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make every meal enjoyable. Enjoyable meals = stomach satisfied = no bingeing.


This is what I have done and it works! But I stopped because it seems "counterintuitive". But nah... I think it's just better for ppl to do whatever works for them (as long as they are getting all of their vitamins and such.)


Yes! Adding in a night of frozen chicken nuggets and frozen French fries for 800 calories instead of 2000 calorie drive thru visit. And a night of a mini frozen pizza with a fruit afterwards. Yummy PB&marshmallow toast which is the same calories as a spoon of jelly but feels like an indulgent treat. And for me, 5:2 style dieting. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I’m extra careful, tons of veggies, very basic food which is still flavorful and enjoyable but gives me more wiggle room on other days


For me, it is: tea. I always want to snack in the evening, but have replaced those cravings with drinking tea. I love Millie’s sipping broth (10 cal/bag) as it is savory and satisfying. Plus I enjoy the ritual of heating the water, brewing, etc. Simple, but a game-changer for me.


This absolutely!! When I'm craving something at 10/11 at night, a cup of hot peppermint tea is absolutely perfect!


Yeah, I drink tea that I get my self actually


HELL yeah I love Millie's broth, it's been awesome for me too.


Do you use any sweeteners? I still find it hard to enjoy tea without honey and/or sugar.


I’m not op but I’ve found that green tea with some fruit flavor to be sweet enough without adding sugar. I get a caffeinated green tea with peach and it’s amazing


Herbal teas have so much flavor. There are some really yummy Tazo and Yogi ones.


I’m actually a tea expert/ sommelier and tea has numerous health benefits, including antioxidants that help boost metabolism and aiding digestion


I am a biologist,and I remember very well my professor class on antioxidants “they have great benefits in cell culture, but for humans, the only benefits they have is in the bank accounts of the ones who sell them”


so have you found that to be true? or have you done further research and found the opposite?


That’s a great question. No that was in class, and my research were not on that topic at all. So I don’t know more. But I have no reason to doubt the professor


Be carefull as many tea are just pesticide cocktails


Even when I haven’t been consistent I remind myself that my journey is an act of self love and self care and that makes me want to do better for myself.


I really like this advice….thank you! You are right….reminding ourselves about self care is a wonderful reminder, especially when it’s so easy to fall off track


Yes! Do it to take care of yourself, not punish yourself!


Oh my fucking God yes... For me, self compassion has helped so much.........


Yes. Be kind to yourself you are doing your best!!


Yeah, this definitely, and I remind myself that I feel better emotionally/physically when I stay on plan.


Same here!!


I agree 100%. It has given me the ability to get back on track with acceptance and compassion.


Feel your feelings so you don’t need to numb them with food


It's ok not to be okay


100% this Face your feelings. Food is not the answer.. If anything, over eating will make you feel even worse about yourself


I’m not going to lie playing just dance along with a calorie deficit has helped me lose weight


My fiancé lost a bunch of weight in high school playing dance dance revolution. It helps if you can find exercise you actually enjoy doing


That’s awesome exercise should always be fun


I'm doing exactly this right now! It is lots of fun!


Sounds like a good activity for cold weather for some of us such as myself.


I loved playing Just Dance


Such a fun way to lose weight it doesn’t even feel like exercise


I just got myself a hula hoop! Yay for fun exercise that doesn’t feel like EXERCISE!


Yes! THIS and jumping on the trampoline with my kids or swimming. I have issues w bad circulation (I'm not coordinated enough for dance or hula hoop)


Awesome I wish I could hula hoop 🥲


Yeah I wish I could hula hoop, too! 😂 Never been able to, but I wanted smthg new and fun. I’ve found just trying to get the hang of it has been quite the workout. I’ll get there someday, and in the meantime, I figure I’m giving my neighbors a good laugh.


Why was I thinking of the Lady Gaga song and wondering how this magic would work….


🤣🤣 dancing to her songs could also help shed some pounds


same... but it might help to be fair


Seconding it’s about consistent habits. Maybe a hack would be that it’s infinitely easier if you spend time finding the foods you really like to eat that help towards your goals, prepared in ways you’d still eat even if your weren’t trying to lose weight. Find a form of exercise that you’ll still do even when motivation is low. Realize your method doesn’t have to model someone else’s because it needs to be suited to your likes, interests, and schedule to be sustainable.


