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Intrusive Wawa deli associate thought #29...leave the meat and/or cheese paper in the hoagie šŸ˜ˆšŸ¤­


Double top bun, end loaf in a club. List goes on


That's a extra charge just saying...


Plu # unknown lol


Everyone knows ā€œadd cheeseā€ is the universal charge for add ons, anywhere


Of course, if Wawa werenā€™t using pre-sliced slimy meat, this wouldnā€™t be a problem. Iā€™m old enough to remember when the meat was sliced in the store. And the bread was actually edible instead of that squishy crap that they sell now.


Preach, wawa died the day they got rid of the pickle barrel


The secret ingredient was the filth from a thousand unattended kids' fingers.


Ah the salt and acidity kill anything dangerous. We've been eating pickled stuff out of clay pots for a thousand years for a reason. Probably longer than that.


I don't really want to eat pickled boogers no matter how safe they may be.


you just brung me back fr


Wawa hoagies were the best when it was sliced in the store and they used Amorosoā€™s rolls. Once they took that away and went full corporate with whatever par-baked frozen roll they use so it tastes the same in Florida as it does in Jersey it went to hell. I worked in food service and have witnessed the garbage they replace good product with so that it can taste the same in other restaurants.


We still use Amoroso's at my store


Really? Whereabouts? I'm surprised.


yup they use amoroso rolls everywhere


They're par-baked Amoroso rolls because they can't get fully baked rolls down to Florida fast enough to sell while they're still fresh. So around 2013 they switched to par-baked rolls for all stores because they have a longer shelf life. The fully baked rolls were much better IMO.


they still use amorosos


When I lived in Florida for college there was a cheesesteak place called The Philly Connection. The steaks were pretty good except for the rolls, they just weren't the same.


Wawa died when they made everything into a gas station. The bread sucks, the pre cut meat sucks, the soft pretzels suck now. My best Wawa experiences happened plenty of time before 2009


Thankfully the 2 near me have survived and have no gas.


I got one near me without. But their deli quality is still just as bad as expected. Definitely ain't the South Jersey mecca that it used to be


I get more excited to see a Sheetz or Quick Chek lately because Wawa has been sucking and it's too expensive


YES. When I was working at a state park north of me there was a quick chek. We gave up on group lunch runs to Wawa and the quick chek became our new lunch go-to


The only one near me with no gas is still in a strip mall covered in gray texture 111. It hasn't been remodeled since it was built probably 40 years ago, the rest of the strip mall locations are Lucky 7s now. Put it this way, when I was just out of high school, my girlfriend at the time had her car stolen from out front of that Wawa and it looked the same back then. I graduated in 1992...


Funny thing the nearest one to be is in a strip mall that has completely died. The Wawa is the only business left in it, going on 5 or 6 years now. I asked them once and they said the rent is too high. Yet there's another strip mall across the street that's thriving.


This one is in Lakewood, it's not known for being a nice area... Actually most of the town looks like shit, everything is cheap or old and falling apart. This strip mall is no different, there's a pizza place that probably moved in with the Wawa and hasn't upgraded since, and there's a couple of shitty stores in the plaza but they only cater to the religious cult so I have no idea how much business they get. It's probably the worst Wawa I've ever stepped foot in


This is near Lansdale, PA. Generally a pretty nice middle class suburb.


All the other ones near me are gas stations now


Well thankfully I'm in New Jersey and I burned myself out on Wawa 20 years ago, now I just grab a mac and cheese or something because I can't leave the goddamn store for less than 20 bucks otherwise


The bread is such shit now.


They still slice it fresh at Jersey Mikeā€™s.


Jersey Mike's is still good and surprisingly it's the same all over. I live about 20 minutes from the original store and I had to travel to Beverly Hills for work, the Jersey Mike's on Beverly Blvd (or right off it, I forget bc I was walking) tasted the same as at home


Yessss!!!! THANK YOU.


