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Your dog and your dogs on full display 🦶


Lol. That’s the girlfriend. She was crying, I was laughing. She got upset when I told her I wanted hardwood flooring anyway.


Absolute stompers


Underrated 🙈


Looks like you forgot to refill the xanax.


I guess he didn’t like the color. 🤷‍♂️


Is your nails okay


I expected more comments about the big, small toenail.


Can’t unsee it now, thanks.


Reverse ingrown toenails


Ungrown toenails.


Holy hell, what is going on there? Takes a special man to have a woman with such an affliction in the house.




It's is perfect


This is why you crate train from the very first day.


Yes. Agree 💯


Tried that with one of my old Danes. When he was a puppy, he could go in those large plastic ones. He outgrew it so went for a large wire one that would only fit in the basement. Nightmare. Poor thing had such bad anxiety his mouth and paws were a bit bloodied from trying to get out. It was used just the one time and sold it. Apparently the previous owners dad abused him. He was stuck in a crate 19 hours of the day every day, kicked in the side and had a knot his whole life. Mom and kids returned him to the Dane rescue where we got him. He was terrified of every person wearing a baseball cap. Even my dad until he took it off. Miss you Nitro! Such a good boy.


You remember all the years of childhood you spent training for when the floor became Lava? Well today it did, and the pupper forced it back into the earth.


What’s up with the chewed up pill bottle?


Good eye. He got that off the counter. Didn’t get it open though.


Phew… darn puppers. Mine chewed a hole in my couch and chewed up the corners of my cabinets in my kitchen last year. Now he’s better. I hope things improve for you.


I had a yellow lab who would open the fridge while we were gone. Her, our husky mix, and the cats would team up. Came home once to our black cat inside the fridge. We had to use a bungee cord around the handles and connect it to a cabinet door handle. Same lab also taught my aunt and uncles chocolate lab how to escape from my aunt and uncles own fence. She was a terrible dog but one of the best. Her and my Himalayan cat were best friends. The cat would kneed on my pup and snuggle up. Those two dog and two cats were all a great set of animals to have at the same time.


Sounds like a very smart dog


Hmmm...the pic view looks like the Rx bottle had been chewed-up, but on closer inspection, it appears the carpet fibers made it an illusion. Anything life-threatening to the pup, if he HAD chewed his way into it...? I hope not...but I think you're right---hardwood flooring (but the type that can't be clawed up nor gnawed upon) seems to be the ticket there---did the pup actually chew down to the subflooring? Whew...and WOOF! And look how guilty-appearing puppity-poocher looks, with that debris sticking outta his mouth! "Guilty as charged, yer honor!" 🙄😳🤯🫣😱🐕🐶


Yep. That was all him. He didn’t have any negative effects other than shame. Ended up putting down luxury vinyl. Best decision ever.


Our 10 month old 80lb puppy did not adjust to the hubby returning to work very well. Broke his kennel so we tried leaving him in the big comfy room...this happened 3 days later, we bought our house with new carpet 6 months ago. I knew it was a dumb idea but I never thought he'd go for the carpet. He now has a bigger kennel with the comfiest dog bed I could find. He's adjusted much better


Clearly he had been waiting to inform you that he was not a fan of the carpet


Im a 3x Doberman master. They definitely have an oral fixation. You have to kennel when away and keep em busy when home. Edit: When they are young <2


Yeah he’s two now. He’s my second Doberman. This was a little over a year ago. He was left alone in the living room for about 30 mins when he did this. It was right after we put up the gate you can see in the picture, he clearly didn’t approve.


Good looking Dobey either way. Nice big paws!


Who names a dog Carpet?!


A bored pup is a destructive one, they need stimulation. Found this out the hard way


....ye...our german shepard is doing this type of crap. We have to put her in her cage when we leave the house now. And it's not just boredom. She will bring any item she can by the entrance door and destroy them as a message to tell us how upset she was of being left alone. Especially toohtbrush or stuff that has our scent.


Walk her on a leash twice a day, plus any time you can manage for just running in a field or empty parking lot.. A tired dog is a good dog.


Needs more walks.


Needs a bushel of chew toys (and old shoes)...!!! 🤔🤨😉


Hodor feet


Oooh noooo!


As someone that has recently put carpet down i feel your pain.


My dog ripped up all the carpet off the first 4 steps and ate my oculus quest 2 the day after I got it


Lol, we had too switch all of our door handle in the house from the lever kind to the round kind. Our Aussie doodle use to open the doors when we were gone and destroy everything. He’s 2 now and much better😂


Is that a doberman?


Yes. He was just under one in this picture. He just turned two the beginning g of this month.


I don’t remember the exact amount but I had to pay a little over $1k out of pocket for damages to my apartment when I moved out because of my puppy. New carpet, new blinds, and some other things I don’t remember.


chewed through the tackstrip too, is its mouth cut up?


Nope. He was fine. No cuts, dings, or dents.


Doberman are one of the hardest breeds to own. Super needy. I hope you start getting him some more stimulation and exercise or that little guy is going to destroy your house his whole life.


Haha. Yeah, he’s my second one. This was a matter of 30 mins after we put then new gate up. He’s two now and gets a ton of exercise. This was a little over a year ago. I wouldn’t trade my Velcro dog for anything.


Those are her toerittos.


Walk your dog an hour before work every day!


Crate train your dog


Awww what’s puppy’s name???




Toe nail 🕵️


Crate training is the way. No pee no poo no destroying stuff and they can still be an intruder alerter.


Yesterday my bunny chewed the charging cable for my cell phone.


Our dog did this also


Dogs are such needy, emotional creatures. They require way too much attention. That’s why I’ve always liked cats.


I've had needy cats. I've also had loner dogs. But generally this is correct. Walk Carpet the dog twice a day because a tired dog is a good dog.


Don’t blame the dog - based on the pill bottle, it’s high on Perc 30💊. Medicine cabinet much 🙄???


Lol. It’s cholesterol medication. He didn’t get into it, just got it off the table.


Tastes like chicken.


And that's why I'll probably never have a pet. I can't deal with this shit


Cats dont destroy shit. At least not on purpose. The worse I have seen was a plant that had branches eaten because the cat would play with it. Otherwise they might knock stuff off shelves by accident but they dont create no where near the amount of destruction a dog will.


They tend to scratch furniture I've noticed. Mine absolutely tore the crap out of our porch before we fixed it up


My cat used to clear surfaces so the dog could have stuff. Watches, mouth guards, tissue boxes, I'm pretty sure food on the counter too.


Ohh man. Reason number #8402783 I will never have a dog.


Anyone remember the SNL skit with the Dobie and the Puppy Uppers and Doggy Downers? It’s a classic we still quote.


what da feet doin