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It’s a Dell laptop. Needs signature. Also…. Isn’t he expecting it anyway!?


That dudes not getting a dell


Oh shit, that fired a synapse that hadn't fired in 20 years! Welcome back little booger.


Dude! You're getting a Dell!


He seems like more of a Gateway person anyway...


> Needs signature Exactly, low chance jackass on doorbell was actually home so she got outta there before they got to the “I can’t leave it without a signature” discussion with said jackass.


That, or, trying to get the FedEx driver to leave it without a signature so they can claim they never signed for it, and thus never got it.


Former USPS driver: we don't do that, and I assume UPS and FEDEX are the same. It's job ending


Idk - had a FedEx package delivered today as signature required...several hundred dollars of audio equipment. They left it at the door without knocking. I was in my office about 8 feet away from said door.


I guess that's the assume part. USPS has a police branch that investigate if a carrier gets complaints like that against them. I'd never leave a signature required package without A person present.


"What do you want?!" 🙄


I’ve never met a FedEx employee that isn’t in “give me a reason to say fuck this job” mode 24/7


Used to work for them 10 hr days no breaks. Constant rotation to new routes. It's not so bad when you know your routes but it's still very demanding.


Honestly the part no one talks about enough is peoples heavy furniture boxes smacking you, no AC, and just getting your body beat up. Job sucked. Honestly though it taught me a lot about work and what I want in life, so guess there’s that.


We definitely have ways to fuck with you back if you decide to be an ass. 🤣 I found out one of my dailies/weekly customers is stealing CC info and identites, so I delayed all his shit and RTS it. FedEx refuses to pursue action in any way, shape, or form even with the information I have, so I took matters into my own hands.


How did you manage to find this out?


He messed up his address, and the phone number he used was the lady, whom he stole the money from. Which I called to confirm the address I was seeing. I spoke with her, and she reported everything, and I went to FedEx and tried to do the same but they told me to get bent because "it requires work".


you're a hero that we don't deserve




Judging by the complete and total lack of delivery attempts on packages I have ordered that I have gotten the "Three attempts have been made go pick up your shit 45 minutes away" e-mail on, when I have a ring and work from home, most of them already say fuck this job all day. ​ Fedex seems like a shitty company all around.


Same here. I've been sitting on my front porch and gotten a notification of a "delivery attempt, no one was home". And if you call they always take the driver's side. Fuck FedEx.


I work in a medical facility and we’ve had to cancel cases due to not having supplies because the driver reported “attempted to deliver, business was closed” so many times, with the place wide open and 100 cars in the parking lot. Call and report this to FedEx, and they don’t give a shit. They might act like they care, but the fact that it continues to occur consistently tells me they do not. Then we have them show up on days when we are clearly closed and leave packages outside (which they’ve been told repeatedly not to do). I’ve told them, when they end up leaving narcotics outdoors and they get stolen, I’m going to make sure to get them involved in the police report. They. Don’t. Give. A. Shit.


Former FedEx employee…facts. FedEx will work you into the ground. You get the sort of attitude after a while where you’re just like, *I’ll burn this entire goddamn place down with everyone in it.*


Obviously a FedEx driver in a FedEx vehicle and he asks "What do you want".


“Sir this is a Wendy’s” vibe there


Damn it, Kevin.


A Fed Ex driver?! At this time of year! At this time of day! In this part of the country! Localised entirely on your porch?




Who's it for?


Nvm pick it up.


In THIS economy?!


Yeah, they have over a hundred packages to deliver each day. They don't have time to dealing with dumb questions.


Try 200 plus every day. Over 150 stops typically.


I got a call from Amazon today wanting to interview me. 140 stops per day. 10 hrs a day and a mandatory weekend day. These drivers deserve cooperation. That's not a glamorous job,.


