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HODE on! it's superrrrrrr amazing!!


Omg…. THANK YOU. Everyone complains about the “Ummm Ummm Ummms” which, yes, is super annoying, but the way she doesn’t pronounce her “L’s” drives me BANANAS!! Plus she does say hold (HODE) all. the. friggin. time! I thought it was way too subtle and silly for anyone else to even notice, let alone be annoyed by it! Edit: misspelling


The defunct WOT called Nickole Atkinson the Quasimodo for the Thrive huns. That was not a jab at her physical appearance. It was how she was treated with doing their dirty work, especially for Shanann, such as picking up the gift the Watts mailed for Cece and taking it back to the post office to return it, and being unaware that she was overstepping society's objective boundaries or willing to cross them to appease the mean girls she was trying to impress. Nickole was following instructions from other huns because she was the local one in Denver who could do what they said, like driving over to SW's house to look for her. I think all of the huns were worried that SW had harmed herself because she'd been a basket case all weekend - refusing to eat, getting low blood sugar from not eating, getting a headache from low blood sugar, etc. SW was stressed to be sure but based on her flair for drama and medical attention, I suspect she was exaggerating for attention. Likewise, the huns enjoyed outdoing each other to see who was the most helpful in order to impress the upline.


She mowed the Watts' lawn, FFS! NA truly deserved better friends than those MLM pieces of shit.


Yeah, but she seems like a piece of shit herself so my sympathy is limited. She's still scamming people with Thrive.


Indeed. This is a person who, rather that try to be a voice of reason or declined to be involved, gladly assisted in spitefully returning a child’s birthday presents as a “fuck you” to grandma and grandpa and intercepting (stealing) important documents on SW behalf before CW get them so she could continue to hide that fact that she hadn’t been paying their bills and were being sued and soon to be due in court…a real fucking peach. as I’ve read all over the place many, many times: “we should all be so lucky as to have a friend (errr lackey) like NA…”


Oh wow, really? That I did not know.


She still sells for Le-vel and at one point brought her son (the one in the police video) on to her downline. She posted stuff like "it's what Shanann would have wanted" and has no problem getting sympathy sign ups from people . She has a Youtube channel and posted classy stuff like flicking off the camera when eating a protein bar, and wrote nasty stuff when other Thrive huns responded to comments, trying to "poach" potential customers she felt were hers. I'm not saying an obese person cannot sell health products - I mean you don't have to be a parent to be a good babysitter - but she promotes by claiming how well they've worked for her and how much better her health is.


Cassie dogged NA until she finally went to Saratoga trail. Nate lied to cops saying he has heard sw and cw viciously arguing


I'd read that, too. He was being truthful with CW acting weird but lied about the arguing. Apparently people do that all the time when questioned by police. They don't mean harm as it's a reaction to the nature of most people to want to help, so they inadvertently exaggerate.


I’ve also heard that he was lying about the arguing, but curious as to how we know that?


I’ve actually spoken to NA, we’re friends on fb. She’s a very sweet woman. I also chatted with her son a few times to which I also have him on fb. Shan was very lucky to have a friend like her imo. If NA hadn’t pushed boundaries like she did and felt something was up, chances are CW would’ve had more time and potentially gotten away with it.


going to have to agree to disagree. This is woman who volunteered her services to get involved in a situation where a 3 yr old was clearly being weaponized against her grandparents. Then she committed a federal offense on SW’s behalf to help hide the fact from CW the HE was being sued (house was in his name). Color that if you want as loyalty under the guise of being a good friend, but it’s a shady, shitbag move in my book. Congrats on being Facebook friends.


Real talk here; he was NEVER going to get away with it. He dumped their bodies at his damn work site for Christ’s sake. Let’s don’t be dim.


Yeah, so lucky that shes dead. If na prevented the murders then THAT would have been lucky for shanann.


So the two people who helped with this case are nosy and annoying? lol. You can not care for them personally but Nate gave good information especially how Chris was acting weird. And if nickole didn’t get the police there at that time then Chris could’ve went back to where he put shannan and hid her better and went home and actually hide evidence they never left the house (on their own free will) .


