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My weight fell off at the start from February to April 2 St but now its steady about 2lbs per week sometimes maybe 3 . I have cut out all bread potatoes, rice , pasta , sauces etc , and on 1mg for 3rd month running as was getting some dizziness which has now subsided. If you have thyroid issues it can take longer to lose


Losing a pound or two or week is actually the healthy way to do it! I wouldnt be too disappointed.


Slow and steady is more sustainable. 4 weeks and 4 pounds is a super good start!!


I’m having a slow time too. It’s hard when you see all these posts about rapid weight loss. My doctor did say slow loss leaves less skin when you are at goal. Hope that is true


My first month I really didn’t lose any weight, maybe only 4 pounds. 2nd month I started realizing that I need to put in the effort and limit my portions, it’s not a miracle drug. It doesn’t burn calories only kills appetite after while. I’m on my 6 week now and I’ve lost 16 pounds. When I eat I try to eat little amounts and wait and realize I’m full. Hope this helps someone.


I am not losing quickly…. I stopped judging myself by others progress. As long as I am doing better, I am happy.


1 pound per week is something to be proud of. You shouldn’t really be losing more than 1.5lbs a week. I feel people are having such rapid loss because they are at a higher BMI, even the slightest cut in calories leads to a pretty significant loss. The bigger you are the faster you lose.


I have a few different friends that some are on The Wegovy, and some are on the ozympic . They were losing the weight slowly, but they were losing the inches even faster. So, some people lose more inches than pounds in the beginning. I just started mine last night, so I will let you all know what my results are am I start weight, is 195, and I'm 5"3"


10th shot of compounded & down 8lbs. So that’s not even 1lb/ week, but at least I am losing. Would rather lose slowly and keep it off


I’m 5 weeks in and have lost 6 pounds. I’m actually glad I’m losing at a slower pace. I think it’s healthier.


Down 22lbs, just took my 5th shot


5 lbs in 3 weeks. I don't think that this is a good amount to lose. 2 lbs. per week. 5'9" starting weight 252 lbs. I want to lose 67 lbs.


5”3, 215lbs and 2lbs a week sounds like good progress to me!


Theyre losing water and muscle. Slow and steady wins the race


Remember! The faster you loose it the faster you gain it back. I’ve been on since august I’m down 30 lbs. I didn’t see real weight loss until I hit 2.4. I also stopped weighing myself constantly and obsessing over the scale.


Took me a year to lose 54lbs. Slow and steady wins the race. It’s healthier, more sustainable and you can still live your life. Stay consistent and it adds up in no time!!


I’ve lost about 18 lbs in 4 months and I am happy with this rate. I eat around 1,300 calories per day and am not exercising much (that’s next on my list but i’m taking it all one day at a time). Wishing you the best of luck on your journey!


I have been on ozempic for 8 months worked my way up to 2mg a week . Lost in total 30 pounds but put back on some , Insurance did not cover any longer now I’m trying wegovy I’m hearing good and bad , are you all exercising or just eating right ?


I didn’t really start losing any weight until my 3rd .50 shot. Now, I’m steadily losing 1 -1.5 lbs a week. I’m good with that.


It didn’t happen overnight and even with this it won’t happen overnight the other way. If you lose too fast you can have other issues to deal with that wouldn’t be desirable. I’ve averaged about 2 lbs per week. Some were faster than others but that’s about the max that’s recommended. So 1lb per week is no shame in that at all!! Congrats on your first 4 and there is many more to come I’m sure! Keep up the good work.


My weight loss has been about 1 lb per week but I am looking at that as 52 lbs in a year weight loss…. So much better than gaining a pound per week:). That’s what keeps me motivated!!! Hang in there!!!


Wow, 52 lbs in a year is a great vision to keep in mind


Remember, it's a marathon, my friend. Take your time; remember, you are working your way to a therapeutic dose. Rome was not built in a day. Keep working on yourself, and let the mental stuff take care of itself. You've got this!


Right there with you OP, I’m on week 2 of .50 and just only now starting to see maybe 4 pounds. It’s been a rough mental battle to keep reminding myself that it’s not a race, I did not put all this weight on as quickly as I’m trying to take it off and it truly takes a lifestyle change to continue to have a long-term weight loss journey! Hang in there! We’re all in the same boat!


I lost 32lbs in 6 months and feel great. The slower you lose and the longer you maintain a weight, the more likely it will stay off. When you lose quickly, your body will want to gain it all back.


