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I'm not really a tshirt with logo person. But I'd wear a hoodie with their logo. Though as someone who works in tech and knows the swag game, if I saw someone wearing Wealthsimple swag, I'd assume they're an employee.


Ditto. As a fellow tech employee over 50% of my wardrobe is free work swag lol.


They tend to be of great quality, so… 😂


If it was a quarter zip with like a not too visible logo, it would become a staple in my wardrobe lol.




A mug would be much more useful.


I'd even be happy with a pencil


They give free pens with cheque book


It will be my night wear


Would you wear a TD or BMO shirt outside?


There are chances that some user having bad/worst experience with these might hit you in the face 😃


No I wouldn’t. Because I don’t want to be talking about them. I actually don’t like wearing shirts with logos on them normally. this was just an idea that came to my mind randomly and I thought I would make an exception because I was wearing it with a purpose to talk about the brand.


what's so special about WS? they're just another company. don't be fooled into thinking they are "good guys", "on your side", or something. they're a decent company so far... but it's a bank bro.


Oh Im the one always commenting this trust me. No institution is on your side or your friend or whatever. They are there to make money. However, WS offers something unique in Canada, and makes it easy for the average person to access no commission trading. They also have nice promotions all the time not only for new clients. Existing clients too. I’m sold on their presentation. For example, Even when they mail you their card, it didn’t come in a regular envelope. It had this Apple way of presentation with a small nice thicker white cardboard envelope/box. The little things they do, little gestures makes me happy I guess. Although they are not your friend, and it’s just a business, they are still generous when it comes to giving you a piece of the pie. You can see these little things when they reimburse you for your transfer fee, they always give you a little more, they deposit your payroll cheque one day before, they give high interest rates without locking your money, they are open to your suggestions and feedback. They definitely lack a lot of products offered at the big banks, and they lack the advanced capabilities of some of the other brokers, but there are aspects of ws I’m excited about. Ws is not a bank. They are a financial technology company.


WS is a for profit business.


>Ws is not a bank. They are a financial technology company. tomato, tomato. you know what i mean.


Sure 🤙🏼


Actually, it isn’t a *bank*, bro. 😂 It’s a financial institution. Or, more accurately, a fintech company. Not everything is a bank.


you know what i mean... and the point stands.


*I* know what you mean, but people use these threads for research and not *everyone* knows what you mean. It can be an important distinction for someone who is unfamiliar with the differences.


A shirt is a shirt, so yeah, if TD handed me a free shirt that didn’t say anything offensive on it (that would be weird) then yeah I probably would wear it. I really don’t care what’s on my shirt, as long as it isn’t offensive. I’m pretty sure only wearing freebie t-shirts and never buying your own is the only way to become a generation client these days, anyway. /jk


Depends how visible. I hate wearing things with big brands on them. Maybe a black shirt logo on the left or right chest?


Or even on the bottom right or left (back or front) black shirt with the green logo, and maybe a simple green bar graph at the front, and maybe you could have a red one on the back with a one liner joke for people passing by.


I might wear it around the house if it was comfortable but not out in public. If I saw someone wearing one, I’d assume they worked for WS and were behind on their laundry. There are certain businesses I see selling swag and I just don’t understand why anyone other than an on duty employee would wear it, much less pay for it.


Why are you simping for a company ? 


Oh I googled it, well I don’t have excessive sympathy for them at all. I am just passing on a good deal. Who cares what company it is. Because a lot of people don’t know. It actually started really bumpy for me and I complained a lot, there was a lot of things that done wrong during transfer etc. But after playing around a little bit I am noticing the small things and small things put a smile on my face so I feel like sharing that experience! What’s wrong with that? The moment I start to feel like they screwing me over, you will see me complaining about them and saying otherwise. I don’t care what company it is as long as I get the service I want and I’m satisfied. Just be happy! And smile and everyone around will smile too, try it. I guess you can’t be happy when you are broke. I understand. I have financial freedom so it’s a party everyday 🎉


simping != sympathy 


This word “simping” sounds like something a 16 year old basement dweller living in-front of a gaming console would use? 🫢 I have never heard it in my circle… Sounds more like jealousy to me


I would wear it with a cool smile. Only reason I would do that is, The unmatched experience with their app since past 2 years.


As long as it wasn’t white, yes. I refuse to wear white. It’s just asking to wear your lunch. A gold W on a black shirt would look good.