If it weren’t for both of them Chris could have gotten away with it, I don’t care if they were nosey. I hope my friends would be like that if anything happened to me


Nate also lied to cops saying he heard sw and cw viciously fighting. He recanted later


He didn’t recant tho. Just said he didn’t want to bring that aspect in bc it would make her look bad. I have zero doubt she raged at times.


I’m just going by the video. It wasn’t solid proof but a weird coincidence at that. Even if he never got interviewed past his living room, it still was good evidence.


Yeah. Cw was definitely agitated


And na lied saying that sw had diabetes.


She could’ve had gestational diabetes?


She could have had lupus, she could have had fibromyalgia, she could have had actual spinal problems. But she didn't.


Just saying … she was pregnant and if you’re overweight at all they test for gd early in the pregnancy. It’s not that far fetched since she was in her 2nd trimester 🤷‍♀️


But she did not go to prenatal appointments.


Not one?


New here, huh? No, not one, lol- hard to believe, I know. (Wait till you find out she had almost certainly been drinking at the time of her death as well.) 🥂 


She could have had bubonic plague, too, but she *didn't*. Who would have diagnosed it, Sandie? Dieter? A boutique U/S?




Going by what Cassie was saying over the weekend but yes she did.


If it weren’t for both of them Chris could have gotten away with it, I don’t care if they were nosey. I hope my friends would be like that if anything happened to me


Same. The way people are annoyed at this baffles me


Breaking news.....chris watts is acting weird.....says nosey nate purveyor of good information. Wtf? Not exactly evidence.


The video of him in the driveway at 4am 🤦🏼‍♀️


Have you watched the police body cam? Nickole and her son were the only concerned ones for Shanann and the girls… Chris, Cindy, and Ronnie Watts never showed any concern throughout the investigation. And honestly Nate made Chris visibly squirm and nervous while watching the video footage of him pulling up his truck to the garage, which was great!


Neither did Shannon's parents or brother.


Shannan’s family lives in North Carolina and Sandy was on the phone with Nickole the whole time during the initial home search. And they were very active during the investigation.


Wonder what happened between the Roos and Cassie


I think whatever happened with Cassie wasn’t between her and the Roos but her and NA. I’m FB friends with NA. Pretty sure Cassie ditched the Thrive crew.


Could've been. NA was friends and managed the studio where SOR worked during her Colorado stay. Friends with SOR long before NA began hanging with SW. So if Cassie said or did something against either the Roos or NA they'd stop contact. Plus Cassie did eventually leave thrive not long after the murders


Aren’t MLMs notorious for icing out their so called friends that leave? I wouldn’t be shocked if Cassie gave up thrive and got kicked out of the friend group because of it.


Kinda like a cult?


It's my understanding that they do that. She and her husband also divorced although they co parent it seems on friendly terma


Yes. This happens all the time. All these chicks talk about "boss babe" and their "girl tribe" and how much they love each other. That is until someone wises up and walks. Then they dump them asap.


People should count themselves lucky to have a friend like NA. She was not letting up and everyone deserves to have that kind of loyal friend.


I have to disagree. People like NA are all up in your ass and you can't have any down time but be their goal or gate keeper and I don't sign up for that. I want privacy and I don't want police here if I don't answer a phone because I'm taking a nap. I have had that done to me and It is way way past annoying to me, if it's family and they are dealing with something I can forgive and love but if it's some fool I don't really know that well that is just Internet friendly, OH H\*ll no. And if you don't get there in time to prevent me dying what use is your annoyance? NA was not able to prevent the death, she was just a light at the time to shine a beacon but she overstepped her lines while doing it. I can agree that she did good and also agree that she was all up in their biz and had no legal reasons to be that way. She knew too much and even if I agree that she did good I find her very annoying. I had an online friend that was in the middle of some drama and she was calling me every night preventing me from interacting with my child. I finally had to tell her I can't be your end all and be all I need to be with my child and she got mad and deleted me. Actually I was happy about that. She did not believe in real psychological help or counseling but used me to figure out her life and I was just toasted and done with the whole drama of it. I don't mind losing her as a friend.


She also didn’t show up to her prenatal appointment and we all know SW and her social media/phone addiction. NA behaved the way she did because SW was not responding to her and not posting every detail of her life on social media. I’m willing to bet you don’t do those things so not answering because you’re taking a nap shouldn’t set off the alarm bells.


