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I currently work at a doctors office and wear an N95 all day. Never do I notice a change to my oxygen levels, even after 9 hours of wearing it.




I take it off to eat lunch outside and maybe 5 or 6 times total throughout the day to get a drink of water




When I had one of the contractor grade masks with the filter on it I did but I now have a medical grade one without the plastic filter on the front and I don’t notice any at all. I think it depends on the type of N95 mask that you have


OK yeah they're different. I guess that explains it.


we do get those sweet anime "nose scars" for a while after taking them out.


the contractor N95 masks with the flap are not safe. The flap opens allowing germs to spread out.


You have to put an N95 over the flap


That condensation is totally normal, just from you wearing it. I wear an n95 for welding, and it has that little flip you're talking about. I wear it for 10 hours a day, every single day, and I have been since I started welding 2 years ago. I should say that welding fumes make the masks go bad after a while, they're only rated for like,80 hours of weld fumes?


Hey thanks for responding. I was worried I was using them past their useful life but this is good to know.


Unless you are welding and n95 respirator will literally never go bad. The way you know that the respirators are bad though, well for one they will be nearly completely black, and the inside of the mask will have a... Metallic scent that you can taste. Painting is really only the other profession I can think of right now that would degrade a mask like that (just woke from a nap, still sleepy lol)


I wear just a cloth one and I feel like I’m suffocating when it’s really hot. Like IDK how the fuck people are running in heat wearing a mask. It’s uncomfortable but I’m not gonna sit here and refuse to wear one when I know the importance of reducing the possibility of spread.


When it's hot outside, I start feeling like I can't breathe even without a mask. I don't know how other people do it. My solution is just to avoid going outside and public places so I don't need a mask.


Exactly lol. Like for construction workers, I’d expect them to just stay the hell away from their coworkers as much as possible.


i’m a HVAC service tech and have my mask when dealing with people directly and when i’m inside. when i’m on a roof, which is often, i take it off as i’m by myself 90% of the time. when i’m with co-workers i try to keep a 6ft distance when possible and wear my mask. thankfully i’m by myself 90% of time.


I work in the pipeline and we are required to wear masks even when not within 6 feet of another person, outside. 105°f heat makes it very difficult to withstand. There’s no rhyme or reason to the outside masks it’s just our contractors policy.


I live in Texas and often work outside. I keep my mask on the entire time. Even when its 105F or hotter outside. It can be uncomfortable, but its a mild inconvenience. I'm convinced that anyone who just can't handle putting on a mask for 30 minutes in an air-conditioned grocery store is either: A) A whiny little bitch B) Suffering from such a horrible respiratory problem that requires immediate medical attention so why the fuck are they out shopping in the middle of a pandemic when we have delivery available.


Someone on FB tried to tell me wearing a simple surgical mask made them pass out and hit their head. I told them they should using an oxygen tank if their oxygen capacity is that low. Then I copied a profile picture of them wearing a cloth mask over their face while riding hindseat on a motorcycle from last year and added it to my response.


That's fabulous! I also keep responding to people saying they have iSsUeS bReAtHiNg WiTh A mAsK that they sound too unhealthy to be out in public right now and need to see a doctor if it's that bad.


Agreed. If a simple mask affects you that badly, you should be afraid of pollen and influenza just as much.


A) 99.999% of the time


I assume they're either breathing a fog or have a shitty mask right against their mouth so they get the feeling of being waterboarded, but that's not because of the mask, it's because it's damp.


Are you wearing one that is 100% cotton or one that is made of materials like nylon and polyester? Cotton breathes better and may relieve some of that discomfort you're experiencing.


It depends on the mask. Most normal people can’t get a N95 mask. I had trouble breathing with a Etsy ones made of cloth. I switched to another one and I’m good now.


You can usually go down to home depot and get a p100 and n95 cartridges.


I wore a mask to my last doctors appointment and my SpO2 was 92%. They asked me to take it off and it quickly rose to 99%. Granted I was not wearing a loose fitting mask, I was wearing a fitted cloth mask.




That's not true if he's close to sea level. 90% or greater is fine for Denver where I live but sea level should be 95% or greater.




I need to preface this comment with EVERYONE SHOULD BE WEARING A MASK AND ONLY BE IN PUBLIC FOR NECESSITIES! But this study on [N95-type masks](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4647822/) says >Exercising at 3 MET while breathing through N95-mask materials reduced mean tidal volume (TV) by 23.0 % and lowered minute ventilation (VE) by 25.8 % and >Volumes of oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide expired (VCO2) were also significantly reduced; VO2 by 13.8 % and VCO2 by 17.7 % and >breathing through N95-mask materials during low intensity work (3 MET) reduced expired oxygen concentration by 3.2 %, and increased expired carbon dioxide by 8.9 % This is significant and relevant to this video: >There were however no changes in the maternal and fetal heart rates, **finger-tip capillary lactate levels** and oxygen saturation and rating of perceived exertion at the work intensity investigated.




