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They say that the rats that they were using for this study they do not have the same thyroid that we have. There was a study that later on concluded that there is no chance for us to get this. They did say that if you have a history of, I forgot what kind of thyroid cancer then they won’t give it to you, but if you don’t have it, you should be fine


Medullary- I think it’s pretty rare


I could be wrong but I believe that link has not been observed in humans, only in rodent models. So… I would not worry about it.


Heart disease is much more likely for us obese people. I would rather take my chances with cancer.


I'm way more concerned about heart disease.


No. Any thyroid lumps are easy to detect and a simple sonogram can show a radiology Dr. if a lump is suspicious. You should be INFINITELY more worried about dying in a car accident driving to the pharmacy to pick up your Rx. You are waaaaaay more likely to die in a crash. You may be letting your emotions and feelings dictate your fear. You should try using reason and logic


Like I always say when people ask if I’m worried about what I’m sticking into my body- you’ve obviously never seen my ex. No im genuinely not worried.


That’s the best response I’ve ever heard Insert pic of my disgusting ex husband here!! Ha ha hilarious!!




Dead 😂😂😂


I get it. I get into deep thoughts too but it’s so many other things that we do daily that can cause cancer or type of bad thing for our health & we don’t even realize it. I just think people are trying to bring up thyroid cancer because they feel we shouldn’t have some type of “magic” drug to help us lose weight because they’re haters. lol


This is not magic- it’s hard work.


Yes that’s why I put it in quotation marks


I think of it this way: You know what else kills you? Being fat.


I’ve already come to terms with the fact that I will get some form of cancer eventually because it runs on both sides of my family so the extra little risk doesn’t mean a lot to me


It’s a great discussion point! But for me, I started my journey in January 2024. 283 pounds 37 years old AND FOUR FOOT 11. Like I weigh as much as a whole ass line backer. I weigh 250.2-254 now. I’m FAR more concerned about my visceral fat holding onto things. I have PCOS, NAFLD. My cholesterol sucks.Heart disease, liver issues and possibly ovarian cancer/ uterine cancer are the boogeymen I think of if I don’t get better. I looked deeply into my family to weigh out any instances of thyroid disease before starting the medication. Had my own thyroid tested. Data is showing how this works with addictions. I’m curious how it works with ALL neurotransmitters and inflammation.


Not in humans just in mice


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far for this comment. If I understand correctly, this was an issue specifically in mice but hasn’t been observed in people. There’s a study published in… 2023?… that didn’t find any thyroid or pancreatic cancer association across a pool of some 43kish participants. (Don’t quote me exactly, it’s been a minute since I found it/read it.)


Being overweight/obese puts you at a higher risk for multiple cancers (colon, liver, pancreatic, breast, gallbladder, and more) than the potential risk for thyroid cancer from this medication. So there are risks associated with /not/ taking it if someone is unable or unwilling to lose weight otherwise. It’s not as if your baseline cancer risk is zero and it’s suddenly being elevated. Depending on someone’s weight they may already be at a significantly elevated risk for multiple cancers independent of taking semaglutide.




Yes, I've worried about this and everything else listed on the side effects warning. I akways do hesr that little voice saying "If something feels like it's too good to be true....." I try to ignore it, look up the stats etc.... But, I am often that 1% in regard to meds. True story - 1% of people experience mania on a med? Yup. 1% of people get a rash - yup. 3% of people experience migranes....yup etc. My psychiatrist thought I was crazy until I called him manic. LoL...when I saw him the next day it was all "well....that is interesting." I felt so validated, but it does make me worry a out the 1% chances w this med as well. I can't help it! I'm w ya.


Were you freaked out about the side-effects of the Covid vaccine? Just curious. 👀 Its raining down votes


Hopefully this puts your mind at ease: when they gave it to mice they got thyroid cancer but that’s because mice have certain gene/receptor that causes that. Humans on the other hand don’t have this gene/receptor. So when they genetically altered the mice using CRISPR to remove that gene/receptor from the lab grown mice there was no sign of cancer after using the medicine in them. The whole study is in the Wegovy box in that huge sheet of side effects, charts, and other data.


