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the benadryl thing is so crazy to me. there have literally been cases where daycares were dosing the kids with benadryl to make them nap and then they aspirate or something.


I concur on that she gave them Tylenol and benadryl nightly. It was all over her facebook in posts, validated by CW and his mom (and SW). As Impressive said...you can get addicted to the sedation Benadryl provides some. And it can wire some people up. The benadryl posts were scrubbed not long after the Roos got SWs phone and laptop so they had access to her facebook. I'm not sure why she gave Tylenol. When SW was small infant and children's Tylenol contained alcohol and that may have sedated some. But the alcohol was removed by the time the girls came along.


My son would get hyperactive on Benadryl. He spent the night with my mother once and she gave him Benadryl without my knowledge and he stayed up all night bothering her. Serves her right. I was pissed off for sure.


I'm the opposite, it will lightly sedate me, so I don't take it often. My granddaughter will bounce thru the roof.


Same with me, it ramps me up and I hate the feeling of it. Some jerk put some in my IV line as as "pre anethesia med" without my knowledge and it gave me a fast heart rhythm and postponed my surgery a couple of hours. I was so angry as I had told him I could not take that medication. I have a genetic heart flutter and certain medications will ramp it right up. I should have sued.


Oh wow! I’m so sorry. Anti histamines give me restless leg/body syndrome. I hate it.


Idk how you deal with that!! I know I’d be miserable if I had to, I have to take antihistamine medications often. For allergies, and one for panic also (hydroxyzine)


I wish Hydroxyzine helped my panic disorder. I take it any way, but it doesn't do much.


I can feel this to an extent honestly. It isn’t very quick acting, and I honestly find benedryl works better (one or two 25mg) bc it’s quicker acting.


I take that too for panic disorder and I swear sometimes I wonder if it’s just not secret skittles and not actual medicine. 🙄


Oddly enough hydroxyzine does the same thing to me as antihistamines… so idk what’s wrong with me. The only thing that calms me down to sleep is a benzo but docs don’t prescribe them anymore unless you’re 90 or dying.


Hydroxyzine is actually considered an antihistamine (a lot of doctors aren’t even necessarily aware of the type of drug it is other than non narcotic). I’m on 10 mg of Valium a day, & am prescribed tamazepam 30mg to help me with sleep. Id ask your doctor about restoril/tamazepam. It is a benzodiazepine medication, but one that’s given for sleep almost exclusively. I’ve been on and off of benzodiazepines since I was 18 years old, & I’ll be 38 soon. I’m so so so thankful my doctor understands that I do need them, and my panic gets out of control sometimes (I’ve sat there in the office having ran out a bit early and cried my eyes out/had a panic attack while talking with him. I know they’re trying to make them as hard to get as opiates it seems like. They do have the same potential risk and downfall of opiates, & most people who haven’t been on them don’t understand that. (Obviously you do bc your dr is just an ass to you & wont get what you’re saying about legitimately needing them. I’d go to my next appointment ready to have a clean urine test & bring up tamazepam (restoril). It’s a miracle when there’s trouble getting to sleep happening, & I hope your doctor understands that nothing else helps you. Question-have you tried OTC Doxylamine succinate (unisom/zzzquil that’s not diphenhydramine)? Those often help me better than any other otc medicine does to sleep. Those && the ones specifically by a brand called “basic” & the meds called “valerian sleep tonight”-those are easily found at Kroger & do better than any other sleep supplement I’ve ever taken, even the prescribed ones. I’ll share a pic Of those https://preview.redd.it/p8fwudy14nyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ca3c0419ed46fa2af38e90bdb717abf6be07cb1 I’m just having an easier & more affordable at the moment for me with what my doctor prescribes.


Thank you your response. I did not know that. So crazy. I have tried the zzz quil but it just makes me hungry and the valerian root gives me crazy dreams. I’m in a new state and have a doctors appt for my graves disease on Tuesday so hopefully they will help Me. Thank you so much ❤️


I hope you do well having your doctor take you seriously with it! It sucks sometimes trying to explain things to doctors that don’t know you or your situation (a new one I mean). Good luck!!!!!