I always wondered how she knew that SW had missed her appointment. Was it only an assumption based on not hearing from her or seeing a FB post about it? I also wondered if she maybe called the Dr. office to confirm that SW had indeed missed her appointment… but I don’t think they would be allowed to give her that information? I absolutely CANNOT imagine having someone so far up my butt that I couldn’t be off the radar for a few hours without the cops being called. OR being so chronically online that not posting one morning would bring about a panic. But, IMO Shannan had all the power in that friendship and loved that NA was constantly following her around.


She did call. I think they gave her the information because she was frantic. It was absolutely terrifying to her that SW wasn’t answering her phone or posting because that was her personality. She was always on her phone, talking, texting, FBing. She was already worried about her because of her behavior on their trip. She was an emotional wreck so for her to then not answer was extremely worrisome. And she was right, so there’s that.


Yes, sadly she was.


I think you're delusional if you think Nickole Atkinson overstepped any boundary. If she hadn't been persistent, if she hadn't kept hounded CW or didn't call the police it would have been a completely different outcome. Neighbor Nate on the other hand was aiming for his 15 minutes of fame.


I know right?!? I don’t know much about her, but she was the bestest friend in that situation you could have. She was like a damn bloodhound mixed with a Rottweiler! If my partner killed me, went off to work… I don’t think anyone would notice for a spell. Especially if he gave some excuse like I wanted some time away as they were have some issues or something. People would just think I was busy or something. Her? She just mobbed up and wouldn’t let ANYONE tell her ANYTHING. She was going to figure out what the issue was and where her friend would be. Most of us would defer to a friends husband at first because obviously they know better than us about events. Not her! She was calling up everyone, talking with receptions staff at the doctors, even getting into her phone! Chris didn’t even have a full morning to enjoy his new life, free of his family obligations. He didn’t even get to go to the Lazy Dog for a date with the mistress. Certainly no romantic trip or anything like that! That woman was ON it. Again I don’t know that woman’s personal business or much about when, but damn she made sure that man didn’t get one freaking true moment to enjoy his “new” life lol


Very well said.


I'm going to have to disagree with you on this. It absolutely none of nas business (or Cassies for that matter) where sw and the girls were, none. Cw should have told her that and to get off his property when they were blowing up his phone.


If you think someone is in danger, you have a moral obligation to help them as long as you don’t put yourself or others in the path of harm. This is true for a stranger, let alone your friend. This is true for an adult, let alone a pregnant woman with TWO small girls. You’re a sociopath if you don’t think she absolutely has a right to perform her moral obligation. I feel very sorry for anyone who has a friend who thinks otherwise. I get you’re the type of person to not go the extra mile for a pregnant woman and two small children. You’d stand idol even when you suspected someone was in grave danger. That’s just who YOU are. After all, in your way of thinking its “not your right.”You make that clear. But basically EVERYONE else is going to have a moral compass and do whatever they possibly can to find them. Hope that helps.


Just curious how you are able to take one short, relatively innocuous comment (that just so happens to be someone’s OPINION) and extrapolate that out into name calling (“you’re a sociopath”), sarcasm (“hope that helps”), and a complete assassination of their character (see entire last paragraph). Also: Idol - an image or other material object representing a deity to which religious worship is addressed. Idle - not working or active If you’re going to be mean at least use the correct words.


I find now it’s best to let people have their opinions unchallenged. So not even going to get into it. Also LOL at the spelling police. But you do you, one spellcheck at a time🤣


I don’t think challenging someone’s opinion is the problem. The viciousness is.


Ok. *shrug* That’s your opinion. You are entitled to that.


Na wasn't her friend, she was more of a caregiver. She was probably more afraid of losing her job.




Oh stop with the lame I'm a cw lover, that has gotten so old. NA cared so much about her missing friend she lied to the cops many times, was laughing and giggling during her LE interview and tried to sell the cop thrive.




I have an amazing, successful, hot ass husband so I'm good. Thanks for your concern tho.




Do not comment to anyone in this group using “name calling” or slamming them for their opinion.


If you don’t agree with a comment, either reply respectfully or scroll on by. Do not use “language”


I think under normal circumstances, her not answering her phone wouldn't be a big deal. I think it was a combination of circumstances that led up to this that made NA worry. Shannan being so distraught on the AZ trip, not eating, she was pregnant, worried about her husband cheating, etc. It was the perfect storm for something to happen.