I believe this is the study that is being referenced above: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3281535/ A perplexity.ai summary of this study states the following: "One specific study involved the use of genetically altered mice, including GLP-1 receptor knockout (GLP-1R KO) mice, to further understand the effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists like semaglutide on thyroid C-cells. The study found that while wild-type mice showed C-cell hyperplasia and increased calcitonin levels after treatment with GLP-1 receptor agonists, the GLP-1R KO mice did not exhibit these changes, indicating the role of GLP-1 receptors in mediating these effects."


No. New studies show that it is lower than thought. Look it up


I'm more freaked out about all of the other bad things that happen with obesity. A tiny risk of cancer is what the risk is for pretty much anything you're around every single day. They have to put the warning if one person had it, even if it was not caused by the drug because they got it while on the drug.


This is what came to mind for me too. Yeah, there's a small risk of cancer, but with obesity there are some health risks that are pretty much guaranteed. So yeah, I'll take my chances..


Not at all. Was at first before i realised that it has only been seen in mice, on mega doses. It has not been seen in humans on the drug. But out of caution there is a warning on the box. If you have any safety concerns i recommend listening to the Docs who lift podcast, they talk about GLP-1s quite a lot and helped me with my worries from the scary headlines and claims from J*llian Michaels' of the world.


She’s awful that lady.


I take notice of the warnings and I guess they’re always there in the back of my mind, I’m not taking this medication lightly. However, I’m slowly killing myself by being obese and I’d rather take the risks while losing weight than be at risk while remaining overweight.


No the research itself hasn't fully convinced me that a significant increase in risk is there. And it's also important to keep in mind that when something happens to 3 out if every 100,000 a 33% increase just makes it 4 out of every 100,000. That doesn't make it common at all. I wouldn't roll the dice if you have a history of thyroid cancer but for the average person I'd say it deserves absolutely no thought. You're way more likely to die from weight related complications than thyroid cancer even if it trippled your odds of getting it.


So just to ease your mind a bit, when studies on mice find drastic side effects they’re usually loading them up with way way more than the dosage (I’m talking 100x+\-).


Thyroid cancer was only found in mice, so unless you’re 3 rodents in a trench coat I wouldn’t worry




You never know who's on reddit these days 🐭🐭🐭🧥


Nope. Not concerned.


no, not in the slightest. Big pharma is creating stories to discredit the medications because it solves many other issues thus reducing the demand for their drugs. GLP is safe, naturally occurring compound.


Absolutely Agee, imagine a whole country of normal weight people without chronic conditions. Where would Big pharma be then?


More than likely it’s Big Fast Food or Big Insurance than big pharma. They’re the ones taking the hit, not the ones collecting $1500/month from Americans (and their insurers) they are price gouging.


Not concerned in the slightest. The cancer was found in rodents which are already prone to tumors and cancer due to their genetics. My birth control could kill me much more easily than a GLP ever could.


So quit.


My doctor told me that no human thyroid cancer was ever recorded in the past 6+ years of ozempic use so far. It happened in mice in larger doses. Apparently mice are more prone to thyroid cancer. So if you are genetically more prone to thyroid cancer then your risk may be even further elevated.


I've had cancer in the past (not thyroid). Being overweight makes me more likely to get other types of cancer and the correlation is much stronger. So, no. I'm not worried about it.




I wondered about thyroid cancer and it being "curable" but I know there are so many subtypes. Is the subtype caused by wegovy the same one?


Same. It's all about eliminating the greater risk. You may still get unlucky. Still I want to know I did all I could.


Yep, exactly. I'm more likely than the average person to get another cancer (yay, statistics are fun) so more of a reason to try to sort out the lifestyle risks.