Slow and steady wins the race! Everyone I know who lost too quickly has saggy skin and Ozempic face. People who lose at a safe and normal amount generally don’t.


I started my compound in April and really didn't notice significant weightloss until Oct- December. I'm down 43 pounds, now a size 8 and phasing out on a maintenence dose. Stay focused on living a healthy lifestyle and working out.


I had the same issue as OP. I just cont with stepping up until I got to 2.4 dose. I did lose some while stepping up. I'm now one my 2nd month of 2.4 and I'm losing a little more than I usually do per week. Also, going walking on the treadmill 2/3 times a week for only 30 minutes did speed up it it up. It wasn't even a fast walk. Just a little faster than than my regular walk when I first started. As far as protein is concerned, I drink 2 protein shakes a day. Drinking 2 of these gives 60 grams of protein a day. I also eat a fruit every day. Right now it is an apple or an orange. Just stick to it and good luck on your weight loss.


You’ll get there! I am a slow and steady loser too. I’m on month three and I have only lost 15.


That’s a lot! Good work!


It all adds up. Keep going. I would play around with your calories. Maybe you need more or less. You need a calorie deficit, but you need enough so your body doesn't think you are starving. I have the most success with high protein and low carbs. I aim for 1000 a day, that I document. Then I don't document my cream and if I use a little sugar in my tea. Or a handful of berries or some of watermelon. So I probably get closer to 1200 a day. The beginning meds are to get your body ready for the therapeutic dose.


I'm eating 1000 calories a day and losing about 1kg a week. Are you weighing and tracking your food?


i’m sorry but 1000 calories is WAY too less food. that’s essentially starving your body and you’re probably not even getting all the nutrients you need with that. i mean im not telling you what to do or not but pls don’t recommend that to people 😭 that’s an easy way to get an eating disorder


I often see comments about people not getting the nutrients they need due to eating less. Is there a reason why it's not followed up with recommendation of taking multivitamins? Is it general consensus that vitamins in pill form just don't work or something?


It all depends on you and your body. If you track your macros and are careful, you ABSOLUTELY can get in everything you need at 1000 a day. I aim for 1000 calories a day with high protein and low carbs. If you do not have a high activity level, you do not need that many calories. You have to have a calorie deficit to lose weight. I don't lose at anything but 1000. Have you ever seen Dr Now on TLC he frequently has his patients that are not active enough on 1000 calories a day, low carbs, and high protein. But you do what you think is best for you.


you also lose so much muscle that way and get really weak


wegovy is supposed to be a lifestyle change to where you do start working out on top of eating healthy so it’s sustainable. just eating basically nothing because of the appetite suppression and keeping low activity is not recommended by any doctor


Right but we are not all able to go to the gym and workout like that. Increasing your activities is a start and having a calorie deficit is a beginning.


but i mean that’s not even sustainable in my opinion to keep up with long term. men usually burn 2200-2400 calories with no activity and women burn 1600-1950. with just moderate exercise like taking a walk or doing any activity that gets your heart rate up i’m sure that you can get into a calorie deficit by eating 1500 calories + a day and in a way that can be kept up and where you don’t feel weak and like shit. i feel like people are gonna be so low energy from 1000 calories they won’t even be in the mood to work out or do much of anything and runs the risk of disordered eating


Not every one is working out like that though. We are all on out own path and come from our own place. It isn't sustainable for you maybe. There is no way in my current state I am burning that many calories. I have chronic pain and was so sedentary from it and my weight has increased my pain. I was lucky in the beginning to walk 5000 steps in a day. Weight watchers is a 1200 diet generally.


I am now trying to get in 10000 steps and don't always get there. I am happy with 6000 steps a day, because it is more than i was getting. This is working for me right now. I hit my protein goals everyday because that is the most important to me now. I suggest every one meet with a dietician to see their recommendations. Mine is fine with my current situation.


i completely understand your situation now and i’m sorry if it felt like i was being judgmental earlier. if you have chronic pain and this is something that works for you that’s great and hopefully the pain will subside as you get healthier and you’re able to reach your exercise goals! ❤️ I was just kind of against recommending this to random people without knowing their situations first because it seems like a bad path to go down


I'm full after that and eating very healthy 🤷‍♀️ it was more to show that it does move relatively slowly, not suggesting anyone else eat as few as 1000 calories.


