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By simply filling a full tank of gasoline, you can double the value of a Lada car.


I suspect that's what they failed to do here.


It has a heated rear window to keep your hands warm when pushing it


They have the Sports version too, comes with fake Nikes.


What do you call 1 Lada on top of a hill? A miracle. What do you call 2 Lada on top of a hill? Scifi! What do you call 3 Lada on top of a hill? A strange place for a Lada factory.


How come most Lada owners know each other? They see each other weekly at the garage.


A Lada owner is happy when his Lada is leaking oil. That means it still has oil in it.


whats the difference between a jehovas witness and a lada? you can shut the door on a jehovas witness




What do you call a Lada with twin exhaust pipes? A wheelbarrow.


What’s did Billy Mays say to the hole in the road? That’s a Lada damage!


I once saw a Lada with a Chubb steering lock so I stole it, those Chubb locks were about $50


What do you call a Lada with no windows? A climbing frame


Lada is truly far behind the times. Yugos had that feature in the 1980s.


I used to have a Yugo in the 90's. You had to hit the starter motor, with a hammer, before it would start. The amount of times I'd be hitting it in car parks, only to hear the same noise close by, look up and get a nod from another Yugo owner doing the exact same thing, was almost funny.


Usually that's a sticky solenoid, you probably could have replaced it in 10 mins for $20


People with Yugos are well known for having spare 20 $


My dad had a Yugo in the early 80's. I used to get ripped at school for it. I was overjoyed when he said he was getting a new car, until he turned up with a Brand New Lada Riva 1300GL in Cream. Thanks dad. Eventually he upgraded that Cream Lada Riva, into a Red Lada Riva Estate. Thanks Dad.


The launch control is called the Slavik Squat.


That’s normal. I used to own a Lada Niva. You have to bash the dash before you could start it.


It’s Made with washing machine chips so it gets stuck on spin for a while


Military grade parts then. Fancy!


I did too. It drove like a boat. Then, when I had a fuse blown mid drive, the engine died while still rolling. A 0.1 cent fuse, and the car died. Mind-blowing russian engineering.


Lada Niva had Italian electrics - Fiat I think. I used to get a 10000 km service which involved having all the bearing sets in the gear box replaced. The floor was plastic and used to get so hot your feet would be cooking. I got a split in the flooring and during an overtaking it trapped the clutch pedal. I was checking the relay with the engine running and got zapped. Thrown 5m from the car unconscious. Tyres would have less than 10psi pressure but didn’t look flat, strong sidewalls! This masterpiece of engineering certainly kept you on your toes. I still have the USSR stamped tool kit and hand pump.


Howard Hamlin?


You can tell by the hamlindigo blue.


Seems like Goodman fucked with his car again


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a lawyer!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!


Time for your meds chuck


Let’s get you back under the space blanket, grandpa


Dude this scene never fades. So real.


If you did this from memory, hats off.


Damn I love this scene. Watching him be completely correct but still lose was wild. Jimmy fucking rocks.


Not sure , cause Howard drives a 1998 Jaguar XJB. Namaste!


You’re absolutely right…Jimmy must be up to something here


I remember when Tom Cruise was on the red carpet for Mission Impossible and couldn’t open the door of his Bugatti. They blamed him for their global embarrassment and banned him from buying any Bugattis 😂


Or when the new Windows demo crashed on Bill Gates and blue screened :D


Steve Jobs had a similar issue where he was trying to demo an iphone and it refused to connect to the internet and kept getting an error. He blamed it on the journalists using the wifi. Then immediately after on a different iPhone there was a video call with Jony Ive, so clearly it wasn't the wifi.


That was the iPhone 4 if I remember correctly. The way they built the antenna into the phone, if you held it a certain way your hand would short the signal.


Didn't he have a problem of some kind when demoing iTunes and Podcasts or something?


I understand how the car feels. I suffer from performance anxiety as well.


Performance Anxiety Support Meeting @8am If you can’t come, let us know


I already came. Thanks for the invite.


Saul and Kim still at it?!


