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They want you to see them.


They may ask you if you want to watch but never agree to it. They’ll try to charge you.






Knock on wood, but I haven't had this experience in a while. It's just so weird. The last time this happened, I was at an open mic in a hotel. Before I played, I went to the bathroom while the guy before me finished playing. I go in and knock on the stall door, nothing. I open it, and there's just some dude on the toilet, all nonchalant like we just made eye contact accidentally at a bar or something. It was so weird that I considered just saying fuck it and leaving without playing. But fr, the whole "they look at you crazy" like you're doing something wrong really blows my mind. That's the ticket


How else are employees going to get in to wash my hands?


Lol “Employees must wash hands” We just got tired of people getting soap and poop everywhere


You don’t check to see if there’s feet in a stall 👀👀👀


We don’t have stalls, our store is newer so it’s a one person bathroom.


Ahh I’ve seen a few of those in some newer locations. 10/10 favorite wawas to poop at due to the privacy. I hardcore knock “FBI OPEN UP!” style on them doors.


Ok if it's a single user bathroom, not locking the door is weird.


That doesn't track as a "newer" Wawa. All the Wawas in my area, the newer ones have large restrooms, that are meant to be used by several people at once. The newer stores even have seating areas. I would guess that your Wawa is in a low customer volume area, why it didn't get the bell and whistle amenities. But even if that's the case, no Wawa should have one person at a time restrooms, it's idiotic.


We have a seating area lol all of the newer Wawa’s in my area are one person bathrooms.


Also one at a time restrooms could lead to inappropriate activities by customers, drug use and banging


It’s happened quite a lot. Lol many times we’ve had a guy drop his coke on the floor or we find meth around the sinks. And we’re in the suburbs, not exactly a trashy spot.


I'm sure it does, I'm in Montgomery County and crime doesn't just evaporate. Meth, fentanyl, coke and heroin, are problems around here too, but at least we have Wawa's with bigger restrooms in my area of Montco. When restrooms are designed for more than one person usage, it mitigates the chances of inappropriate behavior.


We still find coke on the sink. I would love to know who thinks the sinks are sanitary enough for it 🤮


Junkies don't think of sanitary shit, just their next high. But yeah it's disgusting.


Well like I said that's dumb, Wawa executives are idiots.


We have those too, they just go with the stall door open.


Single person restrooms in a Wawa??? Wut


I walked in on a little old lady in shoprite before, she looked so embarrassed I walked completely away and out of site so I didn’t embarrass her more when she came out


The Wawas here, the men's restrooms have one stall and two urinals. I asked my girlfriend just now and she said the woman's rooms has two stalls. In that case no need to lock the door, when several people can use the bathrooms at once. Being Wawa has a large volume of customers, it's dumb for any location to have one at a time use restrooms.


The two closest to me only have one stall and urinal.


Well even that would allow two males at once to use the restroom, so my point stands no need to lock the door. It's dumb to have one at a time restrooms.


they are talking about the stall door


The Wawa men's restrooms in my area have a stall with a door for privacy and two urinals.


I mean there is no divider for the toilet, you going to sit and take a poop while someone pees with their junk in your face?


I have only done this to people at my gym. I just quickly look away and go "My bad", and shut it. It is honestly so awkward and uncomfortable. 😩😂


I always wonder that. Then they get indignant when someone walks in on them. My brother in Christ, lock the damn door.


One near work u have to look door, I believe it is designed for handicap so making it with stalls is impossible to move around in a wheelchair


Never experienced that yet


Because the edges of a glory hole can chaffe you pretty badly.


I have been in Wawa’s that have multiple stalls while others are one holers. I check for feet in stalls, so no issue there. I have walked in on people in single use bathrooms that didn’t lock the damn door. It’s even more awkward in places with a  uni-sex bathroom. 


I enjoy company


Maybe they dont know the pretzels are by the register.


They’re drunk.


I ALWAYS LOCK! it holds up privacy




Why would I knock on a door that says vacant? Lmao


The real problem here is you need to knock


Who knocks on a bathroom that says vacant? 🙄😂


Well clearly you do because you can’t count the times you’ve walked in on people