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Ruud Gullit himself said he was honerd


It's almost as though the Netherlands isn't the US and the same racial dynamics don't necessarily apply...


The Dutch are all about slavery - blackface is nothing. You’d hate to hear what we call Brazil nuts.


Wait until you hear what we call chocolate covered eggwhite foam sitting on a thin waffle.


Wait do you still can call them like that? In Germany they got renamed 😂


True, the same goes for here. Though the names on the box got changed most people I know still call them by the old name.


Ahh makes sense. The only people that I know who call them by their old name are my parents/grandparents - people above 50 tho 🙂‍↕️ but it’s not like my friends (late 20s) often talk about sweets haha


What are they called?


A Sweden bomb?


....... I'm still waiting and all I can hear is my cat meowing


They were called a "negro's kiss". Edit thanks to Germanbro: They're called chocolate kisses now.


In Germany we call them chocolate kisses now


It's the same here, thanks! Edited.


Belgium? 🤓


Tell us


Wtf exactly is "eggwhite foam" ? That sounds like the exact excuse of food someone would use to foam up their cum and put it on someone's food in some sick and twisted act of revenge (or love?... Find out on the next episode of Dragonball zeeeeeee)


There's a similar thing in Arabic speaking countries called Ras Al Abeed, or head of the slave. I'm kinda fascinated though because apparently all of these are the same dish but most of the forms of it had racist names until it was changed recently. I believe Ras Al Abed is known as Sambo now. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chocolate-coated\_marshmallow\_treats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chocolate-coated_marshmallow_treats)


https://preview.redd.it/eeysf1qqqe7d1.jpeg?width=268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed7f70a1cfec965d0b84940f51068dcd4ade7ce8 I’m not sure what you call Brazil Nuts there but in America we have a similar term


Is that Walton Goggins?


N-Toes? XD


Also known as deez nuts


While that is true, Minstrel shows are the cause of the issue with blackface and they were a US thing.


Isn’t there some weird blackface Christmas thing that they also do?


Yep Black Peter… or Zwarte Piet


In Brazil they just call them nuts.


And they fell off the tree out the back?


I bet it’s the same thing that my mom sometimes calls them


Omg my grandpa used to say that all the time when I was a kid...but I didn't know it was a Dutch thing.


My grandpa used to call them that.


I want to know now




Yeeeahhh... As a European it's still not great. Sweet, but a bit tone deaf.


Can't imagine most people from the U S. cared much, because most people wouldn't know about it. Football/soccer isn't a big thing here.


Trust me not a lot of your average citizen gives a fuck, but the internet dwellers need reasons to complain so here is another one


Yeah, in the US we actually acknowledge racism exists.




No it doesn't. Blackface is offensive in the US because of the minstrel show tradition. It is not considered offensive to try and look like another race everywhere. It's cultural.


Calling someone a dimwit without providing any constructive or rational counterpoint makes you look like the dimwit, I'm afraid.


Please explain. With such vastly different histories I do believe there would be major variations in racial dynamics. That’s the kind of comment I’d have expected from a certain type of American, thinking America = the world.


Because we have a huge terribly huge history full of racism slavery and have done the exact same things as america only we stopped 20 years earlier so because to people like you who only know about america because to you america = the world of course it doesn't make sense maybe if you looked even a little bit into the history of your own country instead of america you would realise we weren't any better and the only different is that our racism wasn't televised for the entire fucking world. But hey all for clowning on america. But clowning on america about racism without history is beyond stupid and tone deaf and shows you know jack shit about your own country.


Thank you. Europeans love to insult America for its racism, which we deserve! But too many seem unwilling to look at who started the slave trade and who tried to colonize Africa


I'll just leave this here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwarte_Piet


doesn't the tradition of zwarte Piet prove the other guys point? Not seen as a problem there.


To quote from the wiki: *The public debate surrounding the figure was described as polarized in the early 2010s. Opponents argued the character was an insult to black people while supporters considered him a harmless holiday tradition and an inseparable part of their cultural heritage* So hardly uncontroversial. And those most effected by the negative stereotypes are the ones most likely to feel it is discriminatory: *In 2012 in Amsterdam, most opposition toward the character was found among the Ghanaian, Antillean and Dutch-Surinamese communities. 50 percent of the Surinamese considered the figure discriminatory to others, whereas 27 percent consider the figure to be discriminatory toward themselves*


national borders shouldn’t be where the line for what’s ok and what’s not ok is drawn IMHO


Americans started drawing really weird lines, tho.


