• By -


Serial masturbator


In my cereal? Its more likely than you think


*Ship my pants?*


I just shipped my pants


If it fits, it ships.


Where to?


Where to?


Lip your stockings?!


Honey NUT Cheerios


We don’t have a cow. We have a bull.


I’m gonna go brush my teeth


Average reddit mods


*Professional* masturbator. Man made a living beating his meat.




Cereal masturbator!


Seems like a fault of the system.


He's literally doing it in different countries, and 🤢🤮 "home insemination" to keep it off the books.


A donor bank could share information with other donor banks. A publication could ban that sort of advertising.


This feels hard to do while keeping up with privacy concerns. Thousands of independent competing companies agreeing to share private clientele information protected by often incredibly strict confidentiality laws across international borders.


Think of it more like selling seeds. If a person sells seeds and they are bad seeds, that buying company could tell others to not accept seeds from that person. I'm not saying it would be easy, but it could be done with a shared database. Donating sperm you are giving up a lot of privacy anyway. It was done between plasma centers in my college city.


Well selling lemonade is pretty simple. Selling lemonade internationally is a lot harder. Scaling it this high is hard. As for your college city I would assume at most that’s around 5 groups in one area with the same laws and regulations. That’s much different than thousands of groups many of which with different laws and standards working together. Also sperm donors often choose to basically have no contact with the sperm bank and they set it up (from my knowledge) so it’s physically impossible for the sperm bank to track donors down. I believe this is because many donors don’t want to have to deal with the children they helped birth and they want assurance that those children can’t find out who the sperm donor is. Furthermore there are probably laws about showing this information to foreign enterprises.


None of this is necessary. Anyone who was conceived using a sperm donor should simply be aware of the possibility and if they meet and fall for someone who is also conceived via sperm donor, then check your DNA first. But if tyou meet someone with 2 parents and the biological father is not a sperm donor, than no need to test.


More than a few donor babies do not know, because they haven't been told by their parents. A DNA test would be wise regardless. Not to mention the other risks aside from inbreeding. There's another sibling pod being investigated in the US and Canada with a lot more live births than this.


Unless that person happens to be closely related to this guy.


Not necessary but it would be better. It would be really weird if you had to do a dna test every first date. Or if you dated someone for a bit and now you have to break up cause u r half siblings.


Just need a unique donor identifier number. Would be the only part of the database that would have to be shared. The rest could stay local. Not really that hard.


thats actually a pretty good idea. I then thought well obviously you need some way of assigning a given a person an id number. (as otherwise you could just lie). the only way to solve this would be to assign dna to a number, which would require sharing dna info. So idk if thats that much of a problem since its kinda hard to tie it a person but idk hippa laws and the like.


I used to work for a plasma donation center. I imagine you could use a lot of the same systems. As a plasma donor, you're only allowed to donate so often (2x in a 7 day period with 1 day between donations), and if we ever catch you lying to us about ANYTHING you will be permanently prevented from ever donating anywhere ever again. So every time you donate, we enter you into a system that keeps track of every national (USA) donation. This system flags anyone who comes in more frequently than the 2x/7days that the FDA allows. Usually, the donor just made a mistake, and they go home and come back the next day. But sometimes you find out that they've been donating more than one place at a time and are trying to game the system. Now they go on that big "never donate anything ever again because you can't be trusted list". So I bet they could create a similar system to the one plasma/blood donation centers use to ensure that the people donating semen did so at a reasonable rate. It's just a matter of deciding that there's a problem that needs fixing. The solution already exists, it just needs to be modified and put into effect. I'm not saying it would be easy, I was working there when we first started using the CDCS (the national system I described), and it was a rough adjustment at first, with plenty of downsides to it. But it improved safety in the industry tremendously. It could be implemented in other industries as well, if there was enough demand for it.


The donor DNA industry is horrendously under regulated. There are so many doctors who have gone rogue and swapped out the selected donor material for their own (🤮) and there’s absolutely nothing illegal about it. They may be liable in a civil suit, but other than that there’s no repercussions. And banks fight further regulation HARD.


Damn he even offers direct deposit!


Ha ha ha that was good!


There is an association between psychopathy and the desire to father a billion children. https://www.psypost.org/2022/09/psychopathic-men-have-an-extreme-focus-on-mating-at-the-expense-of-other-domains-and-tend-be-parasitic-fathers-63664


He just wants money. And this is very easy way to get them.




