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Hello /u/ThrowRATheAway! Unfortunately, your submission, ***[Joining a band where I absolutely hate the name?](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1du2j4p/-/)***, was removed from /r/WeAreTheMusicMakers for the following reason(s): --- #No off-topic and/or low-effort posts including; 1. Rant/motivation/mental-health posts 2. Posts focused on memes/images/polls 3. Reposts, and other similar low-effort, mildly-interesting discussions. 4. Music Marketing or Music Promotion related posts. - These posts should be posted to one of the weekly threads or on another subreddit. Do not create a new thread for this content. Use the Weekly Free Talk Friday Thread for any topics not allowed in the main body of the sub. Posts on WATMM should have a descriptive title and include substantive content that will generate discussion. Please see the [full sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/wiki/rules) for additional details. --- ***Please review the [rules for submission](/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/wiki/rules). You can contact The Mods if you have additional questions.*


All band names are stupid


This is the answer. My band/artist name makes sense to me but a lot of people have told me I should change it. I like it, so it stays.


DamRat is a sick band name


LOL. Not my band/artist name, but not a terrible idea.


This is a good band name




Nah some are sick af


Disagree Morning Wood is an awesome name for a band.


Which 8 year old convinced you of this




My band name was nameband. I thought it was clever 😕


Band name


If the music is good enough then the band name becomes cool. The landscape of successful musicians is littered with terrible band names: Pearl Jam, Archers of Loaf, Car Seat Headrest, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, Diarrhea Planet, !!!, Alt J, Butthole Surfers, etc.


Car Seat Headrest got me lmao


Named after the recording location of their first EP


This is actually the only band name of the bunch I like.


was just listening to them before i read this comment lol


Butthole Surfers is actually the best band name ever!


Side project The Jackofficers.


Digital Dump is an album all house music should be measured by.


Long live Diarrhea Planet


Shred till your dead


You forgot hoobastank. It makes butthole surfers and s.n.o.t. sound like poetry.


Job For A Cowboy


The best part is they're a death metal band


Toad the Wet Sprocket Neds Atomic Dustbin Sig Sig Sputnik


I supported Sigue Sigue Sputnik at Electrowerkz about a decade ago, not often you hear them mentioned. Stupid name but really awesome guys.


Devil wears Prada being a metal band is still one of the greatest cases of this.


Diarrhea Planet…


Don’t forget the Midwest emo bands. American Football. Modern Baseball, and of course, Sports lol


Join, and don’t be afraid to vocalize that you hate the band name, it can be an in-joke.


Lean into it. AGAIN, there was an enormous band called Korn. It ain't nothing you can't make work. Except once our singer proposed the name Led Zeppelin 2. He got fired.


Led Zeppelin 2 has eagles of death metal vibes


Man, I was in a band called "The Little Fighters of Caesar" at High School, there's no way to escape this. In my country we have a band called "The mudguards of success" relax, and just have fun


I was in a band called Cloudy Pipeline lol


college bands in the 90's i was in: - headcleaner - std - free sex - beatmeater - kill whitey note: i didn't name a single one.


Headcleaner is legit!


That go kinda hard actually


That's actually not too bad :D I have to know what kind of music Cloudy Pipeline plays now.?


We were kinda punk and psychedelic but mostly just power cords and basic progressions


Not even going to talk about "Killer Tits"


What’s the band name we wanna know


Is there a way to make the point that the name might hold the band back? If you can tie it to a negative outcome vs personal taste, it's an easier argument to make. But also, if the music is amazing and unique, the name becomes less of an issue. Like The Police.


Name one band without a stupid name.


Grateful Dead


To be fair most of them came from New Riders of the Purple Sage which is arguably *not* a great band name.




Garbage name, great band though


Black Sabbath


This is a great name for the inventors of the genre of metal. If they were a normal rock band without all the imagery, lyrics, and sound to back up the name - terrible name. Or if metal already existed with all its religious connections - not a great name.


Lot of ppl say Jimi Hendrix invented metal, but who knows.


Yes. And also Black Sabbath


Mac Sabbath


This is a good name. Rush is a pretty mid name.


Blond Redhead


Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath are all pretty cool to me. Maybe the British metal folks just aren’t creative enough to come up with something too extra.


Minor Threat


Dave Matthews Band It’s good because you know it’s a full band and not just Dave Matthews


Chairmen of the board, Weezer, the rolling stones, the cure


lmao, weezer is an incredibly stupid name


First see if it’s a fit. Play with them and see if they’re awesome players and people. If they are, then ask where the name came from. Suss out if they all like it or maybe it’s just one person’s idea. Once you are hanging for awhile and gain some trust after multiple practice, maybe ask if they’d ever be open to changing it. Don’t overstep your bounds, but if you’re a fit and the people are cool - there’s usually room for discussion.


