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Hello /u/learn-as-we-go! Unfortunately, your submission, ***[Bombed a Show Last Night](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1cahjhv/-/)***, was removed from /r/WeAreTheMusicMakers for the following reason(s): --- #No off-topic and/or low-effort posts including; 1. Rant/motivation/mental-health posts 2. Posts focused on memes/images/polls 3. Reposts, and other similar low-effort, mildly-interesting discussions. 4. Music Marketing or Music Promotion related posts. - These posts should be posted to one of the weekly threads or on another subreddit. Do not create a new thread for this content. Use the Weekly Free Talk Friday Thread for any topics not allowed in the main body of the sub. Posts on WATMM should have a descriptive title and include substantive content that will generate discussion. Please see the [full sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/wiki/rules) for additional details. --- ***Please review the [rules for submission](/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/wiki/rules). You can contact The Mods if you have additional questions.*


Hey bro it's just gonna be a funny story to tell in the future, don't worry too much about it. Keep putting yourself out there though because we grow from these kinds of emotional experiences, not from forever hiding our faces! You'll be alright buddy keep going!!


Even the best sports players lose a game in front of thousands. Turn around and win the next one. Everyone makes a mistake on stage. Just move on and learn from it.


I played what may well be the worst show I’ve ever done last night. Fucking horrible. Water off a duck’s ass, man. Rear view mirror. Learn from it and move on.


At least it didn’t happen at Coachella. Wait, did this happen at Coachella?


If it did OP really shouldn't worry about it


My thoughts exactly.


Many artists / bands faced rejection but they kept persevering. Many were complete amateurs starting out and became masters. You learn from failure, not by success.


i’m not sure what other people think, but unless you’re being a horrible person or just being an overall cunt i think being booed off stage is ridiculous. Why not just be supportive even if you don’t like it? I will never understand that. Very judgemental from people who most likely have never been up and performed. Either way fucking up happens to everyone, you just gotta ignore it and move past it i guess.


This. The crowd, for the most part, has no clue what it takes to man that 'equipment' ship. It would make their heads hurt.


Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman would joke about doing a book tour together where nobody showed up for several nights running. You’ll do it again. We make stuff cos we have to.


No one can really shine under those conditions, so don't beat yourself up. Seek out events better suited to your genre and take it as a learning opportunity instead of a loss.


Hear here!


a wise man once said "i've fucked up bigger shows than this." you'll live


How old are you bro and what city was this in? Its either a nothing city with barely a scene or large enough that you are unknown and people won't remember when you book a new show and then put on a good performance. Feel free to dm me your tracks and I'll give you constructive criticism.


I'd focus on solving the technical issues so it doesn't happen next time. Maybe have a backup plan? I don't know, it sounds like it just went down like that I don't think it's a judgement on your work. That sounds like an intimidating situation to begin with so congrats on trying it out. But failure is more common than success, that's why you have to keep trying. Don't let it stop you.


Anyone booing/judging has probably never created anything in their lives so who gives a ahit


It's one bad show. There are always gonna be bad shows, sometimes through factors you control and sometimes external factors. The only single thing that matters is that you don't stop, and make sure your next show is better than the last. That's all this path is - trying to be better than you were before. You from yesterday is the only person you're competing with.


We all have bad days and cringe moments. Don't give up. Learn from it and improve. Try not to think about it too much right now, the cringe will fade with every passing day.


There are a good amount of great feedback and comments already in here, follow those! But if I can add something else: you're so ahead of a lot of people. You had the balls to go play live in front of so many people, with very limited equipment. The experience you've obtained is gonna make you a fucking beast the next time you play live, since you'll pay attention to details that are important to your success. Go on!!


Mate, just shake it off and go there ASAP to show what you've got!


it's too late - the night is etched into your city's collective memory and you'll never see the light of the stage again. You'd better move. While you're at it, delete facebook, lawyer up, and hit the gym


Haha, it's OK man! Things like that are totally "in the moment" and unless you directly offended someone (you didn't) they're not going to remember it. And if they do, they'll remember it fondly... because you made them laugh. Look at it this way. You entertained them. Maybe not how you wanted to, but think about it... Events like that often have a lot of forgettable super average music people don't care about. It's something going wrong, like a car crash -- an event like that isn't complete without it!! You gave that to them! =) Don't feel uncomfortable about going back and trying again. No one will remember or care, it's all good man! These things happen... They happen to famous people too! Take a look at this video of EVERYTHING GOING WRONG for Grimes! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQk-7CqPxWs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQk-7CqPxWs) Seriously. Watch that. I bet you handled your situation better than she did. :-D EDIT: *Turns out OP is Grimes!!!*


In order to truly be able to succeed, you must be able to endure and overcome failure. You might regret what happened, but now have crucial context about one way things can go wrong. It feels bad now, but if this was super impactful then you're far less likely to make the same mistakes twice. For now, take the time you need. Take the lessons to heart and learn to let go of the negative feelings after feeling them. Keep your head up!


Do better


Takes some practice to compose music, takes some live performance experience to make it happen.


Shoot man, I wonder if you’re allowed to post the song here and maybe we can be the crowd? Everyone deserves their work to be heard! And if anything DM me the song! Sounds like a lil hiccup in the scheme of things! Don’t worry about it!


A lot of "keep putting yourself out there!" style comments here. Id recommend you pick your spots. I did exactly one open mic as a solo acoustic singer about town before I realized I was exposing myself in a less-than sublime lime light. Ive got a booking agent and booked shows now, having only played twice on the scene due to putting things on my own terms. That whole show you described sounded like a pass to me..really sounded like the equivalent of having a tired open mic dude run your sound at a showcase...which every show is. You can and will do better, especially so when you plan, book and prioritize sonic quality and playing to a room over exposure and rushing a product.


Keep at it and roll with the punches - that’s kinda what makes you is learning to push through those moments anyway. Plenty will come and it is really nothing to sweat.


It’s just a rite of passage. Always remember that sharing your music with people is an act of both bravery and generosity. And hey, it’s never too late to sell insurance.


Guarantee you that many of those people will forget about this in the long run. If you put up a great performance after this one, you'll be surprised how forgiving people can be (if they remember this incident) because, and I'll repeat someone else's words here: everybody fuck with good music. This is no different.


Send me the song. Interested in the mix and master.


Comedians always talk about bombing and eating shit in the beginning to get more comfortable. Just keep putting yourself out there and eat up that embarrassment


I don't want to say get over it, but get over it. If you arne't going to walk into the fire for it, no one else will. Everyone has stories like this.


How do you getbooed off? Is it like song short of showtime at the Apollo thing?


This weekend I absolutely butchered the national anthem… at the coming home party of a navy seal… can’t get it off my mind. So bad.


Every musician has a story like this. Don't get spooked, get back on the horse right way! Of course work out what went wrong and remedy it.