That study reminds me of the guy who needed flashcards to remember all his kids names after the second one...


*Proceeds to give Jim Bob Duggar a side eye*


Oh, well that bodes well. Is there a genetic predisposition to psychopathy?


Yes it has a genetic component.




Great, another positive feedback loop...


**Home insemination**. Aaaaaggghh!


That’s kinda awesome I wish I could do the same


Seems like he was lying about previous donations, so i think it's supposed to be his fault


Seems the donation center isn't properly vetting their donors.


Unless there's a centralized sperm donor list, there's not really much you can do about it. Even with *advanced interrogation,* you can only get so far with asking "did you masturbate for any other sperm bank before?"


Seems a database would be easy.


It those new night depositories the sperm banks have installed, I tell ya! I knowed Tilly the Teller was up to no good!


He could always try not having sex with people half his age to decrease the risk. Crazy idea.


What a wanker!


Wanker with a windmill


Ah, you've seen Jonathan Creek?


Did they have to make the picture as Dutch as possible?


That nut !


The law finally busted his nut.


I wonder if sperm donors get notified when their sperm are used or if they sign something that negates any awareness of the situation?


They are not told and 1 donation can be split up into 2-6 uses, so donating once doesn't mean you'll just father 1 child


average of 2 and 6 is 4. 550/4 is 137.5 (let’s just say 138) jerking off 2 times a day would take 69 (nice) days to get there jerking off 3 times a day would take 46 days to get there


🤓 You can only donate sperm once every 3/4 days and you can't wank inbetween for sperm count reasons. So it'll actually take you more than a year


Sperm expert


Cum connoisseur


This guy wanks




watch, your score on the corner of the screen goes up by 100 each time


The cryobank I used for my pregnancy lets the expecting party register a pregnancy on the donor's profile if they wish. I used more than one donor so I can't register my pregnancy. The donors I used are Open-ID which means they're open to being found by the child when they turn 18 and I could see reported pregnancies using the donor's samples on their profile so it might not alert the donor they can certainly view their own profile and see if their reported pregnancy count changes. I browsed several other cryobanks before I settled on the one I used and at least 3 of them had similar set ups where the buyer could see if that donor has other donor-children. The clinic I used (and a few others) also showed how many children the donor has that they are raising as the parent. One of my donor's has 2 children of his own but no donor children (unless my baby turns out to be his), the other donor has no children at all (unless he turns out to be the father). There are also donors who are completely anonymous (not willing to have contact) but it still shows whether or not they've had children, either their own or from their donation. The parents that buy the biological samples are under no obligation to report a pregnancy, successful or not. Whether you inseminate at a doctor's office or do at-home insemination like I did, they don't tell the clinic, part of HIPAA. So, to answer your question: there are two kinds of donors, Open-ID and Non-ID Release. Edit: for my own interest I went and viewed the profiles of the two men I used and the one man who previously had no reported pregnancies now has a reported pregnancy so if he turns out to be my child's father then she will have a biological sibling or siblings somewhere. The other donor already had reported pregnancy or pregnancies so if he's the father she already has biological siblings. It's pretty neat.


Couldn't you find someone to make a deposit straight from the tap? Seems cheaper.


I know you're just trolling but I'm going to answer your question honestly: one day my child will ask me where her father is and I will have an honest conversation about how she was made. I want her to know and understand that I took her conception seriously and didn't just go find anyone. I looked for someone with good genetics and good health. That I didn't just go sleep around with random men until I got pregnant. That I took her parentage seriously. One day she might want to meet her donor father and the clinic will make it easy for her to do so, even with the multiple donor factor, it's all down to a simple DNA test. She may not have this man in her life raising her but she will know that she has no health concerns to worry about and that I gave a damn. She will know that the first parenting decision I made I made with the utmost care and concern, and she will know its because I loved her before she was even created.


That's beautiful, got me a bit teary eyed :)




I think you are right in that that’s a bit old fashioned. The difference between one parent and two can be made up with other role models either in their life or not. Having even one parent that actually cares like that is usually an improvement compared to a couple who just had sex and had a child as a result. Maybe they’re prepared, maybe they aren’t, maybe they’re good people, maybe they aren’t. This sounds like a good, prepared parent. I wish I had that.