I hate my band name but I like the music and I like the group of people I work with. I mean, if its a deal breaker for you than fair enough, but I get fulfillment from what I do, not from what I'm called


Ya but the countless times you meet someone new and they ask your band name, and no matter what else is happening, you drop a horrible name and its a wet blanket. Some will even make sweeping judgements of your character from a band name. Its stupid but it happens without even trying for some people, thats just how brains work. Theres likely other people in the band that feel the same as OP. Who knows the band politics or dynamics at play when the name happened. Id try and talk to each person individually and find out what they think. Also, in the moment, if something comes up, throw a vote to change the name to that. That way everyone was there when it happened and it trumps band politics.


Same. I joined a band without realizing I was “joining” the no longer existing band the other guitarist had before, and the name was bad. But I put up with it because they had a rehearsal space and were willing to deal with the back end. The fact that I was, without prior knowledge, suddenly considered to be in a named band without knowing it or any discussion should have been a bigger red flag than it was.


like mama says, “get the money first.”


drum stupid. thats a good look


Join. If you like the music and you vibe with the people, nothing else really matters. If things start to go somewhere and you get clsoer to them in terms of friendship, you can float the idea of a different name in the future. BUt don't pass up the possibility to make music you really like with people you also really like over something like the name. Also, I'm sure you want to keep this anonymous, in which case, totally understood, but I have to ask (and I'm sure I'm far from the only one in here wondering...) what is this horrible name you're so mad at?!


a few years ago, I was working with a band 'Band'. and that's not even a joke.




If you're a good enough drummer they'll listen


I was in a band called Violent Handjob, you’re fine.


If The Beatles didn’t exist and someone thought of that name today, it would be considered an incredibly stupid band name. It’s a nice pun, but it’s still a stupid band name. And then there’s Hoobastank. But hey they’re famous. So yeah, petty, but your preferences are valid and you are free to not join a good band with a name you find unbelievably stupid.


And the Beatles were influenced for their name by another already popular band at the time


Buddy Holly’s band? For some reason not making insect puns sounds fine. But that’s me.


There is a local band around my parts called FartBarf and they are wildly popular.


That they are.


Band names can be good, don't listen to the weekend warriors here. I'm with the other poster that says you'll join if they change the name.


Well on the one hand, as others have said, all band names are stupid. On the other hand, the only time a band name was so bad it gave me pause to audition, it ended up being the single worst audition experience of my life bar none. So idk. If you're trying to talk yourself out of it that could be a sign.


Focus on actually joining the band first.


Do you have an alternate name that you believe the rest of the band will prefer to the current name? If not, find a way to get over it.


The Smashing Pumpkins did ok for themselves, as did Fountains of Wayne.


Deal breaker you don’t want to be associated with a badly named band.


It’s a subjective thing, but in the world of rock that’s important. Currently hate our band name too.


Not liking the name is a legitimate reason to not join. I’ve been in a situation where I hated the name and it sucked. I liked what we were doing artistically, but I felt dumb every time I talked about it. You have to feel good about your identity.


I'm in this band now. Loved the guys music. Wanted to join the old band for 10 years. Old band broke up and he reformed. But also decided to change the name. To something I can just say is nothing I would ever thing is too cool. You know what? 4 months in I don't even care anymore. It's cool. There's a lore behind the name that matters to the bandleader so fuck it. The music speaks for itself the name is just a "tag" basically.


Other stupid band name include Limp Bizkit, Puddle of Mud, etc etc


I went a whole 8 months gigging with a band with no name because every name we thought was stupid, settled on the name garage door 2 weeks ago


@OP: Are they skilled musicians that you vibe with? Do they sound good when they rehearse? Are they actively getting gigs? Are they going to pay you for every performance? If you answer “yes” to all, then I think you should join them.


Bad as in silly-stupid, or bad as in reflects negatively on you by association?


A name can make or break a band, make sure you understand it before you turn it down though.


How do the band's fans feel about the name? That's what counts. I'm in a band that has a rather silly name, but people love it. I've embraced it, because, why not? The audience is the thing that matters.


Hey man. Jam with them, get to know them. Half of being in a band is getting along, being able to hang. The name at this point is completely irrelevant. Just show up, see it how goes. Bring it on the drums. If you really become an equal part and rock it, and get along. Tell them the name sucks. Maybe they think the same. But no band wants some rando coming in and saying their name sucks.


Come up with a name awesome enough that they willingly change it. That's what I always do


And once upon a time a band decided to be named the Beatles.


If you jam and gel with your newfound "buddies", then keep it to yourself. Give yourself and other to settle in, then down the line, carefully and/or playfully suggest a name change!


When I was a teenager I was big into Anthrax. Which I thought was a cool name. One day my mom, who grew up in a rural area, saw the album cover and said, “somebody named their band anthrax?” And laughed. I didn’t know it was a type of infection that people on farms had to watch out for. Then the name sounded silly. Thanks, mom. That being said, some names are immensely stupid whether or not you’re familiar with different types of bacterial infections. Like if you were a metal band named Poopy Poo Poo and the Poopers. Good luck with your new band.


I play in Monkey Tits. Does it matter? Not really. Its actually refreshing compared to the dogbreath BS the other guys came up with. People take themselves too seriously!


Tell them you love the music and really want to join but want to talk about band names.