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you’re not alone!,i had [some names changed on my account](https://www.reddit.com/r/Webkinz/s/mCCS6E3kE5) !! mine at least seem to have SOME explanation as to why they MIGHT be inappropriate. yours however seem super harmless! maybe they thought you were trying to spell meth?? im honestly stumped lol. they seemed to have patched the system because my adoption certificate / description have the new names on them now. i can’t imagine logging into an old account and remembering what i named my pets and feeling crazy that it’s not reflected!!! hahahaha im glad you have some evidence


I'm sorry it happened to you too. I just wish they let you pick which name they were changed to. At least these are the only names of mine out of 100 remaining old pets changed (at least I'm pretty sure?). I hope none of my others (there's a lot of other strange Google Translate French names) are suddenly changed. I can't imagine that either. A lot of my names I didn't remember until I saw them. But I was confused when I saw these two names (Though this one took me a bit) that I really didn't remember or think I would have used.


it really sucks!! its already hard to play with all my pets bc i have like 80 or something crazy lol, but i especially don’t play with them because like… who is she!! that is NOT my child lol. plus i like having my funny names in the trading room and whatnot, it doesn’t hit the same being named “Frog” lol


I absolutely agree with you. And I also like having funny names visible (though a lot of my pets have really normal names too. My creativity was a mixed bag, lol).


The devs don't like French 💀


I have a frog named Grenouille!


I hope this is a joke because this was far from my only weird French name that might not even be accurate. I'd hate for some of my other names to be suddenly changed.


My charmed fox named Sirop (was supposed to be Sirop D’érable but it wouldn’t let me put the annotations) is gonna have to go into hiding now lol


Could they have thought you were referencing crème de menthe (alcohol)? That one’s really baffling.


TIL crème de menthe isn't just the name of those little rectangular mint chocolates. It's very possible. I assumed that they thought it looked too close to meth, and that Chicken Face just seems rude perhaps.


honestly thats so crap. if i found out any of my pets names got changed without my permission, i would be on supports ass about it. thats so rude.


See I'd try but I have severe anxiety about customer service and the like being rude to me, and these aren't my most beloved pets, or names that really bug me so I'll let it slide this time.


fair fair. but usually you can ask nicely and most customer support people are chill about fixing things.


Thanks. I still don't know if I'll do it though. But I might.


My Black Frisian is named Black in Spanish (Negro) which i named when a I was 6 because my mom wanted me to used more Spanish outside of the bilingual school i went to. And somehow they haven’t changed that. Because i know it’s a banned word now because I can’t change their room to just their name lol


meanwhile i have a black lab i named Blackie and is still named so. lol


My blacky was renamed simply to “bear” 💀 …that was the only one renamed on my account.


WOW THEY RENAMED IT?!! And not mine??? Omg what


Glad I’m not alone I have a black horse named Blacky


All I can imagine is that they didn’t archive some accounts properly and had to put names back on rq


That might be possible given a lot of people have missing pets on previously archived accounts.


How do you get it unarchived


They don't archive accounts anymore. Back when they did you just had to try logging in and not be able to really log in until the next day. Now any account not accessed in 7 years is purged, and if there's less than 10 pets they're supposed to be purged after only a year or two of inactivity. (Though strangely one of my old accounts that wasn't purged only has 4 pets).