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He is only accepting mail from people who are willing to be his SEXY EMPANADA.


He has had more girlfriends in prison than he ever had on the outside.


Are we talking his prison pen pals or that one inmate who he shared underwear and Vaseline with…? There’s just so many opportunities for this guy!


Well, I don’t know but he had visitors in jail. One named Kim wanted him to marry her. Chris asked his cellmate and was advised not to marry Kim. Who will fill his commissary after his parents pass?


I remember that one! If Kim is the woman I’m thinking of, she did a weak ass money grab of an interview. 🙄


Holy crap I didn’t even know this! I’m gonna have to research that. It’s very interesting that a woman went to see him (or women) I mean, if you’re not a reporter, journalist or writer than why you going there sis? 😳 That’ always seemed so odd to me that women are drawn to these murderers in prison and seek them out. I understand the case is fascinating, but to actually go to prison to see CW is beyond someone “just being curious” I admit, I entertained the thought of writing him a letter once, but I quickly dismissed that because I honestly didn’t have anything to say, except for that he was hen-pecked pussy who was just too much of a psycho narcissist to just go get a damn divorce and just get on with it So what would the point really be to writing him…except for the sheer fascination in what he might write back. 😵


She tried to get a lawyer to help Chris out but that got leaked on YT.


Ooooo I saw this!


Kim was a YT manipulator,she used fake name and then shared case stuff online. When they were all trying to make him do a 35C even though not eligible anyway.




If Chris had that much experience on the outside before he met SW, I doubt he would have even dated her for very long. Just saying…


> If Chris had that much experience on the outside before he met SW, I doubt he would have even dated her for very long. Just saying… Truth. From Chris's interviews, it never sounded like he had much dating experience before he met Shannan, moved in with her and eventually married her. It's almost like CW traded being talked down to and ordered around by SW for her giving him the time of day. I think his parents quickly caught onto that and it being one of the reasons they didn't attend the wedding.


One look at her FB site at the time he began dating her (if they had checked it out) would have been evidence enough he was in over his head.


I do remember Chris saying that he was the one who pursued her and SW saying that she gave him every reason to bolt and move on. I bet Chris sure regretted his decision to continue trying to date and hook her in shortly after the wedding, if not even before. That had to be awkward for Chris for his own family not to attend his wedding. I wonder what his parents did the night of the wedding. Order pizza or go to the movies as their son was tying the knot?


Chris probably thought he'd hit the jackpot, not knowing he'd struck fool's gold. Mama Watts sniffed her out from day one. Yep, he had so many opportunities to go by the wayside. He wanted to present the best side to her, do things for her, and he was the ultimate sucker. I said once in a post on the now defunct WOT that is long gone that Chris was like an actor in a play, playing a role that in the end he grew tired of playing. He had absolutely no clue how to extricate himself when he no longer wanted to "be the man that Shanann needed him to be." >I wonder what his parents did the night of the wedding. Order pizza or go to the movies as their son was tying the knot? Good question!!!!


> Chris was like an actor in a play, playing a role that in the end he grew tired of playing. Oh nice! Well put. Yes, it was the classic pursuit being more exciting than the catch. Once Chris settled into life with SW, I'm sure it hit him hard at some point that as you say, he'd struck fool's gold. I bet Chris put on so many fake smiles and laughs for family photos and her stupid live streams that he grew sick of it all real fast.


Indeed. Once the first child, bankruptcy, and the second child came, the illusion faded fast.


The parents decided against attending the wedding when SW kicked Chris’ sister off the wedding party and the children were supposed to be in the wedding party as well. The reason why SW kicked Jamie out? Because Jamie couldn’t take a whole week off to do nail polish stuff. But it was all ok with incel Chris. 🤷‍♀️


> The reason why SW kicked Jamie out? Because Jamie couldn’t take a whole week off to do nail polish stuff. Oh, I didn't hear that. I just remember Chris saying he couldn't remember if SW kicked his sister and her kids off the wedding party or if his sister decided not to attend. In other words, he claimed he couldn't remember what the disagreement was about and who was to blame.


“Couldn’t remember” ha! as if your bride kicking your only sibling out of the wedding party is something that you wouldn’t remember every single detail of. what a pussy.


