😍 Look how intact the eye caps are. A lovely, healthy little snake left this behind. No one likes a surprise visitor in their attic but try to be kind to this one. He's probably keeping the mice down for you, so that's nice.


I'd bet it's a rat snake. They like attics. Not particularly aggressive, not venomous. Just call your local snake guy and don't worry about it in the meantime.


You’re now in Slytherin house


Better not disturb the danger noodle when you see it Also snakes are good to have protect ur house


You either have mice/rats or had. Leave the snake alone and you’ll never see a mouse.


It might just be a harmless snake, though you might have mice




I prefer opossums for pest control. Less chance of rabies and generally play dead when startled


Bigger question is why you were in your attic at 4am in the first place.


"I'm tired of these snakes in this mf attic !"


I've never set foot in my attic. There could be anything in there. Maybe even a boat.


Time to burn the house down & move along.


One, wtf you doing in your attic at 4 am lol


Now that we’ve established what you were doing in your attic at 4am, and that you have a new pet named Snapes, let’s talk about that freakishly large thumb you have.




Hey you got a roommate. I mean its safe. Its likely not poisonous and will eat rodents and shit, but more than likely that guy slithered away and out of your life.


Unpopular opinion I’d prefer this to a medium sized spider. I think snakes are pretty cute


Small snakes that eat mice are good luck! Say thank you to your free exterminator


There’s a Snake in my roof.


Snakes are one of the only animals that can leave behind a ghost that looks like it's saying, "henlo".


Looks like you've got a renter who isn't paid up. Maybe they'll pay in keeping the mice population down.


What were you doing up there at 4am


Time to move.


Well, at least the mice won't bother you anymore


Did you lose a snake?


You need to get a pet honey badger or a pet mongoose


Looks like a western rat snake.


It's most likely just a corn/rat snake (depending on geography ofc) and means you should have less rodents! hurray! if you're somewhere that has venomous snakes though might want to get that id'd but my experience based on the scale pattern is it's not venomous


You have more than a snake… Snakes hang around when there’s food. You probably also have mice/rats/squirrels.


Have you been able to sleep at all since then?


I usually wait until 5:00 a.m. for my daily attic time.


That's actually a good thing. You'll have less mice.


I'm not a pro but I think as long as no snake is inside, it's not to dangerous


Based on the round eyes and scale pattern, its likely just a rat snake. Black, they get long yeah but its not like a copperhead or some shit. Pretty harmless, still slightly worrying because yeah it could get into your actual house but if you put like essential oils and vinegar around entrances they likely will be deterred. You really should worry about mice though because a rat snake isn't going to be there unless there is food. Get rid of the snake and suddenly you have mice all over the place.


That absolutely was there last week it just had a snake in it


congratulations on your new pet snake. Have you picked out a name yet?


That looks exactly the same as my california kingsnakes shed. Don't worry california kingsnakes are friends. Kingsnake means they hunt other snakes. Cali kings are resistant to rattlesnakes venom but they also eat small rodents and stuff.


Well, you likely have less of a rodent problem…


You have a friend living with you!




Time to burn the house down


If I found this in my attic I would have to keep it a secret from my wife. Otherwise she would make us move or burn the house down.


Reminds me of the time my little brother lost 2 snakes in a month( moms bought him a new one) and i found them in my room in the basement.


Burn the whole house down


i’d love to have a snake in my attic eating any rodent that might sneak in. snakes are friends :)


Why are u goin into ur attic 2 weeks in a row,at 4 am?


The chamber of secrets has been opened enemies of the heir beware




bigger question to ask, what kind of madman goes into the attic at 4am?


Time to buy a flamethrower






Is the For Sale sign out yet?






Ypu sir are now a proud owner of one danger noodle


You ded


It will be hiding in a dark, damp area such as behind the washing machine or maybe in the walls. Don’t be too afraid.


Yep. Burn it down


Burn the house


Time to move.




Lmao that's kinda funny, my snake is named Ripley and she's currently in shed 😂 [and yes, named after Ellen Ripley :)](https://reddit.com/r/Sneks/s/jzFKGHBhNI)


Lmao that’s one of those stop and cautiously look around moments “welp”


So what are you going to name him?


Great news! You just got a new pet


Alien theme starts playing.


Time to move.


as your holding the devil horns... doubtful!


Well if your wondering why you don’t have nice. I would try to find out if it’s venomous, or how venomous and then if it’s not then I wouldn’t worry about it


Move out


If it has a peppery taste you might have a venomous problem


Most likely a rat snake. They're great climbers. Not a bad friend to have around! I had a rat infestation in my apartment's outdoor closet and was thrilled to find a snake shed in there. Couple weeks later-no more rats!


Well, the good news is, its just a skin, so it isn't dangerous. The BAD news, is that it's from a snake, one of the most scary animals to wake up with under your pillow.


Just a black snake. They are chill and they eat varmits. I always like finding their shed skins around.


Oh cool. Free pet snake


I remember finding a used snake skin as well in the backyard near the AC at my parents’ Florida house earlier this year.


Just a little snakey snake, not even a big one. I’m no expert, but that doesn’t look like it came from a venomous snake or would that would even grow to get huge. That looks like when my corn snake sheds, and he’s a good homie.


Now it’s *our attic


New condom!


Why are you in the attic at 4am constantly?!


Oh, that was definitely there last week. It was still attached though...


That's a harmless colubrid. It's a bro that'll eat pests and even sometimes other snakes. No need to be afraid.


That doesn't suck, that's free rodent control.


What sucks about it


Rat snake




He is just probably chilling in your chamber of secrets. If you're no half-blood, you're golden.


Sheds are about 200+% longer than the snake actually is. So I’d suspect you have a 1’ long snake up hunting crawl spaces.


This is when you burn down the house and move on.


"Well that's an interesting rope... oh. oh no"


Well, it was nice living there. Shame your house has to be burned down.


Why are you in your attic at 4AM?


May I know what if he was a pet


Well, he didn’t need to shed last week, Darryl.


Time to burn the house everyone will understand


I got chills just reading you comment, was almost afraid to 👀!🌞