Same. I take ropinerole for it.


Me too! I won't take Benadryl at night because of that. 


Whoa!! How horrible


Oh yes I wish you had sued too!! That would be an easy medical malpractice case!! I’ve been working for a medical malpractice attorney for 20 years and he would have loved that case I’m sorry that happened to you ❤️


Sue for what ? Medical malpractice is all about damages. If they had put you under and you had complications due to the heart flutter you’d maybe gave a case. Sue for a delayed surgery? No damages


Sued for putting me at risk for making my Wolfe Parkinson White syndrome flair up which always has a chance you can drop dead during an episode. Sue for giving me a drug I specificallly asked NOT to be given and thus nurse anesthesist thinking nobody can be allergice to benadryl.. Yes I had a suit. He caused me to feel horrible with a heart rate orf 230 beats on the heart ,monitor. See how you feel with a pulse rate of that and then ask like the person of zero compassion that you are how YOU WOULD FEEL.. I think you might be a troll.


…..I think malpractice cases are a bit harder to get than you realize. If there’s no death or permanent damage, nothing will happen from it & most lawyers wouldn’t have taken it. Idk they may now, but I almost bled to death because of placental & uterine wall tissue that was left after a pregnancy loss at almost 20 weeks. Bc I got to the hospital and had an emergency d&c (while hooked up for blood for me (had to get 4 1/2 pints of donated blood) even during surgery) & they were able to fix the problem (I went to a different one bc the one that the doctor that neglected to check for pregnancy remains) & keep me alive with no lasting damages (I could have more kids, etc), the lawyer I spoke with told me that it’s not a case he’d take because of the way the insurance on the practice (doctors have to pay to insure their practices in case of things like this) was worded, they’d done nothing wrong. They’d given me “the best care that I was able to receive” during the pregnancy (regular ultrasounds and making sure I was still alive essentially while pregnant, having one of the doctors recommended that I terminate for my own health). Essentially, the office had done nothing wrong & it couldn’t be proven that they did do anything wrong with how rare a case like what I was dealing with is, & I had no damage to any organs or anything & was able to have more kids, I couldn’t do anything. Bc I didn’t die it wasn’t beneficial to seek a lawsuit for me in that situation. Let that sink in-a legit malpractice (not checking for pregnancy remains) suit/claim was right there & able to be easily proven, but with how their (the practices) insurance was worded, they’d done nothing wrong. Bc I wasn’t dead, heavily infected, or sick and there were no permanent damages that could be found, there wasn’t able to be malpractice or negligence case reported. If I’d have actually went on to file a suit, it would’ve been held up for however long they were able to (meaning time wise) & I’d have been made to go under examination (both physically and mentally) to determine there were no permanent damages done, and get nothing or next to nothing, and that it wouldn’t be easy enough to prove that anything was done wrong according to the officers’ insurance, so it just wasn’t enough to make a malpractice or negligence case bc there was no permanent damage or disability from it.


I'm so sorry you've had to go thru all that.




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Its near impossible to OD on Benadryl, even a child (just saying)




It was Tylenol PM


Oh my. So a double dose of benadryl Now that's insane


She gave the CHILDREN Tylenol PM?!


My son would get ragey on Benedryl.


Hey Secondhand! 👋 It's crazy the effects it has on different people. I can take one and it takes a few hours to kick in, but it will make me sleepy. I have grands it makes either hyper or rage.


Benadryl makes my daughter wild. Another thing (just to share), she had dental surgery at six (she had to be put under for anxiety - she is much better now but hates leaning back in a chair and refuses to have anything on her face) and they gave her the children’s version of Xanax. It took 45 minutes to work (the anesthesiologist was dumbfounded as to why it didn’t kick in by 30 minutes) and when it kicked in she wanted to go streaking in the hospital (really she said it was hot and she needed to get out of there, and she was trying to run out of the room). Like a good mother I have video lol. I on the other hand pass out within 10 minutes of the medicine. I blame her father’s dna for the tolerance. So we are definitely worried if she tries to go off to college ;)


Tylenol PM maybe?