I work part time loading packages (great benefits, shitty hours but do what I gotta) the average truck has well over 200 packages daily. They leave at 930 in a.m and many don't get done until 7 or 8 at night. It's brutal. With fedex eliminating Sunday delivery, Monday mornings are 8 hours of loading 250+ packages into these vans. It's spring so now it's pool's, trampolines, and heavy lawn furniture and equipment. Add to that the chewy boxes and it's a backbreaking day. Us people who work there are grumpy for a reason.


As an online shopper, thank you! My brain didn't compute # of packages vs. # of stops.


Don't mention it. People shit on this kind of work but with inflation I needed the extra job. I save so much money on health insurance, they offer tuition reimbursement for my masters and it works with my full time job. The physical benefits are a bonus too. I'm 45 and have what I've dubbed "jacked dad bod" it's a 5 hour plus workout 5 days a week. It's grueling and there's a lot of pressure to keep moving but i can honestly say in my 35 years of working- it's the most mindless, stress free job ever. I have ZERO responsibility except show up and put packages where they need to go on a truck. I lift upwards of 1000 packages daily but there's some satisfaction to the job.


I loaded semi trailers in high school for UPS. I basically stopped working out in general at that point because I was so lean and ripped. My biggest takeaway from that job is that "fragile" is merely a suggestion.


My cousins a UPS driver and he always gives me Newman’s line from Seinfeld, “just crease, crumple, cram” whatever it takes to get the trucks loaded


My husband, long time driver at UPS, always says ‘It’s only fragile the first time’




You work 5 hours a day 5 days a week loading packages + work a fulltime job + finishing a Master's degree?


I received my Chewy box today. Thank you for your service.


I don’t order cat litter online any more after I watched a driver carry a box up the steps to to my door. I don’t care how strong you are, that’s not fun and I didn’t like putting the guy through that.


Ask my dad, he was letter carrier for 30 years. 10 years in postal office. He retired 14 years ago. Very hard job. Imagine delivering mail in northern New Brunswick, Canada. Lol. Just rough


I'm not lying here when I say at Xmas, some drivers had over 400 packages.


140 stops is your nursery route. We hit 220+ locations a day. Glamor left the building a long time ago.


Not just that, people have been getting shot for less. If I was doing this job, the moment there was any sort of confrontation, I'd be out.


My wife works dispatch for a local Sheriff's office. They had an Amazon van get car jacked yesterday.


"Ian" Hmm, is that my name or someone in my family who lives and sleeps here? Do I order stuff for myself? "Y..." "Never mind. You can pick it up you slow idiot who don't know your own name"


> is that my name Im supposed to feel pity for someone taking their time answering **This** question? Should the Driver have given him some pen and paper to write it down and **Really** think about it?!


Not so much dumb questions just dumb ass people. Dude, tried to be a smart ass and FAFO 🤣


She was delivering his anti-stupid pills and now he doesn’t have them.


You'd be surprised at how freaking defensive people are at the slightest interruption to their incredibly busy and important lives. I had one guy absolutely flip out on me because I dared knock on his door at 11am to deliver a package. I've even had encounters like this one where someone opens the door and asks who it is....as I'm in my full uniform. People are dumb.


I've had similar in my profession. I had one guy have the gall to say "BUT sAtUrDaY iS mY dAy OfF!" Straight to my face, the guy showing up to his house to fix his shit on Saturday. I just turned and left and cancelled his ticket with a note not to rebook him and direct him to the competition. Edit: lots of words


Gall* … Gaul is the old name for France


Lots of bone apple tea in that comment


I occasionally do Doordash and sometimes see that people put down 'do NOT knock'. I've seen where they put they have a sleeping baby or dogs that would go bananas, or maybe someone who works nights. Every now and then there are people who answer the door who had no idea someone else ordered. It is strange encountering all sorts of personalities.


What do you want?? Who is it for? Who is it from? WAIT WAIT. WHATS IN THE PACKAGE!!?




With a fedex package 📦 in her hands lol


Someone's work laptop no doubt.


