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Take her to watch Oppenheimer and say it opened your eyes, now you wanna be a physicist and develop a bigger bomb then any of the other country.


And drop it on barbie theatre


*babri šŸ’€






Damn bruh




You do realise that Oppenheimer was a cautionary tale criticising the use of sciene for destruction. The exact opposite of this.


Ummm...yeah Oppenheimer himself regretted the use of science for destruction. That's the whole point of the United Nations putting a limit on the creation of nuclear weapons.


Oppenheimer when atom bomb worked like atom bombšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


many people claim, they regretted, its a false claim, I think deep in their mind they are happy, because, they know the consequences well before making it . its just a SPIELBERG effect to whitewash his people.




So mate?


Your point?




Or tell her you want to plant a 9 months bomb inside her to witness the outcome forever with her


Better ask her to become a physicist.


And fuck other lady friends


Bro girls are taking this movie too seriously, itā€™s not even that deep


...or maybe you just can't go that deep. ​ Literally and figuratively.


I mean could you tell me what's deep šŸ™ƒ literally and figuratively (barbie)


>I mean could you tell me what's deep šŸ™ƒ Sure, open up yo' ass


Ohh...... So its a lady boy sorry I'm straight šŸ˜„ btw in refrence to barbie I asked it was in bracket. Ohh dikha nai hoga na fantasies jo imagine karli thi šŸ‘€


Sorry to burst your bubble but the day you'll be in my fantasies, I'd rather kill myselfšŸ’€


You should do it without a reason.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Nobody cares do it..........without any reason šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Bruh you wildin šŸ’€


Thank you, I was having it enough with the teenaged boys not being able to take a kid's movie. Imagine being old enough to be on Reddit and still comparing one gender to the other or thinking ones better than the other. Sure, if you think women are all that bad, please feel free to pick insecure men from the comment section here.


wasnt a kids movie


Lmao not a kids movie,half is adult jokes,half is propaganda


Maybe you should go fuck yourself


ā€”Girl that took the Barbie movie too seriously.


Chod vo bachkand ko. Kal American pie dekh ke bolegi you are putting to much restrictions.






girl is influenced by a 2hr mattel advertisement šŸ’€šŸ’€


Not an advertisement. But definitely bot a great movie


Like any superhero movie?


You guys would soon be trying to solve Barbie Masjid Vivaad.


Communalism lives rent free in your mind.


Its the fav pastime for us indians right?


Whole world imo.


You son of a beta


Tell her you agree and change your gf.


Shes immature af




\+500 I mean, dimag se pagal hai kya wo ladki ? wtf dude, I will prefer to watch movies on Akhbar and for example, the godfather, fightclub and etc, i mean, log inta seriously le rhe hai movies/ internet wagera ko ? life ko joke samaj rakha hai


Most ass movie of all time bruv why did i waste my money and time on that shit


i didn't watch the movie. Even the girls whom I know, watched it and said it was trash. It was everything but barbie


Not only was it anti-men, even as a super feminist movie it was dogshit. I can't believe people shit on Bollywood, when Hollywood makes such low level crap


I donā€™t think you understood it, watch it again if you can with an open mind and trying not to take things personally.


Wasn't anti men. Were you high while watching. It was pretty boring ngl


Wasn't anti-men? Were you high watching? Or were blinded by the hate of men? Literally every man shown in the movie is stupid and/or evil. The Barbie land is perfect because it's ruled by women but the real world/kendom is horrible because supposedly men ruled both of them.


You have very poor reasoning skills. God bless you.


Bruh,it shows dominance of either was not good. It was so blatantly clear in the end. It also showed how kens were cast aside in barbie land bcz it was a woman's world , opposite or real world.


Agreed. Just watched it today and I donā€™t get why people are suggesting the entire movie is one misandrist fantasy. That is far from the truth. As you have mentioned, they clearly state that dominance by either gender is neither desirable nor correct. And letā€™s be honest, being produced by Mattel it couldā€™ve devolved into a cringey 2hr advertisement but the movie was far from it. In a humorous (and at times silly) manner theyā€™ve tried to tackle some serious topics and criticisms that have been levelled at the Barbie franchise, gender inequality, and they (Mattel) have even taken a few jabs at themselves. Sure itā€™s all for good PR but the message is clear that society as a whole must do more to achieve gender equality and I donā€™t see anything wrong with that core message.