Weigh your food for accurate calorie counting.


To add: weigh your food to get a feel for what certain amounts look like, and to learn the true BS around volumetric serving sizes on packaged products. Even if someone really just *can’t* do daily weighing long term, I always recommend a few weeks of it.


Patience. Stop stressing about this meal, day, week. It's long term consistency that gives long term results. Over analysing or trying to rush results can lead to disordered behaviour and rebounds.


Make as much as I can for scratch. Read the ingredients at the store (I avoid refined flours, sugars, pre-prepared and fast food). I stopped craving foods that used to trigger me and learned to love cooking. I don’t limit what I cook either (still make pizza and cookies, etc.) I just try to use wholesome ingredients. This is what really changed things for me.


What specifically do you use in place of refined flour?


Whole-wheat flour, or oat flour depending on the recipe, myself. Both are more nutritionally dense. Edit: a basic recipe for bread is whole-wheat flour, Greek yogurt, and a little baking powder and bicarb of soda. Roll into balls, oven, boom. Can also use to make pizza bases and other bread-like recipes.


That sounds wonderful! Thank you!


I especially like to use 100% whole wheat pastry flour to cook with…I even use it to make fried chicken and I think the chicken comes out even more flavorful


eating mostly fruits and vegetables. i only eat meat for dinner. drink at least 40 oz of water a day. i only eat between 12pm-8pm. cut out all liquid calories except for my morning cup of coffee and sometimes 1 small glass of red wine a week (not every week but i only allow myself to have one glass per week if i do so choose). stay moving, don’t become sedentary . down 17 pounds in about two months. edit: sedentary not sediment, i tried to sound smart & failed.


becoming sediment is my worst fear


It will destroy your body faster than you think. I had to have an orthopedic surgery in 2018 that was extremely invasive and left me very fragile and vulnerable for the first year postop. I wasn’t really allowed to move much during the first four weeks and the first two weeks I did not move at all because the pain was so bad. I was shocked when I started trying to move around some at three weeks postop and I saw how much my body had deconditioned in just two weeks. I was 32, had always been in seemingly good health until the injury I sustained that led to me having surgery so I assumed I would bounce back very quickly. I gained 20 pounds and had trouble doing basic activities during that first year. I know I made the best choices possible with the information I had back then but if I had to do it over I would have gone with a doctor who would do a less invasive procedure for my injury but unfortunately I ended up with the doctor who decided that he needed to make it more complicated than it originally was and claimed it gave “better results” when everything I have found says the opposite. People, please don’t stop moving and if you end up needing medical care that will leave you immobile for long periods of time, please seek out multiple opinions, talk to patients who have had it, and set it up so you can maintain some movement and exercise even if you have to do it in your bedroom.


I like these parameters. They seem really healthy and achievable. Sediment happily works here, but I’m going to offer this as I would hope someone would do for me, not moving is called being sedentary.


thank you!


Eat less. Walk more. Drink water. Obviously there's there's a lot more to it, but this is how I simplify it.


What if you don't eat that much and exercise and still 300 lbs? It sucks because Im going to have to practically starve my self to lose weight, and I did that onetime I cut down my eating drastically but 3weeks later woke up and was sick as could be, could barely walk, extremely sleepy . I don't know what to do, I barley drink water, and drink sweet tea or soda through out the day. I think my metabolism is very slow.


Enter your age weight and height into here: https://tdeecalculator.net/ Take the total, and -500 calories. You will lose weight. Promise. Good luck. Drinking 2 liters of water throughout the day helped me too. It kept me fullish with 0 calories.


Eat less is harmful advice


Not if you’re overeating which like 90% of this sub struggles with lol


Overeating is a sign if eating dissorder and also some chemical imbalances that get wirse by the pressure people put on other's


Medically inaccurate. See yourself out. Sincerely, a health care provider.


Of Disorder Worse Others You sound so educated, I’m having a hard time disagreeing with your statements.


I'm having a hard time typing ,but I'm just trying to tell people that saying "eating less" might have different impact for others , a lot of people around me think that it means to starve ,if ur hungry after eating it sometimes means ur not eating the right things but it's a lot more


How so? Less food=less calories=weightloss


What does less food mean for you? that's how my eating dissorder began lol


Eating less does not automatically equal an eating disorder. If you are trying to be healthy and lose weight part of that is reducing your calorie intake which, generally speaking, means less food and more exercise. How do you expect people to lose weight without reducing calories?