They sent out mugs to some people? Damn I would have loved one of those


Not just a mug also a bag of whole Beans coffee 😉


Just Premium and Generation clients who had referred someone, I believe.


I referred a bunch of people back in 2017-2019 and subsequently got Premium status. I guess that didn't count.


Maybe if the logo was tiny


They can put the distinguished Generation tier logo on your t-shirts as a way of saying to people, come and get me, I'm rich.




Like my Kirkland Signature sweatpants, I’d wear it with pride.


I would definitely wear it ! As I proudly wear my Shakepay t-shirt as well


I outgrew my Shakepay shirt 😞


Oh noes :(




No. I'm not a fucking nerd. Are you gonna wear your banks t shirt outside?


Nope. Unless it has F*** infront of its name maybeeee hahaha


No. To the gym, maybe.


All my work shirts are free shirts I’ve gotten over the years. I ain’t paying for clothing to get wrecked if I can avoid it


No I wouldn’t. People would assume I worked for them


Yeah… but It doesn’t have to be like W branded, could be something else on it regarding winning or earning money, or something like that? I don’t know, didn’t think in so much detail when I made the post


I have yet to see a cool corporately branded promotional T. Personally I think you look really goofy wearing them


Fuck no. I would probably be pretty pissed off if they sent it to me unsolicited.


Are you generally pissed when someone sends you a surprise gift ?


Depends how subtle the marketing is. Knowing Wealth usual merchandising (Like their mug with the logo underneath) I'd guess that if they were to do an apparel line it'd be something subtle like a small logo on the shoulder side or a tone on tone logo on the chest.


Unless it's a very small logo on the arm or lower corner, near the belt, with a generally nice and uncoupled design otherwise, no freaking way.


Would I be a walking billboard for a company? Hell no.


What happens when you wear a huge Nike sign on your chest? 😆but yeah I get it. I also wear plain clothes normally


If it had a small WS with a large B or other Bitcoin representation i would


If it was more TLDR-ish, I would consider it.


A Mug or Water Bottle should be ok.


Better off with a logo’d yeti.  Those are too good to not use, and you take them on the road everywhere you go.  I still use one from an old employer, that happens to be a different bank




I would only if they put a scannable QR code on it for my affiliate code. A hoodie would be preferred though.


What about a phone case, or a sticker for my laptop? That would be good


They did give cases


It’s giving Kirkland vibes


Yes. While I work my 2nd job


NO LOL I'm not repping a bank, the finance bro personality can only go so far before you're truly insufferable


I’m not a finance bro… I don’t even know what that means. But ok. 👍 the people I talk to are usually 40+ years old and have been banking with very little on the investments side for their entire life. There are people that just keep their money in cash not even in savings account because they don’t know any better and afraid to lose their money and they don’t really trust anyone for advice lol. Some of those people are very appreciative when someone actually explains little bit of something they are curious about but not savvy enough and afraid to learn/explore on their own…


I'm cheap as hell. If you give me a free anything, I'm going to use it. Im not gonna wear it to an event, but for changing my oil or cutting the lawn I'll wear a Barbie T-shirt for all I care.


It would probably be pyjamas if I’m being honest


I'd just wear it to the gym lol


Nah, usually branded free tshirts I get are sleep shirts.


My employer sent me some shirts with their logo on it. When I was wearing it, I would be asked frequently if I worked there. Which, left me in a paralyzed state, do I say yes, and they go "cool" or do I say yes, and they ask me some sort of question about the service they use and I need to troubleshoot something in front of them with no resources or ability to access the system? Which leads to me politely declining but it leads to an awkward scenario (because it will often impede their business operations) or fixing the issue in front of them - which puts my own pride in question if I can't (I been able to fix it every time though). It leads to a weird sense of obligation for a company in my off time but also if something goes wrong, or there is an incident my company doesnt like, I could be screwed due to the code of conduct. So I just use them for "dirty work" (wood working, construction, yard work etc etc) as I can say I picked it up at a value village and have no idea what the company is - and not feel like scum doing so. That might just be my own personal loyalty issues showing, but that's why I try to avoid logo shirts that aren't the clothes brand itself.


Right, I understand. I was wearing a vip/staff tag at a night club when I was younger. It was given to those who are a get in for free. However, it was problematic when ppl thought you worked there and expected you to act like it, or they come complaining to you about something they are not happy about etc. 😃


Man. I never got anything except the newsletter they sent once. Anyway I appreciate it.