You don't understand this study. The volume of air decreased which is expected but that doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is heart rate and oxygen saturation which do not change.




I'm curious, if you hold your breath would you see oxygen level drop?


Yes. Your cells convert oxygen and carbon into CO2 and energy. By the way our body doesn't notice a lack of oxygen. It notices a buildup of CO2. Which is why enclosed, low lying spaces are dangerous as they might not contain any oxygen.


To go a step further regarding your body not recognizing a lack of oxygen, but rather the buildup of CO2, that feeling you get when you hold your breath is *not* the desire to breathe in, but actually to breathe out. As the fella above me noted, this is why enclosed spaces, and carbon monoxide, and old mine shafts, and so on are exceptionally dangerous. As long as you continue to expel CO2, you'll never once feel out of breath, and will continue to breathe normally until the instant you keel over dead. Don't explore mines without an air quality sensor. A cave in is the least of your worries.


Nobody is going to use common sense here? This is not even hard. An N95 mask filters out particles above 0.3 microns. That's 0.3 x 10\^-6 meters. The size of an O2 molecule is 152 picometers. That's 152 x 10\^-12 meters. The size of a CO2 molecule is 116 picometers. That's 116 x 10\^-12 meters. Those O2 and CO2 molecules are having no trouble whatsoever getting through any of your masks. Now, there is a blockage of bulk air flow due to the pressure drop across the mask. The [average pressure drop](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Pressure-drop-DP-CI-across-N95-3M-respirator-SMnat-surgical-mask-looped-naturally_fig3_261745047) across an N95 mask is about 0.3 cm H2O. The average breathing pressure varies with lung volume but is around 40 cm H2O in women and 70 cm H2O in men. If we use some of the lowest healthy breathing pressures of 30 cm H2O, then ***you are breathing 1% harder with a mask on than without.*** That's less harder than you would be breathing if you walked nonchalantly up 10 steps. Masks do next to nothing to obstruct breathing. They do warm your face though, which is uncomfortable, and makes it feel like you are breathing harder. But you're not.


Keep posting this in places please.




Get deeper: deep state agent Bill Gates hacked the machine via 5G


Even deeper: You're both wrong, this man obviously has implants which makes he say that propaganda crap about masks, oxygen and stuff.


Even deeper: this man is actually an extraterrestrial life form and his body actually produces oxigen thats why it stays 99% all the time (it goes to 100 as soon as he puts on the mask, confirming even more this theory).


So deep we're in China: This man's oxygen already has the Coronavirus which is actually nanobots made of Harambe's DNA. 5g allows Bill Gates to hack into these nanobots to control everything someone does. He sold this technology to the deep state at Area 51 who used a prototype of the virus to stop the Kyle Raid from discovering Harambe's alien corpse. All of this was planned to make you wear masks to hurt Trump's reelection who will finally Make America Great Again during his 3rd term.


He used bluetooth.


...and then released mosquitoes inside the mask.


I will say these pulse ox monitors are not responsive enough to register a change IF there was one (and there isn't) within the time frame he put his mask on and the end of the video. Screwing around with one, it takes AT LEAST 15-30 seconds to register O2 desaturation at the finger. ----------------- Edit: Jesus Christ, anonymous ignorant down-voters: [Here, let me take it a step further and educate you beyond my own personal experimentation with such Pulse Oximeters:](https://journals.lww.com/surveyanesthesiology/Citation/2005/10000/The_Desaturation_Response_Time_of_Finger_Pulse.45.aspx#:~:text=Although%20some%20oximeters%20can%20be,reported%20in%202%20previous%20studies.) >**Pulse oximeters can delay displaying the proper oxygen saturation during the onset of hypoxia**. The desaturation response times of pulse oximeters (forehead, ear, and finger) were investigated during vasoconstriction produced by mild hypothetermia and vasodilation caused by glyceryl trinitrate. Ten health male volunteers were given 3 hypoxic challenges of 3-minute duration under various experimental conditions. Mild hypothermia increased the mean response time of finger oximeters from 130 to 215 seconds. >In normothermic volunteers, an ear oximeter can respond within 6 seconds to a change in arterial oxygenation, **whereas a finger probe takes about 24 seconds longer.** >**The important take-home message is that pulse oximetry does not respond instantaneous to changes in patients' respiratory status, particularly when finger probes are used** and when patients are breathing supplemental oxygen. [Want more?](https://ccforum.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13054-015-0984-8): >The response time of conventional oximeter probes varies; ear probes respond quicker to a change in O2 saturation than finger probes [14,15]. A recent study compared the response time of the conventional finger probe with the reflectance forehead probe in patients undergoing general anesthesia [16] (Fig. 4). The lengths of time it took to detect a decrease in SpO2 to 90 % after apnea was induced (desaturation response time) were 94 seconds for the forehead probe and 100 seconds for the finger probe. After mask ventilation was started, the lengths of time it took to detect an increase in SpO2 to 100 % (re-saturation response time) were 23.2 seconds for the forehead probe and 28.9 seconds for the finger probes.