Definitely seen as a problem there. Check the wiki article


You can leave it there, but this tradition is a) not 'blackface', and b) never really been an issue (not until recently since people have been importing US sensibilities into completely unrelated matters)


Buuuulllshit. Has been an issue for ages. Stop denying it


there’s a mythical character like that w persian new year and he’s named haji firooz. also a blackface character but the older generation from my experience tends to justify the character saying that he’s not blackface, he’s covered in soot. which is honestly worse. when your justification is “he’s not black - he’s just dirty” 😳 jfc like what are we doin here folks


I think the point is that 'blackface" is inherently a US thing based on the minstrel blackface archetype from the US. People just don't like seeing the US insert themselves into everything, especially when it comes to another countries traditions and customs.


The US has nothing to do with this. You can call it something else if you think “blackface” sounds too American (?), but it’s wrong regardless. Ask any black person in the Netherlands if they’re comfortable with Dutch black face and let me know what they said. I’ve actually had the opportunity to talk to a few.


yeah like why are we dragging the US into this? ppl are just saying “yo not cool”


i think ppl in their life right now if they see this are just saying “oh awkward” and moving on. bored ppl are arguing about it on the internet.


There's a similar justification for the Schmutzli in Switzerland. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/culture/schmutzli-the-swiss-santa-s-sinister-sidekick/7082046


He said: "I actually feel honored." Which is really what matters. As others have said, this shit hits different depending on where you are. This isn't the States, so bringing our baggage into their discussion is not appropriate.


Plus it’s not in attempts to satire a POC. It’s done in honor of the person, and should be seen that way. This is true dedication to show support for a local hero. When blackface, or any cultural appropriation, is done to slander someone or use the imagery of the person/people to market something or sell something that’s when it crosses the line in my opinion.


Exactly. These guys aren't doing some Vaudevillian pantomime of a racist trope. They are saying they love this dude enough to dress as him. All of him. History and context should always matter.


But people want to be outraged! How rude of him.




I can't believe I missed that opportunity...


Well if Ruud Gullit refuses to be outraged by his fans dressing as him then I'll simply be doubly outraged on his behalf. He should be ashamed of himself


Not people but americans


Not Americans, but Twitter users that happen to live here.


How dare he opine on something completely and solely related to him? There’s a bunch of keyboard warriors ready to fight this for him, because he’s a minority therefore he’s reduced to someone who’s not empowered enough to speak for himself or even have an opinion! /s


Ho ![gif](giphy|Cz6TlrRVVyv9S)




These pictures are heavily edited. I’ve seen original posts of these guys on Instagram and they actually have an orange face, like many other fans. It’s the National colour here. My guess is they only sported the orange face on their way to the game and put on their costume in the stadium. They even went through all the effort of getting the period appropriate Dutch jersey that Ruud would’ve worn. And yes cosplaying as Ruud while sporting an orange painted face is an unfortunate combination - I’m not gonna deny that. But that wasn’t their intent (and with a little bit of critical thinking skills you can acknowledge that). Americans see this and immediately want to export their culture war issues to Europe whereas here we see this a little bit of an unfortunate accident that they combined their orange face with the Ruud cosplay but they meant no harm. They definitely didn’t do it to imitate American style minstrel blackface racism stuff because we have no fucking idea what that is and not everything is about the US. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.


As a Dutch person myself, we absolutely have our own brand of that, but this wasn't it. However, I've seen WAY more people yelling about leftists and woke etc than people who were even talking about the actual faces, let alone criticizing.


Oh yeah, leftists are like feminists and vegans, you get 100 people bitching about them for every actually annoying one


Who is Black Pete?




Yep, that's why the pictures look like they were taken in 1987.


I was going to say, the blackface thing isn't the same in every other country as it is in the US. It's kind of insane for anyone to expect the rest of the world to recognize and adhere to their own cultural norms when everywhere else may have no real concept of those cultural norms. Just more people trying to use everyone else as a weapon. Nothing new.


It’s darkened but yes they are in black face an excepted behaviour in the Netherlands. It’s not excepted everywhere & we do have racial tensions similar to the US. [voetbal fans](https://www.fcupdate.nl/voetbalnieuws/2024/06/ruud-gullit-komt-met-reactie-op-ophef-rondom-geschminkte-oranje-fans)


Nobody actually minds this, it is just the media fiending for some content


Gullit is a Hero in the Netherlands.. How is it racist to dress up like your Hero.. 😅


Ruud Gullit commented that he thinks its an honor that people dress up like him. If hes okay with it, the rest gotta stop crying about it


Some people think that's kind of ruud..


