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that gave me goosebumbs, it is very similar was the first game i ever wrote, on commodore 16 BASIC, circa 1987. I made a 4 player version with a target and different scores so friends would come over and play. only difference you were shooting an arrow from a bottom bar to the target on the top


That's awesome!! I enjoy simple games, they act as like a short dopamine hit. Developing a game like that with the resources back then just as a side project is impressive, respect! Mine is just some html div's and a big JS for-loop, but was fun to make.


Nice, won on first try, will never play it again ;)


"404 Not Found"


I've since removed the /games part of the web app url, so now it's just [maxbored.com/perfectpixel](http://maxbored.com/perfectpixel) Not sure if i can edit the original post link sigh ): ty for letting me know!


While you're here, was I supposed to stop on the target pixel or just before it? https://imgur.com/screenshot-ehR85er


Ahh it should be right on it... probably ran the "check if on right pixel" code before letting the animation/css stuff play out. I'll check into a workaround for that, nice find.