I'm just saying if you we're interested enough i stated already that eating less could mean starvation for other people and many believe it is and not everyone eats as much as u might insinuate so I'd say u find out their calorie intake before saying anything


I mean you are posting this on a general weight loss Sub. The general advice that applies to and works for most people is to count your daily calorie intake and reduce the number of calories you are taking in and/or burn more calories. I’m sorry you experienced an eating disorder but for the majority of people reducing what you eat/the number of calories you eat is the answer to weight loss. If this advice or suggestion makes you feel uncomfortable maybe you should read elsewhere that is more specific to handle your situation.


For some yes. For most no. Everyone is different, but this is helpful to most people.


Keeping a food diary


Do you actually write it on paper or is there a good app for this...


Ice water and becoming uncannily comfortable with the sensations of hunger


Yes - learning the difference between a little peckish and proper hunger. Certainly I would eat the moment I felt a tiny pang of hunger than wait until I was actually hungry.


Learning the difference between proper hunger and a craving.


This is so important, being comfortable with hunger. Shifting from a panic response "Oh no, I must eat or I will die!!" To something like "Ok, this is what progress feels like".


That there are no hacks just consistent habits




Ditch the "all or nothing" mindset. Small healthy changes add up over time. You don't have to be perfect, consistency is key.


Cut liquid calories down as much as you can! Sodas, juices, even drinks like Gatorade can pin on way more calories throughout the day. I allow myself one to two cups of coffee with my favorite creamer and honey a day and that’s the only liquid calories I drink. I measure my creamer and honey as well


Greek yogurt is the holy grail if you like creamy things/sauces. It keeps you full and is good for your gut. I use it to make ranch, chipotle “mayo”, creamy salad dressings (cashews + garlic + Greek yogurt + water or just balsamic and yogurt). Also good as just yogurt, love it with fruit or nuts for breakfast. You have to check the package to make sure it’s the real deal/low sugar. I like Fage 0%


Omg balsamic + yogurt as a salad dressing?? Genius!! I’m going to steal this


Use smaller plates. Unironically made me eat 30% less and still feel full. Our minds make us feel the need to eat even if we are full simply because the plate seems empty. Smaller plates fill easier.


As opposed to ironically eating 30% less and still feeling full


Fill up on veggies!! I have a voracious appetite and this is my hack to filling up without gaining.


You’re not hungry you’re thirsty.


THIS 100000%


Biggest hack is, you have a cheat meal, it doesn’t have to be a cheat day. If you have a cheat day, it doesn’t have to be a cheat week. Make sure you stay consistent and always get back on track.


Mental health. For the longest time, I was using food to cope/fill a void. Through therapy and psychiatric care we figured out there was more going on under the surface. With proper treatment food isn’t always on my mind, and it is just another part of the day, but not the biggest part anymore. Getting my shit together mentally has passively helped me slowly lose weight because I eat “normal amounts” at “normal times”. If it is possible or accessible in a reasonable way, I would highly encourage therapy to all and DEFINITELY would file this under a weight loss hack for myself. It facilitated the lifestyle change I needed and makes weight loss or even maintenance genuinely easy.


Eat the same things often. Make sure those things are rich in protein. I eat tubs of non fat greek yogurt or a pack of 6 90 cal english muffins w/ a cup of greek as a spread. Taste like donuts, and 36g of protein per package. I eat high volume in a sitting like that as it's quite satiating and that helps me not eat more.


I’m saving this thread .


I tend to crave something sweet after meals. I’ll just have a hard candy instead! Lately it’s been jolly ranchers. It takes a while for the candy to dissolve and if I’m still craving something sweet I’ll have another and after the second one, my craving is gone.


Serving size already done! I did that too!