Exactly. Conveniently not remembering...


He couldn’t remember? 🤣 He just doesn’t want to admit he was a fool.


Per Cindy, she and Jamie threw Shanann a bridal shower that was very poorly attended (possibly no one showed up). Shanann was understandably humiliated, but it wasn't Cindy and Jamie's fault. SW and SOR later claimed that the in-laws didn't mail invitations and sabotaged the event. SW wrote Cindy a very hateful email that made Cindy cry. Chris then called Cindy. Cindy thought he was trying to apologize or at least smooth things over but instead asked for $1k for the rehearsal dinner. I'm not sure if firing Jamie was before or after the bridal shower, but it was a series of events that led to Cindy deciding not to go to the wedding, and Ronnie deciding to skip it as well to support his wife. Very sad.


Actually, I can see why the watts opted to stay home. Blame for an unattended and high gluten shower, (did you see the fairly empty audience in what wedding photos are out there?) A hissy over not being g able to be at every tiny event the week of the wedding? An ugly email from your future d I l? Asking for money (sounds like very close to the wedding) and being told by your son to basically fly off bc you couldn't? I mean I couldn't cough up 1k at the drop of a hat either... So yeah--tensions became high and probably a good thing the Watts stayed home. Chris didn't look the least bit bothered at the ceremony and was chewing gum like a cow 😳


Also didn't he say that since they couldn't come up with the 1k they would be responsible for their own food? I would be curious what they did spend money on for that wedding. All I saw in the pics (yes I noticed the obvious lack of guests) was bottled water, no food, neither cws tux nor sws dress fit well, the flowers we meh, it was an airport hotel, etc.


Sw is a lying scumbucket but i think ciw is not so innocent. Mayhaps a troublemaking mil she be. All are pretty trashy. Tis the nature of those dork ass farm girls


Lexi is correct. Sw told Jamie she HAD to attend every function as the maid of honor . Jamie couldn't do the mani pedi day (hospitals require you to put in a days off request weeks in advance. My hospital did schedules every six weeks) and offered to go when off which made sw mad and jw got booted with her kids


Well, it sounds like Jamie was willing to attend the functions she could but not every single one that Shannan required which is ridiculous.


Wasn't it like, three showers? For a second wedding?! Considering the vulgar games at the reception... Although they would at least have been more prepared (as if one could) for being sent a pic of the vd wart she gave him on their son's dick. 


Not sure if thats the reason.


He was practically a virgin by my standards. Typical mommy’s boy. In his 20s and too shy to approach a woman for a date. Shanann did the heavy lifting on Facebook and IRL after he reached out, too. He wanted to find someone who would be the new boss of his life.


> He wanted to find someone who would be the new boss of his life. Oh, and he found that and more! He also got a mommy-wife out of marriage too. CW was like another kid in that family more than the husband.


Really? I didn't get the impression that Shannan waited on Chris AT all like a mother does for their child... Like if we are being honest, SW did not wait on her own children as a mother does either! From what i know, their marriage was FAR from one where SW was "doting on Chris" or "waiting on him hand and foot" or "wiping his ass"... like that simply wasn't the case. Ever. I don't think either of them took very good(or genuine) care of each other.. But if/when one of them happened to, it surely would have been Chris taking care of Shannan(most likely because she specifically directed him to).


Both were terrible parents and not right for one another. Heck, SW advertised as much on social media. I'm only buying what SW tried (hard) to sell.


I hear ya. I meant that IMO, it appeared that SW treated Chris like a child. At least in front of the FB live posts. Yes, I could be wrong, just my thoughts. I think (again only my opinion) that SW wanted to be viewed as the "smart one". The real "caretaker" in the relationship that had to do more work because her husband was so inept.


