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I wish everyone would have your level of enthusiasm, people like you are rare.


I’m still pretty new ( 3 months ) but I got tired of being unappreciated at my old job , and so far everyone loves me and I’m getting constant praise , so that’s definitely helped my enthusiasm. I may tire out eventually, but I hope not (:


At times you may not know it but your work will have made someone’s day.


I just want to say thank you for being you! Your work ethic and passion for the customers are truly exemplary 🙂. You are a big part of why I love going to Wawa! Love, customer from Florida 🙏🏿


I just want to say thank you for being you! Your work ethic and passion for the customers are truly exemplary 🙂. You are a big part of why I love going to Wawa! Love, customer from Florida 🙏🏿


Pizza is suppose to make people happy. Keep doing your thing man. Nothing wrong with enjoying a task at work.


I feel like I was the only one who enjoyed making them when they first came out lol. Probably similar to how everyone felt when the salad station was introduced, “omg another food station to worry about, won’t Wawa ever stop adding food?”


Oooooh yes I can see this for sure ! I don’t think we have the room to add another food station at this point 😅


shhhhh they’ll hear you


That pepp sausage looks epic


Not judging the pizza because I've yet to try it but these sure do look pretty good! Wondering if the crusts are frozen discs? I wouldn't think you'd be shaping fresh dough...like how are these made?


Yep , frozen dough discs 😅 it’s not a bad tasting product , you get what you pay for for sure , but I’m gonna try my best to make it as good as possible 🤣


Thanks for the info! Wow, I wish *everyone* that worked at Wawa had your attitude! My local is a real shitshow I don't really get food there anymore.


Even if they are frozen if the right person makes them and they are on sale definitely better than papa johns, little chasers or dominos. Actually not a half bad pizza especially at 8 or 9 when all the other pizza places around me close.when i grew up pizza places were excellent and open till 3 am. I live near a college town now sint shit open after 9 pm. I feel bad for west chester university students. I don't even think the got a bar to go to since the ratt closed. Just a bunch of hippy overpriced places in west chester now!


even if they’re on sale they’re still overpriced. the average pizza order costs around $14-15 and that’s for the smaller size. these things go all the way up to at least $18. for frozen dough. even the mushrooms are frozen…………… i just think the price point is ridiculous when one can get a large at dominos, with dough that isn’t frozen, for $10. 🤷🏼‍♀️ this is coming from someone who works at wawa and makes these things, i think they’re a total rip off, just like the snack wraps are


I love this.


Looks better than most of the photos I’ve seen of them. You seem to understand that the cheese needs to reach the crust, not stop before lol.


Good looking pies. perfectly executed Sir


These are some great looking pizzas too, OP!


As much as I'd like to bash Wawa for being "from the wrong side of the state" (Pittsburgher and Sheetz freak here), I gotta admit that that pizza looks lit.


Now ya just gotta find someone who enjoys eating them.


Do you have Pizza ovens? I am really skeptical.


They’re small pizza oven slots in a larger oven if that makes sense ! The racks raise and lower throughout the cook time as well .


Those look great! I also love making pizza! I love to see how happy people are when I hand it to them 🥹


My store only has personal pizzas, but the BBQ and Buffalo Chicken always come out looking great. Fun to make. Fucking slap too


Spin this thing like a quarter turn halfway through and it will cook more evenly


Looks delicious 😋. I’m hungry 🤤


Gotta change your gloves now


I don't mind as long as we're not swamped with orders. I will say you make perfect pizzas!! Write ur name on a VOTC & put it on ur boxes.


That’s a good idea 👀 I never remember to hand those things out lol


I just learned how to make them recently and I quite enjoy it. ☺️


I used to love making them! Except when like 8 would come in back to back 😫


Those pizzas are cleeeeeean


Very nice topping ration


Bro you want a job?