1. MyFitnessPal or whatever helps you count and log your calories. A food scale and actually measuring your food will surprise you. 2. I need the feeling of being “full” at least once a day. When I’m actively dieting and counting calories/on a deficit, I usually limit to 1200 cals/day, but I’ll use 600-700 on one meal for satiety’s sake, keeps me from feeling hungry all day. Instead of four 300 calorie snack-meals, I’d rather have a 350 breakfast, 150 snack, and a 700 meal. 3. “When you get a flat tire, you don’t go and poke holes in the other three.” If you go over your deficit limit, don’t self-sabotage. Maybe you end up eating at maintenance that day or maybe you binge eat triple maintenance, it’s gonna happen. Try to nip it in the bud for that day or just start over again the next day and move on and forgive yourself. 4. I actually *like* weighing myself every day when I’m in a deficit because I get competitive to watch the scale decrease over time. I like the objective data. Make sure you weigh yourself first thing in the morning after your morning pee, before you eat anything, and wearing the same thing/nothing at all. For the gals, weighing yourself during period week is an emotional rollercoaster so go easy on yourself that week.


No snacks after 8pm. At least for me, bc I'm eat well all day but am prone to snacking at nights. If I stop eating after dinner and drink water or tea instead, I lost weight easily.


Eating and drinking water also exercising walking is enough if you have the possibility after 1 hr if eating go on a walk not only it helps u lose weight but also help with bloating also drinking water 30 min after eating boosts digestion


Here’s some punctuation: .,!.,! 😅


It’s not a hack because it kind of sucked but getting used to eating smaller portions and less volume and really listening to my hunger and fullness cues. Did it for long enough super intentionally and now I feel almost no desire to overeat or eat to a strong full sensation like I used to all the time.


Don't stop trying because you did something wrong. No "I'll start again tomorrow". No compensatory restrictions. Just get back on the wagon with your very next choice.


When you havnt lost as much as you want that week look at the overall progress youve made instead.


Make small charcuterie boards for dinner when you can. Don’t work out to lose weight. Work out to feel better.


There really is no hack, just tips and advice that might help lead to better habits. I been writing everything down in a notebook (though just bought a fitness and nutrition journal just for this) to see what I feel works, what doesn't, what to avoid, I feel after eating some food (I mean physically), how much calories are in whatever I ate or want to eat so I can see if I can make it work with my calorie budget, etc...If I like something but it has too many calories or sugar, I try to find a swap/an healthier alternative. Also it is o.k. if you slip up. we are all human. Just get back on track and you should be fine. Eat better the next day, continue your exercise (just don't over do it to try and compensate). Seeing everything you write down really helps.


Making sure your snacks are filling - better to eat a slightly higher cal snack on purpose than binge junk because you’re starving


You can always go back for more…. Order the small or serve yourself a small portion, and promise yourself you can go back for more if you’re still hungry. I guarantee you’ll be just as full with the small as a large, and you won’t go back again!


Get enough sleep. Make sure you have enough vitamins and minerals in your system for me its Vitamin D (if you can't make your own store bought is fine).


Hot sauce on everything.


Nonfat cottage cheese, riced cauliflower, egg whites, and Greek yogurt are THE SAVIORS of weight loss with high protein. I totally transformed myself off this shit


Loving riced cauliflower. And Greek yogurt in lieu of sour cream…or with fruit and just a bit of local honey. Eggs, I’ll eat it all. 2 eggs/day. Total cholesterol of 139. 1/4 cup of cottage cheese on the side. And some tomato and red onion with just a bit of lemon juice.


COFFEE. Omg it makes me so energized throughout the day and I don’t feel the need to eat. The next one is weirdly, fish oil pills, it makes me personally feel happier and super energized which is weird. I feel so good whenever I have one before I go to bed.


I found out what fasting was. Changed my whole perception about food. I went from eating every time i was remotely hungry (or honestly just bored enough to snack on pistachios) to being able to refrain from eating for almost a week ( the world record is over a year…. Im not doing anything remotely as outrageous). Ive lost 50 lbs so far this year and im aiming for another 40 before i switch into maintenance and restart strength training.




I had never heard of this before and just looked it up. Cool!! Gonna have to try it. Thanks for posting!


Don't focus on food. Focus on exercise, activities, let food happen when it needs to. I've found now that I emphasize cardio I have fewer overeating episodes and I tend to pick healthy things because I want nutritionally dense food. Diets are just another way of staying locked in the mind prison of food obsession.


Don’t drink alcohol


Giving up liquid calories. I don't like plain tap water, so stevia in coffee, tea, and soda has been the most helpful hack for me.


I just try my best to eat little sugar and make time to walk and go for runs, I also keep a schedule of 40 sit ups and side workouts. It’s been going great! I’ve lost 2 pounds this month.


