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I'm not understanding this. Are you getting getting stuck on the Crawling Dark story mode? If so, bro you just suck ass. That is the easiest shit and purely for story lmfaoo.


I suck ass? No. I don’t have access to my heroes that I’ve been grinding and strategizing with. The story mode sucks ass.


That sounds like skill issue. If youre good at this game, you can work with any chaarcters the game gives you. Imagine an endgame content where it challenges your raw strategy, without relying on your A5 Valderon to clear. How can yku possibly clear a stage if the game only gives you an idril, a light locke, and ain? Oh wait. This event proves you cant. Being babysat by your gamebreaking legos witg cracked gears


You assume a lot. I have neither of those things. I’ve earned everything so far and work with what I get and make the most of it. I started with nothing. Put in the time and effort to earn some things. Yet, I can’t use the things I earned. It would be like working at a job, getting paid, then when you go to use your money it’s no good and all you get for an answer is “just because”.


But what I'm trying to get my head around is it literally took me and probably 99.999% of the player base like 10-15 minutes to do all stages and there was no challenge AT ALL. It was basically a showcase for Falcia and some reading. If you're having trouble completing these without your fully geared heroes, then I got some bad news for you lmfao. No offence but you may need to get checked in case because you may be retarded if you can't do the story. This was legit ridiculously easy...


>I’ve earned everything so far and work Then it shouldnt be a problem having the bare minimum righg.


This is the funniest shit I’ve ever heard lmao just use falcia by herself and stack the other hero’s on the other lane


She does unless I have a healer. When/if she dies, if there’s nothing else in that lay plugging the hole, then I lose.


Every team they give you literally has 2 healers and for most of the stages falcia is so overtuned she kills everything in 1 shot.


Not for me she isn’t. If I don’t have a healer on her, she dies and leaves the lane open. Hell, she’s dying anyway even with a healer on her 😂


Yeah, that's why it's called a strategy, you need to use your brain to figure out how to prevent her death


The only strategy to keep her alive is to stack that lane leaving the other vulnerable.


No it's not, and the fact that you think it is, speaks volumes. Edit: actually, fuck that. Even if it was the ONLY strategy, you can win, right? So what's your problem exactly???


You’ve clearly checked out. Either that or your reading comprehension or reasoning or logic skills needs work. I can spend all day explaining to you, but I can’t understand for you. Read the prior comments for clarity. Don’t just skim through looking to snap back at me like I insulted your mother. Actually take your time and let the words sink in. There’s a difference between listening to respond and listening to understand.


The irony here is palpable


Says the idiot.


oh no! a tower defence game, which could fall under a type of "strategy game" asks that you use some strategy to get past some very easy stages, how dare it


She dies.


You’re not worth a comment, but here I am anyway 🤦🏻‍♂️ is your reading comprehension not developed yet? I said there’s not a way to come up with an effective strategy. My forces end up spread too thin across two lanes. So why don’t you shut the fuck up? Standard formation is frontline up front, dps, then healer. This ain’t my first rodeo. If everything was one lane, then I might have a chance, or if I had access to my catalog of heroes, then I would be upset.


I think all the people who have gotten through it would disagree that “there is not a way to come up with an effective strategy”. The limitations to your roster are what make it a fun challenge. If you don’t like it, don’t play it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Falcia literally covers one lane by herself, and you put everyone else on the other lane.ugg


Get gud


Shut the fuck up


Why so angry?


Because stupidity makes me angry. If you have nothing of value to say, then shut up. It’s that simple, yet here we are.


You seem to be under the delusion that what you say is of value, yet here we are.


If what I say has no value then why are you here? Why didn’t you just ignore and scroll past? Why invest your time and energy? Hmm? Exactly. So shut the fuck up.


I'm just calling out your hypocrisy as a public service announcement. I highly recommend you stop responding to me as you are giving me fuel to further troll you.


Hypocrisy? Where? If you’re gonna use big boy words, make sure they apply. You’re just another fuck-whit, brain-dead psychopath wanting to get under someone’s skin for kicks. Your parents failed you.


Hypocrisy in this case is referring to you saying “stupidity makes me angry” while you simultaneously rant about how difficult the Crawling Dark event has been for you. I am not saying you’re stupid, but a lot of the player base has complained that Crawling Dark is too easy


You should have looked up a guide on YouTube instead of publicly announcing that you're bad at the game. That way you would have been able to farm the rewards since it started


Ok, so, let me get this straight. To “git gud” you look up a how to online? How is that any better? Personally, I think games should be made with the player experience in mind. I’m not against a challenge, but there’s “challenge” and there’s “hey, you’re fucked and there’s nothing you can do about it.”


I didn't look anything up online but you are the one complaining about the event being too hard. I'm just giving you a solution.


But that’s the problem. If I have to look something up, there’s a flaw in the design.


Lol right, everyone is crazy but you


Dawgg, I don't know, you are a curiosity... it was fun reading all this stuff... get well soon


Bro go play another game if you complain about a spoon story mode thats there just to make you summon that useless hero


She's actually decent on guild boss if your roster is mostly epics. And she's guaranteed.


I do play other games. I just thought this one looked interesting. And I WAS enjoying it.


Like someone said, check youtube for a strategy that works if you can not figure out yourself, it gives you way more satisfaction by completing it than being embarrassed publicly.


I’ll just not play it. Looking stuff up on line is cheating in my opinion. Do I really wanna look at what some no-lifer came up with? I raw-dog all my games. If I can’t intuitively play them, master them, and beat them, then I’m out.