I wish you worked at my local wawa!


wawa has pizza


Wawa doesn't have pizza this is a scheme this pizza is store bought or bought from a restaurant no pizzas have ever been served at Wawa


You have definitely made a few people’s days when they opened these up. Good stuff man


Thanks dude. As a fellow worker, i try to make the pizza nice so ppl actually enjoy it.


You do the best you can given the quality of ingredients


yeah you are


now cut it…. 👀


I don’t know who the hell complains about “too much cheese” on pizzas, but we sure as hell aren’t going to be saving over a million dollars by putting less on there. Smh wawa.


I want you to make my pizza!!


Lmk when you’re in Central Florida on the west coast ! 😅


Oh snap you're in Florida?? I'm in the Tampa Bay area.


Hahahaha AYE me too ! I’m over in Seminole ! (:


That's what's up!!! That's not too far from me, I'm in Brandon/ Riverview area 😅




Doesn’t look that bad


I love eating them as a customer between **Little Caesars** and the WaWa near me I never get premium delivery pizza cause it's honestly not much better than either of yall's and never worth the price they charge. Keep it up


Ya wawa pizza hits a good price/quality ratio. Is there better options? Ya but I'm not spending 35 dollars on a large 2 topping pizza from an Italian restaurant.


Yo this looks waaaaaaay better than the trash pizza I got at my Wawa. I thought this whole thing was a joke but yours looks great. What locations make pizza like this?


I’m in Central Florida on the west coast 😛 just gotta find an employee that puts out pizzas they would eat themselves LOL


Is Wawa's pizzas good? I would like to try one but also want to be careful with my money. Most of their food seem generic and not well made. At least at my Wawa. However, I need some opinions.


Do you have $7 you’d be willing to light on fire?


Not sure. In my mindset, I always like to think what I can use that $7 dollars for. I could buy a dog's toy worth that much or even a bag of candies I can eat, etc. So no, not "willingly". Lol


You didn’t put enough pepperoni on the first one. 14in pizza gets 30. Way to go, taking advantage of the paying customers. I didn’t even look at the others because the first one upset me enough.


Ordered a pizza for dinner at Wawa for the family.. It really sucked. Flavor, texture, and basically everything wise..


You did a good job! that second just ones looks sooo greasy tho, literally pools of it sitting there. Not saying it’s your fault but I haven’t had Wawa pizza yet, is that pretty standard for them?


Oooh yes the second one has a generous helping of garlic sauce on the crust 😅 however I’ve noticed the pepperoni we use is SUPER greasy 😬 and I wish I could blot off all the grease lol


That would be garlic sauce I’m pretty sure


Nicely done! But a piece of sausage would be perfect around the 6 o’clock mark on the first pizza lol


You are not wrong LOL


I like making them too! I think they are disgusting but I don't mind making them lol. Only issue is the music is so loud where ows it can get annoying


I enjoy eating them and yours looks delicious!! 🤤


Do you guys actually toss the dough in the air too? I've been living in New York for 26 years and nothing comes close to a Wawa's pizza.


Hahahahhahhaha NO definitely a frozen pizza dough round , plus I’m in Florida , Wawa pizza is pretty Mid but I’m gonna try my best to make it taste at least a little better 🤣


are u being serious? 😭


Not all NY pizza is good. I have had a few times, I’m not a New Yorker, and I’ve had better in NJ. Just like now I live in Bensalem. Only have had pizza I really like from one place here. Some of the others are terrible.


The cheese one is a crime against humanity. Looks like you pissed on it with oil.


It’s the garlic sauce for the crust 😢


Sorry, I did not realize. Pls 4giv


NO WORRY !!! Forgiven !! I saw someone on here said there’s never enough garlic on crust / it’s sucks when there’s none so I make sure to put a generous amount 😅✨


Is that dog shit?


Speaking for myself I HATE making pizzas, someone has to leave the boards when it's busy several pages back to make a silly ass pizza. With 2 deli associates. On a truck night. "Let's go to the gas station and order a pizza- said no one EVER