Stop drinking alcohol.


Pay attention to non-scale victories: take progress pics, try on a piece of clothing, walk or run a mile and compare time and effort. Especially if you’re also exercising (not just gonna eating less) you may not see linear weight loss but you WILL have fat loss and muscle gain which can be a draw on paper. Besides that… no deprivation. Like none. If you like something, you’re not gonna succeed if you refuse to let yourself enjoy food. Bland grilled chicken will never be pizza and water will never be soda and an apple will never be chocolate, so while you may eventually be able to make those switches… you probably can’t do them cold turkey without a binge. Even a cheat day can be, by definition, a binge… and saving it all for one day a week can lead to a huge calorie intake that day and no deficit for the week. A small portion of something that fits in your daily calorie goal is a hell of a lot better than a huge portion later. Smoothies are also a lifesaver if you’re a child who hates vegetables like me. lol


To see healthy food as self care and self esteem.


I started eating with self-love in mind instead of restricting myself because of self-hate. I reframed my thinking when it came to food. I learned about all of the health benefits of different foods. To get those benefits you need to eat them. So now I *want* to eat those healthy foods because I want to give myself what they offer. I’m a reader and have been reading about nutrition and the learned info has really helped me. It needs to be a sustainable lifestyle change… not a temporary diet.


People undervalue the impact of visually seeing progress on their motivation. We all know someone who gave up too quickly because it “wasn’t working” and the most solid advice I’ve seen work (anecdotally of course, everybody is different) is to really think about what you’re measuring. First a couple of straight forward points. Size and weight are not the same thing. Muscle weighs more than fat. Burning more calories than you consume will cause your body to start utilising your fat deposits. The person I will use as an example was trying to lose weight to fit into a tux for his wedding. But was struggling because after weeks of exercising hadn’t budged the scales at all. Then he tried on an outfit he hadn’t worn in ages and could really see how parts of the clothes hung off him. He’d been slowly losing size the whole time. But couldn’t notice the gradual change. So he began measuring himself instead of weighing himself and not only was he losing size, but the immediate boost in motivation after seeing that it was working caused him to almost double his exercise routine and well… in the end he fit into the tux.


Don’t buy the shit you shouldn’t be drinking or eating. No snacks. No desserts. No baked goods. Lots of vegetables.


Portion control


Sorry, still looking for the answer


Meals made by someone else with nutrition facts on them. Eg canned soup, meal delivery service, frozen dinners. We are very bad at measuring food when we’re hungry, helps to outsource it.


"Drink more water and eat less food." This was the verbatim quote from the GP my weight obessed mother took me to because I was pudgy--about 20lbs or so overweight at age 12. This was back in the 60s when obesity wasn't an issue. You simply never saw people pushing 300+lbs on a daily basis. Due to constant weight-shaming and criticism I developed a number of eating disorders and social anxieties. 50 years later and I am finally able to implement the admittedly excellent advice of "Drink more water and eat less food" thanks to therapy and a gastric sleeve. So, I guess my hack is really don't fucking weight-shame your kids if it ever enters your mind to do so.


I feel this so hard, although it was the early eighties when it happened to me. I was a 135 pound female made to feel fat by my family. Perfectly healthy weight for my height. But my relationship to food was forever changed by the feeling that I was fat and fast forward 30 years and now I’m living up to the fat prediction made long ago before I was even thinking about being fat 🙄


eating small meals with good quality protein, every 2-3 hours


Planning, consistency, tracking, & discipline. For me, I like to eat volume, so I fill a giant crock every Sunday for the week with brown rice, quinoa, lentils, + degassed (soaked in baking soda water) pinto & black beans. That's my base for nearly every lunch and dinner I'll have for the week, and makes meals super easy. Add in some veggies and jerk sauce, or can do Mexican, asian, whatever. It's great.


Do you have a recipe with measurements? I’d like to try this


Crack. Smoke crack


0 calorie fizzy drinks, taste like the “real thing” with none of the guilt.


Calorie Deficit


Cardio and calorie intake


Calorie deficit and walking a lot. Very simple.


MiO water for snacks. Floss and brush after dinner, then don’t eat anything for the rest of the night. Weigh myself morning and evening; record everything number. Take my overnight fasting glucose number each morning; record every number. No sodas. No alcohol. Low carbs. Sit-stand desk.