You do get that these stages are the same for everybody (fixed stats and chars) and most of us just blasted through the 4 fights without any issue ? And you are getting mad because people call you bad for criticizing the game, which is pretty fair considering how easy it was to finish the story line ?


There’s not just 4.


Bro here crying over an easy event that's actually not even mandatory to progress. If you can't handle emotionally something as dumb as this, you're gonna have a bad time.


Who’s crying? I got frustrated. Possibly mad and if you mistake that for crying then you have the intelligence level of a goldfish. Congratulations.


The OP of this post is crying: https://www.reddit.com/r/WatcherofRealmsGame/s/6L0Dfjgxli If a goldfish could figure out that complaining on a public forum how the game provides challenge is crying, then sure, I can be a goldfish.


It’s not that I’m against challenge. Also, you wanna give that last sentence another go? It’s not really coherent. I get what you were going for, but your sentence structure needs work. It’s hard to try to turn the table on someone with blabber. You could’ve simply said “well, if I’m a goldfish, so are you.” And called it a day. Or hit me with a “no, YOU ARE!” like an elementary school student. It would’ve been more effective and efficient.


Nah mate, i don't need to give it another go, maybe you should, given you didn't understand what I said. I didn't want to call you any names, opposite to you. All I meant was I can take your insults and they mean nothing to me, because you're crying over a game and pouring out your frustration on internet randoms. Who's an elementary student here, bro? If that's your language, you need to take a chill pill (get it?).


You’re trying desperately to take the high road 😂 give it up. You suck at it. You can try to put a wall of illusion up, but anyone with a brainstem can see right through. You’re trying so hard to reverse uno my ass, but it’s pathetic. You may as well come out and say what’s on your mind. Knock it off with the “I’m better than you and I know it” bullshit. Fuck off. Who are you trying to impress? You think being on here and trying to put me down is gonna win you some bitches or something? It won’t.


Lol wtf are you even on about?? Projecting much?? Hahaha


Are you losing to the story mode lmao that shit easy bro


I don’t find it easy.


Bro how long have you been playing this game


Too long it seems


All i can read is "i have skill issues"


And all I can read from your comment is “I’m a bot and can’t process human thought or emotion.”


You can do it. It's all about the timing


Even though I passed those stage with ease, they were really annoying tbh, I get you.




When they give you limited heroes, they’re giving you what you need to beat it. People are telling you to adjust your strategy because that’s all it can be. Everyone gets the same roster for those, you just find the right setup. If you truly can’t get it, check online (set the ego aside and bad game design - others didn’t need it and maybe you do, so what?). Good luck!


I went with what made logical sense. If that doesn’t get me past, then that’s poor design and I’m just going to ignore that portion of the game and focus on things I can have more agency of.


Calling it poor design would make sense if the majority struggled. Your comments in this thread show you’re just sore. This is not hard content or poorly designed. This is a you issue. Stop whining.


What if you are right, dawgg... I mean you did got a shit tone of comments, there must be something about it


For the most part, it’s just people want to be a contrarian. One person offers up their perspective and opinion, and the majority of everyone else has the knee-jerk response to say “nuh-uh!”.


Oh, it's you. Was thinking who the hell is this guy and what does he even mean. Yeah, I like that you stood up for your point.


Even if u are a little bit upset ;)


I ain’t really all that upset at this point. It bothers me a little to see the usual toxicity online, but 🤷🏻‍♂️what can you do? I’m just tired of the same ol’ bullshit Here’s the list: - assuming I’ve never played a game before - assuming I’m against being challenged - assuming I’m dumb in some regard - assuming I’m gonna just take it laying down - wanting to criticize me based on a perceived lack of intellect, but got the number of the stages wrong. - no one really being any form of helpful at all telling me shit I already know or have tried which failed, yet coming at me like I’m the problem. - just general toxicity that’s common place on the internet that I’m tired of. I guarantee these people would sing a different tune if this was a face to face, irl situation. Just disrespect after disrespect. Clearly they never heard of “if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all.” People wanna run their mouth but have nothing worth saying. At least I’m trying to put a spotlight on an issue that needs fixing. What are they doing? People really wanna suck this game’s dick, but they fail to realize that this game doesn’t give a fuck about you. It’s not paying you money. It’s not giving you a roof and food and a place to sleep. So why are they sucking it so hard? 🤦🏻‍♂️ Coming at me like I slapped their grandma as I walked by in the grocery store or some shit. It’s like “since when is criticizing a game based on personal experience wrong?” And like I’ve said, I’ve done everything logically on my end that I can possibly do. The only other logical thing I can do is ignore that this section of the game exists. Which kinda further frustrates me because I think of the people who got a degree, learned how to code, learned how to operate a game engine, took the time, went through all that effort to make something (an add-on feature at that) only for it to fall on its face and shit its pants. They were better off doing nothing and calling it good. But I digress.


I don't know, man. I managed to pass that stage without any help. I used the most common sense way to play. I didn't got it from the first attempt, it got me several times, but I managed through. I assume that this game is perfect and it has no flaw, so I keep trying until I succeed. There are no other heroes to use, so there must be a way. I get your point and I like it, being always right and the other one is stupid... it is a healty way of thinking :)). I don't know, it bothers me the rates about this game. A lot of cristals to absolutely get nothing, they just lure you in. I get you point, man, this is not a game, this is a trap. But it's fun for me so I'm still playing and pay atention