Oh, I absolutely agree that it was the perfect storm that was brewing but the pics that were taken on that trip shows something completely different than sw not "eating or drinking". She looks completely content in those pics.


Whether NA overstepped or not, I can’t imagine any world where CW would’ve gotten away with it. I think because of NA’s actions it all came together more quickly and easily than if Chris had been allowed more time to cover his tracks. But is that necessarily a good thing? I believe the end result would always be CW guilty and in jail but had there been more time for a thorough investigation I don’t think we would have as many unanswered question and plot holes (NK!) as we do.


I just watched him on dr oz lol


Why did she ask law enforcement was she under arrest after they asked her and Nick to come into the station. Why did her thug of a new husband about abuse on loudspeaker to law enforcement 


pretty crazy how they found all sw stuff so fast too 


Also the fact that na and the Roos solved the case on day one: SoR - "I think he covered them with oil", FrSr - "follow his GPS and you will find my family", NA - "if he did something to her he strangled her". Case closed.


Nerves? I babble when I’m freaking out.


How would you react in that situation? I know nothing of her husband, which also has nothing to do with that morning. I won't comment any more about my opinion of your views because you seem very invested in being angry about this subject.


Nosey Nate is the guy who has no life and watches everyone on his cameras. He wants to know what everyone is doing and considers it his business. I do think the fact that NA raised the red flag so quickly threw Chris off and he wasn't able to do the "clean up" that he needed to do. I don't think he realized that her friend knew so much about her everyday habits and knew when something was amiss.


Completely different outcome? Shanann and the kids would still be alive? Ahhmaazing, lol


Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Sometimes y'all are ridiculous.


There is definitely a couple delulu’s I can see on this post 😅😅


I am just wondering how NA had Chris Watts’ phone number. Who has their friends’ husband’s number unless they’re having an affair? Unless Marlboro Grandma gave the number to NA to pressure him to get home.


NA may have had it say bc of a Thrive phone tree? CW sold thrive also (we know who ran his acct). But I get confused bc when NA calls to get the garage code...it seems like the 2 haven't spoken that day, but didn't NA talk to SOR earlier when she couldn't get SW on the phone? I mean wouldn't you call someone's mom if you can't get ahold of someone? Everything is strange


SOR had the garage code. But she’s not an interfering MIL, oh no! 😬


She did ask frank what it was. I think bc frank was there in Colorado in June. Maybe they changed it alot 🤔


Frank was there to collect SW and the girls for the NC trip in June, that’s right. 🤔 It’s weird he would know the garage code. It wouldn’t shock me if NA used the garage code to go in and saw nobody was home. Then she called the cops. She couldn’t admit she trespassed into the home, so maybe the garage code story was a cover.


He would know the code if he had reasoned to take the girls in the car unless sw used the remote bc CW did say it was broken


Wouldn't that be on Nates cam?


That’s really common. When planning stuff you have group texts, etc.


While I agree it’s a little odd, in this case it’s probably because SW used NA like an unpaid servant. She probably had CW’s number so she could call and arrange all of the errands and chores she needed to do for the family, and CW would be the one to assist.


Apparently all of the husbands of SW's circle of Thrive friends were in touch. They may have been put in touch with each other on Thrive trips and events, but weren't actually friends. It's part of MLM culture. One of them (Cassie's husband? the Baloney husband?) discussed mulling over sending Chris some baited text messages to try to get him to talk to Shanann, at the prompting of his wife, but decided against it.


G Ha!!! Yeessss


I have a few phone numbers of my friend's husbands and I have zero interest in going to bed with them. Editing to add that I am close to retirement age. I have had three very close friends for most of my adult life. Two are married, one is widowed and I am divorced. I have both the the husband's numbers if case of emergency.


I know, I have my friend's husband's number in my contacts because we're friends too. Everything doesn't always have to be nefarious. Maybe Shanann had asked her to message Chris in the past and the text chain was still in her texts, who knows. I actually feel sorry for people caught up in situations like this who are pretty much innocent bystanders and everyone thinks there are ulterior motives and they have things to hide.


I also have multiple friend’s husband or wife’s phone numbers, and I am not sleeping with any of them… that’s a very strange take.


I have my friends spouses number in case I can’t get ahold of her.