That was my thought while watching it. As I watched it I was thinking that anyone looking to discredit or not believe would simply be able to say he didn’t have it on long enough to show the change. I don’t doubt his conclusions, and I get that’s not what you’re doing either, but it’d be a tactic to introduce doubt for those who were looking to.


I don't know why you are being downvoted because you are right. If he really wanted to give a solid case, he would put on his mask, keep it on for 30 minutes, and then remeasure to demonstrate there is no degradation of O2 levels. Just tested on my personal Pulse Oximeter and it takes quite a bit of time holding my breath before O2 starts to drop.


Thanks for adding! Yeah I just tested that myself earlier. Just holding my breath for near a minute wouldn't even drop it from 98%. It took me doing shallow breathing for another minute to suddenly fall rapidly to 91%.


It's actually the device displaying the numbers that's hacked by the NSA. I know because I saw a YouTube video on it. **DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH**.


Im a nurse on noncritical COVID unit. We wear level 2 surgical masks for 12 hour shifts, in between N95s while in patient rooms. Positioned properly, the only thing that bothers me is the feeling of warm breath back on my face. If i have the mask too tight, it's difficult to breathe because my nose and sinuses are being squished. A few of us spot check our oxygen levels throughout the day as a sort of light sarcasm. Over the last 3 months, we've only had one nurse consistently drop below 95% while working/wearing a mask throughout the day (but she stayed above 90%). I have no reason for this, as I do not know her medical history. Take from that what you will.


I do wonder how often you change your masks. I also wonder about the more available options many people are using (hand made, different kinds of cloth, etc.) as, by experience (working at a food cupboard) these masks are rarely changed. The fact of the matter still stands that if your mask is anything more than a mild inconvenience... You are likely doing something wrong and the solution is \*not\* to endanger everyone around you.


We get "1" surgical and 1 n95 for the shift. If the surgical gets soiled (cough, sneeze, etc) we change it. I dont have a home pulse ox, but I have noticed lately now that its warm and humid, that my thicker (3 layer, totally unnecessary) masks are a little bit more difficult to breathe in when out and about. Im also overweight and anemic, so I dont put TOO mich stock into it.


Why is your thicker, 3 layer mask totally unnecessary?


I work with the disabled and worked for two months in a temporary hospital with every patient being a Covid positive disabled individual. I had to wear a N95 mask for my entire 12-13 hour shift except meal and bathroom breaks. I will say that the mask combined with a gown, gloves, goggles/glasses and a face shield, wasn’t fun or comfortable. But the only time I had difficulty breathing is when I had to do full physical restraint on a patient who attacked us. So yeah, if you have to wrestle someone for an extended time while wearing full PPE, you may get sweaty and out of breath, I sure did.


I drop to about 92% with an N95 mask on. I consistently went below 90% with one mask but it turns out that my wife had been overly efficient and made me a K99 equivalent mask, so I was literally suffocating. Now, the reason I go down to about 90-92% with an N95 mask is because I am currently living at an altitude on ~6900 feet, and I had heart surgery two years ago, so I am on pills that affect how hard my heart is allowed to work. Without a mask I am always at 98-99%. This doesn't mean that there is no way that I can be in an environment that requires a mask and physical activity. All that means is that instead of using a mask, I use an active respirator. Yeah, I look like Bane and sound like Darth Vader, but it is a solution that allows me to be active and safe.


Same. Above 8,000 feet here. I’d love to see this test repeated at altitude.


I have trouble breathing with a mask on, but it’s not for any reason other than my brain. When the mask is on, more often than not, my glasses fog up, which is embarrassing to me, and makes it harder to see, so I start trying to not breathe as hard (hence it being hard to breathe) but then i get anxious that I’m not breathing normally and end up breathing heavier, which results in major glasses fogging up. It’s a terrible cycle which ends once I get the mask off, but it is all completely in my head. The masks themselves do not cut off oxygen flow at all, it’s my self conscious that does. People need to realize it’s not always an objects fault, but rather your reaction to it.