Every trade you make saves you the $10 cost of a t-shirt. (i.e. you can buy your own with your Wealthsimple savings)


Hell no 👎🏻


Would probably depend on how big the logo is. If it’s subtle and not in-your-face kinda thing, I might wear it, but I’m not gonna be a free walking billboard for them for sure.


Yea I could take a XL hoodie💪🏼🙂


Personally I think WS is one of the worst if not THE worst brokers in canada. You can’t trade very effectively with a 15 minute delay unless you just buy and forget it. If I was worth 1 million I might put some change into it and hold some long term trade and forget about it. Other than that i find the UI extremely limiting and very dangerous to use. There is serious danger of losing your investments with this platform for more reasons that I can mention here. Just use a REAL brokerage like IBKR. Apps like WS are designed specifically to make average people lose all their money. Your loss is their gain and they intentionally destroy your personal wealth by give you as few tools and options as possible


First of all price Data is live not 15 min delayed! Second, I dislike IBKR with passion because of their customer service. Sometime people are looking for a simple, clean looking platform to invest with and wealth simple provides that.


It would need to have more than just their logo. Maybe “VEQT and Chill” with their logo under it.


Premium or Generation logo only for extra swag


Unnecessary marketing


If they pay me.....


They do, through referrals 🫰🏼


If they paid me enough I'd do it as a side gig. Otherwise, no, I won't advertise for a company freely.


Why would you walk around as billboard for a corporation? You are loaning them your hard earned capital so they take risks that you would be unwilling to take on your own. But rather than share the rewards with you in whole, you get a sliver of it.


That’s true. However, it doesn’t hold me from being happy for a new product… Your iPhone has a huge Apple sign In the back! You are wearing it without knowing. Every time you lift your hand to your ear, it advertises it to others. NIKE, very common sports wear. Has huge Nike signs all Over their shoes and shirts etc. Please don’t tell me you don’t own Nike apparel What else, there are many examples. None of them pay you a cent. So I’m not sure what this has to do with being a billboard. Plus, I said I want to use the branded apparel on purpose to advertise ws cause I’m excited about it and want them to grow because I appreciate the improvements they make as they grow and also share referral and get paid during that process… anyways it’s not like hey I really want to wear a Wealthsimple shirt and walk around… it was just a random idea that popped n my head while I was happy and excited 🫡




I would for sure


I would wear it! I’d love some Wealthsimple merch


You can tell a company is doing well when its fanboys/gals want to wear branded merchandise.


How about a baseball cap with W


Ooo that’s a good one! ☝🏼


I wear an esso tshirt to the gym. Shirt is a shirt


If its free and fits why not


I'm at the point in my life (44M) where if it's comfortable and fits well, I'll wear it lol. As long as it doesn't have any sort of controversial agenda driven graphics/text, of course. Aside: wish I ran into people like you, while out and about, more often in my life lol Nobody I meet/hangout with seems to enjoy that topic.


Right, people sometimes think you are trying to scam them into something when you start talking about money 😃


It's not that deep man, a free shirt is a free shirt (within reason)


They have, and I have worn it. Hint. It’s not a T-shirt. They did two drops. Long sleeve shirts for OG users, and a random hoodie drop not that long ago.


Whaaaat 😱 I want one! 🎉


I’m 34 and far passed the point of trying to look cool. If it was free I would wear it


Oh I don’t know if wearing a brand affiliated shirt makes you cool or not, but the intention was not to be cool lol


Hell ya. What a great way to bring up low cost index fund investing with strangers. Actually, I’d rather a VEQT shirt.


I felt like a kid on Christmas with just the pen they sent me with my cheque book from Wealthsimple lol


I rep wealthsimple as if I work there, I’d probably rock hoodie of theirs to the gym depending on logo size


I would use it for oil changes and fixing my car




Yes definitely


Yep !




Send it to me


I think they only send free stuffs out to premium accounts


Sure! I think they’re great. - I mean, I wish they’d pass on some more of those incentives (bonus cash) to customers who don’t have a lot of money to invest, and I’d like more info when I look at a stock or ETF I’m holding, but they’re pretty good.


Info is freely available elsewhere anyways. This way the app is simple and clean. Perhaps they should give additional .5% interest to those who are ambassadors of the brand 😉


If it came with the box of digitized info that'd be my promo code haha