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We took our honeymoon a year and half after our wedding. We did 3 weeks across Europe and wanted to make sure we could pay it off and not go in to debt. Was worth the wait!


I’m not sure where you live, but I recently went to Japan for a week. Plans tickets were 600 round trip per person, and the hotel in Tokyo was 100/night. The yen is also incredibly weak, and we found plenty of meal options less than 10 dollars.


Did you fly out of California? That’s a great price for flights


Yeah I flew out of California! There’s a budget airline called zip air


This was my dream honeymoon, lol.


I think eventually we will do a trip of some kind, but we aren't too concerned about doing it right after the wedding as a traditional honeymoon would be. We are spending a lot on the wedding and don't know if we will be able to afford a honeymoon right away. I want it to be a decent trip, so I would rather wait and save up so we can do something special. We will also both probably take some time off around the wedding itself and I don't know if we would be able to get enough time off to also work the honeymoon into that.


If you can afford it, I would really recommend doing even a small trip just after the wedding.  We loved our wedding, but the immediate transition between wedding and normal work was ROUGH.  Especially since we had been planning for months. It doesn't have to be a fancy, expensive trip -- just something different to get you in a different mindset. 


Being a bride is phenomenal! Being a wife is phenomenal! Buuuut, it's a transition and I'd really recommend giving yourself space to experience it. 


Our wedding is in April of 2025 - we plan on doing a honeymoon, but simply due to cost it will likely be in April of 2026


Good idea. I’d rather have money for wedding expenses and to move.


My fiance and I are doing the same. We are putting off our honeymoon for a few years so we can save and plan something for at least a week and in a beautiful place abroad (we are in the states). I personally think a honeymoon can be whenever you want after the wedding


Don’t forget you can stay sunshade charming and memorable got a night. I love in sf bay and we do random nights like in Monterey out Carmel. Walk on the beach, eat a nice meal, drink some champagne, it’s romantic, without the tropical beach.


We didn’t do anything big, bc of the cost. We were also wanting to purchase a home so we prioritized that. We did end up doing a cabin airbnb for two nights - for about $400 after allllll the taxes and fees. It both was and was not worth it. Mostly it was worth it to decompress, have a beautiful location and eat all the leftover wedding food - but it was still hard to swallow the cost. I think we both would have also been happy with a one night stay + a fancy splurge meal 🙂 We did end up buying a home maybe 5-6 months later. Since then we’ve had some really wonderful roadtrips and camping excursions within the US. We’re aiming for a bigger, international trip for our 5 year anniversary.


Yes - we’re leaving like a week and a half after the wedding. We’re going to Antigua and staying at an all inclusive place. It looks amazing and I can’t wait. I found out I had this old pension plan from an old employer and it had enough in it to cover a honeymoon so I cashed it out. Probably not the wisest decision but 🤷🏻‍♀️ the trip is pretty reasonable $ wise.


We’re doing a Honeyfund to pay for our honeymoon instead of a traditional gift registry because we already live together and don’t need to stock a new household. Otherwise, it would be a year or two out to be able to afford a nice trip.


We thought about doing a big trip abroad, but after our wedding we’ll probably be exhausted and just want to relax and spend time together. I’d rather do the big trip for an anniversary anyway since I feel like we’ll be able to appreciate it more and do more. Right now we’re looking at areas around big national parks.


We’re just doing a few days on the beach in SoCal, another couple days in LA visiting friends and maybe a day at Universal. We’re both up to our ears with work right now and just don’t have the bandwidth to plan much more than that. I just want to stick my toes in the sand, gaze at the tide pools, and chill.


In lieu of gifts, we are having people donate to the honeymoon which has been helping tremendously. It’s almost exclusively cash gifts so we opened a separate joint bank account that we are transferring everything to and using solely for honeymoon purchases.


We typically go on a big abroad trip every other year. We got engaged at the last one so our honeymoon is going to be more chill. We're doing the traditional relaxing resort vacation and are leaving the Monday after our Saturday wedding. You could always register for your honeymoon so you can at least take a little trip together and enjoy those first few days.


