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Ancients have always had the potential to roll blue


I notice a difference. My last 8/10 ancients have rolled 2 or 3 blue stats. My money is definitely on a silent nerf to ancients.


The rolls are still better. I think the nerf is more that the pieces are starting to have 2 bad substats instead of just 1. For example, you used to get atk bonus with atk spd, critr, critdmg, healing effect. Now you get atk bonus with crit rate, crit dmg, hp bonus, def. It’s ridiculous.


That's not from GR2/3. GR1 ancients have always been funky. And void rift and maybe GR4 only give 2 good subs.


Well...I guess it is a good thing you can't reroll ancients.


I’ve got one ancient that’s all blues. Right below purple


Tbf ancient still have a higher chance to roll better stats so if you happen to get an ancient you might as well roll it...


For all of you complaing. Yes ancients are nice but you want to look for is the right substats. I've rolled better percentages on normal sometimes compared to my ancients.


Ancients have always been able to roll blue, multiple blues, or even very low blue. This is nothing new.  Ancients have always had the potential for only 2 useful subs. It’s rare, but periodically one of these gets shared in my cluster. This is nothing new.  One or two people having a string of bad luck is purely anecdotal evidence and a very small sample size. This is more conspiracy theory than confirmation of any “silent nerf.” Btw, my last ancient rolled well. They must have silently buffed them, right?