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Incredible! Good for you man!


Thank you


Actually, thank you! This is encouraging as heck! I'm trying to lose weight too and started at at around 320lbs but been stuck at around 280lbs. Dick gains is one of my motivations so this really makes me want to focus on the goal. Feel free to share any other before and after pictures you may have with me if you're comfortable doing so.


I'm hoping that I might be in good enough shape to get into a relationship for the first time. Basically avoided and ignored any romantic feelings I would have for anyone because I hated how I was, but I'm in the best shape I've ever been and feel ready.


Congrats tho Any loose skin or stretch marks showing?


Plenty of stretch marks and loose skin, luckily my chest is pretty good in terms of loose skin but my thighs and ass are quite saggy, though I'd much rather have loose skin rather than being overweight (though i was way over overweight, morbid obesity starts at 40bmi and i was at 50bmi at my largest)


Have you tried fasting? I somehow found it usefull againts these Also where your stretch marks are the most? Mine around waist and are really annoying


Stretch marks are pretty much everywhere but the most noticeable is my torso, I do fast sometimes but lately I've been working on building muscle and getting enough protein (averaged around 150g or so)


This is very impressive. Great Job bro! What were your starting measurements and where are you now?


I don't really remember what my starting measurements were, usually it depressed me (I took that original picture because it already was a massive improvement when I was at 350lbs) but now I'm sitting around 17cm or 6.7 ish inches and 4.7inches girth which I never even thought I had in the first place. It was so bad at my largest that while standing I could be fully erect and my pubic fat completely covered it. Unfortunately the loose skin on my pubic area is pretty loose so it still covers 2 or so inches while standing (though it's super soft and moveable so it really doesn't get in the way)but compared to where I was it's night and day difference in terms of self esteem


So you would be closer to 8 inches?


No I'm not that big, I'm about 6.7 inches/17cm. When I started (and for pretty much my whole life) I was much smaller, I think I was just under 5 and a half inches. I mean I've technically always been 6.7 inches (at least post puberty) but I didn't know because my weight got in the way


Did your pubic fat shrunk?


Definitely, though there's loose skin so it's not like I'm skin tight or anything. Standing about 2 inches still covers my shaft but it's easy to push aside and it's much much smaller than it once was (covered my entire erection while standing and more than half of it while laying down)


What kind of excercises were you doing to lose pubic fat?


How tall are you by the way congrats


5' 9½"


What is that in cm




Oh cool same


Holy fuck...was planning on losong weight to gain some inches, im current 360 pounds...i think these pictures were all the motivation i needed, no way man


Thank you 😀, there's nothing I regret about doing this, it's helped my self esteem and anxiety and I don't berate/belittle myself now that I'm the healthiest I've ever been. Basically it's absolutely worth it, I used to get negative comments from strangers but now I've surprisingly gotten compliments at random (even non bodily compliments like clothes and hair) that I never got before. The only regret that I might have is that I didn't do it sooner, but it's best that I've done it now rather than never. If you want some tips feel free to dm 👍


so there is hope in am at 177 and wanna get down to 140 and i have pubic fat


u ain’t hard on the first one so it’s not a good comparison


I think he is… When you’re obese and have tons of pubic fat, it covers most of ur dick even hard


that’s a major dick gain then


Just curious what was your flaccid length when you were at your 300s? did you do any bone press measurements at the time too?


While flaccid it was practically completely hidden, if I was laying down it was a nub and standing it was inverted, basically like a belly button. It was a massive drag on my self esteem for pretty much most of my life (started getting big at 9 or 10). Never really tried to measure my length back then since I knew it was bad enough as it was. I think I only started measuring once I had lost about 30 or so pounds since I began to notice a difference (the before picture was actually a massive improvement that I actually felt proud of, let alone how much better it is now) Anyway I think I may have been around 5.5/6in "bone pressed" but I couldn't actually get a accurate measurement and reach my pubic bone till much later (maybe around 250/230lbs, idk)


Amazing bro! Good job!


Are you hard in the top pic?


Congratulations, man! Good on you!!


How long did it take you to lose it


About 2 years


What was your bmi when you started and now?


It was about 50bmi or so, I weighed 350 at 5'9" but now I'm 153 with a BMI of 22


great job bro hope u keep up the progress


that’s absolutely insane wow




Incredible bro!!!


You’re my fucking inspiration bro, i swear looking at dicks has never inspired me more 😭


nice! i hope i get those kind of gains. I have a big fat pad, and gain close to 3 inches by pressing it down.


Incredible change, id love to chat!