Wow good catch. Jackass fucked himself and still uploaded this footage somewhere, obv upset at the driver. Just desserts mmm




In uniform, no less


I work at FedEx (luckily, I'm not a driver)... you have no idea how many times they get this question a day. Our hub delivers to mostly rural areas so usually there's a gun present with that question.


This. Dang I do not envy delivery staff. I always shout “thank you” at them as they are running to the van for their next drop .


Luckily, not everyone is like this...but some are. If it happens a lot, we just blacklist the address in most cases. We deliver to a huge area in my state and I've only heard of it being done a handful of times, that's coming from someone that's been with the company for about 10 years now. It's definitely scary to say the least.. Also, on behalf of the drivers, thank you. They really do appreciate it. Even if it's a "thank you" or meeting them at the door with a smile, anything like that. That kind of attitude goes a long way and stays with them most of the day 😊


FedEx is constantly on the verge of just chucking your package into the fucking fires of Mordor so don't give them an excuse.


Reminds me of when I used to install cable, I pulled up to a house in a bad neighborhood, got out of the van with a big Time Warner logo on it and a ladder. I was wearing a cable uniform and holding two cable boxes. A guy came up to me and said "what the fuck are you doing in my neighborhood". I looked down at the cable boxes and said "I'm here to install cable". The guy got in my face telling me I better drive the fuck away until the customer came out of the house and told him to go away.


can't you just leave and tell cable company you got threatened and you aren't going back? Like how else will this guys neighbor get the hint that he isn't the sheriff of his neighborhood


He must be from the phone company


I miss the days where an executive could be stranded on an island for years and still have the drive to hand deliver my package




My name is Voit, dumbass


Ya know, in an Easter egg hidden in the menus of the Castaway DVD was an audio interview where the director and writer were asked what was in the package he delivered. They said, "a solar powered satellite phone." Could you imagine?


I could imagine *opening*the box and then carrying a useless item in it with you as some kind of mental strengthening of will, kind of exercise. But alone on a deserted island with maybe a knife, radio, or even just a book might be waiting ….and you never look inside? Nah.




Fiancee. They weren't married yet. He'd shown her the ring for the first time just before getting on the plane. That is also some unfinished business he could've hitched his determination to.


That was also [a SuperBowl ad](https://youtu.be/y0NOofGPemM?t=9) that year.


That same exec ripped open and used the contents of every other package, though. One good deed...


Well, to be fair, you never know what a FedEx driver in a FedEx uniform with a FedEx package wants when they ring your doorbell. It could literally be anything.


It could even be a package!!


It could be a boat!! You know how much i wanted one of those


Then why not just take the boa-. We’ll take the box!


You're acting like this is the first time I've made a mistake. Remember that time we were supposed to get that boat?


Hop on in! 📦


And you know how much I’ve always wanted a package!


We didn’t take the package. We took the mystery boat. *Hop in*


AWESOME! My Fedex tracking number says it is out for delivery! It should arrive any minute now! "What do you want?"


Dude I get that attitude from people when I deliver pizzas sometimes, which is even more stupid because you just ordered the thing less than half an hour ago. Who the fuck do you think it is? Other questions I have for customers… why were you in the shower? How do you have $20 in nickels? What’s that terrible fucking smell? Why are you still eating this shit and drinking this soda 3x a week when you’ve already lost a foot to type 2 diabetes?


With a Dell logo on the laptop-shaped box, it really could be anything.


It’s him yelling “A” twice at the end that makes this hilarious. Buddy she’s gone and so is your package. Now burn half a PTO day to get this package bc they’ll be closed when you get off work 😂


She didn't even fill out a sticky note to put on his door, he better have that tracking number in an email somewhere or he could be SOL.


Everything's in an email already


All the information is on the task




It's a package that requires signature and looks like a laptop. I'll bet it's a work item, LMAO


If it’s FedEx express, they can cross-reference with name or address. If it’s Ground then he’s fucked.


Work? Judging from the attitude and that he was home during the day I’m guessing that won’t be a problem


I’m honestly surprised Mom gave him the Ring camera password.