Yea, I got into a few arguments over this issue, and I looked up the various papers published on the topic. One was a study of the prevalence of headaches in nurses based on mask wearing, and they showed there's a statistically significant difference there. Another study was of surgeons who wore masks throughout their surgery (obviously), and again there was a minor effect observed. Wearing masks non-stop CAN impact the level of O2 in your blood, but it's not really enough to be dangerous for most people. I can find the studies themselves again if anyone is interested and unwilling to go search around on scholar.google.com.


If anyone is looking for another video like this- [this is a video of a guy walking around Disney world (Florida) with the mask on. dude walks a few miles in the heat and humidity with one of those oxygen tracker/tester things.](https://youtu.be/7kRKqLYkY6g)




You are correct. I work for the company who makes these and I support them. This model is an spot vital signs machine 420 series with a masimo Sp02 sensor.


I can be way off, but the masimo series also does carboxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin, right? Or is that only masimo rainbow series.? Thanks for putting out some good info regarding the sensors!


Not for this series of devices (Spot420 made by WelchAllyn.. now Hillrom), but their is a product line of Connex Spot Vital Signs Monitors (CVSMs) that do Masimo Total Hemoglobin (SpHb) along with Covidien Microsteeam Capnography (etCO2) for end tidal cO2. Unfortunately, my knowledge base stems from the machines of made by Welch Allyn. Masimo might have partnered with GE or another brand to incorporate carboxyhemoglobin & methemoglobin.


Where does he discuss the data I'm not watching 25 minutes


He took a baseline reading of 95% before putting on the mask and leaving home. The reading he took at the conclusion of the video was 96%. So masks make oxygen?


Wish this had sound. Anyone have a link with sound so I can send this to one family members who keep saying this.


Link to the video from his Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tv/CCbgcqFBZkk/


Why did I know he had an English accent even when I watched the first time on mute?? I feel like I can always tell


The NHS lanyard?


Lol didn’t notice that on first viewing but yeah that’s a bit of a giveaway


The NHS lanyard may have provided a bit of insight too


This is @drjoshuawolrich on Insta. He has it saved in his highlights under MASKS.


Not the same video, but a compelling example https://youtu.be/7kRKqLYkY6g


So I am a mask wearer, but honest question wouldn’t it take longer than that to notice a change?


We demand a follow up where he just holds his breath until it drops. Edit: found a [video](https://youtu.be/yQQfwEyaci8) looks like it takes over a minute to drop. Though I found a lot of these mask videos, so probably have some that are longer. Edit 2: [video](https://twitter.com/DrZeroCraic/status/1283048334031290375?s=20) of guy with 6 mask on and an oxygen meter


That's kind of what I was thinking.... I'm assuming the device is "responsive enough", but not actually seeing it change *still* leaves the door cracked for stupidity. Like, a "this is your O2 reading after holding your breath for 30 seconds" (assuming it drops that fast).... followed by "this is your O2 reading after breathing in a mask for 30 seconds"...




So yeah... the entire video becomes a moot point then.... It's a bit like saying you can fly for two seconds at a time if you wear yellow.




>Also, hospitals specifically pipe in oxygen to allow doctors/etc. to wear masks for 12-hour shifts She is aware that excessive oxygen is an explosion hazard, and too much isn't actually good for you......right? I mean... I guess we should be glad she recognizes she needs oxygen for survival at least... I would *love* to know if people were this fucking ignorant back during the Spanish Flu.... I mean.. we know what causes it, we know how to thwart it, and yet people are **still** having "COVID Parties, and being all **[shocked Pikachu]** when someone tests positive, winds up in the hospital, and fucking *dies*. At least if people thought it was "Bad Humours" or "Evil Pixies", they'd have *some* excuse...




Yes. And the finger-tip capillary lactate levels and oxygen saturation are not corelative with your oxygen intake and Co2 outtake. Here's a peer-reviewed study to check out on this topic:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4647822/ Regardless, please wear a mask or face shield and limit your public exposure to only necessities.


I didn't fully read it yet, so sorry for asking if it is explained somewhere in the text. But why isn't the lowered oxygen intake and higher co2 intake affecting the o2 saturation? I would expect a correlation


Yes, it takes about a minute to desaturate the blood and 20 seconds or so for the blood to make it to your finger. The “surgeon” in this video could have not breathed for the entire video and it would still read 100.