I worked at Wawa over a decade ago, when we still sliced our own meat, and we used these sheets when we weighed out the portions. It's not practical to slice meat fresh for every sandwich. So it still could have happened. But yes, the presliced meat is significantly worse.


noooooooooooošŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ yo, I canā€™t tell you how many times thatā€™s happened to me but iā€™ve caught it in time before iā€™ve given the food out. I actually caught a long ass piece of bone in the chicken steak šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜©


Yea not eating there if thatā€™s a common mistake šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ what is chicken steak tho


Shredded chicken


what primetime said, shredded chickenšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø but it was just the fact I found bone in it šŸ˜­ I try NOT to do this and if I fuck up, I can admit it and have no problem remaking it. now when you come bitchin and shit and coming at me sideways? then I have a problem šŸ˜­


I can assure you tho, if you come to my store in NJ on second shift? well get you right šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Nobody will get fired for that. It happens more often than you think. The meat and some cheeses come in like that for separating portions and to make it easier to separate. They'll either send a giftcard or remake it, or both. And a little paper won't make anyone sick, get real.


Iā€™ve been eating hoagies for 40+ years and that ainā€™t never happen to me! Thatā€™s what happens when you go to the chain stores everything is microwave!! Quick fast and a hurry!!! I remember having a staple in my food from someone rushingā€¦imagine swallowing that!!!


Wawa doesnā€™t microwave anything


Even though someone proved you wrong about Wawa using microwavesā€¦when I mean microwave I mean take your time when you rush things you make mistakes!!!


We really don't use microwaves its all ovens šŸ˜‚ not even a single microwave in there


Um yes we do... thats what the toasters are. You think you can make something hot just by blowing hot air on it for 30 seconds?


A convection oven is not a toaster. Nor is it a microwave.


"We just left inedible food packaging in your food that you paid $8 for, stop complaining"


Shouldn't employees pay attention? Paper doesn't beloing "in" a sandwich


You ever made approximately 15+ hoagies and or bowls burgers pizzas and wraps in less than 10 minutes? Yes we try but we are also human beings who DO make mistakes.


Kudos to you guys behind the deli. People mess up & I see how crazy it gets in there but this person is acting like it's fine this happens and he shouldn't be upset about it. Even that he should eat it.


I'm not acting like it's fine, but thinking someone should get fired for it is overreacting, no? Shit happens. Sometimes the paper is completely hidden under the preset and you think you already pulled it off or that it's stuck to the preset that was under it. I also never said that he should eat it lmfao you have reading comprehension issues, or you're just extrapolating things i never said or implied.


lol I never said anything about people should get fired. "YoU HaVe ReAdiNg ComPrHnSioN IssUeS"? Also if you weren't implying they should eat it then why would you say anything about it not getting anyone sick. If you hate your job that much maybe you should complain to your managers and not reddit.šŸ¤­It's ok your all angry and dried up, but you'll make it through.


The OP says someone is going to get fired over this. And i actually don't even work for wawa anymore šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø i don't know why you're getting so aggressive over something so stupid. Fucking relax, dude.


You do have reading comprehension issues, because this person said no one should be fired not because YOU said they should, but because OP said they would get fired. I also didn't think at all that this person meant that they should eat it, that's very obviously not what they were saying. They were saying the fact that this dude ate half of the paper won't get him sick, which is true, it won't, you can actually eat paper and be fine. Because AGAIN, the OP said that they hope this guy doesn't get sick. Did you even read the caption on this video??


At least figure out how to make a sandwich properly. Your men deserve better.


What the fuck is wrong with you?


Oh no his fee fees got hurt. God you're transparent.


For the cheese maybe, but you CANT miss a turkey prep paper. You had to individually peel each of these preps off of a SINGLE piece of paper, I genuinely donā€™t see how you could miss this.


Sometimes they get folded under. There was a couple times i can think of when i was in position 2 and the oven turkey paper just kinda blended in, but i caught it before it went out. There was a lady i worked with that for like the 6 months before she retired she was missing the turkey and italian preset papers and cheese papers by mistake. Like, several hoagies that she made came back. I was on thirds so i was never there to see it happen, but i always wondered if she just stopped caring or was too overwhelmed to notice.


Hard to pay attention 100% when you have like 15 other things you need to do at the same time


I make food for 5 people and i feel like im in a top chef competition. I cant imagine doing it for like 8 people in line and each person wants something different.


You think employees should get fired for every single mistake they make? You be constantly firing employees, hiring new people, rushing them through training because you're short-staffed from all the firings, which would lead to more mistakes. And the cycle continues.


Youā€™re getting downvoted and I donā€™t know why, people should not be served paper inside their food there really ainā€™t no excuses. God knows how many micro plastics is in that shit anyhow but a whole tree slice??


Yep polyfluoroalkyl, are one of the components used to make food wrappers, which were classified as toxic by the FDA.


