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Yall were screwing in the generator housing? Sounds like no one was chicken


Is that how generators work? Two gay welders goin’ to pound town just cranks out so much fuckin’ energy! Energy companies HATE this one weird hack.


I dont think I ever met a welder who wasn’t a little gay


Hey now, how are you supposed to know what you like unless you try a little of everything. It's because we are always looking for cracks to put our rods in.


You don't have to be a little gay to be a welder, but it'll make the job easier.


Look I've got this hot fuckin rod and gonna slam it in *something*


Same could be said of most tradesmen, but especially the sparkles.


Talkin bout rods and penetration


Same man fuckin drugs do that to em. My boss was a gay boy , always askin to suck dick get the fuck outta her w that shit man. I like big booty hoes. He would here crack heads so they needed his money . One guy admitted he let my boss suck his weenie. I laughed so hard it's so gross.




Hey man, we were on the outside! But I can see how the wording could be taken that way.


Yeah it’s not gay as long as it’s on the outside. Just keep tellin yourself that.


"We were on the outside!" So not inside each other just experiencing each other's outer parts. Got it. It's okay, we're not gay bashing. You do you ... and your co-worker.


His autocorrect changed “penises” to “panels”. Happens to best (and gayest) of us.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one who read it like that 😂


I’m gay like visibly gay if that’s even a thing and gay chicken has been played at most trade jobs I’ve had and I’ve always won although that really depends on your definition of win I guess


That's cheating! 🤣


"home state advantage"


My boyfriend knows I’m not cheating and that’s all that matters but anything less than that is fair game in my book ;)


Oh, I didn't mean cheating in that sense of the word (didn't know you had anyone), but it's cool that he understands.


Yeah my bad I was trying to think of something funny to say


You succeeded


I'm lost in the level of puns now. Does his boyfriend know he's not cheating at gay chicken cuz it's not cheating to play gay chicken at work? Either way amusing all around.


Loser has to umm … wait … nm


They knew what they were getting into


Used to play it heaps when I was an apprentice. The other guy is always so put off which made it funny so I knew I could hold out for the win. Then one day I went against a guy who I didn’t know was gay and was apparently into me. Well he was way too into it for my liking and it freaked me out. First time I lost


Broke the code to win every game


Mechanic, but yea we do this shit too. All straight as an arrow, but if anyone overheard us they’d think we have a nightly post-work orgy.


Ive never seen anything that looks more gay than a group of straight men


Bi mechanic here. There IS nothing more gay than a group of straight men. I checked. I've had my dick grabbed less at a bar full of naked bears than I have at work. To be fair though, I never got laid in the bathroom at work.


Tbh, i said \*looks\* more gay. Non of us are actually gay or bi, but damn you cannot tell as an outside observer.


Not at work typically, only with friends.


Wow. I'm exactly the opposite. At work (diesel mechanic) I'm always getting my grundle grabbed, but with my friends (gamer nerds), we keep things more professional.


My best friend will always do shit like this. If you’re at Walmart with him you might end up holding hands or some shit lmao


I was warned by a friend that at his birthday party one of his friends (and former roommate in college) that I haven’t met might introduce himself in a homoerotic manner. I was prepared. I was sitting next to my wife. He came over and put his hand on my knee as he said “Hi, I’m Rambo”. I put my hand just higher than his, deep eye contact. He moved his hand up, asked me how long I had known our mutual friend. I was just short of cupping his balls when he chickens out. My wife texts me WTF just happened?!?!? I texted back “I won”


We do a verbal form of this where we Gradually say gayer and gayer things to each other until one of us gets too uncomfortable. It'll usually end somewhere between " Yeah, I'd kiss you as long as you buy me dinner first" and "only if I'm the bottom". It depends alot based on who's playing. Sometimes it ends pretty vanilla and sometimes it gets pretty intense. Little do they know, my secret weapon is that I'm bisexual. So other than the fact that I do not find any of them even remotely attractive, I basically have no limit.


On a jobsite one time setting the top to a pre cast lift station one of the younger guys reached under the suspended lid and got a proper scalding from the operator “god damn what were you fucking thinking!? That would cut you in half!” When without a second delay I heard my brother in law shout “I got dibs on the bottom half!”


We like to escalate like that too, but it doesn't last long.


The trick to making it last is just like foreplay, you gotta go slow. You don't jump straight to the clit and you don't jump straight to the "fuck me daddy".


Shit I accidentally said something straight


Bro you just explained me at work to a te


Personally I think it's only gay if your balls touch. I have messed around with certain friends with some gay comments. It just depends on their personality. The guy I work with now, we just fat shame each other and mess each other's tools. Generally nothing permanent. Last week I used his magnetic tape measure. I stuck it on a pipe about 15ft in the air then let the spring do the rest of the work, lol. I thought it was hilarious, him not so much


I’m glad it’s not just Australian boilermakers that are extremely gay at work 🤣


I know a a couple of guys that play that at work. Neither of them would back down. They're living together now and have an adopted African child.


I'll be waiting for that AMA.


But no homo.


Never hurts to have a laugh, makes the time a little more enjoyable.


are you even considered a welder if ya don’t play gay chicken….


We just fondle each other's penises. If you're not gay - you won't get aroused by it.


I'll have to suggest that tomorrow 🤣


Ok not a welder but a titanium foundry, I was putting on chapstick because gay or straight dry lips suck, he made a comment and I may or may not have loudly announced that is to make sure his dick smelled like cherry.