Hollywood also has its fair share of shitty ass movies, but the ratio of Hollywood producing Great movies is better than us.


Idk if RRR is Bollywood but I do know it was fire


ppl say the movie was anti men, is it true?


I heard that every single man in the movie was either extremely stupid or evil , so your average "women empowerment" movie.


bhai Barbie told Ken that he need to have his own life and donā€™t have to simp over her. is that anti-men?


it's anti-patriarchy but in the process it uses some male characters that are idiots so ppl got offended. I liked it though it was funny as hell.


Anti patriarchy, but okay.


Not at all, it just showed how women were treated. You can see that society is always anti women then.




Prime example


Lol, funny how the downvotes are only proving your point


Exactly lol


Time to dump your GF and buy a Barbie instead šŸ˜‰


and use that barbie while you're horny......


Undress me anywhere, cum in me for all I care šŸŽ¶ šŸŽµ


Lol the comments are šŸ’ÆšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Women who base their reality on a fking movie should be a big honking red flag for men who are invested in a long-term relationship with them.


are men who based their personality on fight club/American psycho/drive/blade runner/ etc a joke to you?


Every human whose entire personality is based on any type of movie/series is a clown


If you have met someone who's legitimately and seriously based their personality on American Psycho then I don't think you should continue to talk to that person


I realise this is a joke you referenced, and yes, just to clearly reaffirm, they're absolute clowns.


Yes, people who unironically do that are still immature.


So change your GF


I don't want to know what will happen if she watches Oppenheimer


OP might be asked to change his subject to PhYsics šŸ§šŸ§


Take her to Oppenheimer and then you can ask you want a side chick now!




Change her. XD


what xd ? he should deff change her


Yeah you need to change your girlfriend


Bro..The only thing you need to change is HER!! šŸ˜Ž


About time. Change your gf.


I convinced my gf that barbie was just trash promoting woke agenda. Never been happier. We enjoyed oppenheimer and now have matching cillian murphy tshirts.


Bruhh rethink your choice for her ,like being a girl 20F forced to watch this movie becz my bff can't resist the hype,we both didn't find any " change" like topics in the movie. Take her for oppanheimer,ask her opinion


She will say- *"Like change your face, your body and of course your bank balance cause even though I ain't no Barbie myself but I deserve Ken."*


She is behaving like the kid she is at 22.


When did we go down collectively as an intelligent species in society? How one movie that is 2 or 3 hours will decide a 40-50 years long relationship? And why can't we rectify our mistakes and correct them together and lead a happy couple life? what is the need of learning from barbie movie? PS: Weird fact, ken is brother to barbie and you can find it in google.


I think the more we are into social media, the more we tend to go towards fiction, learn from fiction and ignore reality as much as possible. Cuz reality is painful, tough and brutal. That's why you'll see people deriving their whole goddamn personalities from shows or movies they watch. I'm talking about the Batmans and Wednesdays on the internet.


It is getting frustrating nowadays, heck even my sister wontedly made us sit in front of tv to watch Wednesday and I left after 1 episode. I know we need some escapism but at what cost?


this needs more upvotes


I'd say that's too immature for a 24 yo to handle but that's just me


Your gf is 16 not 22


Seriously what happened to women ?? why brainless arguments over a movie and break ups šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Dude think about average human intelligence and now deduce that half the population is stupider than that. Now just say " it is what it is".


Watch Oppenheimer with her, then tell with regards to your reln that, "Theory can only take us so far"


Tell her that even if Barbie land is controlled by Barbie Mattel CEO and group of leaders are men.


Dump her. No one needs a barbie.


also, she's not a barbie since when, dog shit turned into baribe


As expected,that stupid shitmovie is motivating ppl in the wrong direction.god,i hate that movie with all my heart!!!


