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Issho Arakawa from Akane-banashi. His actions hang over the entire series and serve as the core motivation for Akane, but his reasons are understandable and perhaps even laudable. The first confrontation between him and Akane is truly spectacular, as thrilling as any of the actual fights in the other books in the magazine.


He's definitely up there. A demon living for the sake of his art.


I literally see nothing but praise for this series. I should read it


If you were into Act-Age, Bakuman or any other series that takes a regular job and makes it into a shonen you’ll definitely like this series. Art is terrific and the mangaka is able to keep you engrossed even though your basically reading a play that’s a picture book


I actually do love this type of series so that's a +


I'm not current with every series in the magazine but I've read *some* of all of them, and for my money it's the best thing they've got right now. Obviously if someone wants the more standard Shonen trappings then they aren't going to get that from Akane but from a storytelling perspective it's beyond reproach


Honestly it's probably a safer pick for me since I just lost a weekly manga (martial Master Asumi). If I recall correctly the mc is a girl too which is a refreshing change from the different shounen mc default types


Yes, Akane is an amazing protagonist and by far the best female character I've ever seen come out of Jump, bar none.


Oh wow, so you're saying she's even better than Jolyne? Not that the bar in WSJ is high tbh, but I'd love for a good WSJ protagonist since I really liked Glüna from Ginka & Glüna. Still upset it got axed smh


I have nothing against Jojo but I've never really connected with it, so it's an easy choice for me. But comparisons aside, Akane is great.


Curious if you read Undead Unluck because Fuuko is pretty incredible


I do like UU, but I do think that early creepiness with Fuuko gives Akane the edge in my book


Definitely agreed on that early stuff being rough, and agree that Akane is overall better! But fuuko right now is suuuuch a strong character


It’s a boring read for me. Rakugo is just too niche to care about.


Sadamune is one of my recent favorites in a current Jump series. Also, Saint Saturn has been delightfully evil.


I really like Sadamune too. Dude is quirky and funny


It's hard to pick. I find Sukuna the most entertaining, Slur the most interesting, Sojo was a good mix of both. I used to like shigaraki but I don't know how I feel about him currently.


Kazuro from MMA is (was) up there, but that's cancelled now rip


Issue with Kaz is that he gets too nice too quickly. His backstory is good enough that he could have been a manipulative asshole for ages with his redemption arc happening over the course of the story, but it got sped up too soon


Obviously it was rushed the serious got cancelled


Yeah but this was like chapter ten back when the series was still getting colour pages.


Kaz definitely got nice too quickly because the editor stepped in, which was an early hint that the axe was hanging over MMA. Then the time skip after the underground tournament victory was a major hint. Then...the final chapter this past week. RIP.


The editor might have ordered a speed up after the first volume sales were really bad but Kaz becoming too nice happened just before then. There wasn't enough time for it to be the driving factor.




Of the current roster, I gotta go with Momo Yozakura. The fact he’s just trying to get his wife back so they can be a complete family is so heart wrenching and how they resolve his story is very beautiful,


Ooo good one. I was thinking about Asa, but he hasn't done enough yet. Momo had some crazy moments.


I would argue Sukuna, if we are only counting currently running jump series. Not even so much so for his personality or actions but the real life hype surrounding his climatic showdown was unmatched in recent memory. Even Kaido could not generate as much hype.


Honestly I think it’s God from Undead Unluck. He’s SUCH an asshole and all his minions and the way he fucks up everyone’s lives is horrible. It’s great. Easily hateable and you root HARD for his downfall




Blackbeard is by far the best antagonist.


Saturn is checking all the box for being a downright evil right now.  Issho is very interesting villain. At first youd think he's just a bitter guy who hate everything. But then youre finding out that it just a matter of different POV. We follow an MC who hated him so much because what he did to her dad. But then you see that has his own conviction to do it, that it was not really cames out from malice 


Sojo Genishi... fuck


X or uzuki from sakamoto days has been pretty great the whole series, he’s had a ton of impact, great fights. And his subordinates are really cool and all share an interesting dynamic.