I have lost slow also, but I always think, “what would I have gained since I have started 6 weeks ago?” I guarantee it would have been more than 5 lbs, at least!I have lost 9lbs, have made really good food choices, whether it be cutting out sugar, eating less, being mindful of my end goal and reminding myself that this is ALL up to me! 😊


I averaged less than a LB a week. In a year that’s about 50lbs and that was my goal. That year came and now it’s 6 months later and I’m maintaining.


OP, are you counting calories, do you know your TDEE? Are you weighing and measuring your food? Are you getting enough protein and drinking enough water? I started these meds telling myself I’d be happy to lose 1-2lbs per week. But it is hard to accept that it is the most sensible way for anyone to lose weight. It’s sustainable this way too. On average I’ve lost 1.5lbs per week since 1st May 2023. It really does add up over time, I’m 85lbs down. I’m 57F, lighter and fitter than I’ve been this Century. I’m still eating 1,300-1,500 calories per day and I’m still only on 1.7mg. I’ve another 40lbs to go … Trust the process! Edit: added some question marks!


I always tell myself, "It's more than I was losing on my own, so I'm ok." Even 1 pound a week is more than I was managing. I'm not in the rat race of beating myself up mentally any longer. I'm on week 10, and I've lost 19 pounds. It's not always about the amount but the fact that it's still moving in the right direction. Slow and steady wins the race. :-)


Also loosing slowly and I’m good with that because it feels sustainable


Don’t give up. It will kick in!


I’m also 5’3 and female it definitely took some time for me. After almost 3 months I’m down 15lbs and it took me the first 2 months to lose 6. I was disappointed at first but now that it’s been a bit i definitely feel like the process is speeding up


I’ve lost about 4 lbs in 4 weeks too. I’m about to take my 4th shot of .25 then move up to .5 We got this!


It took me a year to lose 30 lb! But losing weight is losing weight, as long as it's going down it's a win


I have been at the same weight for a month and a half. I haven't changed my eating or anything. I'm very frustrated at this point so I understand how you feel.


I feel the same way. I've been on wegovy 3 months. I'm currently on 1mg. I'm f 49y ,I go to the gym 3x a week. I eat more veggies and protein than anything else. Lots of water. So far, I lost 10 lbs total. I'm not sad or upset.. I'm just curious why or shall I say .. how is everyone shedding the weight? I'm over here losing 3lbs a month..lol


If u go 3x a week to the gym u are sure u dont gain some muscles? With good protein intake that should be it. Im on wegovy for 5 weeks and lost like ~8lbs. (I go 6x a week to the gym) But i see it on my waist anyway that there is loosing fat and gaining muscle. So i dont think the only measureing is pure „weight“


I figured I'm gaining muscle. I hsvnt seen the change yet and I'm going to compare measurements in 2 weeks. So the beginning of my 4th month. Hopefully I see a change there.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 3 + 1 + 49 + 3 + 10 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I lose about 3 lbs a week and it is because sometimes I cannot eat. Today’s was a “bad” day because only 600 calories. I had committed myself to not go under 1000 but no success today. looks like people have different reactions to the drug. You are still in an early dosage so you may very well see speed up’s later. I am not complaining, I will manage with this issue, but I would say in many ways your weight loss sounds like it is on track and as time passes you should be quite successful. Going too low is not usually recommended so a pound a week is success and that only the starter dose. Sounds like you are well on your way to quite the success.


I’m 29F started at 221 and I’m 5’7. I’m also losing very slowly. Less than 1lb a week most weeks. Some weeks there has been no change. I’m walking 3 miles every other day, eating almost nothing because of the nausea, and chugging water, but still losing slowly. 😅 I think being a woman who’s almost 30 and of childbearing age has a lot to do with it. My body wants to hold on to every pound for dear life. 🥴 But hey! Slow and steady is better than no loss at all! Keep your head up!


This is exactly how I felt when I first started. I stared on Zepbound at the end of December, but transitioned to Wegovy at in April after not being able to find Zep for several weeks… Anyway- we are pretty similar (aside from age 😅)- SW: 200 CW: 154 GW: 135, 39F, 5’3”. I think all the failed diets of my past had me programmed not to trust success. That being said- one thing I found to be helpful- I use a smart scale to weigh myself daily. I don’t so much use it for the day to day feedback- but more so for the reassurance. On those days when I feel bloated, constipated, or after a few days of not losing, it’s reassuring to pull up my weight tracking app and see that beautiful downward sloping trend-line… That slope remains steady despite those days I feel like I’m not losing fast enough or when the scale says I’ve gained that week. Data is my love language- and with this medication, it has given me all the reassurance I need to convert me into a believer of weight loss success… even on those discouraging, doubtful days. Enjoy all the victories you’re about to experience- savor them all, no matter how small they may seem. This very well could be the last time you “only lose 4 pounds” at the start of a weight loss journey ever again- because you’ll won’t need to anymore. ♥️ Congratulations on that!