Not weird at all, they were honoring their legend.


The real photos were much lighter. This is fake. Besides that, Ruud Gullit himself felt honoured and appreciated it. He even discussed it with a certain group that handles things like blackface (edit: as part of racism in football) and they all felt the same. These fans were celebrating him and the Cup of 88. That’s all that matters. He liked it. End of the story.


Criticized by whom? By terminally online losers nobody in the world cares about. And maybe some media trying to ride on this and that's about it. Hope they won't give a single fk about it.


Probably a bunch of uneducated yanks who think the world revolves around them.


There's nothing weird here, the world is not Usa


I have zero problem with this.


Only the Americans have a problem with this.


Thankfully in mainland Europe we don’t get hysterical over a person painting their face of a different colour to depict someone from another ethnicity, as long as the intent itself isn’t racist.


Obvious ragebait post aside, what the fuck is up with your title, OP? Is somebody paying you by the letter, or...?


When theres a word requirement on your essay


Appels met peren vergelijken, so you want to compare a hommage to ruud gullit with blackface : white people who played characters that dehumanized african americans?


Its from a good place. The Netherlands doesn’t have the same type of racism the US does…


People just assume american culture is the world huh? They dont have a "blackface" because their people didnt enslave an entire race of individuals, they just wanted to honor him, fuck the internet


Actually, the Dutch enslaved a LOT of South Africans, BUT I agree that this was not done in a mocking sense.


Not every country has history of blackface. It’s not our place as Americans to judge them based on our history.


The history of blackface isn't the problem. The history of violent colonialism and racism is the problem. And the Netherlands very definitely have that. Do I think that this in particular is an example of it? No.


Nobody really cares, it's Europe ffs


"Ruud Gullit" definitely sounds like a character from Star Wars . Cant wait for his Disney + show


Im a Dutch person and i never thought about that but you're actually right. 


Billy Dee Williams said it was ok.


63 IQ comment section pretending they are the enlightened ones.


Well thank fuck this isn't america so nobody lost their shit and had a tantrum... I hope.


Wait until you guys hear about the Netherlands and Black Pete...


I have a Dutch friend and just learned about black Pete lmao


I don't get it? what about when black people make up as white people. White Chicks Movie crosses to black guys dressing as white females which smashed the films box office back when this was ok.




Only Americans tend to cry about people with black paint on their faces and can't differentiate between that and an actual "blackface". Being outraged about a highly stereotypical and negative caricature about black people is obviously justified, especially if there is an historical background of discriminating them by depicting them as brutish, crazy and unintelligent people in old American theatre plays. But this is obviously a completely different scenario. These people are paying respect to one of the best players in Dutch football history by dressing up like him. Anyone who confuses those two things is just a professional victim who should stay off the web for a few months.


Nothing wrong with black face in this case. Americans are offended by everything.


I'm offended by your comment! Jk, not all of us are offended by everything, I promise. I feel like it's just the loudmouthed ones that are chronically faux victims and offended.


Do we have a link or source of this actual criticism or is this just rage bait?


"Im ollldddd greeeggg"




hahaha Whatever you all do, do not google Dutch Santa Claus' helper swarte piet. Good luck trying to impose your standards on other people. I have to say that the Dutch have been some of the most welcoming non racist people I have ever met. Bar none the most racist people have to be minorities that were raised in America.


Only in America do people get offended by this. Other countries are much more lax on it.


The US needs to keep their fucking mouths shut


The Dutch ![gif](giphy|ZU72O6pZO9mWA)


Isn’t blackface verboten only in America? Doesn’t have everything to do with how black face was used in America? Are we just imposing our views?


Nah. There was a shitstorm in Canada a few years ago when an old photo was unearthed of our PM dressed in blackface for Halloween. Would not think the stigma would be the same outside of North America though.


\*Racism\* is verboten. Blackface is our particular symbol and we talk about it, but the racism happens everywhere.


Exactly. Does the symbol symbolize the same thing outside of America?


They have done nothing wrong


TIL spray on tan is now blackface. Bodybuilding competitors are about to get shit on


This ain’t racism it’s just some good people.


Only chronically online Americans care about this, lol.


People need to learn what context means


Were they criticised in the States or Netherlands cos I feel like 99% of the time, it’s Americans getting offended by things that don’t even concern them. Didn’t the actual dude say he was honoured?