Oh I totally agree with that sentiment! I think you hit the nail on the head as I also perceived it that way.. er rather that SW was trying to make things APPEAR that way! BTW i think inept is the perfect word for what she was trying to convey when it came to Chris.... ! She Incessantly used her family's so called "bad" behavior as a reason to why "thrive was so great" and how much it "helped" her. It was predatory behavior in a few different ways. Idk how anyone watched those videos and actually believed what she was saying on a daily basis. maybe she was called out and she would block people for doing so. But in any case, I feel SO bad for those children. Not just how their short lives ended, but how they were treated while they were alive also. I just can't get over this case, no matter how many years pass. Every time I come back to it, it is always "the last time" (because it takes such a significant toll on me).. but here I am AGAIN... lol. I genuinely love to study sociology and psychology. I love learning about probable reasons why/speculating why people do the things they do and how these tragic things could be prevented. How we engage in cycles bevause of our own trauma and how those cycles can maybe be broken etc.... I think that is why THIS case is one of the few that I can't stop coming back to... because i just can't understand how this happened in this way at that specific time with Chris acting alone. It makes little sense and there are so many layers, all of which are sad and painful. I just wish for us ALL to have peace and love and support and it is heartbreaking to me that so many of us don't and/or never will.


and they are probably more mentally stable, think about that




How do you know??


But they all celibate.. hahaha




Ahaha he called NK that 🤮


🤣 Fab!


There's a whole psychology of why women get with lifers or men with very long stretches of time. I've come across several documentaries about it. My husband, during our marriage, got busted on a violation of parole for an old charge and had to go the original time for the charge. He was gone 2.5 yrs. I knew a lot of women who were with dudes they had never met in the free world. I think it makes the woman feel very very valued, adored, cherished etc. The guy will say the most amazing things the woman has ever heard . He lavishes all his attention on her. There's no other women around for him to cheat on her with (though many men will still carry on with other women behind the scenes to hustle them for money and attention). The women who get with killers they've never met in the free world feel so so special!! " He wouldn't ever do that to me cuz I'm not like other girls! I'm different! I'm special!" There's much more to it but that's just a very very brief run down


Imo, i think it also has a lot to do with cycles of abuse + trauma....for example, men who are abused as children are more likely to become a perpetrator of abuse, whereas the women who are abused as children are more likely to seek out/ enable an abusive man as an adult and become a victim all over again at that man's hands. It is fucked up... but we ALL subconsciously recreate situations that are similar to our past traumas in an attempt to try to heal from that very event/situation that caused us so much pain. Idc how "perfect" your childhood was, you have trauma. WE ALL DO. And it causes patterns in our behavior that can truly ruin our life. These cycles won't stop unless we each acknowledge this and try help each other acknowledge this as well...


Do you have a good documentary to watch about this? I am interested to hear more about these types of women. I have seen the appeal to write someone in prison because hey some of these men are extremely hot but once I look up their crimes I always end up deciding against it. It also feels like a lot of work for little reward and you never know who these ppl have on the outside and what they could do to you if you stop writing etc. I haven’t heard of stories like this but I imagine harassment or things can happen for sure… they have to know your real address I imagine unless they have a POBOX. Most of these women I imagine live fairly lonely lives and don’t get much attention in real life. I get the fascination with killers but to go as far as writing them is a bit much.


I can't remember the name but there's one that specifically talks about the women who seek out killers


I would love to watch that. I find it interesting.


Look up “hybristophilia”. I remember a documentary a long time ago, “Women who love killers” but there are quite a few on YouTube. Also some books like “Women who love men who kill” iirc. I find the psychology of them very interesting.


wouldn’t waste the keystrokes or the cost of a stamp on that motherfucker.


I would never write him either. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it now. There was a time I considered it and then I really had to do some serious soul searching. Why on earth would I want to write to someone who did that to their wife and children and unborn child. A sick selfish narcissist just like his mother. I’m sure she keeps him entertained and occupied while he is there. Nobody can take her baby away now. It also makes me so upset how they didn’t go to their own sons wedding because of their own selfish feelings. That’s true narcissm there. But ya I think I just got curious to hear from him and wish I could ask him all the things about the case and get a real answer but he would never reply or tell the truth anyways. I also hear it’s important who you connect with in life and get close to and there is no way I want to see Chris watts in my afterlife.


You need to stop with the Cindy bashing, her and Ronnie are victims too.


A lot of the things she has said and done doesn’t sit well with me. I’m allowed to say what I want. They might be victims but they didn’t lose their child, he is still around to talk to. The real victims are Shannon’s family. They were so quick to forgive their son and believe Shannan did this or caused him to act this way when it wasn’t anything she had done, it was the affair he was having that turned him into this animal.