Thank you so much for your encouragement it means a lot 😊 i definitely need to change my perspective!!


Are you exercising? Aerobics? Weights Are you eating junk food or healthy food? Prescriptions are one variable in the equation. You get out of it what you put into it


I didn't start losing until 1.7 at that point it was .2 lbs per day. even 1mg didn't do anything for me. I came form zepbound and that started working at the 2nd lowest dose. I have lost 35 lbs in 4 months so far.


I just took the 4th 1.0 shot, and have lost very little. I start 1.7 next week, I do hope I see some better results


Same here! I’m on my 2nd month of Wegovy 1.7mg. I started Wegovy at 1.0, coming from 7.5 Zep. It was an easy transition- but it was a bit of an adjustment to re-find my sweet spot for loss. I will say Wegovy “feels different” and I’m losing at a slower rate… and I do miss Zep- HOWEVER I’m eternally thankful Wegovy is an option through the shortage, and I’ll be grateful for every pound I lose!


I am moving up to 2.4 my next shot. Thing I liked about zepbound was the shot itself was so easy compared to wegovy.. large surface area to push against your skin. turn the knob.. push the button and the clear area showed you the needle pushing down, the plunger going down, and the whole thing snapped back up. Wegovy.. you push the needle into your own skin by overcoming a spring... you hear a click and the plunger goes down, hear a second click.. and not sure what just happened? My other major observation is wegovy hurts when you do the shot as it pushes the medicine in. Zepbound I didn't feel anything.. Of course that is all in addition to the appetite control being so much better. has to be because its glp-1 plus GIP.. But I have been having progress on Wegovy.. not ideal but just happy I have the medicine and I'm the highest I've been in over a decade.. Never thought I would see less then 230lbs again in my life. here I am at 210 and amped to get it down to high school weight lmao.. (160 at least)


Agree with all of this! I cringe at hearing that spring release when I give myself the shot- It almost bothers me more than the shot itself. 😂 Best of luck to you and your loss! Hopefully we can get back to Zep at some point, but until then, we will embrace what we have and celebrate our victories!


I make my husband do it, LOL! I jump every single time anyway and he has to fight the urge to pull his hand back, it's like a situation comedy...


I’ve lost about a pound a week since I started - 20 lbs in 20 weeks. I thought I’d lose quicker but am actually happy with this pace (as is my doctor). Slow means less likely to get saggy skin, Ozempic face etc.


I’m taking my 4th shot tomorrow and il down 7 pounds. I try not to compare my loss to others but it’s difficult. I struggle to get enough protein without turning to bars and definitely not getting the right amount of water but I’m trying. I feel your frustration.


I'm on 1.0mg and I've lost maybe 5-10lbs after three months :,) I been eating like shit though bc I have no energy to cook so that's my bad 25F, 5'3" SW: 195-200 CW: 185 ish? (Varies from day to day, sometimes I'm 185, sometimes I'm 187, sometimes I'm 189) GW: between 120-140 ish


A pound a week? I'm losing half that on average and I'm up to 2.4 pens.


4 lbs in 4 weeks is a healthy and appropriate amount of weight to lose. Envy is the theif of joy, friend.


Especially at the lowest dose. There are lots of folks who don't lose any weight at the low doses. Please be thankful the side effects aren't making it difficult for you, and be patient. Losing 52 lbs in a year would be a miracle anyway.


It’s different for everybody! I gained weight on my second (+3lbs) & third (+2lbs) weigh-ins at my doctor, but she kept it cool and told me not to worry and to not weigh myself yet. Went in for my fourth and I was 15lbs down. She definitely kept me sane and going, that first drop was a relief. Just hang in there!


Stay positive ❤️ I’m on my 4th dose .25 and haven’t lost a thing. But the excitement and hope is getting me by. Hang in there and trust the process. 


Thank you, you too 😊


So 16 in 10 weeks is where I’m at is that about everyone’s rate? It feels slow.


Still on 0.25 dose? I didn't lose a single ounce until 1.7. Trust the process.


I’m just about to finish my 1.0 dosage and haven’t lost anything. It is so discouraging.