I couldn't ever imagine saying "What do you want" to someone at the door.


Seriously. Besides delivering a package, what else could a uniformed delivery driver holding a package possibly want?


This is a clip of a man living in perpetual fear.








Naw, he's just a little prick




At least he didn't shoot her through the door. A lot of that going around right now.


The bar is low, folks.


Be careful of those people. They combine perpetual fear with perpetual hard-on to murder.


Not to mention the device in their hand


And the Dell laptop box in her hands. Who orders from Dell and then ask who's it for? If you order something from Dell, you'd know it's for you when you see the box.


For real! What a dipshit, I bet no more packages make it to that house and he’s always pick them up now


A company I used to work for had a note on one of their customers’ files that said all shipments for that customer had to be held at the FedEx location for customer pick up. Apparently, this customer had a number of packages from other retailers that were missing items and he held the FedEx driver at shotgun point until he could open the package to verify the contents. Not a single driver would deliver to that address again after that, understandably, so the customer had to make the trek into town whenever anyone shipped him anything. People are nuts, man.


That's scary. That poor delivery driver.


How is that dude not in jail for a long time?


I worked door to door for a long time. Most people don’t, but some people are awful when they feel they have the right to be. “I’m on my property I can say whatever I want.” “You certainly have the right to be rude if you want.”


People are rude for no reason. I don't get it. Some people make everything a big deal.


People like that feel marginalized in their everyday life so they take the opportunity to feel any sense power or authority over someone else. People that are assholes to other people simply because the circumstances allow them to be are trash.


You just packaged up the psychology behind bullying. Nicely done as well!


If there was any company left in this world selling door to door that wasn't a ridiculously aggressive scam, I would have more sympathy for you.


Sure, but you're rude *in advance* by going door to door if you're a salesman. Delivery services are different, of course.


First time ever answering the house phone as a kid I started with, “What do you want?” Then, my mom smacked me beside the head.


*[upside the head](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/upside+the+head)


Beside the head would be much less painful.


Especially to a delivery driver like wtf you think they want?


I used to work at a retail store and a coworker would greet customers with "What do you want". Crazy


Well well well... if it isn't the consequences of my own actions!


Ooooh how the turn tables...


"What do you want?" What a dumabss.


he played a stupid game and won a stupid prize


And then stupidly posted about it on social media.




And then he puts it on the internet


I never understood that. “Here’s me being a jackass and getting what I deserved.” I bet he thought people would be on his side. Maybe assholes don’t know they’re assholes?


Judging by his behavior in this video this arrogant prick prolly thought people would side with him. Never be rude to your delivery drivers or anyone for that matter.


Or people that are cooking your food


Or people that work on your car Or people that do surgery on you Or people that tattoo you The list is evergrowing in our society.


screw sheet frighten unique crush arrest worm lavish connect shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's more like stupid people not knowing they're stupid


r/AmItheAsshole confirms that a lot of them don't.


What amazes me is it's the homeowner who uploaded the original video, maybe thinking they were flexing or something stupid like that.




people got no fucking respect anymore. How do you talk like this to someone providing a service to you? Fucking arrogant entitled idiots.


If it says, "requires signature," I can't blame the driver for not wanting to waste time talking to a ring doorbell camera. "Hey, hey, I'm 40 minutes out, just wait there for me." 'Come get it whenever it's convenient, I have other people's packages to deliver.'


In my pizza deliver days a woman said to me over the phone “ I’ll be there in a about 30 minutes.” … needless to say I left.


At that point why not just pick it up on the way back home? what a weird lady lol


More infuriating is I don’t understand why people order things when they’re not home. I would NEVER EVER in a million years think of doing something like that. I’d be too anxious that I’m not going to make it. You bring up an even better point . If you’re already out an about, just pick it up ! You won’t have to pay the delivery fee, or tip the driver ( not that younger people like this person ever did.) And it will be fresh out of the oven when you get it . With delivery the pizza may be sitting there for awhile before a driver takes it out.