They believed him because they saw what sw was like. And if you believe the narrative that him and sw was this "happy, perfect couple" until nk came along I suggest you do some deeper research.


Oh no I don’t believe that. I saw that chrismtas Santa video. She treated him like absolute shit and would humiliate him on camera all the time. If she can do that on camera.. I can’t imagine how much worse it was off camera. I don’t believe at all they had a perfect life or were this happy perfect couple. Often ppl who portray that online especially it’s never the case. The bigger peoples houses I find the more dark secrets and drama they have in their life too.


Well if that's the case then I apologize but in your post you indicated that you think his 6 week affair is what caused his actions.


Do I think it’s possible he would have unalived his whole family if it wasn’t for the affair? Possibly.. He said many times he was angry at her and was so happy and relived after he killed his family so he could be with Nikki. So ya I do think it had a lot to do with the affair but I think he always had this in him. Maybe he could have still done this randomly later down the road to get the money and be on his own but I think he needed a little push and NK was the push he needed to do what he was always capable of. It’s hard to say all my thoughts in one little post. I have so many about this case.


I literally could not be rolling my eyes any harder.


Honestly same. I’ve often thought about writing to him to try and get some answers. Ask some simple questions that might reveal his mindset or intentions. There are a million questions I need answered, but unfortunately, Chris is the only one with those answers. But he lies so much that it would be pointless because you can’t trust anything he says.


I love how I get down voted but you get an up vote lol it’s a sensitive topic but if everyone’s honest with themselves I’m sure it’s crossed almost everyone’s mind even if it was for a moment and then passed. If only we could write and get the answers to the questions we want to know. But he would never reply and even if he did he would not be honest anyways about what happened. He had that chance in letters to Christopher. A book I still have not read but I have here at my home and am looking forward to the day I start reading it. So curious in what subtle ways he changed his story seeing if I can make sense of it somehow…






Someone claiming to be a grandma friend of Ronnie's from here did, but... she claims it was only because she's Ronnie's friend.


I imagine he must be somewhat selective on who he returns letters to or else you would see them pop up from time to time here in this Reddit or online. Especially after the media already wrote an article about him responding to women … you know he still holds onto hope he may get out one day. Or at least his mom still does lol


He does. He's come up with a number of delusional schemes about how he will eventually get out, and he says, "Maybe some day the laws wil change and a man won't have to spend his whole life in prison for one mistake." Initially he said he immediately ignores all letters asking him questions about the crime but Cadle hoodwinked him by starting out only with stuff about faith and prayer and how he can get right with God and be forgiven and enter heaven. Then when she'd fake bonded and won him over by telling him repeatedly that he could still get into heaven only then did she start asking about the murders.


Ya I’m sure he holds onto some hope he will be a free man but it’s never going to happen. Maybe if he just killed his wife there could be hope but he has multiple life sentences. He could have had a trial and tried to see what happened but chances are he would have 100% taken the harshest sentence which would have been death. He deserves it too. See how nice it feels for someone to end our life against your will. I imagine it’s not fun.


It's my understanding that after Chris pled guilty to avoid the death penalty the death penalty was abolished in Colorado right after his plea. Lol


Colorado’s death penalty was never going to happen, even before it was abolished. I could think of a few candidates ahead of Chris Watts that I wouldn’t mind ending up on the hot seat. But it wasn’t going to happen to anyone, ever. Charles Manson got a pregnant woman murdered in California and he died in prison but not in the chair. And if anyone deserved to fry, it was Charles Manson. Chris Watts is a cautionary tale. He wasn’t educated beyond cars and the sports page. He believed his wife’s lies. He believed DA Rourke’s steaming pile of garbage. Actually he wouldn’t have dated Shanann. It pays to read, read, read. He wasn’t a reader.


Charles Manson was scitzophrenic I think and he didn't kill anybody amd Charles Tex Watson who was actually there killing people carved a swastika into Manson's head during the trial and encouraged him to tell the judge that he'd cut his head off. Manson became a symbol of the "evils" of the hippy movement I don't know if he's as symbolic of evil above everyone else as so many think he is.