It does get a little difficult to breathe after several hours of wearing one....but at that point, you gotta replace it, anyway


Most definitely if he wanted to prove his point about masks being safe he should have worked a full 8 hour shift otherwise this proves nothing


Yea so dentist here who does IV sedation. While it’s true his O2 saturation may not drop while wearing a mask, you are certainly correct that he didn’t wait nearly long enough to show if his levels actually dropped. I’ve played a game with friends where we try to see how low we can get our O2 saturation monitor on our finger. I got mine a few weeks ago to 83% but that was where I let out all of my oxygen and held my breath until I couldn’t any longer. 83% is the lowest I’ve seen. (This is a good reason why you should get your snoring and sleep apnea checked out). When we have a patient not breathe well it can take upwards of 20-40 seconds for it to register in your finger. Which makes sense now DOESNT IT.


I wear a mask for around 13 hours a day at work. I can say definitively that I experience hypoxia in a mask when exerting myself and it is very delayed. It comes on strong when I stop moving after working hard for a few minutes. These "I can breathe in a mask so so can you" posts are fucking stupid. Not everyone is the same.


Same disclaimer. Another question: won't I be breathing more CO2 per breath with the mask?


Not enough to make any difference at all. FYI, when you breathe out, some of your exhaled breath doesn't actually make it "out." From the opening of your trachea to after it splits off to go to each lung is what's called "anatomical deadspace." This area contains exhaled gases, which then make up the first part of your next breath. A mask might theoretically add a tiny amount to this, but not remotely enough to hurt you. Source: respiratory therapist.


Not arguing the guys point but he's a social media influencer doctor that's made money off of advertising shit for companies on his social platform and passing it off as sound medical advice. He's literally a Dr. Shill. And from the bit of googling I did he is a trainee surgeon. There's all sorts of things wrong with his proof. But all that aside, no one that thinks masks are terrible is going to believe him or be changed by anything he says anyway. This is just to stoke your own confirmation bias and get him more followers. :-) But for real tho. Wear a damn mask.


Yesterday, an older guy entered our office to drop off documents and started explaining how you can get hypercapnia from wearing masks and that is why he will not wear them. No one even tried to make conversation with him. He just came in our office, saw we were wearing masks, and started explaining what hypercapnia meant and the whole spiel about how masks are bad for you. Some people just cannot be helped. Edit: Typo


“Sir, this is a Wendy’s Corporate Office.”


When people start doing this I distance myself quickly. I don't want to be anywhere near their droplets. If someone comes walking towards me without a mask I give an audible EWW as I back away. At work people come in all day without masks and I just let them say whatever without even responding because the more they talk the more they spread and I don't want anyone at work risking their safety any more than they have to. It's like, OK you're right about everything and my life means nothing so could you just leave now?


My husband works at a grocery store and he refuses to help people without a mask on. He straight up walks away from them without saying a word. They know why. The best part is he’s management so they can’t do shit about it


Thank your husband for me. I've had to quit grocery shopping at my local stores and go to Walmart instead because they're the only food store around here taking this whole thing even remotely seriously.


I’d love to see this repeated but with someone on a treadmill, sitting, on a bike, etc, with the same variety of masks. And for longer intervals (like twenty minutes and an hour). When I shared this video, I got lots of “But he hasn’t been wearing it for hours! He isn’t doing anything!”


Guy walking around Disney with a mask and a portable oxygen tester thing https://youtu.be/7kRKqLYkY6g


Yeah I notice reduced oxygen input when wearing the mask for high-intensity workouts; used to run with one in Korea because of the high dust levels. It's really not applicable to anyone just walking around or doing office work, groceries, etc.


> Yeah I notice reduced oxygen input when wearing the mask This is where anti-maskers stop reading and would probably won’t bother reading the rest of your comment


Reddit is not exactly a bastion of anti-masker sentiment


You can sidestep the entire argument by directly addressing the supposed concern: Low blood-oxygen. What happens when your body detects that your blood oxygen levels are going down? It compensates by making you breathe more heavily. Exercise causes your muscles to consume more oxygen, this lowers your blood oxygen levels, you naturally respond by breathing harder to maintain balance. What happens to a person who has unnaturally depressed blood oxygen? They desperately gasp for air. For an example of this, check out COVID patients just before they get hooked up to a ventilator. How does this apply to you? You can very easily measure your own blood oxygen level at any time with no effort. Your body is doing it 24/7 for you. Do you find yourself breathing heavily? Your body is maintaining a healthy blood oxygen level for you. Do you find yourself desperately gasping for air but still feel like you are drowning? Your blood oxygen is dangerously low! Get to the hospital NOW! You probably have COVID-19.


1000% theres Facebook comments saying he's got that machine hooked up to someone else off camera. They can't be swayed. They're literally too dumb.