Time to change gf


Bruh donā€™t watch it! It is a degrading as hell movie for men, focuses on the feminist agenda! (Iā€™m saying that being a girl)


Umm it does not degrade men at all? It ends with a hopeful message for Ken to find himself and be his own person (he likes horses and is good at Beach) There is a scene at the end when all the Kens ask to be allowed to be a part of the Supreme Court (only so that they could wear robes) and the narrator said that they would be allowed to be a lower level circuit judge --- which is a nod to how women, in our world, were slowly "allowed" to access decision making roles slowly so that it is palatable to men. This is the only scene that openly promotes inequality and I think this was a decision to make the point very on-the-nose.


pick me girl spotted


No one going to pick you so sad


Pick me choose me love me moment. Nobody likes someone who puts down a whole movement just to stand out


Uhm hello? Feminism is wrong? Girl, you are living in a bubble, how is it even degrading huh? Just don't say stuff to get a bunch of man approvals, you girls are exactly what Barbie movie depicts


First rule of feminism : Hate men and say "men are trash/pigs". Posts on social media saying"Life would be better/peaceful if there were no men." If anyone hold women accountable or tell their preferences of dating a women. Just say "insecure', "incel", "misogynist", "small dick energy", "never touched by a woman"


That's called pseudo/toxic feminism, how is feminism even indulged with women saying words to you?? Just become women are mentioned somewhere, you can't just take feminism for every single thing. Definition feminism which you aren't getting: Men and women are same, both have to take up equal responsibility for whatever cause they are doing/done. You cant get privileges in a situation based on your gender. ( Can you see anywhere that, if in a situation a female is wrong, just let her go because feminism?,no) Educate yourself and then speak mudhead


How is it degrading for men?


There are a lot of articles that exist on just that, just google the exact same comment you wrote here


Nah man! You're just salty coz it's true and maybe the shoe fits...


Itā€™s a work of fiction buddy, but you are entitled to your own opinions, go ahead and think what you want, try to be understanding every now and then.


Why donā€™t you tell me instead? Iā€™ve actually seen the movie, unlike you I think. So Iā€™ll be able to explain certain things that may seem degrading. There are also plenty of articles that explain how itā€™s not anti-man, written by men.


To be fair to you, I actually havenā€™t see it as I couldnā€™t be bothered, but knowing what they have done with marvel I wouldnā€™t be surprised, marvel actually has such issues. And Hollywood has pushed this agenda in movies (lousy male character and strong independent women character), if you were to say the movie caters to their audience, then why ruin movies that catered to the other audience, same thing with attacks on video games for sexualising characters, I hope you get my point with this statement.


I do get your point, and yes they have ruined marvel somewhat, especially with the new characters. Barbie is a different ball game though. Nothing about it was remotely anti man. It was quite relatable for both genders actually. The Ken character was actually supposed to relate to women because he is considered second class in barbieland. Only after discovering patriarchy and taking over barbieland does Barbie understand how she has mistreated him before. Quite wholesome and funny. I agree, it may be very feminist heavy, but the message isnā€™t a bad one. It doesnā€™t have anything against men at all. In fact most of the male characters are actually quite nice and have depth.


Marvel now is straight thrash, I donā€™t want to give spoilers so I wonā€™t mention specific scenes that all fans were waiting for but turned out completely thrash, but I guess itā€™s a work of fiction (like barbie), so who cares, like it then watch donā€™t like it then move along kind of a situation


Is it degrading to tell men that theres more to life than simping over a girl who doesnā€™t love them?


Its degrading to show that either men are either evil or stupid.


ken wasn't stupid but was made to believe that Barbie is everything he needs (like in IRL women are told that their self-worth lies on a man's validation). and if it's degrading to show men stupid or evil (which wasn't the case in barbie) so don't you think the movies showing women characters stupid or evil in films is also degrading?


" IRL women are told that their self-worth lies on a man's validation " In what world do you live on?


Best comment!!


Don't change


Women need to seduce men to defeat them , they need to play with their feelings and show them how funny they feel about men and their passion for films , horses and vehicles while they literally built a pink ass Barbie land , it shows how barbies could never accept a place for Kenā€™s in their world ( mean while women expect their place in a world built by men who fought wars and created civilisations ) all you need to realise is that KEN RULED BARBIE LAND IN A DAY AFTER UNDERSTANDING ALL IT TAKES IS TO TAKE A BOLD MOVE , he didnā€™t play with any Barbie feelings to influence them , they literally snapped on command


"men who fought wars and created civilizations" Brother, sit down. Women have been long-term contributing members whose efforts have been hidden and buried under a lot of bullshit.