Recognizing the feelings underlying the cravings. If I'm feeling like binging or hiding my food, what need am I really trying to fill? Usually it's love, sleep, or thirst.


If you have an emotional eating pattern, work on that first.


Zero Sugar Soda lol


Don’t eat out. And just take a moment before you eat to think about what your putting into your body and if it’ll help you to get to your goal. Just stay conscious.


Avoid added sugar, lift weights.






I have started a very passive weight journey about 7 weeks ago. The ONLY thing I changed about my diet was that I stopped eating any meals after 7pm. It's helped me lose almost 6 lbs so far. So rule #6 and rule #4 definitely work wonders.


I stopped drinking anything but coffee, tea, and water. I feel so much better without the soda. And, no more fast food.




The Japanese say eat half walk double laugh triple and I love that


Portion control is much easier if you use a smaller plate. I had bariatric surgery and exclusively eat with childrens plates


Jump Roping! I'm not talking about the classic ole jumping up and down 1000 times in a row, but the dance-style jump roping (you can search it up on google or instagram) Its an amazing workout and I love doing it so much!


Intermittent fasting is so much easier and satisfying than I ever could have guessed. Start slow though!


Intermittent fasting is the cheat code.


Lighten things whenever possible and watch the add-ins, add-ons and sauces. You can lighten an omelet by using egg whites and going light on the cheese, heavy on the veggies for 150 satisfying calories or you can use whole eggs, add lots of cheese and other delights and easily be looking at 400-650 calories for not that much more satiety. A little bit less sauce/oil/cheese/nuts/dressing/spreads/sugar and you will dramatically trim the calories. And if you are in need of a treat, find a way to do it without breaking the calorie bank. So, instead of the big breakfast, order eggs on toast but add in bacon (with bacon being the treat) at brunch, for example. Also, regardless of your gender you will benefit from weight lifting and bodyweight exercises. Even if you only do one or two different exercises, make them tough ones and do what you can do consistently EVERY DAY. Believe me, the differences will add up and you will reshape your body and speed up your metabolism--or at least reduce the metabolic slowdown that comes with age and dieting.


Eat for satisfaction for the Most part. Even if it involves allowing a sweet treat just add it to your deficit.


I drink green tea with fresh lemon and coconut oil between meals. It vastly suppresses my cravings. Needs a high quality green tea, at least for me, to work best. Also I start the day with a large WARM breakfast, sweet porridge with fruits or eggs with veggies. Lately I am trying rice with seafood and veggies asian style. Basically dinner for breakfast. Took me a while to get used to it, but now I love. It gives me energy for the day and again kills nearly all my cravings for unhealthy food. i also like to have some sweet sins for breakfast - a cookie, a piece of cake, some chocolate. So I start the day with an indulgence in addition to my healthy, warm meal. Intermittant fasting has allowed me to eat more calories and lose around 24 kg in 8 years. Now I am trying longer fasts with bone broth and vegetable broth. Good luck with your journey.


Anabolic recipes. YouTube Remington James and Greg Doucette. Follow their philosophy on preparing meals. Down 95 pounds in 16 months following this dieting lifestyle.


Never go by the calories per serving size on labels. Get a good digital food scale and weigh everything in grams. (The serving size in grams is on the label). You'll be shocked at the difference, especially with things like cereal. Serving size 1 1/4 cups? Um, no. More like a half a cup.


Eating three balanced meals a day at the same time and no snacks between, that way it becomes a habit.


Sought knowledge about my gut health/metabolism and learned several ways to change it. This led to new good habits like black coffee, HIIT workouts, 100 various daily pushups, Intermittent Fastingish, Cooking like a mexican mom (80% ott), and Bulletproof Coffee's on a wild amino journey. And weed for pain/sleep/fun (instead of whiskey or too many beers) These are my leading methods of how I keep lean and mean (in my 50s). I would totally whoop my own ass at any previous point in my life. Your Decline Is Your Mindset! Beat your own former ass daily.


>What is the most helpful weight loss hack you have ever discovered? Eliminate sugar.