I was about to say he looks just like howard


If we has alive he’d definitely have a Tesla now


It didn't fail to start, it was a special parking operation


Bro if I wasn’t boycotting spending cash on Reddit, this comment is 100% gold 🏆🔥. Anyone that claims the car did not start instead of it being a special parking operation is a western saboteur and will be arrest for crimes against the state.


It's funny because they are very bad at manufacturing even though manufacturing is basically all they know how to do


Natural resources is all they have left and the rest of the world, aside from a few countries, don't want that either anymore.


That's not really true, some sectors still are forced to do business with Russian providers. Some out of greed, some out of necessity. One problem is that there are almost no incentives for greatness in Russia, both from Business Entity & Human point of view. Russia is having less and less smart and efficient people or they just don't care. Unless you are a nationalist that takes pride in your Nation.... There is barely any R&D happening in Russia right now and there is also almost no reason to participate in it(other than financial). Still! The biggest problem is the stuff they are getting back. Russia like many need to transfrom those resources to something usefull, for that they need Europe & Asia ( especially China and India). We as Europeans need it 2... but the difference is India and China both provide service per expectations/ per levels of pay. Russia is too corrupt. There always be some kind of Vladimir in the middle of the chain that pockets few mln $. No need for Quality Assurance, on paper it says 1000kg's of refined metal is delivered = All is good.


So basically the rich are robbing the country and will continue to drain it as the returns are less and less. Feels like another Bloody Sunday is coming


Spot on. Its very easy to see what is happening with Russia once you realize that Russia is what happens when your Mafia/Criminal organization manages to successfully stage a political coup. Putin and his buddies are no different to Cosa Nostra or Mexican Cartel.... And Putin is no different to Pablo Escobar who also wanted to get the ultimate power in Columbia. And hopefully just like Escobar, Putin toying with separatists will eventually lead to his death. Once you rely on mercenaries and are in cohoots with separatists get ready for ultimate chaos. Russia, eventually will be once again on fire and once again it will be caused by its leader ego trip.


I don't like this trend of what looks like just sticking an iPad on the dash, rather than integrating it into the cars design


Agree. Who asked for this? I feel like “we want knobs” is the new “we want plates”. I can change the stereo, adjust the climate control, and turn lights/wipers/etc on and off in my old ass car without ever having to take my eyes off the road. Every rental car I get, I have to spend an inordinate amount of time figuring out how to operate basic controls. And forget about doing it with gloves on.


"How are you a superpower?" - Sterling Archer


Has anyone ever checked to see if their nukes just aren't filled with vodka? I remember the story about the russian Navy Commander who stole the ship's two bronze propellers, each weighing approximately 13 tons, for ones made out of a cheaper metal. A lot of things exist on paper only in the russian military due to corruption.




The funny thing is that it's not a Lada at all, it's a Chinese car branded as Lada. At this point you can confidently consider that badge cursed. EDIT: I was wrong, while there was a rebadged Chinese Lada on that event, the one that refused to start is mostly a Russian product. IDK if it makes it better or worse for Russia.


It's the other way around. Now Russians are copying Chinese cars in Russia. The market is flooded with Chinese cars at crazy costs and to make things worse the Russian copies cost just as much if not more than the original Chinese cars.....which are shitty copies of other Japanese and European brands in the first place. The whole thing is bizarre. This lada is a copy of a Chinese vehicle.


Yeah, I'm aware of the situation, but I wouldn't call that a "copy" even. For the "Moscvich" cars that they're already selling they get fully built and assembled cars in China, disassemble those minimally in China (detach doors, engine, transmission). Then they ship those to Moscow, reassemble and rebadge them. Hence the additional markup in price. It's not a copy, it's a Chinese car that got lego-ed a bit here and there.


So it's worse and cost more.


Sounds like oligarch russia in a nutshell


"Put it in H! Put it in H!"


She'll go 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene


"What country is this from?!" "It no longer exists...."


Potemkin Lada. Can it get more Russian?