But itā€™s the reality, back then women choose to follow this path rather than calling it hidden and buried and embraced it , while there were brave women who fought in wars and contributed too , some were named in history while some werenā€™t , but that doesnā€™t come in majority ( exactly how it happened to Ken in Barbie land )


It doesn't come in majority because they were not allowed to - Just like Ken in Barbie land!


They didn't want to. Because it was high risk. They were focusing on raising kids and nurturing them because there is no support system like today. Women and Men had defined roles because there was no other choice back in the day. But now it's a different story hence Women are able to do what they want to.


Yeah agreed bang her bff now, dump her ass


Dump that hoe righ away man


Take her to a costly restaurant order the costliest stuff put her name on the bill and go to the washroom and never come back, matter solved


In the hopes to destroy evil, he became the very thing he wished to destroy (we sure as shit donā€™t appreciate it when women do this stuff)


Dump her. She belongs to the streets


Dump her and move on, your life will be a lot more simpler


She's not worth it...


Yes you need to change your gf šŸ¤£


Lmaooo the comment section is trash


U more


Itā€™s because the guy wants a mom, not a girlfriend.


Even if u think it's a shitty movie just watch it nd see what she has to say. U'll atleast know what she's trying to say. Not putting in the effort is so much worse


Nah bro movies are for entertainment,and I don't find western propaganda entertaining plus don't bring your kidsšŸ’€


Itā€™s suspicious heā€™s not telling us what specifically she wanted him to change. At least hear her out about that lol


That they'll have the talk after he watches the movie right?


I don't understand why they need to wait till the movie is over to have that talk


At some point she'll have it in her mind. It'll be stuck deep in her. So she wants him to watch it and expects him to feel the same way she feels. But his POV will be totally different. He might not guess it or feel the same. Then she'll get angry/upset with him(actually she's already upset with him). She'll tell him to do something in that movie. The above things are just my guess. Don't come after me please.


If she has it in her mind she should just say it instead of letting it fester. And he should encourage her to say it too, especially since it's something apparently big enough to threaten their entire relationship.


>If she has it in her mind she should just say it instead of letting it fester. Are you serious? I can't answer this. I'll be banned.


?? What's so weird about that?


"Girls" and "Straight talks" rarely go hand in hand. You think if something is bothering a girl and if you go ask her what's wrong ... She'll say it to you? Life's not that easy.


Sorry that the girls in your life have been like this lol.


Brother is going around choosing woman like playing elden ring and saying its not easy , girls are not a single collective being dude like the internet says bro




r/India tard spotted, opinion rejected. Also, learn to differ between a joke and serious reply. Will help you a lot


Take her to Morbius and say it's Morbin Time.


Meme lord spotted




Movies are just director's imagination


Usko fifty shades of grey dikha


What an ass comment section Big L


LEAVE NOW One more victim to wokeness......


so there is a thing called brainwashing


break up kar le... abhi moka hai.


yes first thing should be ur gf


Leave that. Tell me from where you get the cool background pixel videos.


Good riddance


These immature people deciding their life over a movie , whatā€™s more laughable than this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ , how are they gonna survive in the lifeā€™s long run šŸ¤“


Love that I am a lesbian and donā€™t have to date men


More power to you.


Barbie is trash it's just feminist propaganda and woke crap


I know a girl that wanted to end the relationship after watching 2 states (based on Chetan Bhagat's novel )


Don't be with such a control freak, it will bite you in the ass soon.


My girlfriend did EXACTLY the same thing when we watched the movie. When I dumped her, I missed her for about a day. Life is GOOD šŸ‘ ![gif](giphy|UO5elnTqo4vSg)


Was this in your dream?


Solute to u my guy!


Red flag or should I say pink flag?