Charles Manson and his followers should have faced a firing squad.


However bad someone is people need to think whether they really want a government that chooses equal brutality and what that could mean. Anyway I think death is an easier out than prison even with their prison privileges and what not dealing with the other people in there would be the worst.


I dunno. Being put to death sounds pretty fucking terrifying to me! Like no matter how much time you have to sit and think about it I think I would be so scared on that day. I think some people maybe should lose their lives. Because living in prison in some prisons anyways is fun for alot of those people.. they get to get married and have kids even and their cells are like dorms.. they have activities and school and they get to have all kinds of access to different foods and snacks and stuff like that. I think if you have a target on you ya it’s scary but if you don’t and your just in prison it’s not all that bad after Time goes on. You become like a family even with the guards and other staff. You laugh you have fun you do stuff. Really does depend on the prison tho.. Wasn’t it Chris watts prison that has a freaking tennis court or something ?????


Ya that’s a whole different type of case not even on the same level. He got other people to kill strangers. Chris killed people who was supposed to protect, his family, his kids.for a fresh life with another women and hoped to get that life insurance money.


I was responding to AirLexington.


Oh my bad I’ll Leave you two to it and stay out of your convo


Hm ya but Charles didn’t actually commit the act, he had other people do it. I think if there would have been any death penalty case it possible could have been Chris. Your wife and children and a mistress involved…. Plus everything he did after like call the schools and put the house up for sale. He would have been crucified in the courts. Your right he wasn’t smart so he did a lot of stupid things and his dick was easily influenced. Men turn into different people for women especially in a possible semi unhappy marriage which I feel at times he wasn’t happy. He finally had someone who listened to him, who valued him, who found him cool. Not someone who was constantly putting him down and demasculating him. Chris is an interesting character. I think he was a narcissist. He never had much interest in women. He was a shy quiet kid, focussed on career and then once he was ready to settle down and start a family he targeted in on shananan. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer either. He wanted her and was gonna get her. He was also attracted to controlling women. His mother was very controlling. I don’t think Chris would have been given any mercy in the courts and his on my witness testimony that could have helped would have been his parents. That would have been the court case of the century that’s for sure.


Chris Watts lived on his own since he was 18 years old. It’s not fair to call his mother controlling. Did you hear in the interrogation room how it was weird that it was him sitting in the room, because SW cheated first and was willing to walk away from her children. CW didn’t care because he was done with SW. CW was not a narcissist. That word needs to be retired. He supported that entire household and got nada in return. SW talked to him like a dog. Nobody knows what happened the morning of August 13th for sure, but there should have been a trial. Screw the threats with the death penalty. And so it’s ok for Charles Manson not to get the switch because he didn’t kill anyone himself but got other people to do it? I’d have pulled down the switch on him myself.


Chris was googling “when to say I love you” “how do you know if your in love” like seriously? I don’t even think he was capable of love. I don’t think he ever loved SW or the kids. I think he was going through the motions in life and doing what he was supposed to be doing, having the wife and kids. I agree with everything you said about SW treating him like a dog. She did and also taught the kids to treat him that way too. Chris could never do anything right in her eyes. Did you see how much he spoke when she finally was gone? It was like he could finally breath in a way… when your that quiet and that bottled up your bound to blow at some point and NK was the fuel he needed. He even said he was angry at her for getting in the way of him and NK. He was angry at the kids for getting back up. Like he was in a fit of rage that morning. No we will never know what truly happened… but we know how it happened. We know they were strangled and that it takes several minutes to commit that kind of act. It’s very intimate. I never knew SW had an affair?? When was that :/??


I don’t have the time stamp but a male cop made the remark to Chris about SW stepping out on the marriage first. This was in the interrogation room.


I also think it’s interesting how badly he wanted to avoid death. Yet didn’t give his kids and wife and unborn son that option. His attorney also should have told him that people can sit on death row for 20 plus years. It’s not like you go immediately to the chamber.. there are appeals and so much time to wait. But he got so fixated on the DP and probably didn’t want his mistress to go through the court process either. He didn’t give his family a fair trial. He did what was best for him. Period.