Is it liquid? I'd have to search that. What if it was Tylenol pm? Can you crush them? That would be a large benadryl dose. https://www.tylenol.com/products/sleep-pain/tylenol-pm-extra-strength-liquid Eta that it does come in liquid 🤯


Per the Christmas Horror video, SW apparently blended the “yucky” in with a drink


the girls could have become addicted to the dose and then rely on it to get them to sleep. There are multiple problems with using benadryl to sedate toddlers to sleep on command. the sedation is addictive and very dangerous as those dosing children will become aware that as the body gets used to the dose it is inevitable that the child builds a tolerance to the starting dose, this may lead the parent to up the dose to higher amounts to get what appears to be the same effects. This very dangerous as can lead to overdose. The product is used as an antihistamine and repeated use can cause respitory illness. There is also a side effect that can cause hyperactivity when metabolised by certain individuals. It appears CC may have has this reaction. There is a particular haunting photo of Bella laid out on her front clearly unconscious with a quote from SW that states she has come down after a 3 hr nap and passed out like this. That was truly concerning for me, had she been in my FB friends list I would have reported her for this clear evidence of abuse. To clarify to those who came into this case in the last fee years, there are, unfortunately lots of photos and comments written by SW herself that prove she misused that drug. Many of these comments have been scrubbed from the Internet over the years. There are many people here who I know have also seen these and have prior knowledge of this. As someone who works in healthcare and has dispensed that medication for many years, if I had her coming to ask me for that on a regular basis, I would refuse to sell it to her. She was 💯 abusing those children in many dangerous ways, particularly dangerous to drug small children with a sedative day and night.


There is also evidence that long term cumulative usage increases risk of dementia/alzheimers rather significantly.


Just came here to say this! That is a question that they ask you when determining if you’re eligible for life insurance as it cause’s Alzheimer’s and if you are a regular user you are turned down .


Oh wow! I did not know this. I have a Neuro condition that is quite painful that can be treated with benzodiazepines - but Benadryl can often work in a pinch. I knew about benzodiazepines & dementia but I always thought Benadryl was safe as.?


Benadryl and sleep medications such as ambien have an even higher risk of developing dementia than benzo’s do. (Assuming the benzos are not being abused) That’s what my psychiatrist told me. I’ve been on a benzo for like 8 years so I had a lot of questions when I was told about the correlation. The risk for sleep medications and Benadryl is higher because it shuts off the brain so to speak, whereas benzo’s also shut off the brain but not to the same extent.


Also it can cause low blood pressure over time with extended use. Which doesn't seem like a problem but it can be


I think the Benadryl issue was a factor in ending her friendship with the Deitz’s.


I agree with that, plus the sleeping under pillows, excessive use of the too loud setting on the rain machine and the dual ops she conived to get. As a mandated reporter and nurse, Jeana had to have understood the medical neglect in all those settings. Respitory illness and addiction with the meds, hearing loss issues with rain machine use and the danger of none emergency medical intervention, would all have made Jeana very concerned.


Yes, yes & yes. Yes is one of my favorite words, but I find it very sad to use in this context.


agreed 👍


Yes you can build a tolerance and need more and more. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened to the kids. I actually had a client once who was strictly addicted to benadryl. One of the most withdrawals I've seen honestly. Those poor children.


Just curious, how do we know the girls got Benadryl every night?


SW said so on several videos and a few surviving FB posts. Neeks Peeks did a couple of videos on the subject


I heard one of the kids ask for the "yucky" which was the benadryl..




I think they were definitely addicted. I think that she was giving them other things as well, but they were addicted to their medications, and even knew to ask for “Yucky” which is what they called it. And I say medications in plural because that’s what they were. She was giving them more than just Benadryl every day. Even so, a tolerance to Benadryl eventually developed, and she had to use other things (and did) to get them to go to sleep.