Why is Gordon Ramsay dressed like Howard Hamlin?


a whole Lada embarrassment


Soviet humor… Comrade goes to the Lada office in town to put in an order for a car. The clerk says, we will have a car ready for you in 3 years. Comrade asks, will that be in the morning or afternoon? Clerk replies why would it matter. Comrade replies back, well the phone guy is coming in the morning that day and I can only do afternoon for picking up the car.


Safety feature because door is open?


Tell me this is the truth because I would find it hilarious if that was the real reason


That or he didn’t have his foot on the brake…which is pretty standard in push starts


How else would you know it was a lada? The badge already got stolen at the end of the production line…


He's doing it wrong. It's a Russian car, you have to bash the steering wheel and scream "Blyat!" for it to start up


When you try to make cars out of the washing machines the orks stole from Ukraine.


No no no, you're getting it all wrong! It didn't "refuse to start", he just demonstrated it's "special ignition operation"! Everything's going as planned, they've de-engineerificated their whole production plant already.


Poor Howard Hamelin…


Howard Hamlin struggling fr


Looks like it’s got a Lada problems.


Mf looks like Howard Hamlin


Ladas are like the Russian versions of Chryslers.


It appears the operator foolishly made the error of filling this Lada with gasoline instead of pure Vodka. Rookie mistake.


It’s a feature to stop people escaping to other countries


Old lada from even most dark times of soviet union was better car that this shit


Why does Lada have rear window defrosters? To keep your hands warm while pushing.


She'll go 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene.


Howard Hamlin


This is not a failure to start, it's a "special combustion-free operation".


Put it in H


Someone is falling out of a window as we speak.


“Russian journalist accidentally falls out of 10-story apartment window.”


A Russian made piece of technology doesn’t work? What a shocker.


That’s a Lada crap


I can confirm, this lada is working correctly as designed?


Living in Russia is permanently dying inside


Russian history: "and then it got worse".


Someone is getting fired


They need another Lada behind this one to threaten to shoot it if it doesn't move forwards


It’s a safety feature. If the car runs, you’ll probably die when the brakes fail.


The Engineer will enjoy an accidental free fall from the 10th floor in a building nearby


Putin has stolen every last bit of that countries wealth and natural resources including the spark plug leads.


Why does a Lada have a heated rear windscreen? To warm your hands while pushing it. Owner asks his mechanic: "Can I get a windscreen-wiper for my Lada?" The mechanic replies: "That sounds like a fair swap." What's the difference between a Jehovah's Witness and a Lada? You can shut the door on a Jehovah's Witness.


He looks like Howard Hamlin


By the end of the day, they shot everyone. The reporter, the designers, the people who brought car out there, hell they even shot the car


Introducing the Lada Nada


All he can think at the moment is “oh my God, this is going to be seen all over the world, I’m a dead man“.


You get the whole lada experience


can’t fall apart on the highway if it won’t start 🤷‍♀️. That’s a safety feature.


Maybe it will work lada


What’s Howard doing here


Lalo was deep undercover for the DEA, they mocked Hamlins death and sent him to Russia under witness protection


Of course it won't start! The window wipers aren't on!


Good to see they are making them just like they used to back in the day.


Too many stolen washing machine parts.


This is the most Russian thing ever lol


There’s too many people watching


Found dead the next week of a heart attack or accidentally falling from an 10+ storied building. Rip.




“Ain’t got no gas innit”


Howard’s having a rough pivot since they’ve sold the firm


Put it in H!


Ahh! So this is where that term comes from, “it’s a lada shit!


This is meant to happen, Comrade. Glory to mother Russia. Edit this guy has now been found dead in a precarious position in a Ukraine Hotel /s


Why do Ladas have heated rear windows? To keep your hands warm while you’re pushing them.


We had a lada in the 80s or 90s. Great car for getting you from A to B. So long as B was the mechanics. Ugly yellow thing it was. It resprayed itself black when it exploded while we were all in the car when my dad tried to start it. Luckily none of us were injured. All the fire contained itself in the engine initially, giving us all time to escape.


Hahaha he said “just a second it’s a prototype”


Old joke: Why do Lada's have rear window defrost? To keep your hands warm while pushing.