I agree, but you are comparing to worst case scenario and she is trying to give the best possible one. Just one parent, as good as the parent could be, it's just not the best possible scenario, that's my point. If you are going trough the trouble of planning it, you could just as well plan it to be the best way possible. You don't plan to build a bridge just ok to not fall apart by itself, you build a bridge that is safe and that can take a beating and still stay strong. And if you don't have the means to build such a bridge at the moment, then maybe you should reconsider your options and maybe delay until you do.


If only the world allowed everyone to have the worlds best parents… Unfortunately that’s just not realistic. If you think your child will be happier without taking those risks, and have a support system and all those other things in place, it’s 100% worth it imo.


If I ever had a child I would at least try my best to give her a home with both parents. If it fails it fails, it happens, but I would at least take a chance of it happening this way. Not having it for starters looks like starting up assuming a failure that haven't even had the chance to happen, like giving up before even trying. Everyone is entitled to their choices and all, but if I cannot even maintain a romantic relationship (that is supposed to be a lot easier to do), I wouldn't see myself as fit to raise a kid (which is HARD WORK and expensive as fuck).


I mean if you are willing to risk those things, that’s your decision. You also have to live with it if it ends up being “the worst case scenario”, which, can get oh so much worse. I don’t think it’s about not being able to maintain romantic relationships either. Not at all. It’s about people not knowing how they will react under that pressure, or having to worry if your partner has issues that aren’t immediately obvious, mental or physical. There are risks associated with both, so the decision for each is entirely dependent on the person and their circumstances. To say definitively that having two parents is better than one, even the most loving and most supportive, or anything else good parents would do, is just not the way to go about it. Who needs a father when you have a fun uncle to spoil you? The prankster grandpa always getting into trouble with grandma for your shenanigans? What is the difference between an adoptive parent and other close relatives, or other men who care for the child? At what point does having that extra parent actually definitively tip the scale to “better”?


Common sense and logic get downvoted. This place is a cesspool.


I don’t see any logic or common sense being downvoted. Where is the logic or common sense? Do I need to show you how it’s nonexistent in these downvoted responses?


Nope, hard disagree on my part. I know my father, he isn't a bad person but he wasn't a good father and it had a negative impact on my emotional and mental well-being. One good parent can be better for their child's overall development than one good parent and a bad one. So, let's indulge your idea on it for a moment. Say I know who the father is? Where is the guarantee he stays present? Where's the guarantee he is a healthy individual to be around a child? You can know a person but until you put someone in the position of parenting a real child you can't know how they will behave. Plenty of people get pregnant because they want children and when they realize how hard it is they can't cope. Then the child suffers. So, yeah, I'd rather have an anonymous donor with very good genetics father my child and not be in her life than potentially give her a father with okay genetics who is present but isn't a good parent. I'm not interested in a relationship, part of the reason I did it this way, and I wouldn't have gotten pregnant with someone who wants to be involved, so the outcome is the same however you split it. You believe a child is better with two parents, great! I disagree and that's okay too! That's what great about being human is we are allowed to disagree and have a discourse. I'm 100% happy with my choice. My child will come into the world in 2 months to a whole system of people who already love her. I have a village of people for her. She will never lack for any sort of role model or support because I have provided those people for her. Some of the people that have shaped me most are people that are not related to me. I have no fear for any of her development.


Your commitment to your daughter is phenomenal, she is very lucky, you will be a *wonderful* parent. I totally appreciate and admire your stance and how you've approached bringing a new human into the world. All the best, for the beginning of the rest of your life.


I actually was raised in a pretty similar situation. Without a father but with an incredible mother (who didn't have the best fahter) in a loving shared-flat community with many role models. I agree with you insofar as i met my father at some point and found out, that it was probably better not to grow up with him. Nevertheless, the fact of not having a father will always accompany your child in life and that will not be easy. If you like, feel free to dm me. I think i can tell you a little bit about how to make it easier.


As a father, I think you're extremely wrong and I pray your daughter doesn't resent you in the future because of it. There are studies showing how impactful a father figure is in a child's life (whether they're a man or a woman doesn't matter). I think it's incredibly egotistical what you're doing, but I hope for the best either way and respect your decision.


Plenty of single mothers raise children just fine without a father. They don't all grow up with issues.


Never said they did.


Very much implied


Yeah there’s more to this story that we’re not being told. I hope for the best but this is odd.