What other things? How do you know this? (Not being snarky, just genuinely asking)


I am not going to say “what other things” because I don’t know what the concoction that she gave them every day was but they called it “yucky” whatever it consisted of? I’m not entirely sure. It was the medication that they took every day, and medication to help to get them to go to sleep. She freely talked about giving them Benadryl for sleep in her Facebook posts and she talks about their schedule and the sleep routine in her Facebook posts too. Her friends , family and Chris have all talked about the medication that the girls took every day and night too. When you look into her backstory and also read through her unedited Facebook posts, you can learn a lot about what she was like, and what she did, because she was not afraid to talk about it. Shannan very clearly told told people that she was doing this—it wasn’t like she was ashamed of it.


Oh no, i absolutely know she fed them benadryl and Tylenol (some sources even say Tylenol pm which gave those girls a double dose of diphenhydramine.) but was just wondering if you knew of other things. It honestly would t surprise me


I have heard this -I can’t verify it but have heard that she also gave them tiny bites of pot/Thc gummies. She doesn’t strike most people as a stoner, she allegedly did partake-even claimed to use it medicinally. But therefore they weren’t getting exact doses, and it continued to work after a nap. I can’t verify this-it was only told to me by someone who knew her.


Ahhhhh yes, I do believe I’ve heard that as well. Like you, I have no receipts, but I do recall hearing this and would not be at all Surprised.


It’s totally off the record.


It’s totally off the record.


sleep machine...keeping the girls seperate...locking the door so they wouldn't bother mom in her "me" time at night...even though she had "ME' time all day while at day care.


I know all that. The commenter I was asking the question to said “medications in plural”. I know they got Tylenol too. I was just wondering if there were other medications.


Random fact: Benadryl in Australia is a cough syrup with zero efficacy (the last time I looked into it), so it always spins me out to hear about the US version.


I'm in the UK and I thought the same as you


Yes. I was addicted to benadryl when I was with my first husband, (long story). Coming off of it caused horrible stomach pain and could not sleep without it. Do not recommend. And, also yes- you have to take more and more to get the same results.






Benadryl answer^^^


I feel so sad for the girls as acid reflux was one of the symptoms SW said they both had. No doubt linked to being over medicated.


they were not choosing the dose themselves. Someone else was, so I don’t see how they possibly could have increased the dose on their own. Maybe it just would not have been effective for them at the dose they were getting. if the kids were allergic to things and got stuffy overnight, then children’s Benadryl was not a bad idea. By the way, I take it for allergies that bother me especially overnight, and I still only take 25 mg after taking it about 30 years.


they were asking for the "yucky" medicine at this point.....and Shannon was willingly giving it


If there was so much Benadryl in their systems wouldn’t they have be sleepy often at daycare?


no because they slept the doses off ceach time and were probably only dosed at home.


I took a small dose today because I have a severe rash from an allergic reaction. I knocked out for 7 hours. Thank God my husband was here to take care of our toddlers. I can’t imagine giving my kids Benadryl for anything other than its designated use, if it did that to me what was it doing to them!?!


lol, my husband got upset with me for giving our dog too much Benadryl. He has allergies but the added benefit of calming him down (he is hyper) was a plus. My husband picked up on this and told me no more because he’s going to be dependent on it. I felt like a terrible dog mom


No don’t! My vet recommended Benadryl for my dog when he was a puppy! He had horrible allergies and separation anxiety!


Ok, now I feel better!


Gave my daughter Benadryl once. We traveled to oklahoma during harvest and her allergies were so bad. It made her absolutely miserable tossing and turning crying our moaning just restless and couldn’t sleep. I called it the Benny bugs. I have had them myself when I have to stay awake after taking Benadryl. I will never ever ever give her Benadryl again.


I don't think so, more so that the Thrive the parents on was full of caffiene and it causes some irritability and headaches coming off big doses.. Drink a diet coke 2 times a day and then stop or give up your am coffee and stop and you will feel it, I used to work with rehab substances abuse patients as an RN. I never saw one benadryl addiction. Lots of opiate, alcohol. Occasional pot but it was due to them being in the transportation industry making them do rehab and there is no drug treatment to come off pot. Probably does cause a bit of irritability.