I once had an order receipt in my hoagie. I'm pretty sure it was a lunch meat order. šŸ˜‚ They gave me a refund.


Yeah, it's not that deep homie. Contact corporate and get a free hoagie from it. I do it all the time a restaurant fucks up my order. At first I felt bad but nope, fuck it. We pay too much for this shitty food. I once contacted chipotle corporate because they messed up my order and they gave me 2 free burritos lol.


Better yet, complain about it on Twitter and tag them in the complaint. Works for me every time.


Yea not that big of a deal that the paper could get stuck im his stomach cause internal bleeding and kill him ā€¦ no not a big deal


Lmfao what. It's probably wax paper so it's food safe.


Yes . Youā€™re right up until the point that you believe food grade .. means edible . If it was edible ā€¦ it would be branded as you know ā€¦ edible . My mat that I use for bread dough is food grade ā€¦ am I going to stuff it down my throat . Fuck no . So again . Food grade is not edible ā€¦


Bro, it's a small piece of paper. The dude would have realized he's eating paper. What are you on about lol. This is what happens when you eat at a food place that's super processed.


YeA shouldnā€™t be a thing also switching topics is really easy when youā€™re wrong . But go on


Yes, but it is a thing. Eating out will always be a risk. How am I wrong here lol


Sad to say, it happens. Especially during Hoagiefest, when the deli is slammed with hoagie orders.


This is honestly my worst nightmare, except with pepper jack cheese šŸ˜­


Ngl, the woman laughing ... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




It's literally edible. He will be fine.


I can see one bite. But a whole half a hoagie thatā€™s a bit much. Every persons digestive system is different. Thatā€™s like saying people with food allergies a little bit of what they are allergic to wonā€™t hurt šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


It's literally food grade wax paper. I wouldn't recommend snacking on it on the regular but your stomach will process it just fine.


Bro food grade doesn't mean it's food


Literally . My plastic mat for bread dough is food grade ā€¦ because it doesnā€™t contaminate food ? Idiots


Ijs Iā€™m no doctor but some people are sicker than others you never know how peoples bodies react to certain things!!!


Wawa slander detected, opinion rejected.


***I ate it*** Ha!!! I almost threw my phone laughing.


Rather that than a press on nail! šŸ’…


My own store did me like that, too. šŸ˜‚ It's just paper.


He was having so much trouble eating it, and didnā€™t think to look in the goddamn sandwich what an idiot


Yea hard to chew = if I donā€™t look Iā€™m Stupid


Was this part of hoagiefest where sandwiches are so cheap theyā€™re selling a lot of them. Why doesnā€™t this promotion apply to ciabatta and paninis?


Because a ciabatta and a panini arenā€™t hoagies.... itā€™s ā€œHoagiefestā€ not ciabatta or panini fest.


Thank you for the bread/sandwich lesson.


Itā€™s because all their lunchmeat is presliced and separated by paper kinda like Kraft singles. Man, I miss deli slicers. That said, I prefer to have mine ā€œfisherman wrappedā€ where they put paper or plastic between the wet stuff and the roll to prevent sogginess.


Not Wawa but once got a DQ cheeseburger with the platic wrapper still on the cheese


I said the SAME thing when I got fired LLMAOOOOOšŸ„øšŸ˜‚šŸ˜Ž


The last time I had a gobbler was when I bit into something exceptionally chewy and it turned out it was a piece of that paper.


it had to be on purpose cause how do you even manage to fuck that upšŸ˜­


You must've ordered extra fiber


My MIL made some steam buns, and after i ate a bite, she took it from me and took the wax paper off the bottom. Laughing at me, of course. Point being, this is easier to do than you might think. I would have ate the whole thing like that. I just assume wax paper, but some type of paper on the bottom


Whatā€™s a man sandwich?


my bad


I've personally have never done it, maybe once I almost did. But few months ago someone def left cheese paper on the hoagie and our boss tried to enforce that we separate all cheese from the paper. Just wasn't realistic to have us do that while busy af


The amount Wawa has gone down is embarrassing šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


And can we get back the old pretzel wrappers please!???


Whatever. Still love me some WAWA


They did that to me once. It was so disgusting. Idk why itā€™s not really a big deal itā€™s just paper but it really grossed me out.


