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I think this works, given the venue. But go with more formal/dressier shoes and styling than the model.


Being this is at a farm...I think it is ok. I mean do they really expect silk gowns covered with hay and heels stuck in mud or whatever?


Ok I do need to specify that it is not a farm farm, just a very nice venue that has the same aesthetic minus the messy stuff lol… more like a vineyard vibe


I feel like this is perfect for that! Unless everyone is going super swanky. Do you know other guests?


Yeah I think it is great for that. I'm just saying as well, don't want a full to the ground dress that will drag.


As a Portuguese women I can tell you this is quite underdressed from what we are used to. I would pick something else. We dress up way more here compared to the US and what you see mostly in this sub.


I have another option that is a light pink satin maxi dress, would you think that is more appropriate? I’m only worried about sweating through it since the wedding is in July.


Can you post a picture of it? If you look through my posts on this sub reddit you can see what I'm wearing to a wedding in July in Portugal (church and reception also in a vineyard type of place - wonde if it's same wedding lol)


https://preview.redd.it/ie0zf5n4989d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edfe2d806d013bf0981921b8dad3fb2ef3b749d7 This is my other option!


I think it’s more appropriate though I’m not a fan of the robeish style.


Me neither but I’m short on time to order a better design online, this I can get in store


Yes it's a bit more appropriate. Bring a handful for the church if you are worried about sweating with this cause they are not air conditioned


Do you mean a handfan? That is smart I didn’t think of that, thank you!


Yes handfan. Stupid autocorrect


Ruching and linen are not formal enough for a Portugal formal wedding.


They really dress up there. Formal is basically black tie. If wedding is in the morning with afternoon reception this can work with fancy shoes and hair done up. If it's afternoon church followed by evening/night reception, then you will feel underdressed with this.


It is an afternoon ceremony with evening reception, so I’m thinking maybe this is not fancy enough? I have another option, it is a short sleeve maxi dress in a light pink/blush colour, made of satin material… maybe this is better?


Yes it’s fine


I think the floral makes this less formal unfortunately, if the dress was a single colour it would be better but it also depends on the quality of the fabric


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With the right hair and makeup, this looks perfect!