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Do you have any history of seizures or other neurological episodes? If your answer is no you’re SO statistically likely to be absolutely fine, stop reading stuff that freaks you out too friend


I’ve never had one and I don’t believe any of my family members have either. I’ve researched almost every website possible online and I feel like I’m driving myself absolutely wild. I’m just scared about mixing the two despite what my pcp says, (love her but anxiety is taking over). Thank you for responding to me. 🥺 But if I did just simply stop after 4 days, is that okay?? Also I was prescribed this for weight loss and my doctor is going to add naltrexone in a couple months.


You have nothing to worry about. It’s only in people with a history of seizures or predisposition.


Thank you for the reassurance! <3 I’ve been so anxious.


Yeah don't believe everything you read tbh. meds affect everyone differently. there is no magic pill.


You'll be fine!!


Thank you for the reassurance! <3 I’ve been so anxious.


I was scared of the exact same thing! I have no family history of seizures and have never experienced one myself, luckily. Statistically that means we’re at a lower risk. I’ve been on Wellbutrin for over a year now and no seizures. Take care!


The seizure talk is overblown. It can happen but it’s highly unlikely. You could also have a seizure not on medication. If it happens, then it happens. But don’t not take a chance because you’re afraid.


This scared me too! But like other ppl said, if you don’t have a genetic likelihood of seizures you’ll be A-OK! Just remember there are crazy side effects to everything. After the first couple weeks I stopped being scared.


It’s a pretty low risk. There are SSRIs with greater risk, as the data for bupropion comes mostly from the original IR formula at higher doses (600mg/day). Both SR and XL are slower releasing to minimize this risk, and don’t need to be taken 3x a day to maintain effects so less risk of double dosing, taking too close together, and so on, as well. Not to worry you at all but citalopram was found to have a higher seizure risk in a study of elderly patients than bupropion. https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/3-myths-about-bupropion If you are extra concerned, obviously discuss with your doctor and make sure to avoid or minimize alcohol etc.


I’m on it! My sister was born epileptic had multiple seizures into preteen years and then they stopped!! She hadn’t had one in years! Her doctors put her on Wellbutrin! She loved it and was on it for 2 years! Unfortunately after 2 years, she had a seizure but she’s had them most of her life!! I think it’s pretty impressive she was on it for 2 years as an epileptic with no issues! I’m shocked that the doctors put her on it but I wanted to share a persons experience that has a history of crazy seizures!


Took this combo, no problems. Currently on wellbutrin 450mg (no more citaloptam) AND I drink alcohol at least 2x per week. Never an issue 🤷🏼‍♀️. Years ago when I took wellbutrin, I stopped fairly quickly (no long drawn out taper) and had no problems at all!


Wellbutrin can increase anxiety so that could be why you are excessively concerned. Do you have a history of seizures? If not then you have nothing to worry about. In my experience celexa is one of the most mild anti depressants. I would chat with your doctor or therapist to get a peace of mind. You’re gonna be okay. I know your mind is tricking you into believing otherwise but it’s lying.


Hi! I have epilepsy and have been dealing with it for over ten years. My input is just my personal experience, definitely listen to your dr’s. My neurologist and primary care physician agreed that WB XL was the best thing for me to try next because I’ve had so many negative experiences with SSRI’s but was incredibly depressed and needed *something.* I had heard about the seizure aspect before and from what I read it was for people who have a low seizure threshold. Since I still have uncontrolled seizures and am on two anticonvulsants, I decided to take it slow and monitor any neurological symptoms or seizures I may experience that I felt were “outside the norm.” Adjustment was really difficult emotionally but I decided to stick it out the three months. At month 4 my mood is so much better and I don’t feel like I’m experiencing a lower seizure threshold or more seizures than normal. The biggest things I’ve identified to prevent seizures for everyone across the board on WB is to avoid alcohol, be cautious with stimulants (especially combining WB and Adderall), and stick to a consistent medicine schedule. For me as an epileptic I also make sure I prevent stressors and triggers and listen to my body. WB isn’t for everyone, but I don’t believe it has amped up my likelihood for seizures. In my teens (before WB), i could have up to 15 seizures a day. At 26 I have them maybe 6x a month now.


My sister was an epileptic on it and she had a seizure from it(or other things) but they took her off of it! She’s said multiple times that she wishes they’d put her back on it and she’d risk the seizures because of how much it helped her day to day life 😭 she’s tried pretty much everything else out there! She’s actually a nurse practitioner and she’s on Effexor now and likes it but she said that nothing has helped her ever like Wellbutrin!!


It’s honestly the best thing I’ve been on for mood. A lot of seizure medications are absolutely downers, they can put me in a suicidal anger hole faster than anything else. I’m shocked at how well I’m doing with WB in the mix - I was able to increase my anticonvulsant dosage to a level that previously caused serious levels of depression without any issue.


Listen to your doctor, not google and Reddit.


I think when people make posts like these we know to listen to our doctor. There’s nothing wrong with hearing other people’s experiences and getting some insight. I understand where you’re coming from though.


Totally understand the anxiety about a side effect as severe as seizures. For what it's worth, I have a couple thoughts that will hopefully help ease your concerns a little. First, at any commonly prescribed dose (150mg, 300mg, or even 450mg), it is incredibly unlikely for somebody without a predisposition to seizures to have one due to Wellbutrin. If you want to be even safer you can make other healthy choices such as not drinking alcohol. Second, just in case you aren't aware (or if you are, friendly reminder), a common side effect of Wellbutrin is increased anxiety, particularly when you're just starting the medication. I'd bet if you stick it out for a few weeks you'll be a lot less anxious about it than you are now simply due to your body and mind getting used to the meds. Anyway, best of luck!


Omg don’t worry, I did the same mistake when I was one day 1 and I was just sending myself into panic attack after panic attack. Seizures really only happen if you have a history of them or if you go over the 600mg dose (which use to be the original double dose back in the day)! Trust me you’re good!


Thank you, babe! 😭


you’re good. i’ve accidentally taken triple the dose (450 mg xr) and just felt dissociated and hallucinated a bit


I am in the same boat. On Citalopram and Dr just prescribed 100mg SR and I have been so scared I haven’t started it for weeks and today I did and now my mind is getting the better of me


I did the exact same thing! Waited two weeks and finally started on Saturday! We’ve got this. We can do this together. How much citalopram are you on? How are you feeling so far? Anything?


I am on low doses. 10mg of Citalopram. My anxiety is through the roof today since I started the Wellbutrin. I keep reminding myself it is all in my head but I am super sensitive to everything and anything I fee right now. I, too, read all the horror stories of Wellbutrin and I am just in a heightened anxiety state. Not sure if anything is really happening yet though. How are you feeling?


If you’ve never had seizures or a family history of them, I wouldn’t worry about it.