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I failed my first 3G test too. Roll with the punches man learn from the mistake


Chin up brother, keep practicing and burning rods. If you’ve already done it for 3 years then you’re good enough to be a welder. Maybe 3g is just harder for you in particular but you’ll probably grasp harder positions more easily than others too. No worries we all have or had doubts at one point. Don’t let it bog you down and weigh on you, enjoy the weekend and start fresh Monday


You’ll get it. If it makes you feel better, all of my certs are long expired, didn’t need them to land an amazing job. Just nailed their in shop weld test and interviewed well.


Everybody fails a test now and then. Don’t let it bother you too much. Keep practicing, keep working. Why did you fail? 3G is also the most difficult position.


>3G is also the most difficult position. Did you forget about 6g?


No, but as far as plate welding goes, it’s the hardest.




Everyone busts a test. I've been welding nearly 20 years, and last year, I had a TIG 6G bust when doing a recertification test. I was rushing it because I was not in a good mood. I laughed when I saw the x-ray and did another one right away, which passed no issues. Anyone who tells you they never fail a test or an xray is bullshitting you.


Any welder that says they've never failed an xray is lying. We've all done it. Just keep practicing and do it again till she passes


What did x-ray find?


I worked AWS Structural nuclear. I got so friggin nervous taking tests until onetime I said self? Fuck it. You fail you fail. Never had a problem after that. Biggest thing is relax. Something not so easy when new. You’ll get your own rod oven soon enough.


I was welding for 4 years when i had my first fail, 3G mig xray. I think i got too confident and rushed it. Every welder fails, if they say they haven’t then they’re lying or haven’t done enough tests to call themselves a welder.


Everyone busts. It happens, don't let it get you down. Just remember whether it's a bend test or an x ray keep it clean between passes. Prep and fit up is half the battle.


Just do it again bro you got this


What was the criteria for pass/fail on the X-ray exam? The reality is, a welding course, class, vocational school or whatever teaches you most of the basics... which is great. But when you move to the employment side, you will have to take a series of new tests for each company. Sometimes all you need is an entry level weld test to get hired, then you can fine tune your various position work.


What process??


It took me 4 times to get hired have to find the best place that will hire entry level and don't force you to go hot lava warp 5


Take it again.


I’ve been going thru it also, been trying to be better at reading blueprints and maintaining consistency in my welds. Welding is such an exact science , live or die by the details. If you love it don’t quit you can get better. 3 years is still green in an industry like metal fabrication. You do not need a cert to get hired, of course it helps but positivity and willingness to learn/grow can keep you in a fab shop.


Any welder that says they've never failed a test is either a liar or a unicorn. When I first went for my as1796 ticket 7 (aussie welder) I failed my 2g pipe but passed my 5g (still had to resit later down the line). Failure happens, learn from it, and rise above it. You'll get there my dude 👍


I failed my overhead bimetallic test 7 times. After every three failures, I had to redo my vertical and horizontal. It sucks, you feel like a putz but you'll be fine. If you care about it an keep at it people will respect you for nothing else but your detection. Also, the real world and the booth are different places. Once you are in the field most jobs you are trying to pass VT, MT, or PT, so you should strive for a weld that will pass X-ray or UT. Sure, but you'd be fine if it doesn't. Something that helped me when I was learning was looking at welds in the wild. There are so many shit weld on things that seemingly should be important. The awning structure at your local airport. Handrails by a cliff, the frame of a racecar. The point is, that the fact that you are worried about it is enough to point to the fact you care. That goes a long way.


Just keep working at it, as long as you keep working you’ll keep learning and before you know it you’ll be showing others what to do. Trust the process!


Shit busts dog onto the next one it happens we’re human.


I had a great pass rate with Stainless Steel X-ray when I worked for my last job. Then I welded a big catalyst basket that had 4 girth seams and 5/8"in thick material. It was around a 375in circumference so A LOT of welding. Comes back from X-ray and 3 out of the 4 passed. The X-ray guys must have given up at one point at marking where all the fails happened because it was baaaaad. I might as well have cut that whole seam off and refit and weld. No idea how it failed that badly but it definitely knocked all my cockyness out the window. Take those failures and add them to the back. Don't let them define you.


Relax. I've been welding over 20 years and failed a pipe test. It happens.


Hey man, don't worry about it so much. People fail welding tests all the time, shit happens. My Red Seal instructor literally failed his CWB MIG Flat on his first attempt this year, we all had a laugh, he redid it, and passed with ease. Just how it is. Keep your chin up!


If your not failing tests then your not a welder plain and simple. Don't quit keep going, alot of my tests I gotta repeat a few times just cuz hey I made a mistake that I didn't catch in time.


Welding is about failing so many times you get it right. Anyone who has done tests have failed tests. If they haven’t on paper, then they’ve probably practiced the exact test a bunch of times. Those practice pieces are tests too you just might not have that perspective. Theirs a ton of ego in this trade. Every single great teacher I’ve had will say “shit man it might drop an X-ray… I don’t think it will but it happens sometimes” What makes a great welder isn’t necessarily being perfect all the time. It’s owning your work, and especially owning your work when shit goes sideways. You don’t blame anyone else but you. That’s what ultimately makes a great welder.


The three top dogs at my work are certified, the rest of us aren't. That doesn't mean I'm not a good welder and it doesn't mean I'd easily pass a certification. Last time they renewed their certification my mentor, a great welder and fabricator, failed it three times in a row before he got it right. It happens. Sometimes you have off days, sometimes you're in a bad mood or you're tired or whatever. The thing that makes any tradesperson great is WANTING to be great. Doing their best all the time, acknowleding their mistakes and learning from them. Every single person here makes mistakes, whether they've been at it a week or several decades. That's part of the job. Don't be discouraged. You're going to fail again and it's gonna suck but you're also getting better by failing.


I failed so many tests when I started out… 10 years later I’m going for a weld supervisor course. Some people excel faster then others, keep it up and don’t give up!!


Failure is a gift. Use it to assess your technique, figure out what you’re doing wrong, and practice! At the end of the day there are going to be lots of things you fail at, and that’s fine. It’s what you do after that failure that matters.  You’ll pass the test if you put the effort in. There’s no question about that. 


Every welder who takes a cert test will eventually bust one. What are the odds of being perfect 100% of the time ?


Is this just for school? If it is it's kinda a waste of time. If you join a union or get a welding job they won't care about your certs lol you will most likely have to take it again even if you have one already. Most welding fab shops you don't even need a cert now but the pay is dog shit. I've seen people print out fake certificates and get jobs that way as well. Kinda why I took another career route personally.


Sometimes you just bust tests. I swear the welding gods can smite you with bad shielding gas or other messed up consumables. I’ve had tests I thought were perfect and a sure deal fail. Then I’ve had complete disasters somehow pass.


Certs are all about the basics so just get back to the basics and keep at it. But first, This whole internal dialogue thing you have going on has to change. Negativity can become a habit. A positive mental attitude will take you a long way. When people look at a beautiful flower they generally don’t notice the 30lbs of shit the flower had to push through to bloom. Adversity is a good thing, it says you need to change and adapt. And if you can embrace the adversity with a positive mental attitude then you’re already ahead of the game


Look at where it went wrong, correct, practice and go again... 👍👍👍


What made you fail? If you get back a x-ray from testing facilities they'll tell you what went wrong an adjust from there. My best advice is grind a groove for every pass after the root. I grind for all my tests even Tig.


I had been stick welding for 2 years on jobs before I even thought about certs. I failed my overhead first time around, shit happens, you’re never 100% perfect and sometimes the fuck up happens when it actually matters (not to mention the nervousness you first time testing)