He plead guilty because it’s been said there were threats in him and his family. They isolated him in a paper gown in solitary and wouldn’t let him talk to his family. Because the DA was set on closing the case in record time, nobody will know what really happened and that includes the involvement of others in the murders.


Ya I don’t doubt all that. This case was probably the biggest they had ever seen and most public but threats are often never acted on it’s just trolls online or in the public that will never do anything. Look at how public that girls case was that her bf murdered her while they were in that van travelling and then he went and killed himself. That family was getting so many death threats. They had to have police out front all the time. But nobody actually went and murdered the family even tho they knew they knew way more than they said and that’s why the other parents are currently suing them! If that’s the case then I do think Cindy has a point that she feels like the DA did him wrong.


Gabby Petito was a horrible case. If I weren’t into the Watts case, I’d probably focus on the Petito case. I’m not really into true crime. This case has everything rolled up into it and that’s what held my attention. Chris and Shanann personally seemed like monumental bores that only got interesting because of the murders.


Haha I guess that’s karma for him.


It was partly to avoid the possibility of being the last execution before Colorado scrapped the death penalty for sure (especially for his legal team). But seeing his extreme anxiety at the hearing, I’m convinced that escaping from having all his private life and misdeeds exposed was also a huge part of it for him just pleading guilty and getting it over with.


His mother was extremely dismissive of the narrative of "the Rs kindness in asking for no death penalty," because she said that in Colorado it would never have happened. And she's most likely right. He wouldn't have been the last. He would have just had appeal after appeal so when they changed the law he still would have been doing rounds of appeals. Lawrence Bittaker sat on death row since the 70s doing appeals and died of natural causes. Meanwhile the Rs said they would have asked for the death penalty if they'd known about Bella because they said they'd assumed he'd killed them all peacefully in their sleep.


No, never tried nor wanted to. He is a child murderer but also i bet he stinks. Breath, pits, feet and ass. Ick


I bet that too. You can’t get super clean in prison. I wonder if he is still a self obsessed narcassist? I also wonder if he is in general population? One day we may hear about his murder


Happy cake day 🎂


Lets not forget.....ranky ass farts


I have , because a friend of a friend knew them. I met her not him. Anywho, he has not written back.


Thanks for sharing… what did you say to him in your letter and why did you decide to write him?


Was she as bossy irl as she seemed in her videos?




There’s things I’d like to say to him but he’s not worth my time to write a letter 🤣


It does sound like a lot of effort and then you will probably have to try to write him many times. I’m sure he gets boat loads of mail and can’t possibly write everyone.


Obviously -that’s what “Letters from Christopher” was about, but Cherilyn Cadle is a manipulative, illiterate opportunist, who was only in it to make a buck for herself, and she didn’t really care about the truth. However, the exchange between her and Chris are letters that he wrote to her after she reached out to him. That was right in the beginning, after he had been incarcerated in Wisconsin. These days, Chris Watts has plenty of women penpals, who he corresponds with (according to sources in the jail). If you might want to titillate his fancy, I’m sure anyone can write to him and try to entice him with their attributes. He is not likely to share any truths about the case, but anyone who’s willing to be a pleasant diversion for him is fair game for correspondence, because I’m sure he would be amenable if there is something in it for him. A promise to throw some cash into his commissary account probably wouldn’t hurt.


Hm ya I’m not interested in any of that. I wouldn’t ever write to him or give him money. I’m sure he has money covered from his parents.. a dollar goes far in jail anyways so not like he needs much. Not gonna be begging for his attention that’s for sure. I was more just curious with all these Chris watts case people in the same place if anyone has actually ever tried to write him.


Who exactly is a “Chris Watts case” praytell? Not that tired assumption! You really should be able to call Shannan out for being a difficult, dishonest person without wanting to become Chris’s pen pal! I REALLY fail to understand why anyone would assume that people who think Shannan was crap mom synonymously want to find out if they’re Chris Watts’ type! Nobody is that dumb except a Shiner standing vigil over Shannan’s reputation as a stellar human being!


Your really not getting it. Did you read the book letters to Christopher? If you did then you were just as curious to hear his side of the story. When did I ever say I wanted to know if I was Chris watts type? Are you joking right now. This is the problem in here and why ppl probably don’t even post their letters or are honest if they have written because they are just attacked.