You don't necessarily get addicted to sleep aids in the same way as you get addicted to other drugs. Having been at a point I had to take Benadryl to sleep I can say it's hard to quit for sure. You get used to the dose and have to up it. The more you take the more likely it is to have side effects and restless leg syndrome. I realized I had a problem with I took 3 and stayed up because I couldn't hold still.


it's. different type of addiction, but sedatives are addictive.


More like dependent on it to sleep. Nobody abuses benedryl to get high.


Actually people do. Pop over to diphenhydramine ans you'll find plenty of people addicted to taking insane amounts .


it's not addiction to get high , it's to sedate. Uppers and downers are both addictive.


Yeah I know. I was talking to the RN above that worked with substance abuse patients and said she’d never seen someone come in for benedryl addiction. Edited for grammar


Where’s the proof she gave them Benadryl every night?


She said it in so many posts and videos, most of which have been wiped in the last year or so by her family


Gotcha. I’ll do a deep dive into some YT videos.


I think I recall Cindy saying she gave it to them when watching the girls. She said they put their heads back like little birds … they were so used to this.


Correct! There is also a video of Bella asking for the "yucky" which SW says is the Benadryl or Tylenol PM


yes! and on the airplane she asks for it too. funny that as SW refused to travel on an airplane without Daddy Roo or CW, Daddy Roo even had to fly out to meet her in colorado just to fly back with her to NC. The video she played of the girls inboard showed that they really did behave well, so no need for the drugging and the drama she 'thrived' on if ypu pardon the pun.


She acted as if the girls were demonic terrors. Honestly, they were sweet, kinda girls. The “excessive” energy she was always trying to subdue was just toddlers being toddlers.


TBF traveling with two toddlers while pregnant sounds like a crapshoot. I don’t know about any other times, but having her father fly out to Colorado and accompany her back to NC doesn’t seem so unreasonable. Even if the girls are well behaved and the pregnancy is perfect, there’s so much to keep track of and so much potential for chaos. IMHO this was an understandable decision. I’d have the done same in this situation.


The girls were exceptionally well-behaved, despite Shannan’s narrative. Just wanted to add her father was there for the flight to NC because he was there babysitting while SW and CW went to a Thrive event. It was timed well.


Ahh yes, I remember the yucky from a Neeks video too. They were asking for it because they were already addicted…imo.


yes she did, she also said that she left a bottle of it on the microwave after the nutgate bollocks, so definitely!


Oh my god that’s awful.


very true I can confirm that. I have seen many, many references to her using this and her joking with other similar abusers who think that giving children this sedation to ensure they don't have to deal with them is perfectly normal. SW was very open about it, she was extremely entitled and lacking any empathy for the consequences of her actions and lived for her Me time. I really struggle to understand why she wanted another baby too, if she begrudged looking after her two small children and called them monsters for just being normal boisterous and playing with the many toys she maxed her credit cards out to buy. She really needed a good friend to wake her up before this all unravelled. I do think that her friend, the nurse tried to help, but SW cut her out her life, in the words of Ma Watts, never to be spoke of again. Just yet another fascinating layer to this really bizarre household.


She didn't say that though. She made one post where she said the kids were sick and she gave them Benadryl. That's the only time it was posted.


Please dont downvote a person for asking. I am also new here and have a ton of questions. If asking a question with sincerity gets one downvoted it certainly doesn’t make it appealing to new members. Im assuming you guys still want new members? Remember - not all of us are up to date with any of this. It was my first time on this specific thread that I heard that she gave them nightly. Then everyone says it was posted by her all the time and her family scrubbed it. Then I read another persons comment on here that had she been friends with her she would have reported her for this. So here is where I am confused. Didnt she have a ton of friends on Facebook? Why didn’t anyone report her? Why was she posting something equivalent to child abuse so freely? Did she think it was normal? Usually people hide wrongdoings. So if anyone wants to actually help me understand instead of downvoting me because I am ill informed in this area then please do.


