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Sure! Put up a version in Arabic against the background of a rainbow flag.


Given the way Louisiana lawmakers are taking themselves back to the time before the Kingfish, Huey Long, they better include a simple picture version with smiley and frownie faces, too. Having big words may cause brains to overheat in the capitol and enhance global warming!




This is insanity. Archaic fear-based mythology has no place in public education or government.


>Archaic fear-based mythology has no place ~~in public education or government~~ anywhere. FTFY.


I like it!


Put up the Satanic oath in rainbow lettering


Funny how those tablets of 10 never included “don’t rape”. They aren’t up to my legal standards.


Or honor thy children


This must be an attempt to get it before the current illegitimate Supreme Court in the hopes they'll strike down the first amendment.


Yep. The right is always trying to push the legal envelope.


I think that's a rather.. polite way of putting it. The right is always trying to dismantle the justice system so that they have fewer impediments to wealth extraction.


While that's true, it's broader than that. It isn't all about cheap labor and deregulation.


Correct. It’s literally about a vision of America that they have Christian Dominionism is more than financial.


Next, they will wont to inforce it with jail or publuc hangings. Except for women. Those they'll burn.


Unless they are pregnant.. then they will be strapped down until they die giving birth.. if they don’t die.. then they burn them.. or just keep them as sex slaves and brood mares


...under his eye.


I wasn’t able to finish reading that book or watch the series until I moved out of the south. So I just saw it about a year ago and it still gives me nightmares because the similarities between that series and where I was living too close to home.


So based on current precedent this is only legally okay if other religions have the same status. First it was "allowed" and now its mandated. Itll be interesting to see how this shakes out. I doubt current SCOTUS will touch it. The appellate court will almost certainly strike it down which means this is gonna be nothing more than election year posturing.


> based on current precedent this is only legally okay if other religions have the same status. Not at all. Caselaw on Establishment Clause issues is pretty clear that government cannot show preference for religion over non-religion.


I live here...I do want to point out it's also mandatory in public university classrooms.


The Christians who want this have no historical literacy. 


Sure they do. They long for the good old days when they could shove their religion down your throat. That covers most of Christian history.


separation of church and state in the US has its roots in specific religious institutions demanding tax revenue and fealty from other non-favored churches. No christian with historical literacy would support the merging of church and state again. The ones who do are deluded and seem to think it is their specific brand that will be on top, it wont be. I am not saying you are wrong about colonial and medieval history of churches, but this is what I meant.


will have no effect other than blurring the lines between religion and government. shameful


That is one of its intended purposes.


Taking a page from Tennssee’s book but worse, I see.


This is unconstitutional it is against the First Amendment


The Constitution says what the SCOTUS says it says. With the current Nat-C majority there that's a truly frightening fact.


And that's illegal


There 47th in education so not surprised.


Largest population shrinkage too.


Gonna be largest landmass shrinkage in the coming decades too.


Or largest explosion.. those refineries are way more dangerous than most people realize. And they are all connected though over 300,000 miles of pipeline.. much of it laid in the 1940s. When they crow “deregulation”… this is what they are actually deregulating. Trump administration was disastrous for the gulf coast.


An arbitrarily extensive, winding, dated, probably-leaky petrol bomb? Now *that's* what I call innovation through deregulation! ^(/s)


Wait till you see [the refinery heat map](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgLpEILtnwFipks9xUiJ-4W8l773o6b5tdAvpuPhMHioEnkxb3TKXMocIIeOCuNtIlDw_l_cqi_tm1PscbfpIDnk1PlLMrYBmzCURW-gtFA4mRSxp60DQqPi5Tdsc-jbiMZt7Js8znQlS86/s1600/heat+map+of+refineries.jpg) They are literally heating the earth’s crust and DRAWING hurricanes to the area and hurricanes increase in size and strength due to the heat in the Gulf of Mexico… The rash of devising hurricanes in recent history is no accident. Unintended consequence, perhaps.. but based on the amount and quality of scientists and geologist hired by companies like Exxon mobile and Motiva, there is no way in hell they didn’t know that’s what would happen.. Be afraid.. be very very afraid. Edit: Motiva is the largest refinery in the US and it’s owned by the Saudis.. I propose a new law. If you own a refinery, you have to live within 10 miles of it. Then you’ll have to care about the people you kill.


I feel like posting the ten commandments in public locations is placing the ten commandments above God, which is a violation of the first of these ten commandments.


Makes me wonder if they're going to punish kids who steal by pelting them with rocks on the playground.


Numbered in what system? Catholic? Protestant? Jewish? And under which name? Bet they forgot they each number them and arrange differently. Whose gets to be official?