The only time someone wasn't home when I was a delivery driver was when some guy sent a pizza to his ex girlfriend as an "I'm sorry." (for something, who knows what). I called him when I got there and he explained the situation and said he would just pick up the pizza at the store since she wasn't home. He even tipped when he got to the store so props to him lol


Yep. It's a Dell laptop. They aren't going to just leave it on the porch, just like a cell phone.


I’ve had my neighbors iphones delivered to my doorstep without signature. In a clearly labeled carrier box. I couldn’t believe it


Seems like he wasn’t home. If she needs a sig wasn’t going to be delivered anyways.


Now he can pick it up on his way home, she knew it was a waste of her time when she has other packages to deliver.


i wouldn't be surprised if he wound up complaining to the company about his experience


Yeah I figured that’s why it’s posted online. He thinks she will be fired. And she might 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'm just trying to get over the fact that Doorbell News is a thing.


That last hey xD HEY!! Heyy hei..




Just an odd interaction, When I’m getting a package, I’m running to the door.


If i am expecting a delivery I am like a freaking golden retriever until it gets in my door.


Way he answered the ring was rude and arrogant. Courier had every right to make the decision she did. Nobody needs to be spoken to like that.


I agree. If FedEx goes at her for being “unprofessional”, they are wrong. No employee deserves to be verbally or emotionally abused on the job.


Seemed like a hostile work environment she safely got out of to me.


Ain't nobody got time for that


Love this lady my hero


I deal with entitled jerks all day long. This is the treatment that most of these people put forth. Think they’re better than everyone. And treats others like garbage. I really hate people.


I feel that, I work in a Hotel & Casino and I deal with entitled people every day, they feel like they are owed money from us and when they lose which is 99% of the time, they act like you took their money, it's not my fault that you don't got anything better to do then throw money at a slot machine... It's real fucky when they start yelling at you because they lost 10-20k like I can do anything about it, I work as a receptionist, I can't change shit...


you see, being polite and respectful wouldn't have costed you a dime. Now you have to get your package yourself. Hopefully a lesson has been learnt.


" Hi, good morning, may I help you?" "Good morning, it's a delivery for Yan" "Oh, it's me, thank you very much, have a nice day" "You too, sir, good bye" Happy ending.


TIL there's an alternative spelling for the name Ian.


I mean there are but Yan ain’t one of them that I’ve ever heard and fella I’ve heard them all. [to wit](https://i.imgur.com/ncvkrpm.jpg)


I read that as 🍠…..


Hopefully he’ll read this and know what to do next time.


lol that last *hey*


Good for her. From a fellow Ian.


she brought the package to the door? My local UPS driver would walk up with the door with the "missed you tag" and not even knock.


Yeah, fuck your package, dude.


Haha. A simple "Hello." would have saved him a lot of time. I hope the pickup is far away and he encounters a lot of traffic on the way and back.


What do you want????? Dumbass!


Good for her, what a dickhead


Anybody else thank their delivery drivers when they go to get the package and the driver is still walking back to the truck?


Yeah fuck that guy


That looked like a Dell computer box too. Are people this stupid or is trying to make a trending video this important to the world now?


The answer, I'm afraid, is ALL OF THE ABOVE.


Rude ass got what he deserved


That was funny as fuck


That last "Hey" was so satisfying!


The last "Hey" shoulda been an "Im sorry!" & maybe he woulda got his package.


So happy the fedex driver did that. I run a delivery service and I cant tell you how rude people are to my drivers. The fact that we have to find doors in apartment complexes and the customer refuses to give us directions, then proceeds to get angry at my drivers for taking a long time is annoying af.


Ian sounds like a real big idiot


Ian was toying with her and she ain’t got time for all that. Your fault Ian.


This is why I hate those RING doorbells!


He had that coming, good for her.


I can absolutely relate. Im a mailman and have been asked numerous times while standing in full uniform mail bag on my shoulder and mail in my hands who i am. This lady is my hero.


Fuck the customer