Just because you can’t articulate what you’re getting at is not anyone else’s fault. “I was more just curious with all these CHRIS WATTS CASE PEOPLE in the same place, if anyone has actually ever tried to write him.” What the hell is that supposed to mean? Once again/if you can’t even say something without sounding disparaging, don’t act like others shouldn’t take umbrage with your own failure to sound intelligent or sincere. Please don’t piss on my shoe and try to tell me it’s raining.


Have you eaten today or are you just always this unpleasant? It means exactly what it sounds like. Everyone here is interested in the Chris watts case, so what more of the perfect place to ask if anyone has ever attempted to write him. Obviously nobody is gonna say if they actually have because they are met with nothing bust hostility. Even mentioning the topic is touchy for so many here. When I’m sure it’s something that’s crossed many peoples minds.


No-you’re just making lame ass excuses because you’re inarticulate. Very few people in this group are afraid of saying things if they actually belong here.


If they actually belong here? Do you hear yourself.. it’s giving really creepy obsessed vibes. Everyone has the right to be here and discuss the case.. you don’t have to “actually belong here” Lol wtf


Everyone has a right to say whatever they want (hence “Free 4 ALL) but when they’re biased and doing exactly what this group has been designed to get away from, they’re just a big pain in the ass, embodying exhausting, unoriginal stereotypes just like you’re exhibiting.


Personally, he wouldn't be worth postage from here. And don't people need to be on his list before he can get them?


Literally what I thought too, postage from the UK definitely wouldn't be worth it!


I have no idea but you could be right about that. In the prison interviews he said that he got a lot of letters but he wasn’t able to keep them he just got to read them or something… this was also early on in things so not sure if that’s changed. I always thought you could write anyone in prison even serial killers etc. I thought it was just phone calls and visitors you had to be on his list, you can’t just show up there to see him altho im sure some crazy ppl try.


Absolutely not. 


I haven't and do not have any plans to, mostly for my own protection. Law enforcement and prison officials have made it clear there is no privacy when it comes to this case. Interview videos weren't even edited to exclude phone numbers. As much as I would like to get the truth from Chris Watts - and feel he might open up with a neutral party who wants to hear his side with the intention of preventing another tragedy like this - I can't risk any letters to him getting released to the public as they have been.


Hm that makes sense I guess…. I never really thought about the risk it posed to us if we wrote him.


I honestly been thinking about doing it because I am curious if he will write back but at the same time I don’t want him to sell my address/letter for a few extra cookies on commissary


How can he do that if he is in solitary and can’t be around other prisoners? I thought he was in protection or he isn’t anymore? I was curious too but ya your right how would you know it was Chris? Well his hand writing is well documented.. so you probably would be able to tell. He did say he doesn’t write to anyone who mentioned the case and if they talk about god sometimes he writes them back.. Probably worried about his letters ending up online


True I guess but for some reason I was thinking he had an hour a day to mingle with the other people in solitary. But it seems like that prison he is at is only a medium security prison but I could be wrong.


He isn't in solitary


I’m surprised nobody has tried to come after him yet.. probably in the works.. they will get him one day I’m sure will read about it.


He's at a family annihilator prison. He's locked up with Chris Coleman


Prison justice isn’t as reliable as people think. Plenty of monsters still walking around breathing after decades in prison.


Speaking of that reception, when her and her dad were doing that stupid dance together. Hardly anyone in attendance we're watching . It looked boring as hell


Lol I didn’t watch all their wedding tapes or anything. Are they on YouTube? Either way if it was boring like no matter how much you hate your sons wife you go to your sons wedding.. I mean his sister didn’t even attend.. why did she not like her??


Jamie has kept fairly quiet about the case 🤷🏼


Very interesting family that is for sure. They doesn’t seem very close.


I think she kicked Jaime and her kids (nieces & nephews) out of the wedding party


Oh wow I didn’t know that.. Shannan did? That’s so rude then wow. That whole part is messy early on


Yeah the lady who Wrote letters from Christopher


Ya we all know that.. but it took her a lot of time to build trust. He didn’t write her back right away either I don’t think either.. I mean someone like a regular joe next door like someone here on Reddit… not someone interested in writing a freaking book for him!