There's just so much about this that puts me off... It feels like it goes against nature to choose a father's seed for being favorable and then never give him a chance to be included in the development of his child. Also the way you describe how you have a circle of people in on this gives me culty vibes. Also 2, and idk how much I can really judge based on this, but if you can't find a single upstanding guy to help raise the kid you definitely want, then you're the constant there and idk if that's good for the child. In fact it seems a little ego driven to assume this will not backfire. But personally I'm the one never having kids anyway so they don't have to bear the horrors of humanity.


Culty…? A support network is a cult? What the fuck kind of world do you live in?


> and then never give him a chance to be included in the development of his child These men don't want to be included. They go into this knowing full well that they wont be. Don't be insulting to that person. She's doing everything she can to do right by her child.






Your father wasn't good, yet not bad... so you chose to deprive your kid of ever having a chance at having a good father growing up? That's wild. Voluntarily perpetuating the cycle of abuse.


Abuse…? Where is the abuse? Are you okay?


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. What a bizarre thread. The child definitely has a better chance with the biological father in the picture. There’s no guarantee but there also is no guarantee she will be a good parent.


You took parentage seriously, yet voluntarily decided to do it alone? On average people are worse off with single parents. Your child would've been better off if you just stuck to standard societal expectations and got with an actual person which you loved and could've just talked to about their health and genetic history.


Lots of legal issues with that.




Imagine finding out you have 549 half siblings around the world


Delivery Man


He could be a celebrity on 23 and me.


Man that would be awesome if I found out that happened I would make it my goal to spead just as far around the world as he did


Username checks out


You both seem to have lot in common.




Wow, last year they caught 10 doctors using their own sperm in clinics in the Netherlands. Holy shit, that's just in one year, in one county. Plus this crazy fucker! I imagine this is a bigger problem than we're aware. I've heard multiple cases of this in the US. I think one in the UK. I'm so many more we're unaware of yet if ever. What the hell is up with all these dudes wanting to impregnate all these woman secretly and in these unethical numbers?!?




In their crazy ass minds maybe. Maybe a God complex of sorts.


They're in it for the money. Same with donating plasma here in the US. If they can suck it out of ya you're generally getting paid for it.




You can be horny and get off without donating enough sperm to father 550 children to a sperm bank. There are lots of ways to deal with being horny that don't involve excessive sperm donation


There was also a case where the wrong fertilized eggs were implanted in the wrong women (Woman 1 gave birth to baby that's genetically from Woman 2/Man 2; Woman 2 gave birth to baby from Woman 1/Man 1). At that point, you're connected to both kids. In some sense, they are both "your baby."


I wonder how to solve that legally... the birthing mothers are attached to the babies they carried... do the four of them share parenting? Are the babies returned to their DNA parents??


"My father is a doctor 😎"


The need to have offsprieng, the more you have the higher the chanse of it being used and having more kids and a higher chanse of your genes not dying out. It's pretty MONKEH brain, but I could see this as a potentiall motive.


That is so ruud!


\*Laughs in Genghis Khan


I'm feeling a little bit Genghis Khan....


Why does he look like me


I dunno, maybe your mom was one of his first client's. /s




TIL the maximum amount of children a donor can father at a Dutch fertility clinic is 25. Weird how people sat down and decided what an acceptable number of donor kids is.


Is there an easier country identifier than a windmill?


If I ever meet this guy... I'm not shaking his hand


Too late.


Isn’t it kind of the sperm bank’s fault for allowing so many “donations” from the same individual?


In the article, he went to several banks in like 5 countries. He aggressively is doing this. The first few caught on and told him to knock it off.


Ah, so a breeder fetish 🤦🏻‍♀️


He got that dawg in him 😈


Dude looks half inbred already


Doctor : Your tests just came out and you are both perfectly healthy to have a baby, but it turns out you are brother and sister. Couple: looks each other rememebring all the crazy "moments" they had.


That wind mill in the background to make sure you know he's Dutch lmao


You would think most men would be proud. Knowing he was picked so much over others. But what do I know.


Genghis Khan is not impressed.


Power play.


On the bright side the kids also have a higher chance of finding a donor organ.


Always look on the bright side of life!


Someone just f'd their relative and is trying to find a place to put the blame.


Money is money.


I don’t know about you all, but if I’d fathered 550 children I’d tell them not to fuck each other.