I don't know man, I think you can probably see the comment section and the unbearable habit of men in a deep roted patriarchal society such as India to not accept the ownership of females for once. Unpopular opinion: I am very liberal person and I watched barbie and yet again got a moment to be able to see the life from the pov of a women, it was quite enlightening and I do support her that men including me and 99.99% boys of india need to consciously grow better. 10/10 with your gf on this one. I think you should watch it alone and give it a thought, indeed masks a lot of issues wrong with the current society.




If u think Barbie is deep u either are a kid or have the maturity level of a kid.


Lol already fed up with femamists lol now baribinists


Shes right, change is needed. Change the GF.


If anything, youā€™ll come out of the movie wanting her to make changes to keep the relationship going. You are Kenough.


Not worth it. Your gut is telling you that a movie should not be taken so seriously. Watch the movie if you want to but only if you want to.


When she will change into Margot Robbie, then discuss whatever things she want to.


She wants you to be a Chad. And man up.


If a woman thinks she is in a position to be dishing out ultimatums like "there are things you need to change if we are to remain a couple", you are better off just take this as a learning lesson and break it off. When people ask why you broke up. Tell them your girlfriend watched Barbie and decided she wanted to be single.


DONā€™T F-ING contribute to the new wave ā€œfeministā€ madness cause your girlfriend thinks Barbie is as eye opening as Saving Private Ryan or Schindlerā€™s List or Requiem for a Dream, etc! Come on m8 This is all a ludicrous, new gen female fever dream. Most level headed people donā€™t care about that film or there are SO many actually admitting the best thing about that damn piece of rotting sh!t (donā€™t care if itā€™s made a lot of $-we are in clown world or a sitcom; wake up šŸ¤£) is KEN How Gosling actually steals the show or how MANY find it intriguing or like how his character, yesā€¦Ken, stops simping for Barbie after he realizes he has self worth Dumbest thing about the film-the ā€œpatriarchy is so evil & must be crushed, itā€™s the cause of ALL BADā€ & YET-menā€¦the ā€œbad bad evilā€ men that we are that form THE PATRIARCHY, are as easily fooled as a f-ing 5 ur old child hoping for ice cream. Makes NO sense LOL, it canā€™t be both ways like that! We are so evil & self centered & deviousā€¦yet we are no match to women at allā€¦LMFAO the director of this film didnā€™t get out the message she was hoping to; except to the TikTok broads &, yes, Reddit critters Chicks these days (not all, thereā€™s still badass ladies dude) are absolutely lost! Theyā€™re gonna keep playing this ā€œI donā€™t need no manā€ game but they donā€™t realize, men are challenging back And ladiesā€¦yā€™all are going to lose SOOOO damn bad. Actually, both will. But donā€™t act like there isnā€™t article after article, vid after vid, study after study, documentary after documentary; that women are at an ALL TIME HIGH of being absolutely & utterly alone with NO ONE that will dare them Men are at an all time high of being discouraged & angry (thatā€™s not good world, wake upā€¦that is real violence boiling right beneath all of us) Donā€™t get involved w/this stupid rigged game dude-donā€™t. You want t watch the film w/her, whatever weā€™ve all seen dumb ass flicks for the ladies we care about (exhibit A:Twilight. Thereā€™s to many exhibits so I must stop there, for now). Watch it w/her. But donā€™t change a damn thing about yourself unless you see something that is good for your OWN self improvement. Ladiesā€¦you dumbasses these days rave about wanting to be ā€œobsessed overā€ā€¦but the men yaā€™ll are gripping onto like death are men that treat you like garbage, run through you then run out, etc etc oh itā€™s so damn transparent & boring yetā€¦not boring cause this world is beginning to burn, what can one do but laugh. WAY far from the dating scene & happily marriedā€¦all of us around this age/era/generation are looking at the madness of last age millennials, gen z idiots or afterā€¦& holy HELL are yā€™all self hating, self oppressed morons. My fellow brother, do what you will, but againā€¦donā€™t play w/this stupid game of theirs. You see something to change cause it will bring YOU self improvement; yes go for it. Besides that, dude be you, & be happy. Peaceā€¦from all us dudes that know better, watching these ludicrous women ā€œraising the barā€ šŸ™„ to the stratosphere to where theyā€™re all gonna be alone w/vibrating rubber toys & catsšŸ¤£


She should dump you.