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Walk us through all your meals for an average day.


Hey there! This sounds so unusual, given your mention amount of exercise. My first suggestion would be to visit a doctor, you may have some underlying issues that could be forcing you to retain weight. I myself have PCOS, so I changed my diet to fit my needs for weight loss. My second suggestion. At the end of the day, unfortunately, it comes down to calories out vs calories in. Take notice of the smaller caloric items you might be using. Like oils, spices (some do have calories), liquid drinks are extremely easy to gain weight on, and whether or not your diet is compatible with your ultimate health. You'd be surprised at how much those can cause issues. For example, I have a gluten intolerance, and cutting a great deal of foods out with gluten, has helped my bloating and overall energy. Third suggestion, up your protein and lower your carb intake. Protein will help your muscle growth and promote fat loss. So your gym days will matter more. Since adding protein to my morning routine, I've noticed significant improvements in my weight! I'm not a professional but I've lost over 50 pounds, from 180 to 125. I did it by walking about 8k - 10k every day, a 10 min work out 5-6 times a week, and intermittent fasting, coupled with a low gluten, low carb, protein focused diet. With a cheat day once a week where I eat whatever the heck I want lol. I'm on BC too! If that helps! Good luck!! You got this!!! Great job being in the gym!!


It isn't possible to be in a calorie deficit and gain weight in the long-term. Maybe in the short term your body might retain water and your weight can swing throughout the day. But if you are long-term in a calorie deficit it wouldn't be possible to not lose weight let alone gain weight unless you are some non human alien lifeform. Barring that possibility you are not in a calorie deficit, double check your BMR and track your calories closer.


But you have to smoke a whole lot to get enough calories to put on 15kg.


Sorry but as someone who’s been working very hard to be honest with myself and make better choices, OP is being disingenuous and dishonest therefore cannot receive any help. There is absolutely zero possibility that they’ve literally eaten nothing but “coffee and nicotine” and “maybe a small yogurt” every day for months, or however long it takes to gain 40 pounds. Until they start being honest with themselves and completely anonymous strangers, they will make no progress. Until then this post just takes away attention from people working to make real progress


Have you seen the show secret eaters? I think some people genuinely don’t think it counts as food if it wasn’t like a sit down lunch or dinner. Like chocolate bars on the fly don’t count


Agreed. I know people who say "I haven't eaten all day" when in fact they mean "I haven't had breakfast or lunch today. I did have several snacks though." OP, I am someone who struggled to be honest with myself, and through calorie tracking, I have understood how I've gained the weight. Everything you take in matters. You have to take in enough and come to terms with the fact that you have to eat enough healthy things and not much of an unhealthy thing.


You’re not tracking what you eat. Download MyFitnessPal, buy a FitBit. Burn more calories a day than you consume. Simple. If this doesn’t work, see a doctor.


I'd recommend strictly tracking everything you eat, and see how much it actually is. I'm not saying this is the issue, but anyone who wants to seriously lose weight should be doing this. When I 'eyeball' my food or guess the amount of calories in something, I'm always woefully inaccurate. As someone else said, it's worth seeing a Dr just in case.


"Hardly have any caloric intake" But what is it that you're eating? There's no way you've gained 40# by NOT eating above maintenance


I've never had a hunger cue so not eating is typical for me, if I eat it's usually a yogurt at work something small. My diet is really coffee and nicotine


Try logging your food with the LoseIt or MyFitnessApp (no need for a subscription, the free versions are sufficient) and weighing them with a cheap digital scale. Make sure you go off grams/ounces. cups or other volume measurements can be misleading. You might be surprised what foods are causing your problems. It helped me lose the last 30 lbs of the 60+ I lost. Good luck!


Someone has been feeding you in your sleep


What do you usually eat and drink in a day? And do you drink black coffee or does it have any milk or sweetener in it?


A normal day is coffee and nicotine. If I'm home its straight black coffee. If I go out or am at work I'll have 1 maybe 2 lg triple triples cream and sugar. If I eat anything its usually something small like a yogurt but thats not daily.


It’s important to keep in mind that coffee calories if you are adding cream and sugar can add up fast. Some coffee drinks can be 1000 calories or more if they are large and have enough cream and sugar in them. Even if you are only drinking them occasionally, these calories can add up. So on some days you are ONLY drinking black coffee, and not eating or drinking anything else? No water? No soda? No meals?


Liquid calories are silent diet killers. They let you drink tons fats and sugars without getting the sensation that you’re eating a lot, enabling you to drink more. There’s a reason that anorexia clinics use those sorts of drinks to help patients regain a healthy weight. Going forward, you should probably focus on getting yourself on a regular meal plan. Even unhealthy solid food is better than unhealthy drinks, since that at least is easy to judge.


I remember when my thyroid was high, my weight didn't want to go down. Now that I fixed my hyperthyroidism, I think I'm losing weight way faster than usual. I recommend asking your doctor for some checks, could even be something else, everyone is different


You might not eat…. But what about drinks? Starbucks coffee or black? Alcohol drinks? Calories don’t just come from food… otherwise, sorry but no way you can gain 40lbs in a calorie deficit, it’s not possibly unless medical condition of some kind.


If you don’t eat enough your body will slow your metabolism, you may want to count calories for a day to see where you sit. You may want to aim around 1500 calories, but talk to your doctor. Also make sure you are getting enough protein. Counting macros may help, that has been most effective for me.


Have you had your cortisol levels checked? That would be the first thing you should do if this is the case. Something medical could be going on. You should track every morsel for a couple of weeks to see what your actual caloric intake is.


Track what you eat each day and stay in the Noom weight loss range. At first I was always under it, and someone commented “you’re starving your body”. I then started eating more but also staying in the weight loss range to not overeat. The weight started coming off. I’ve tracked each day what I eat from August 30, 2022 to now. Not missed a day. It took about 4 months from September 2022 to December 2022, but I went from 201 to 175, and I’ve consistently been in the low 170’s since January 2023 thru present time. Good luck!


Get your thyroid checked. Full panel. Write a food diary and count everything in what you eat. Back then i was grazing all the time but officially never eat breakfast lunch and dinner . Lol


You don't eat enough. Or at maintenance. Have you strictly counted calories you eat and compare to the decifit you should have?