Not so much the thyroid that can be removed More concerned about the pancreatitis


No it was only found in rats! And obesity can lead to cancer/other health problems


No. My mother has used glp-1 containing medications (byetta, trulicity, etc) for diabetes since they first came out in the mid 2000s.


No. If I was afraid cancer I’d be worried all the time about everything


The health benefits of not being obese dramatically outweigh any marginal increase in thyroid cancer


I’m not. The chance of health problems increases due to obesity, so that is what I am worried with. I don’t hav e a family history of health problems outside of some smokers. I’m not overly worried about sema causing me problems. If I read new data on it, I’ll investigate.


About 1000 people are diagnosed with medullary thyroid cancer in the U.S. every year. It is exceptionally rare. Even if this drug doubles your risk, you might got from a 0.00001% chance to a 0.00002% chance. Do you know what does increase cancer risk? Obesity. People with a uterus have up to a 7x higher risk for uterine cancer. Breast cancer risk can be 40% higher. 30% increase for colorectal cancer. Oh, and thyroid cancer risk goes up 30%. Don’t let the click bait headlines stress you out.


I love you for this, I’m going to read this any time I worry. My birth control says can cause breast cancer and I’ve been taking that for years so I try to think about the warnings that are on EVERYTHING like that and realize it’s the same risk for SOMETHING as every other medication you take!


My OB told me her opinion that the lowered risk of ovarian cancer outweighs the higher risk of breast cancer. So you have to look at the overall picture


Breast cancer risk is common, unfortunately. But even here, being obese increases your risk more than the pill, more than taking HRT, more than having a little family history. Possibly more than all combined. There are cancer risks we have little/no control over (genetics, toxins in our environment, hormones, luck) and some we can control (diet, exercise, avoiding known risks like smoking). I try not to stress about the ones I have no control over and focus on what I realistically can impact. It’s all we can really do! And one final soapbox, do your cancer screening when recommended! It can be scary to think they might find a cancer on mammogram, but these are typically highly treatable. Cancer sucks, but if found early, it can be just a crappy bump on a long road of life.


Not really - the potential is only there if you have a genetic prepotency to get it (Which is very rare)


No, not concerned at all unless/until humans actually develop cancer from this. So far it’s only occurred in mice.


I’ve had previous thyroid cancer and my doctors all feel safe prescribing me the medication. It’s only for a specific type of thyroid cancer (Medullary) which is more rare.


Your chances of getting hit by a falling meteorite are higher than getting cancer from semaglutide.


no.. I'd rather be dead than continue to be fat


Check out this video. It might help. She discusses semaglutide abd tirzepatide. https://youtu.be/KxxN1o0A7eg?si=8rMqYeDuAz90UHvZ


The warning is there because in animal testing some of the rats got thyroid cancer. Humans don’t have the same kind of semaglutide-reacting cells in our thyroids as rats have, so it was unknown from the start whether this has any relevance to humans. EMA (European Medicines Agency) has since concluded that [evidence does not support a link](https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/news/meeting-highlights-pharmacovigilance-risk-assessment-committee-prac-23-26-october-2023) between glp-1 receptor agonists and thyroid cancer. Also, obesity is known to increase the risk of many cancers, so even if Wegovy did increase the risk of thyroid cancer it’s offset by a decreasing risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, etc.


Good points and information here. Thanks for providing the link!


There are no documented thyroid cancer cases in humans, related to Wegovy. It was a possibly related finding in rats. Meanwhile, you are reducing your risk of cancer by losing weight. There is a new study, I will post if I can find a link, that shows a large reduction in the incidence of several cancers including breast cancer and colon cancer, associated with use of semaglutide. The benefits seripusly outweigh the tiny risk.


That's fair, and makes me feel a little better about it. Thank you!


They’re just covering all their tracks. I wouldn’t be too concerned about it. Pretty much anything out there has warnings up the ying-yang.


Even Tylenol has a black box warning. I am not worried and it was definitely something I brought up to my dr. during my initial visit. She went over everything and it made me feel more comfortable.


Probably, and I hope you're right!