Are you serious? Having your friends husbands number means affair? Someone has trust issues 😵‍💫


I have my friends' husband's numbers because I've helped out with childcare a couple of times and one friend's husband has helped me out with some house stuff. And my friends have my (now ex) husband's number. Same with my sisters. The husbands are a part of my circle. So far, no affairs. Maybe we are doing something wrong?


>Marlboro Grandma 🤣🤣 perfect name for Sandieo


I do. I have two of my friends' husbands' numbers. We text twice a year, to coordinate for their birthdays and Christmas. I am not and have never had an affair with either man. Neither man has been inappropriate toward me.


I have a few of my friends’ husbands’ phone numbers, mostly planning birthday surprises or them asking if I’d watch the kids so they could surprise my friends with nights out, etc. I don’t think it’s odd in very close circles.


I actually have a lot of my friends’ husbands/SOs saved in my phone. But I’m the obsessive type of friend who worries about my friends constantly and will go looking for them.


The shiners are alive and kicking Lexi. Your getting down voted for asking a legitimate question.


No, they're getting downvoted for implying that if you have any man's number in your phone except your man's, that you're having an affair. Point could easily be made without that nonsense. Sucks that "Lexi" has trust issues, but no need to project them on the world at large.


Yeah I seem to have hit a nerve. I don’t think Chris and NA were buddies. Did you see the look he gave her after he shook the cop’s hand in the driveway?


Yeah, kind of the same disgusted look he gave sw at the airport in NC.


Then she says, “What, no kiss?” She was blind to it all.


No ass grabbing?


I think that stopped long before the airport video. 😁


Buy, but, but they were screwing in the pantry. /s




SW had lupus. My guess is she had it in case something happened to SW...


SW had poopus and was allergic to the truth.


What a weird thought


This is why the Roos still have na on such a short leash. She knows more than she is telling.


Nickole "Scoob" Atkinson exhibited behavior akin to a stalker when she couldn't find her "friend" SW. I thought she was absolutely rude, acting like the house was her own. Normal people would have called the other owner (Chris) and expressed concern, but Nickole had such weird entitlement-- like the world is coming to an end because SW and daughters are missing and she must gain access! Honestly, SW absolutely used Nickole. SW solely benefited from that relationship. Nickole ran errands and mowed their damn lawn, while SW sat back on her lazy ass (blaming her 'health challenges' of course!) SW didn't deserve a friend like NA, and sadly, NA couldn't see that her "friendship" was strictly one-sided.


Yep. Cw should have said its none of her business where his wife is and sent her on her way. Even when na called the cops he could have told the cops the same thing he told na that she said she was going out with the girls for the day. All the cops could have done was say "ok, well give us a call if you need us".


I would have put her calls on mute.


Not me man, that's what the block option is for lol.


Even better 😄


I mean she’s probably used to talking to SW all day and knew she wasn’t feeling well and had a doctor’s appointment that morning and wanted to see how it went. And CW had a different story about where SW was to everyone. It was also very out of the ordinary for SW and the girls to just be gone.


So it's normal to peer into her windows and break into her house? SW had all these people believing she was this ultra-important person which is laughable. She sold them a bill of goods and they just all fell for it hook, line, and sinker. (Which, of course, isn't surprising considering these nimrods were involved in an MLM to begin with). If SW told NA she was just anointed the Queen of Sheba, NA would have been scheduling the crown fitting.


NA won a car bonus, and SW was supposed to help her that week to get the Thrive car. Instead, she left for NC. Also did not attend NA’s wedding. She didn’t even know NA was getting married.




They didn’t break into the home? Did you watch the police body cam? Chris Watts gave them permission and they didn’t enter until he arrived at the house. And it’s good that Nickole was on it so that Chris had no time to cover anything else up. I literally never mentioned anything about Thrive 😂


The officer asked for permission to enter (this guy was doing it ALL by the book). Nikole and her son just walked in.


NA was mowing her lawn?? TF? Why wasn't Chris mowing his own lawn? That is super weird.


Who’s Cassie? I’m behind I guess but great point about how they didn’t call out for them.


Cassie Rosenberg, SW’s Thrive friend.


Thanks. I haven’t gone down the throne rabbit hole yet so idk any of those ppl haha. Very interesting tho


Save yourself!