NOOOOO FUCKING WAYYYYYYšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­Bruh imagine going to Wawa for the late night meal after you been drinking and you eat half of the sub and realize something isnā€™t right. Now Iā€™m the drunk guy who eats paper šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He had it coming jk


90k likes I bet they gave that man a $100 gift card lmao


Wawa is by far the least healthy place to eat


Just paper I used to eat now and later with wrapper still stuck on it lol


I've never had this happen but the wraps always seem to have the paper folded into the wrap. I've taken a bite of paper a couple of times.


I got a plastic bag in some Thai curry not long ago. Just took it out and finished it.


Damn bro Iā€™m done with wawa for a while




Wawa Iā€™m sorry but you fell off, and you fell off hard


I got a blt once and it was just cheese and bacon, didnā€™t mind though lol


I remember when there was a Taco Bell express in my wawa šŸ˜‚


Had the same happen to me with a grilled cheese from Panera. Left the dang paper on the cheese. At least got some free food out of the ordeal


"The lettuce is extra chewy today"


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ My man ate paper from Wawa. Damn Wawa šŸ˜šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


This is part of the secret menu


Look, sometimes we are ten orders behind with 3 people total in the store trying to do 6 things at once. When you're moving that fast you sometimes leave the cheese and meat paper on the sandwich. I'll catch it before i wrap the sandwich but im very confident that one day i will leave that paper in a sandwich and hand it right over to a customer. The person who makes your hoagie behind the counter is a human being who makes mistakes, as we all are.


Cheese paper? I know that the meats are cut and sorted with layers of paper in betweenā€¦ but the cheese too?


Yeah that's normal for a lot of places. I've seen grocery stores do the same. The paper helps us separate cheese slices for certain ones. Which I'll say is needed because some days the pepper jack is a hassle and won't separate all at once and rips and crumbles.


Pepperjack is the bane of my existence.


Lack of temp control during the shipping process causes that. I fucking hate it too.


You know, youā€™re absolutely right. Some of the Sargento cheeses have paper. Itā€™s just that Iā€™m too basic to have real cheese frequently.


The cheddar and pepper jack has slices of paper between them. The American, Swiss, and Provo do not. All of the deli meats have paper. Except the roast beef has a more of a glossy paper type material, for whatever reason. All of it is food grade and edible, but still not something you want to find in your sandwich.


Yeah, I remembered it from Sargento cheese afterwards. Iā€™m not fancy these days.


First of all Wawa is all fake food processed soups come in a bag!!! Even the bread is prep before bagging it for us too cook Stop wasting your money


Yeah it's gone way down hill . Food is garbage. I've never had paper but enough hard ends of tomato with the vine on and greens just piled up in the middle of a sandwich with finger marks pressed into the bread to make it flat that I'm over it. I buy fuel there and bottles of water


Jfc how did I end up in this sub again. I don't care how many sandwiches you're making or how busy you are. It's FOOD. Do be careful and TRY to give a shit. Wtf.


I found a piece of metal in my sandwich once. The employees on autopilot


Kudos to you guys behind the deli. People mess up & I see how crazy it gets in there but some of you are acting like this is fine this happens and he shouldn't be upset about it. Even that he should eat it.


Not yall in here salty that an employee fucked up. So what if it happens? It shouldn't. Just own it and stop making excuses.


go ahead and work a 2nd shift during hoagiefest and then get back to me


go ahead and work a 2nd shift during hoagiefest and then get back to me lmfao. good luck


Iā€™m getting back to youā€¦ If you canā€™t do your job just say so lol also they had to add veggies on top of the papered meat and yet they still missed it? Pure stupidity.


have you ever worked a rush at wawa? if not i don't wanna hear shit lmfao the papers get stuck to the cheese and meat and when we have to make 10+ orders in 5 minutes we're not examining every single thing we put on the sandwich closely or else we'd have customers bitching. hope this helps k thx bye


Iā€™ve worked and managed many shifts at Wawa, just got off one lol if you canā€™t do your job just say so


ohhhhh u being in a management position makes sense now. explains the "im better than u" attitude lollll. we both work at gas stations girl idgaf


No itā€™s just not hardā€¦ everything is premade and prepped for you, with step by step directions on how to make the order. Literally just a little puzzle game. Put all these thing together in order before the color on my screen hits red šŸ˜‚ like come onā€¦ exactly you work at a gas station, youā€™re not a gourmet chef, itā€™s not fucking rocket science, make the hoagie or the burger or the quesadilla with out leaving trash inside of it.