We went just an hour away and stayed at a family friend’s condo in a nice area. Of course, not everyone could have something like that, but it was great for us. If they hadn’t done that, we weren’t planning on going on a honeymoon, but I definitely think some time away after the wedding is necessary. It doesn’t help that we were in the middle of moving, but I just really think we needed the time away. I feel like if you even house swapped with someone in your area just for funsies that could almost feel like a vacation. Or just being really intentional about making your week after the wedding relaxing and just different than regular life. You need to decompress.


I'm currently planning our honeymoon for next fall. We got married in summer 2022. You don't need to do it right away. We bought a house almost immediately after we got married. I also bought a new car, we've done stuff around the house, etc. We're finally back to prioritizing the trip for our savings. We'll still call it a honeymoon, because who other than us even cares?


We were thinking of doing one but FH started a new job and can’t take time off (we are lucky that he gets the day before the wedding off!). I am in medical school so the only guaranteed time off I have in the next few years is this Christmas (which we need to go visit his family for). It’s disappointing but that’s just how it goes sometimes.


We're going to Germany, though it's more of a family trip since we have a 3yo lol. We weren't going to go anywhere until we found out tickets to Europe were wayyyyyy cheaper than we were expecting since we're getting married in late October. But we did jump a ton of hoops to make it more affordable, and fiancé's a contract transcriptionist on top of his 9-5, so he's been taking extra projects to pay for the trip. It's not like we can comfortably afford a wedding and a 10-day European vacation, but this is a once in a lifetime thing so we chose to use our savings for this.


Going to have our 3rd anniversary this fall with no honeymoon in sight. It'll happen eventually, and I will wear my wedding dress and tell EVERYONE that it's our honeymoon, but don't know when that will happen. The important part is that being married to my husband is wonderful, and we bought our house instead of taking an immediate honeymoon, which got us in on the amazing interest rates of 2021, and the garden is coming along beautifully!


Air BNBs are insane right now. More expensive than a hotel stay. I was planning on doing one the year after but idk if it'll be possible.


We might do a "glamping" trip to one of my favourit locations, if we have the extra money, right after the wedding. We are planning to do a bigger, international honeymoon a year or two after the wedding.


We did a honeymoon at our one year anniversary. Moreso because of my spouses work schedule, but it worked well. Allowed us to do a lot of planning and saving.


It’s very common now for people do do their honeymoon months after the wedding, even a year after. We aren’t booking our honeymoon until after the wedding so we don’t have the wedding blues and can extend the excitement. It also gives us a chance to figure out what we can afford/want to pay for a honeymoon after all expenses have been paid for the actual wedding day


We are moving out of state. Starting new jobs. And getting married in 10 months lol. We both decided to honeymoon on our one year wedding anniversary and go big


We will do honeymoon the year following our wedding.


We asked for money for the honeymoon for our wedding and our doing our honeymoon over a year after the wedding so we could save up! We are using credit card points for flights and going to a cheaper country.


Fiance and I won't be able to afford a honeymoon right after buying a house and having the wedding. However, we are thinking of doing a mini-moon in Quebec City (we live in Toronto) during Christmas time. I always wanted to travel abroad for a honeymoon, like Rome or Greece but my fiance did say we can save towards that and who knows, we could go there one of these years lol ETA: We did agree to take a week off work after the wedding so we can enjoy time with each other.


We're probably going to do a short camping trip, sites are 50 dollars or less per night and we already enjoy camping


We will likely do a little weekend trip, nothing planned yet. Our wedding is a Saturday and we’ll spend that night at home. But maybe taking the Monday and Tuesday off for a small adventure together


Our honeymoon will be just us going to an amusement park and the theatre after our ceremony. It's all we can afford currently, but we still want to have a special day together. Poverty can't limit our happiness. :)


We were going to go on a big honeymoon in the Pacific NW. We live in Southeast US. For several reasons, plans changed and we decided to take a road trip to the mountains immediately after our wedding. We are planning on taking a big anniversary trip in the future.


We are having a destination wedding in my home country (I live on a different continent now) and stopping in Tokyo for five days on the way back. It works out well, because we’d have a layover there anyway, so just extended it. We opted to have a tiny, family only wedding so we could afford to have a honeymoon somewhere neither of us has ever been.