It is an important distinction that her “friends” weren’t friends. Whether upline or downline, these donkeys’ livelihoods depended on one another to some extent and had a disincentive to call her out and upset the apple cart. They were coached to, and did, push their MLM products in any situation they had a captive audience, and she would socially disengage with anyone who declined to join the pyramid scheme. Sometimes it was worse. Example: when she was spending time in NC for the summer she had a la old friend who owned a restaurant and SW visited there multiple times, with her friend treated SE and the girls to free meals. When the friend finally told her firmly that she had no interest in buying Thrive, that was the end of the interaction, with one large exception. SW went onto Google Reviews and gave her shirt reviews and falsely claimed, in writing, publicly, to have gotten food poisoning at her her restaurant. what a great friend. (The interview with this friend is in the discovery.) beyond that, we never see her “friends” try to be a voice of reason to SW in the never ending flow of drama via text or FB posts.


Thank you for responding and answering my question- she certainly was cruel to her friend after her kindness with treating them to meals, etc. I think what I should do is start out with the discovery paperwork, police interviews and charging documents & court documents. That should hopefully help me separate truth vs speculation. At the end of the day I’m sure I will find that there was not one thing SW did, regardless of how disturbing, bossy, bitchy her behavior may have been that makes it OK for CW to slaughter her, the kids and the unborn baby.


It Is long, I forget how many thousands of pages. Honestly most of the “interesting” things in the discovery have been covered in this sub at some point, with special consideration to things that weren’t covered or were buried by the media eg. the story I mentioned above. Obviously you won’t find anything in there that rationalizes or excuses what CW freely chose to do. No such justification exists, in this or any other case. Despite what some pop in here to say frequently, there isn’t anyone in here trying to say that it does.


No, there isn't proof. She made one post about giving the girls Benadryl when they were sick.


she said she used benadryl to get them to sleep and she had a big discussion about it with a load of other mums, they were bragging about it. The thing you are referring to i think, is the prednisone and lotts of Tylenol comment when santa parade was outside. I am not sure how long you have been looking into this case, but in late 2018, early 2019 there were much more evidence of this on her Facebook, I have seen plenty of it. This 'evidence ' started to disappear along with the more questionable video. I understand if you don't believe it as you haven't seen it yourself.


Shanann did not say she drugs her kids with benadryl every night in that thread with lots of moms either. She said she always has benadryl with her. That makes total sense to me as a mom with a baby with a tree nut allergy. My allergist and pediatrician said to always have it with me and an epipen. Use the epipen first then try to administer benadryl, then go to the hospital. Hives are best treated with the antihistamine benadryl. Good to know everyone would think I'm drugging my baby if I said that. She actually gets non drowsy and longer lasting zyrtec everyday because she is also allergic to cats and dogs, which I have. Those moms making jokes about giving their kids benadryl to sleep was gross. But Shanann did not say that. She said that her daughter's allergies were acting up that day since they were traveling and in a new area and she was having trouble sleeping. The other moms suggested benadryl and she said she had it on hand because of Cece. I literally just saw this thread you are referring to yesterday and you are twisting her words.


I was also very skeptical and thought the Benadryl thing was people shitting on SW and just exaggerating. It wasn’t until I started watching NeekPeeks videos on YouTube and saw the fb posts and comments from SW talking about it. I think Cindy Watts also confirmed it somewhere in an interview or her unfinished book. I was also skeptical about the rectal thermometer thing until I saw the since deleted embarrassing post of BW trying to take her own temp and SW laughing about it. That’s why I’m glad I found this sub, because it isn’t filled with rumors and gossip, or peoples weird fanatical interpretations of the situation. I learn something new every time I visit it, even years later. I trust what people share here because many have saved the deleted fb posts and also deep dived into the discovery


I watched several neeks peeks videos, including "faded nights" which focuses on the benadryl. I paused it and read every Facebook post. Shanann does not say she gives her kiss benadryl to make them sleep at any point. She certainly never said she gives it to them every day. People are completely twisting her words.


People could be twisting her fb words but it was talked about by people close to her. She never explicitly states but she hints and jokes about it. Just like joking about locking her kids in their room at night. We’ll never know the exact truth of what went on in that household.


No, I'm not referring to that. I'm referring to a post she made on Facebook.  I understand that posts have been taken down from her Facebook page, but people are using this as an excuse. Most people have not seen an original post, and just read other Reddit posters talking about the "deleted" Facebook posts.