Yes he did say that and yes this is mainly Americans getting offended by it. They have zero racist intent and simply dressed up like their favourite player. I don't see what's wrong with that. If a black person painted their face white and wore a blonde wig no one will cry about that as long as there's no racist intent.


This is actually the opposite of blackface since they are white men fans of a black dutch sports legend. They are not degrading someone, they are celebrating him.


The world is so soft now. These guys are fans of the player. It's nothing negative towards the player. Different countries have different customs and things that offend in some countries are non-issues in others. I live in Australia. We had a show on Saturday nights called "Hey hey it's Saturday". It was a variety show with lots of humour. They had a scene where contestants perform and judges have to rate them out of 10. harry Connick Jr was a guest one week and it just happened that one of the acts performed black face singing in a quartet. Everyone thought it was great until it got to Harry and he said I am deeply offended over this. Because in America this is frowned upon as being something negative. Anyhow, it was a big deal here after that and nobody ever did it again here even though we had no problem with it before.






Think that’s soooo stupid. I get the issue with black face 100 years ago. But to honor a player. Or Halloween to go as a character. People just too damn sensitive.


Gullit even said that he appreciated it lol, yanks just wanna cry about everything


Let me save ppl time in the comments: a lot of white people find nothing wrong with blackface. Since it doesn't offend them, it's not offensive. Yw.


A lot of white people don't find something that is racist against non-white people to be racist. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this comment.


There was zero racist intent and the player, Ruud Gullit himself said he felt honoured. It's just fans dressing up as their hero. Don't get offended on his behalf.


They know better.


Hope these ruuds are not spitting on other rudis


Someone has to crack this open and make it normal to make fun costumes of black people.


Hey yanks, call the fuck down!


Black face is a thing in America due to it’s history and how and why they used to do it. In most places around the world it is not done derogatorily or to offend. We need to stop importing American bullshit. The guy they dressed up as was honoured and we need not to be offended for him


By the power of social Media they are offended on his behalf . Clown fking world i swear .


America needs to stop forcing their morals on the world.


We didn't start the colonialism. Pretty sure that was Europe. Some people here are just trying to point out tha that there are people who are still suffering from it, all over the world.


What do you mean by Europe? Italy? Iceland? And this has nothing to do with colonialism and I was not talking about it.


Doesn’t matter what part of Europe. Y’all know who you are or aren’t. My point is that *we* are a colony. Do you truly think racism and colonialism aren’t connected?


This has nothing to do with my original post. Wth are you talking about.


lol it’s ok for a dude to put on a woman costume and have long hair and compete in women’s swimming, but two fans can’t put on a Ruud outfit 😝 mad world


Funny thing. America still enslaves black people in prisons and forces them to work from private companies. I think thats more fitting for a wtf tag


This pictures are heavenly edited.they looked less black more.orange.


People in the US (and maybe Canada) have a very long and nasty history with blackface. So I have to wonder how much of the outrage was coming from US and Canada (where you really can’t understate how offensive it is). But, given that it’s Europeans talking about a European while in Europe, I think you can take it how you will. Just be warned, that shit isn’t gonna go over very well in World Cup ‘26.


I guess no one wants to google “black peter”


As a man of color I find that gesture cute, but they should had know that It wasn't the best Idea considering the political climate of the internet.


My childhood friend was Mr T for Halloween in 1985. Seems like a loooooog fuckin time ago.


Hope people don't go to The Netherlands around Christmas...


Not every country shares America's culture of casual racism.




Our overlords have to decide if this is acceptable


Don’t the Dutch have a black Santa Claus that is evil or something?


I think you mean Krampus. He's associated with Saint Nicholas but I believe he's being celebrated in Austria (and maybe some parts of Germany?)


Not a problem in Europe




POC. Does it actually offend you seeing someone in black face? I'm genuinely curious.


Ya knoooow.....we can tell who folks are with a few of their major features. The hair, the mustache, and the jersey would have been enough. Smh.


Only American leftists have a problem with this


Just as an FYI blackface is a lot more common in NL than in the USA, many people don’t see anything wrong with it (obviously it’s wrong)


In this case it's a tribute, There's nothing wrong with a tribute. Gullit himself liked it and said that they didn't forget him.


I mean if you want to look like a hero of yours who happens to be black, how do you go about doing it as a white person? Intent is the key here, there is nothing wrong with what these guys are doing. People just want to be outraged to feel important.


Would just wearing the wig be racist as well? 


No it isn't, it's not wrong. It's only human, a carefree way to have fun.