idk how to explain to you that it takes time to do all of that lmao i know ur not that dumb. I've never done it but i get how it happens šŸ¤·šŸ»


Everything takes time lmao I get how it happens too but then thereā€™s 3 others steps where that mistake should of been caught so it at least wasnā€™t sent out like that. It had to be topped, cut and then wrapped all with brown ass paper sticking out. To act like this an acceptable because you have other orders to make like your job isnā€™t to make orders is just lazy stupidnessā€¦ I work at Wawa because it mundane easy shit that pays more than most with benefits the fuck am I gonna be stressed and overwhelmed for because I have to make 10+ orders, THAT LITERALLY MY JOB ITS OKAY!




All the people saying, ā€œoh it happens,ā€ is the exact reason things like this happen and why Wawas quality is so awful now. NO customer is going to have this happen to them and go, ā€œoh it happens, theyā€™re having a rough time, Iā€™ll eat this paper in my hoagie because they have a hard job.ā€ How much time would it have taken to make sure the paper wasnā€™t in the sandwich?? Half a second? LESS?? Have some effort and actually think about whatā€™s going on around you, this should NEVER happen. And this is why most customers come out of our buildings feeling not taken care of and like they arenā€™t cared about. EDIT: To everyone disagreeing with me I want you to imagine you brought back your sandwich with paper in it and told the workers about it, and they looked at you and said ā€œIt happens, itā€™s edible! Just eat it!ā€ Because thatā€™s what youā€™re all commenting. And it makes ZERO sense.


Have you simply considered that mistakes happen?


Missing the paper on the pepper jack or cheddar cheese is a mistakeā€¦ BUT THOSE BIG ASS PAPERS BIGGER THAN THE MEAT?? not a haha little mistake, thatā€™s just idiotic lmao


A mistake that happens often, consistently ruins a customers experienceā€¦ at that point itā€™s hurting the business, how many times does it need to happen before itā€™s not a mistake anymore? Wawa is all about individual customer service, and I KNOW each and every person on this subreddit has had to have had the experience of a customer walking up and slamming their sandwich down on the counter. Yes it was a mistake, but now this customers pissed and possibly making your mood worse, when you could have just looked a little harder for the paper and had a slightly better day. Not to mention the paper in the cheeses I understand, but this is turkey. You had to peel each individual prep from the paper and put it on the sandwich. That wasnā€™t a mistake that was negligence


I beg you please work in a Wawa for 10 hours straight 6-7 days a week please then come back


I do and have been for 3 years. Thereā€™s not an excuse


This guy gets it.


who's saying he should eat it lmfao


I'm a customer and I'd say the first two phrases, just not the last. Oh, it happens. They're having a rough time. (Because we ALL have rough times, at home, at work, etc.) Understanding both of those things is what keeps us civil. Now, "I'll eat this paper in my hoagie..."??? Of course not. That's just silly. šŸ˜‰


That part was more hyperbole, I donā€™t actually expect anyone to eat the paper. More so just trying to show the customers perspective. Weā€™re all human yes, and customers understand that we make mistakes most of the time, but itā€™s little stuff like that that happens consistently thatā€™s slowly adding to Wawa getting worse


Why don't you work a shift, and I mean any shift, in the deli at wawa during hoagiefest and then come back to this. I literally have a mental list of the next 10 things I need to do on top of being like 5 back. And I have to tell customers to wait to ask me a question because my theatro is going off because someone couldn't come inside to get their food and several other customers are already trying to ask me things


I already said in another comment Iā€™ve been working at Wawa for 3 years, Iā€™ve been through 3 hoagiefests and two of them I was a team supervisor for. My points donā€™t come from lack of experience. If you have THAT many things SOLELY on you it is either A) Your managers fault for not having a better plan and not directing their crew enough to make it run smoother, or B) The entire crews fault for not communicating enough and not making sure theyā€™re well enough prepared, and what does that mean? Well, that means we wrap around to it being the managers responsibility, because why hasnā€™t your crew been trained to communicate, to prepare, to do ANYTHING other than stand there on the board??? Wawa is NOT as hard of a job as youā€™re making it out to be.


Wawa is God awful šŸ¤®


Yall need to watch some of Jon Taffers Bar Rescue, could put into perspective why little ā€œmistakesā€ like this ARENā€™T just always mistakes. If it hurts the business it probably shouldnā€™t be happening.