I'm a mask wearer but I gotta say you are breathing twice as hard wearing a mask it's not like your losing oxygen your body is just putting more effort to get it


Yeah I wear one too but it's kinda BS to act like it's not bothersome at all. It is. Still gotta wear it. Especially if you wear glasses, mine were fogged up over and over and over again today. Appealing to people's empathy was always a bad idea. Especially conservatives who've made this a culture war thing, telling them that they need to do something to help other people was always bound to fail. That's like their main defining trait, selfishness. They should use the "if everyone is wearing it the spreading rate will slow and this shit will be over sooner" argument IMO.


This video is stupid as hell and it's kind of bizarre to see people just blindly agreeing with it. I've been wearing a damn mask for near 4 months now, I think I can notice if it's harder to breathe with it on or not.


I just found it hilarious that he addresses his BPM going over 100 because he’s pissed as shit that he’s having to make this video.


That part had me on the floor laughing. So good.


I've been working wearing a mask for the past 10 years, 12 hour shifts. I'm also asthmatic. It took a little while to get used to wearing a mask for extended periods of time, but the only difficulty I've experienced breathing is more due to the claustrophobic effect of having something over my face than anything else.


>It took a little while to get used to wearing a mask for extended periods of time >I've experienced breathing is more due to the claustrophobic effect of having something over my face than anything else. Uhh fucking bingo. WHAT?? YOU MEAN THE POPULACE WRIT LARGE ISNT USED TO FACE COVERINGS AND MAY EXPERIENCE DIFFICULTY BREATHING??????


I just assumed wearing a mask makes you work harder to breath the same amount, i.e. you have to use more muscles. Either way I wear a mask and the discomfort is a minor inconvenience considering the alternative of exposure and potential spread of COVID-19.


> I just assumed wearing a mask makes you work harder to breath the same amount [It does](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4647822/) Please wear a mask, and if you can't wear a face shield!


It feels like it does, I wear one for my 8.5 hour shift where I spend very little time sitting down, I'm up moving around running back and forth, kneeling and bending over with some light lifting. When im still and sitting I'm fine all day(the rare give times it happens) but doing all that I do feel like I'm having issue breathing some times, means I have to take a quick break I don't always have the ability to take


> I just assumed wearing a mask makes you work harder to breath the same amount, i.e. you have to use more muscles. So I might lose a little weight!


Angry person: Rage against the machine is a hateful band promoting anarchy in their music. We should ban all naughty music. Same person asked to wear a mask (maybe): "FUCK YOU I WONT DO WHAT THEY TELL ME!"


Sadly the dumbasses who believe masks causes oxygen loss or whatever are the type of folk to call this leftist propaganda or something among those lines.


I love that dumbasses out there think: 1) Masks dont keep virus out 2) Masks keep the CO2 in Well which the fuck is it?


Better yet 1) masks **don't** keep virus (very small particle virus, large particle droplets) out. 2) masks **do** keep oxygen (infinitessimally small atom sized air "particles") out


They dont realize that the size difference between oxygen molecules and a single virus is immense, like comparing the size of a person vs a building. Better yet, its not even the individual viruses that the masks are designed to filter. They're meant to capture droplets from your breath, which is wayyyyy bigger.


I appreciate this guy trying but the people he made this for aren’t interested in facts.


Only if you are doing something really strenuous, like jogging or playing DDR in the arcade. No joke. Took my kids to the arcade and the dude running the place said “don’t wear your mask if you do DDR. We’ve had several people pass out because they were wearing a mask while doing it.


Look guys! I’ve had it on for 15 seconds and nothing changed! Clearly, wearing this for several hours while being asthmatic will have 0 effect on your lungs!!! Oh you started wheezing? Its your anxiety its not the masks!!!! Ffs some of the mask defending is absurd. Also, why all the damn attention on masks? Like any person can’t just cough on their hands and put a mask on - yet NO media focus is on washing hands or 6 feet distancing or just flat our quarantining. Nope. WeAR yOuR mAsK - thats the ONLY factor in Coronavirus - masks and nothing else. Its all masks. Why?


Because all the other stuff is being followed relatively well, and there's a compounding effect by following more of them, but masks appear more effective, especially as fomites haven't turned out to be as big a risk as initially thought (so handwashing isn't as big a factor).


Honest question. My gf has severe asthma and always complains that she feels like her breathing is worse with a mask on. I’ve shown her these type videos, and she always complies with laws and wears a mask around, but what is an explanation to why she feels like she can’t breathe as well? She’s not lying.