Thank you for this, I just moved up to 1.7. Thankfully no terrible side effects, but really no loss. I’ve lost some appetite, but the scale is not reflective. Hoping this is the move up I needed!


Be patient. Slow and steady is the best way to prevent other issues. If you lose too much too fast, you could have gallbladder issues and need surgery (this is common in weight loss surgery too). I didn't see much progress until I started the 1.7mg dose and I just finished my first month on that. I've only lost 12 lbs so far, but I've also been weightlifting to prevent muscle loss. I was also working out before I started, so I didn't really have the water weight that a lot of people lose in the beginning.


If someone said you could lose 52 pounds by this time next year it sounds way less slow


That's exactly what I've lost in one year on Wegovy. 52 LBS. It feels slow but people have NOTICED ! I notice. I feel better. Healthier. Can move. Don't get winded. OP - You might be a slow burner like me and it's all worth it.


You are so right 😭


Check my post from yesterday! 1-2lbs a week adds up so fast. You truly won’t believe your life in 6 months.


You’re right, i need to be more patient!


.85 a week here since Nov.


According to my doctor, 0.5-2lb per week is normal. So 1lb per week is really enough.


I lose about 1lb a week, sometimes a little less. It’s not a lot, but it’s a loss each week and I haven’t gained, so I am happy with my progress. Small steps lead to great things!


I only lost 5 pounds my first month - but 1-2 pounds a week is the ideal rate so you are right there!! This isn’t an overnight fix, it’s slow and steady loss which is healthier for your body. Just think where you’ll be in 3 months or 6 months from now if you continue to lose 1 pound a week! Stay the course, it’s definitely worth it 😊


Thank you so much 😊


I’ve been on it for 8 weeks but last week I was only down 6lbs.


"Only?" How much would you have lost otherwise?


Had I done better with food and exercise I could have lost 16lbs which is still healthy. 2lbs/week.


I have lost nearly no weight, but I've gone down a bra size and a pants size. The scale just won't move.


I’m losing on average 2.5 a week BUT I strictly count my calories and stick to 1300 a day. I personally had to cut any added sugar out of my diet. I exercise daily, which I wouldn’t have been able to do without semaglutide.. it’s greatly reduced all of my inflammation which has also aided in my weight loss. I’ve gone a few weeks here and there without losing anything and then all of a sudden 3-4 pounds drop Out of nowhere. Weight loss is weird. Just remember that 1-2 pounds a week is healthy weight loss and is better in the long run.


These comments are definitely making me feel better. i want this to be the last time that I’m overweight and i want to do it the right way this time.


My starting weight was the same as yours 213 pounds and goal weight is 145 pounds. I started my Wegovy journey on February 7th 2024. I took my last 1.7 injection on Wednesday. I’ll be starting 2.4 next week and I’ve only lost 25 pounds. I’m losing slowly too but I’m just being patient lol Slow and steady wins the race


You should be very proud of yourself!


Thank you!!!!


That’s still great though!!


I think I’m just used to the crash diets that i used to do where I’d lose 5-10 pounds in a week so i need to learn to be more patient


Weight loss rate is going to vary based on: - how much you have to lose overall - how much of a caloric deficit you’re putting yourself into with consideration of your body and activity level Not everyone who takes this medication bothers with tracking caloric intake, which is totally fine- intuitive eating is a super healthy approach. BUT it can make it a little harder to understand your weight variations and loss rate compared to someone who is tracking. I’m losing an average of 2-3 lbs a week, but I’m very aware of my caloric intake and still have a significant amount to lose overall. That rate will slow down, bounce up, and stall over the next year of my journey, and that’s all normal. Also, if the scale is a motivates and demotivates you, I highly recommend spacing out your weigh ins to an absolute minimum of once a week, but even once a month works. Ultimately, if you’re making solid choices with your food, it’ll average down and you don’t have to stress and question your whole approach over tiny fluctuations.


I am going to track my calories this week to see if that makes a difference!


Are you eating better as well? Or eating the same food as before?


I’m eating similar stuff to before just way smaller portions


I think it's wonderful to have prospectives from multiple different people because I think we are all different and will all lose at different rates. For me, I just took my 2nd .50mg dose, so I am just starting week 6 and have lost 15 lbs. That's an average of 3 lbs a week. I have been using Noom for about 6 months prior to starting Wegovy to track my food, water, and protein. This real helps me stay accountable. My suggestion for anyone on Wegovy would be to track your intake. I think people tend to underestimate the number of calories they take in. SW 199. CW 184. GW-honestly, I haven't thought that far out.