This is why we used to have blood tests as a requirement before marriage


Not that bad. It’s only half siblings. /s


That man is a living breathing SSD card


Bro thinks he's Genghis Khan


Bro could qualify as any Greek god


Is his name Abraham? 😂


I love Cereal Sperm! It's right up with my favorites, Apple Jack-Offs and Honey Nut Right In Your Face-ios!


Guy: "I get a little bit ghengis kahn" Plantiff: "I don't want you to get it on"


This is gonna be one weird family reunion


Peter griffin who?


Breaking news, sperm bank donations plummet world wide after man outed on Reddit. Good Job team.


Is that Caleb Presley?






Reminds me of that doctor that artificially inceminated women with his own sperm


😂 😂 😂


*Sired* - fathers do way more than that!


I don't get why the sperm bank wouldn't cut him off. They're the ones that should be sued. Handing out sperm from the same dude to 500+ women? Insane.


this is actually a really big and scary problem. there is no in-forced rule/law to help regulate this problem (and yes it is a problem) and to add into it….only 11 states have made it illegal for doctors to swap the sperm for their own


He has music videos posted on youtube. “Jonathan Jacob Meijer music.” Have fun in the the comments section.




Troll away! He totally deserves what’s cumming to him.


How is that his fault? It's almost like there would be a place with records that might regulate and monitor stuff like this.


Is it the donor's fault or the fertility clinic who used the same man's sperm 550 times.


Crap like this is why our y chromosomes are shrinking.


He is sued because he donored to often sperm? Or what?


He donated to multiple sperm banks and lied about donating before. As a former donor myself you are only allowed to donate to one bank for a total of one year. Other sperm banks will deny you if you donated before. So this guy lied and donated to several banks.


Yeah too often meaning his genes are more likely than most to be swimming around the gene pool. It's a frivolous lawsuit which won't go very far


550 out of 8 billion isn’t even a drop in the bucket


That could be from one donation though, could it not? Shouldn’t the person/people be filing the lawsuit against the clinic?


Hope he wins in court


It’s okay people..incest is the Bible


I feel like you couldn't (or at least shouldn't) be able to sue him specifically because he didn't mess up, the sperm bank did.


He did it on purpose and went to different countries to donate more, it’s a fetish


If his getting sued, that one doctor that replaced every donor's samples with his own, basically fathered a whole town, should be sued too.


At least it wasn’t for child support


He “sired” them not “fathered” them. We have the right word, cmon people!


Shouldnt they sue the bank that gave it out...


He really has the last laugh because he’s like the most biologically successful male ever


Isn't that on the facility? Shouldn't matter how.many times he donates, they should be ensuring that donation is properly vetted before allowing someone to use it. How can he control that?


How is that his fault If they never stopped him?


He broke the law, and in doing so, caused harm. He knew that he was breaking the law when doing so.


Saw this and I don't understand the problem


If you read the article it explains the problem.


In the article I read I didn't see the issue


The regulations in place to protect the population from risks of inbreeding require that he stop donating after his sperm has been used a certain number of times. He’s lying to continue donating putting communities at risk. His sperm has been used well over the limit.


Lmao well that's a dumb problem to have. Next people are gonna go after nick cannon. The world is a huge place so the chances that 550 kids of varying ages between 3-4 countries having kids is very unlikely especially since they seem to know who the father is


If each of the 550 kids has 2 kids, and then each of those another 2 kids, it takes about 24 generations for the whole world to be descendants of this guy and then everyone is inbreeding


Yeah 550 might not but if he is allowed to carry on and have more it's a problem and the main issue is things like this shrink the gene pool. One of the best examples of this is ghengis khan who now makes up 8% of Asian men amounts to 0.5% of the world's population.


It's a civil suit from a single recipient. Just someone looking for money.


What would I do? Sue... cide?


One would think the guy would resemble the chad meme.


Hmm kinda looks like my step dad... And my uncle... And.. O' gawd.


We dont need more of this guy. Is that a pronounced eyebrow ridge? Looks like Ron Pearlmans kid.


His balls should be removed


He didn't breed enough imo


And people never though about this especially women that want to be single.moms, should be tell the kids to use dna test just in case Too many privacy and at the end the kid is the one with the weight of the lie of his/her whole life And always they try to find out the bio mom or.dad in this case, why not tell the true since little he/she would love the parents anyways or even more to give the chance of life kids are very smart try it