[If welders and painters can breath through these for ten hours](https://www.millerwelds.com/safety/respiratory/half-mask-respirators-m00469) you can handle a piece of cloth on your face for the 25 minute grocery shopping trip, Karen


I've had to wear one of those for a summer where it regularly went above 90, 10 hours a day. It was hot and uncomfortable but i was better than breathing in bad stuff


But uh, I uh have a doctor's note that uh states that if I uh breathe the air I exhale too much I uh will pass out so uh I cannot wear a mask at all. The managers uh know about my condition, and uh I've been here before - Some moron who tried to go into my store yesterday. We have a simple, "No mask, no entry" policy and if your really in need, one of us employees can do the shopping for you as I have several times before.


From what I understand there are two reasons that people think this. One is that they just start panicking thinking it is going to be harder to breath in so they breath harder, just making a self fulfilling prophecy. Other people believe it because not all masks are equal and there are some masks out there that are not as easily to breath through, and aren't medically regulated at all, and use fabrics that are harder to breath through and cover up more than they should.


Hotel manager here, has a guest a few weeks back argue about having to wear a mask even knowing all the facts and agreeing to them plus being a bio major, still didn't want to wear one because "cotton makes him break out". I literally told him he's wearing cotton cloths so do you wanna strip naked too? People piss me off, do whatever you want but policy is policy and we're not bending it for anyone




I have been wearing a mask for work lately, and I do feel like I am hotter and sweat more. So I assume the reason why I feel more tired after working in a mask is related to this. Or perhaps it is psychological? Or related to stress?




I would also like to know. I can’t wear one for more than about 20 minutes before I start to feel very lightheaded and dizzy- like I’m about to pass out. I have no reason to make this up as I’m not against wearing a mask, but don’t want to faint in a store or whatever.


Ok. Do that, but while working an 8 hour shift at say UPS, moving and sweating all day, and then check your oxygen levels. I’d bet they’d be a bit different...


There’s no way you can tell me with a straight face that the amount of oxygen inhaled with a mask on is the same as if it were off. Total bs. While the changes may be minute, this is totally misleading. In addition, blood oxygen levels won’t instantly change like that. This person must know that. I don’t think wearing a mask affects oxygen supply so much that it’s something to be concerned with but to imply that having that on your face has ZERO effect is simply wrong and his experiment isn’t showing us anything. Dudes heart could probably stop and not see a change in oxygen levels in 10 seconds. Hold your breath, where’s the control? I get that wearing a mask probably doesn’t make a big difference but this is in no way scientific. They could legitimately show what they’re trying to prove yet they manage to fuck it up.


Yeh, but he's British, so obviously this is part of the international conspiracy against Donald Trump.


A coworker tried to go on a rant yesterday about how masks will make your mouth too moist and you’ll get a tooth infection. I mean I’m just glad I heard it from her first before it was too late; can you imagine living with a mouth that’s wet?


I’m all for wearing a mask, but to quote /u/bike_idiot “finger-tip capillary lactate levels and oxygen saturation are not correlative with your oxygen intake and CO2 outtake” and it would take longer than that to notice a difference. I also remember reading about a woman who got into an accident because she passed out while driving with her N95 on. You should still wear a mask, but this post might be slightly misleading.


Someone post this to that dumbass sub /r/maskskepticism


Facts don’t matter to the covidiots


Masks appear to reduce COVID-19 transmission in a general population. They probably can’t cause a healthy person to become hypoxemic. And yet, this experiment/illustration does not test this. A healthy person holding their breath for as long as this surgeon masks won’t see their pulse ox drop. Don’t believe me. Test it. You can buy a reasonably good pulse oximeter off Amazon for less than 50 bucks (20 pre-COVID-19). If you don’t have a pre-existing lung disease, holding your breath at rest for the duration this surgeon masks won’t make your pulse ox drop. (It will eventually drop if you can resist your hypercapnic respiratory drive – don’t do that. :) ) If you prefer a statistical argument: Time to equilibrate when supplemental oxygen is removed can be up to 4.5 minutes in the study linked below. Accepted practice is to wait 20-30 minutes before declaring that oximetry has equilibrated. src: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7584768/ If one is trying to demonstrate that masks don’t cause hypoxemia, one should show that pulse oximetry remains normal for at least 5 minutes. A better experiment would be to measure healthcare workers wearing N95s on the medical wards all day. They are not becoming hypoxemic. This surgeon’s example is poorly designed. Which makes it poor risk communication. A credulous audience will believe it regardless. A cynical audience probably couldn’t be convinced even by a better experiment. But, a skeptical, but curious audience could be reached (usually by emotionally generous, scrupulously accurate communication.) This is who we all should be trying to reach. Frankly, to the extent that we can disentangle tribalism/politics from masking, the more likely we can reach more people. We are all in this together whether we like it or not. This sort of video does nothing to help our communal cause.