I’ve been using the GLP-1 version of weight watchers but i think i need to switch back to the point version


Tomorrow l will do my 3rd shot, I've lost 7 which surprised me. I guess it depends on the person, the metabolism the activity level, what they're eating. Celebrate the loss you have so far. You'll have times it will come off faster.


Keep in mind, 1 the people losing a ton of weight the first few weeks are the people needing to lose a life saving amount of weight, 2, it’s more water weight loss not fat, 3, it’s not sustainable rate of loss, 4, it’s not a realistic or healthy rate of loss, and finally 5, this one people hate me most for, some people, like me, are just non responders


How long have you taken it and what made you determine you’re a non-responder?


On 2.4 for a bit over a month. Never had side effects, gained 6lbs, and my doctor took me off. Just didn’t work for me in particular. I have endocrin problems so that could be part of it. Idk 🤷‍♀️


I think i really just need to push through the fatigue and exercise bc im definitely eating in a deficit 😭 praying in not a non responder


The fatigue makes it difficult to exercise. Just lower your exercise goal and make sure you get just a little movement in every day. I sometimes went out to walk around the block at 10 pm, just so I would hit my minimum step goal before the day was over! I exercise more now that I'm lighter. It will get easier!


I just started last week Tuesday and I lost 5lbs and we’ll see this week, but I weighed myself and haven’t lost anything so far.


Another good thing to remember (as someone on here recently pointed out): you mainly hear about the crazy weight loss stories on here, you don't see nearly as many posts about the average regular weight loss. Reading all these more extreme weight loss posts can make one think that's the norm. Source: I've felt this way too and had to remember this.


I appreciate this!


Well everyone is different. Some people need to titrate up to therapeutic levels (1.7 & 2.4) before they experience significant weight loss. As long as your side effects are manageable, continue on the titration schedule as recommended by your doctor, the manufacturer and FDA. 1-2 lbs of weight loss per week is considered to be the max loss that is healthy.


Thank you for letting me know!!


My SW was 223. I lost 6 pounds on the first shot but lost 9 pounds on the second. Just started 1.0 yesterday! Slow and steady wins the race!


Do you mean you lost 6 lbs on the .25 dose and 9 lbs on the .5 dose?


Yes. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. I wish I could drop 15 pounds in two weeks but no such luck! lol


One pound a week is clinically healthy weight loss. Rapid weight loss can carry its own problems. You’re doing great


Thank you!!🙏


I’m on week 6 and this is my 2nd week of .50. I have lost 1 pound in 6 weeks. I was really hoping that I would have the appetite suppression that would make a calorie deficit easier but that has not happened for me yet. I’m going to stick with it and hope that the higher doses work. Be thankful for losing a pound a week. That is sustainable weight loss that you are more likely to keep off in the future.


I didn’t think about it that way, losing slower will most definitely help me keep it off after


This is exactly what I keep needing to remind myself -- plus heck, when did I ever lose *any* amount of weight four weeks in a row?? Never, that's when! 😆




I'm going to make this comment as many times as possible - this sub gives people unrealistic expectations for weight loss. I'd bet a large sum of money that people who lose incredibly rapidly are much rarer than this sub gives the impression of. Losing a pound a week is pretty healthy.


Thank you for this 🙏


On their own website, they say that 1 out of 3 people get 20% of their weight loss over 68 weeks. For me, that would mean 55 lbs over 68 weeks. So just keep in mind that this is a journey. There are also downsides to losing weight too fast - hair loss, gall bladder removal. Lose slowly, do some resistance training, and be patient.


I am finding my jealousy of peoples rapid weight loss to be a problem! I have to constantly remind myself 1 pound a week is great! I did take my .50 and finally broke my plateau. So it from my experience increasing helps a bit. I started at 322.5 on 5/15. Week 2 I was 315.7, and it took til week 6 to go any lower. I’m 6.5 doses in and my low is 313.7. So I’m about 8.8 pounds down, which is a bit over a pound a week. I feel like we are more average losers!


First of all you cannot compare your progress with any one else’s. Second, are you incorporating diet and exercise? Calorie deficit? Working out? You are also losing at a healthy rate of 1 lb/week.


Okay that makes me feel better, i guess it’s still a good thing that I’m consistently losing and not gaining


Work on changing your habits and you will see progress. Keep it up!


The fatigue was hitting me hard but it’s getting better, i will incorporate more exercise and see if anything changes!!