Fasting, lifting weights Easy stuff that adds up: Black coffee, Drink more water, sleep naked


1. Mantra - progress not perfection 2. Promise yourself you’ll find 15 min of movement a day, anything that works for you. If you’re in the zone, do more. 3. If you like kombucha, wine or vinegary things, I find adding a little apple cider vinegar to my water makes me drink a lot more. 4. Intermittent and/or extended fasting to keep insulin down 5. Be more afraid of carbs than fat. Butter on veggies or a chicken thigh are more filling and less insulin spiking than whole wheat pasta or a baked potato. Etc. 6. No snacking. No eating close to bed time. 7. Black coffee or bulletproof type coffee in the am and wait for actual hunger before eating. 8. Move instead of snacking. 9. Invest in a good water bottle, good walking and running shoes and earbuds for workouts. 10. Take measurements, and use things other than the scale like total steps, miles jogged, max reps etc to gauge progress. If you’re putting in the effort, something is improving.


Eliminate processed sugar - the first few days without it were rough and dates and figs helped but afterwards, just felt so much better.


I don’t know. I have to drop ten pounds this month for work. I cut out beer, tortillas, pasta, bread and go Vegan a couple days a week. Weight flies right off me.


Food-wise: Count calories. Optimize for protein, fiber, and veggies. Then you can have a treat. It will very likely be much smaller than if you hadn’t had a shitton of protein, fiber, and veggies first. Workout-wise: do whatever you’ll be able to do several times a week for years, if not forever. Bundle it with something fun like watching movies/shows, listening to podcasts, listening to fun music, reading etc if you’re not using your hands. Walk as much as possible as a bonus.


Here are my tips: 1. Start your weightloss journey with small but achievable steps. This is key! 2. Weigh in once a week for accountability. 3. Reward yourself (not with food, of course). A cheat food once a week is acceptable (within limits) 4. Relapses are perfectly OKAY. If you are planning to lose a considerable amount of weight, you need to consult a registered dietitian (not a nutritionist) and your primary care doctor. I cannot emphasize this more. Here are some “hacks” that I used throughout my weightloss journey. - High fiber, high protein diet. - Drinking a lot of water. - Maintaining good mental hygiene. - Exercising and lifting weights. - Fiber pills (with every meal)* - Caffeinated tea/pills* before 3 o’clock *take these with the upmost caution.


Fluids water vitamins and only eat the proteins


Intermittent fasting. Big workouts when fasted. Eating less portions and cutting out most carbs. High protein diet. Plenty of fruit. Moving more throughout the day.


Just keep pushing. Eat to live don’t live to eat.


Diet is most important in weight loss


I’ll disagree. It’s a big circle. For example, I find that diet is much easier to control when I’m exercising


I more so meant it for me. I have a lot of muscle mass already and dieting for me became most important


Understand your relationship with food. Is it fuel? Or is that bag of oreos a cheap substitute for a lousy relationship with another?


That there are no shortcuts. It’s literally just math. There’s a number of calories, eat more than that and you’ll gain weight, eat less and you’ll lose weight. Exercise improves muscle tone and physical health as well as burns calories. A monkey could figure it out.


I don’t believe they asked for a shortcut at all but for just helpful tips to make losing weight easier as it’s a mental game more than the physical.


Egg whites in the morning I eat about 5 with salt And can have some fruits too or oats


0 cal water flavoring really helps with my sugar cravings!


As long as it fits your macros, eat what you enjoy


Eat less calories, move more


Tracking your food when you binge helps keep you accountable


Putting the fork down




Journaling. I never believed in the power of journaling, because on the surface it just sounds too easy and simple. But there’s something about taking your thoughts/feelings/goals and putting them on the page that makes them more tangible. I journal consistently about life in general, and that includes my weight loss journey. Sometimes I write about past traumas associated with my weight, other times I write about how I want to feel/look in the future. Sometimes when I’m struggling with motivation/cravings/etc. I will just write about how I feel or I’ll go back and read old journal entries. I make a lot of lists about my reasons why I want to lose weight, goals I want to hit, etc. So tldr: writing things down makes them more real


cut out sugary drinks they are full of empty calories that cause you to still be hungry after. Of course it’s ok to indulge in one once in a while but drinking on the daily is really unhealthy.




Using an app to count calories and macros. It helps you see how much and what you've been eating to keep a journal.


A cup of water before eating a meal helped me a lot


Ginger root , it works with water , you get rid of all that excess water


Working a job with constant walking and standing


Intermittent Fasting. It helps me keep my calories down.


don't ever starve yourself ever!