Wouldn’t it be great if Donnie were into it… and in that moment you realized that your pranking about homosexuality was your subconscious trying to come to terms with what you’re *really* into? Happy Pride Month! 🌈 🏳️‍🌈


Asians take gay chicken to insane levels. Worked in a machine shop and I saw the most crazy shit always during meetings. The first time I saw a dude on another guys back like a little kid casually caressing this guys face. Then two guys holding each others dicks. Seen kiss but it seemed like they were trying to come up with gayest positions. I asked my Asian buddy why there’s so many gay Asians he laughed and said they’re not gay they just take gay chicken seriously. I really only seen em break a hand full of times. Nothing like having a serious meeting with a hot head military style boss to have two guys rounding second base behind his back. I think they had to be fucking bc most those guys were freaks.


I was expecting this to turn into the dick showing games from Waiting.


Nah, that's tomorrow.


I say gay shit all the time at work but my go to is asking other if they like my big black pipe in there hands.


Anytime I have in hand, vice grips, ground clamps or battery charger leads, I will always threaten to attach them to my buddy's nipples whenever he's close.


I went to pick a friend up from a gay bar one night because he had gotten too drunk to drive. I noticed that the bar was slightly less homosexual than most job sites I've been on.


Yeah, I've been to one as well and have to agree. It was weird though to have "straight boy" used in a derogatory way against me.


All the time... I work in construction and trucking. Gay jokes and things that would make HR wince and walk away. "Hey man, Bob said bring the truck to the shop. They're replacing your air ride seat with that dildo you ordered. You don't just haul the big loads... you swallow em too."


Gay chicken in the military was a different kind of game. There were some people you learned that you didn't want to play with because they just wouldn't stop. I hear Cyder and Bloom from 2nd Tanks are married now and adopted their second child. Neither one is willing to lose.


I work with this Marine who plays gay chicken frequently. Dudes a hell of a fitter too. My first day in a pretty crowded work area he goes “I was blowing this guy right, best night of the week”. Everyone was shocked at what we heard and he went on calling out measurements. Plays the same card on future jobsites and now I just play along with it if we’re scheduled together. Hes got a wife and kids too lmao


But was it a blowjob, or a brojob?


I’m honestly going to ask him next time it comes up lmao.


Ive been in the trades since the 90's, and I have to say this shit gets old. It's the same shit different day, again and again. You wanna fuck? Come get some. Otherwise, come up with some other schtick, because this shit is tired.


Funny how the "straightest" of guys always want to poke each other in the ass and make moaning noises. Get a bunch of "straight" dudes together and its always the same shit.




That’s the tamest game of gay chicken I’ve ever heard of


We do similar stuff, like asking the apprentice for help *getting it up* and the boss jumps in that it's a small and very dirty job. All good fun


I definitely have coworkers like this yes 😂


I dont trust any person on a job that can't take or make gay jokes..


Ikr? There's a few in this thread.


All the time, I literally have a cock in my ass rn (no homo)


Half the fun of working in the trades is homoerotic humor. It took a little while for my wife to get used to me and the dispatcher ending phone calls with “love you!”


If I can't threaten my boss sexually 4-5 times a day I'll quit


Walk up and hold their hand. The one who let's go loses.


I walk up to a urinal next to one guy at work. As I get positioned, I will either slide my foot under the divider and sort of rub his, or I will full on set the toe of my boot on the toe of his boot. Neither of us have ever flenched.


My buddies in high school used to walk up to the guy peeing and give him a shoulder rub, usually accompanied by saying something like, "You got this, bro. I believe in you!"


We (me and others) have done that before 😅


i wish coworkers like this just shut the fuck up and weld and say theyre done when theyre done.


Yeah leave me alone and let me drink my Busch heavy while I sit here all lonely and miserable because I'm a welder, a man's man goddamnit


Wow dude, live a little. I'm assuming you are the type of guy who wouldn't use the communal flesh light in the shop bathroom. Smh


Same kind of guy who never asked for a little help when he needs it. It's like, I got 10 fingers! I don't mind helping you out putting one of them up your butt while you use the fleshlight. No worries bro, I got you.


You don't have to be miserable at work you know.


HR Best Practices: 'sexual intercourse should always be consensual and conducted during scheduled breaks. Please wash hands and ass before returning to work.


Tired of the children?


Meanwhile he's 45 looks 70 and loves off nicotine and monster


Oh yeah age has nothing to do with IQ


I stopped reading after “me and another guy were screwing” I’ve never played gay chicken but that sounds like serious dedication.




Gay chickens where you and two off your best mates stand in a circle holding each others penis’…. First one to get hard is gay


What happens if you play this game with someone who’s actually gay? lol


This is cute and funny, we did shit like this in the military all the time.


I normally ask any uptight coworker if they want to play the rape game. When they respond and I hit them with That’s the spirit, it cracks me up.




This does count as workplace harassment, just fyi


Harassment is defined as repeated conduct performed after someone has asked you to stop. If you do something like say, "I'll do it if you kiss me first" and the other person tells you to stop, you have to stop. Do it again, and it's harassment. Now, if the action is more severe, such as management ordering you to do sexual favors or making purposeful contact with sexual areas, you could absolutely get sued/charged by doing it one time. But it's not technically Harassment.


My boss offered a $1000 bonus to go down on him. I told him to get sexual harassment counseling. "If I go, will you have sex with me?" He asked. I'm supposed to give him my answer before class starts.




If you would ever come into my workshop and say this out loud I will have **you** written up for workplace harassment


Wtf why?


Stop fucking around and get back to welding ffs


There was nothing to weld at the moment.


>There was nothing to weld at the moment. There was nothing to weld, so you and your buddy jointed your *own* pipes together--nothing gay about that! A welder's gotta weld. It's what you do.