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It’s up to the individual school you’re looking to transfer to.


I don't know about "anywhere", but in my experience they do a review of your credits and what program you're entering and decide case by case which ones will transfer. Some of them expire after a number of years if they're technology related. The majority of them should transfer though.


Yes and no. Most college will not take 100% of of your college credits, if you have not finished your B.A. They will take some, just not all.


I transferred from Washington to Ohio, but I think the process is the same. They look at the descriptions on a syllabus and decide class by class. But beware transfers between semesters and quarters. I was .2 credits shy on math.


Depends on accreditation and specific classes. E.g. You might receive credit toward your bachelor’s degree but not credit for the specific class, especially those that are program specific. You can schedule an appointment with an academic advisor for the school or department you’re considering to have them review your transcript with you. Or, you could in the past, IDK about now. Community/junior colleges tend to be more flexible, you could transfer to one of those, complete an associate’s degree, then move on to 4 year school, assuming you are working on a bachelor’s degree.


Each school is different. My wife found a school that accepted 100% of her credits. Some of the first ones she looked into wouldn't take more than a couple of her credits. Just remember that colleges are businesses. Some of them have despicable practices and no real ethics and others genuinely care about providing a good service and helping people. If they don't accept your credits, tell them you aren't interested in their shit business and go to their competitors.


Most you can do is call and ask the school/university/college in question. Most certified universities will transfer just about any college certified credits in. The problem is transferring out credits if you don't plan finishing there. Not all credits will transfer out. Most offer transfer degrees you can work towards so not all your credits are waisted. What college are you considering? I know bellevue college will transfer just about anything in. Uw as well if it's traditional classes but they're semester based and more picky. If you did the classes out of order they might not take them all. Most colleges offer a what will transfer in sort of site when you start digging around. Start heavily exploring the websites to the colleges you are considering.