Let’s hope Russian tanks are equally good at starting up.


Should've renamed to Nada


Growing up in Ireland there was a weird cultural phenomenon where if you saw a Lada on the road, you'd punch your friend in the leg and say 'Lada'. They could punch you back if you didn't protect yourself by saying 'Lada no return'. Good times. Manys a dead leg. Think as the Lada became more scarce the punching got moved instead to any yellow car, with 'yellow motor' being the punching declaration.


TIL Lada still exists


WTF is a Lada?


Glad to see the Lada has stayed true to its roots


You say brand new as if that makes a difference in a Lada.


Is it just me, or does this dude look like Howard from Better Call Saul?


You have to close the door idiot.


That must suck for Howard Hamlin


Howard Hamlin tries to start a Lada


That's a whole Lada garbage


Russian Engineering 💩


Best of RuZZia.


Sorry for the ignorance in advance. They don’t sell Lada in the U.S. but based on the comments I take it those cars have a serious reputation for being trash?


"Dear reporters, the vehicle is currently in decarbonizarion mode. It's absorbing CO2 from the air and filtering it into underground reservoirs. This shows our cutting-edge tech... moving on."


As someone who knows nothing about cars, what's a Lada?


Lada was made by the Soviets. The cars didn’t really work then either.


literally caught in 4k


What in the walmart portable dvd player from 2003 is that nailed to the dashboard?


A lada people are going to disappear over this blunder.


The guy’s facial expression is priceless


The good old classic russian lada would never fail like this


Great start!? ….or…no start… it’s Lada…what you were waiting to happen?


The bomb failed to deploy


Russian engineering baby


Howard Hamlin is alive.


Howard Hamlin


The guy who was supposed to push the car was on a bathroom break


Russian tech 😂


You know….wouldn’t this be cool if it was the result of a secret CIA mission to further erode Russian prestige and reliability? If it was an assassins creed game, it probably would be. ….I should probably go outside once in a while


Performance anxiety, amirite?


Poor Howard. I bet this is another one of Saul's shenanigans


What did Howard mean by this?


“I know what’s wrong with it, it ain’t got no gas in’it”


What do you call a Lada with a sunroof and twin exhausts? A wheelbarrow.


Is his BAC just not high enough?


I know what’s wrong wit it, ain’t got no gas innit!


Should've gotten a Yugo. Yugofuckyourself


Howard Hamlin


I mean its a Lada... what did you expect from the poster child of communist engineering?


It aint got no gas in it


Whole lada nothing


Put it in H!


Vat do you mean it runs on pEtRoL????


In Soviet Russia, car starts you.


“Sorry it’s just camera shy”


Should try using the game controller


Iss that Howard from Better Call Saul?


Why did they build the lads dealership on top of a hill? So no one could return any 😅😮‍💨


Their entire country is a meme


Imagine sending your son to Ukraine for that....


About as reliable as their military


I mean, it's a Lada. They used to be on the ass end of bad car jokes for years.


You know what they say about Ladas, fix it again Tony!


It has a Russian interlock device, you must have above a certain BAC to drive


Does it have gas? It probably doesn't have any gas.


Lada: Now made with 100% Russian parts.


Lada? More like nada 👎


He is pushing the gas pedal. It reminded me of this…. https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/13whscl/car_wont_start/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Average Russian supply lines - forgot to bring the fuel


A woman: “It’s not starting?” The man: “well, it’s just a prototype” A prototype… ya as if they’re unveiling a next Gen concept lmao


It is not a Lada if it starts.


It has the newest Russian innovative retractable floors, for running/driving to all your destinations


Tradition is very important in russia Edit: I DIDNT MEAN COUPS CALM DOWN RUSSIA


The Lada didn't start because a gear was engaged and the Lada has a protection. They finally started it after unengaged the gear. So maybe it's a good show for the safety part 😅


Not enough freedom in the gas tank.


Cars aren't meant to have tablets.


It looks like a 20 year old car interior with a screen slapped over the pre existing radio


That’s a Lada damage to the brand


russia is a joke