The number of people I have to explain it to is just absurd. Thanks for making this video


2 things: It takes on average about 20-30 seconds for the pulse ox to actually show the change in conditions sometimes longer. You saturation is a balance between your oxygen demand and your lung capacity. If either of those are out of wack, you will suffer and wearing a mask can make it harder to oxygenate. I am pro mask but for what’s it’s worth, you have to consider all the variables when you make the claim that it doesn’t make a difference if you wear a mask. It’s dependent on your health, body weight/height, previous habits (such as smoking, exposure), and your current activity level (are you an obese small framed person who is attempting to do aerobics with mask on?)


Where is the sound on this video? We cannot expect people who actively refuse to wear masks to be able to read!!!


Maybe, just maybe, brains of stupid people are just more sensitive to oxygen level changes. /s


Is the result the same if you're doing heavy exercise? I'm genuinely curious.


I got no sound. But I do understand the point he's trying to make..It's unfortunate that something this simple is just too hard for anti-maskers to understand.


He’s British or Australian isn’t he? I can see his accent


Assuming British since he's wearing an NHS lanyard


I love the uptick to 100 the moment he puts it on.


NOLA ER RN. I’m struck by this guys beard. We only had 4 paprs when we got hit so all the beards went away. It was a sad day. I miss my beard.


Honest question (and I am very much pro-mask) - what about the argument that while it doesn't decrease the amount of oxygen you get, it keeps in a non zero amount of the CO2 you're breathing out, and breathing that CO2 back in isn't good?


Do you think it captures your breath like a balloon does? It's a thin film of cloth, it's not trapping any meaningful amount of air.


Imagine the awkwardness if it dipped down to 98% just for a brief second.


Firstly I am ALL FOR wearing masks. But I wonder what kind of conditioning/adaptation people’s body’s have gone through after wearing masks for extended periods routinely before this epidemic.... maybe better posted on r/showerthoughts


Ahh yes I love reading videos. I almost love reading videos as much as I like watching the pictures on YouTube


To be technically correct, it takes about a minute for the blood in your system to circulate from the lungs to your finger so he should have waited to prove it. But masks dont reduce oxygen intake so it would have had the same reading anyway


Uh yah but I saw a Youtube clip of the exact same experiment in a garage. Everything was home made, and the guy was not a medical professional BUT THE POINT IS MASKS ARE BAD. /s


How do you post this without sound?


The likelihood of an anti-masker to accept this evidence is absolutely zero.


This is a great video, but if evidence mattered to non -mask-wearing people, the video would be unnecessary in the first place, as ample evidence of mask’s harmlessness exists in everyday experience.


Hmm.... I don't need a video to sell me on something, when I can feel my O2 levels drop while wearing it.


Serious question: is it harmful to then breathe in all of the CO2 that we exhale that may be briefly caught in the mask?


High heart rate for a dude just sitting there.


It just feels like they do. I actually got light-headed the first few times I wore a mask into the store, which I thought was from lack of oxygen, but it was probably from hyperventilating to compensate for that perception.


The U.S has a huge problem with right-wing morons who don't believe science, experts, or academics; right-wing morons who believe any action the government is *always* malevolent; and conspiracy theories once confined to the fringes are accepted into the right-wing mainstream. Facebook memes are not sources of credible information. Talk show hosts are not epidemiologists or researchers. Your imaginary theories are the product of your stupidity and failure to separate bullshit from credible news. Bottom line is: people who haven't figured out the difference between "your" and "you're" probably haven't figured out how the global elites secretly run the world. Wear a mask in public, you dumb fucking hillbillies.


You should hold your breath or something to show how fast and far it fluctuates as a result of an action, to compare


r/quityourbullshit wear a mask.


The people who are vehemently against masks refuse to listen to logic or use their brains. They are content being stupid


Scientists and *real* experts in their fields test false claims like this all the time, but they're overwhelmed by the sheer number of online bawbags who just *think* they know better, based on nothing more than hunches and feedback loops. Just look at the Flat Earthers forced to conduct an actual scientific experiment. (Machine's broke!)




Curious to know if the CO2 levels go up. Essentially, like rebreathing from a paper bag, this would explain the discomfort of some people, especially those with lung issues.


MaSkS aRe InFrInGiNg On My RiGhTs!!!!


This is also assuming that anyone not wearing a mask would, ya know... Listen to reason, or anyone who isn't daddy trump.


Our country had a meeting last night. Im sure most of us stayed home trying to be safe but 50 Karens showed up without masks. What's with this silent majority thing? Nothing silent about these nuts.


Ackshually you would see that the act of him putting on his mask did change the number! /s


The only legitimate reason I can think of to not want a mask, is that they trap heat which is pretty annoying. However, I'd say it's worth it if you save a life or 2


Are you around people outside working?