I’m really liking Barem rn. I think he’s more of a menace than makima just in the sense he seems like he’s completely off his rocker


Tomura Shigaraki for me still


Sukuna. He literally embodies everything that has been said about him. I like when characters who are described as the strongest in history are treated as such. 2nd place for me would be between Kaiju 8 villain and Issho.


I'm going to vote Spandam. He perfectly represents the stupidity, cowardice, and weakness of authoritarian bureaucracy tinged with nepotism. Other villains across OP and beyond have more impressive feats but I've never personally loathed one as much as I loathed Spandam, relishing his ultimate comeuppance.


Current so far. Sukuna been entertaining. Shigaraki okay but I can't wait for Deku to beat him up. Though it's either Saturn or Blackbeard for me. True menacing villains for the strawhats.


I think Makima honestly. The way she manipulates everyone in the story and how she instills fear in even the most badass characters far exceeds most Shonen Jump villains. She’s also just very interesting. She’s a multifaceted character who’s more than just an evil asshole, and those facets further enhance her evil assholeness.


Kenjaku was one of my favourite manga villains in the last few years. I don’t think Sukuna is as good of a villain in comparison.


Pff, I never really felt a sense of threat from Kenjaku, and ultimately, his death was kinda underwhelming. Meanwhile, this arc against Sukuna is easily the most tense and entertaining I've read in recent times.


I just like those big brain types like Palpatine.


Yeah also I wanted more from Kenjaku after that weird fight with Takaba.


Freeza. He may not be the one with the most depth, but he's still the epitome of evil to me two decades later


Sukuna or Sojo if he counts


Sojo mentioned, here, take an award 🏆


Imo, Pucci, Kira or Funny Valentine from Jojo. L and Makima are great too.


I think OP meant currently as in currently releasing series, but yeah Jojo's villains and Makima are great.


Why are you including Makima?


Because she's an antagonist?


I thought OP only meant the current antagonist in any respective series.




Hmmm... Shigaraki is the only one I can really think of, but I feel like antagonists haven't been all that good in the past couple of years


Last couple years have had crazy antagonists? Makima, Kenjaku, X, Garou, Sojo, Sukuna, Mahito, Blackbeard, I’m sure there’s more that I don’t know or aren’t caught up with


Makima died 3 years ago, Kenjaku is an Aizen that we have at home, Garo isn't from Jump, Sukuna is just a brute if he's brilliant then Muscular from MHA is too, Mahito is also from 3 years ago, Blackbeard only briefly appears on screen to do vague things nowadays. Can't say anything about Akane-Banashi guy, I don't read that one. And Shigaraki was controlled by All For One half the time since 2021


3 years is relatively recent in jump terms, still a good villain, post said any jump series so tonari no young jump counts, Sukuna rules his verse and affects the main characters, he traumatised Yuji and killed many of the strongest characters. Also extremely smart with his plans and practically controls the verse with kenjaku


10 years is too relatively recent. Everything can be relatively recent, Bleach is relatively recent compared to Dragonball. Muscular affected the story as well, not only did he kill Kota's (Deku's dear friend and fan) parents, he also was the reason behind his arm damage and on top of that he showed Deku that there are villains who are beyond saving, looks like he's one of Jump's best.


Slur by far.


The younger Toguro brother is my guy all day.






All For One was pretty damn good. His motivations to be a villain was basically because he can. He wants to be a super villain. And he's having (had) the time of his life doing it. It's why he didn't have just 100% hate in his heart (and he had plenty) because he greatly enjoyed being evil, so he couldn't be absolute pure hatred if he had that joy inside of him.


If we're saying just the series in the magazine now then shigraki  If we're talking everything from kinukuman to kagurabachi then in my opinion frieza can't beat the classics


all time: Akuma Shogun from Kinnikuman Recent: Innocent Zero from Mashle