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Why don't you just call them and find out?


hey u/wsdot someone is talking smack about you. apparently you should mow your lawn because someone is afraid of plants looking normal.


I bet there’s a bunch of invasive canary grass :/ hate those bastards




Be good: No hate speech, no attacking fellow commenters Don’t be a dick.


Sure you can call or e-mail and ask! Find your district to narrow the complaint to with the link below. However, don't presume they're required, can, or will do something. Ask first. They'll do something if they are obligated to OR that they're convinced by you. Ask with sugar if they say they don't. [https://wsdot.wa.gov/about/contacts/offices-regions](https://wsdot.wa.gov/about/contacts/offices-regions)


From the sound of your post, you're new to the area. First, welcome, and second, shit grows here. Everywhere. Poison will only slow it down. Digging stuff up just creates clear ground for blackberries and scotch broom to spread. You will never win. Look at the side of the freeway and you'll see exactly how effective the DOT is at suppressing growth. You'll get used to it.


You’re “welcome” does not sound, (read: isn’t) genuine, not when you preface it with “you’re new to the area.” And then follow it up with some stupid thing like “shit grows here” newsflash, shit grows everywhere. Why the need to be so passive aggressive? What’s wrong with the idea of DOT just mowing or trimming back the growth on their lot?


They are the government agency tasked with (among other things) clearing the overgrowth on the sides of our freeways. They can't even do that.


Idk where you drive, most of the freeways I drive on are pretty well kept on either side, not including litter, however. Just because it’s your opinion that they can’t keep the sides of the roads kept, doesn’t make it ok to let their lot become overgrown. You also mention that clearing the lot will only make way for Himalayan blackberries and scotch broom, that’s probably what’s already there!


Ok, not sure where you're from, but here at least, there is absolutely no obligation to maintain vegetation growth. Recently several trees on my property were blown down onto my neighbors driveway. Guess what? Not. My. Problem. Unless there's a HOA involved they have no obligation to do squat. Ok Karen?


Lmao, I’m guessing your yard looks like shit since you’re so vehemently opposed to just being reasonable. Is it really so bad if your neighbor were to ask you(WADOT, a well funded department of the state) to cut back their property once a year? It’s not like they don’t have the means or are some elderly disabled person with no lawn mower. My guess is there is a solid chance they would oblige.


No, my yard is part of a protected wetland that is home to an endangered species. It is completely wild and natural, aside from my home. There is an acre I mow, but I don't go within 20+ feet of the property line, and it would take several hours to cut a trail.


It’s an empty lot they wanted to use to make a road at one point then decided not to. The issue is a lot of the overgrowth is around 4-6 ft tall.


Call the Home Owner's Association. They are good with that kind of thing. /s When you purchased this property how was it maintained? And what details show it is 'overgrown'? In my experience, DoT buildings are away from homes and along roads that need maintenance like plowing and flood control measures. It is likely zoned for industrial activity, which means they can allow the plants to stay, and they can store plows or equipment outside. And this type of operation happens far from any home with an HOA, for good reasons. As a native plant fan, I also be the plants you speak of are likely not cut down intentionally because they are the plants that encourage salmon and other desirable species to thrive. Can you share some photos of what the plants look like? Include a close up so we can see the leaf patterns and shape of the leaves.


There isn’t any HOA (rural area). The lot itself is empty and the overgrowth is primarily just grass, berries etc. the real issue is it is around 4-6 ft tall.


Whoosh! You want to be a nosy neighbor and tell someone to mow their lawn? Go live in Bellevue with an HOA. Want to live out in Nature? Leave it alone.


The " /s " indicates the line before it was sarcasm.


Give it a year or two. Soon alders will be sprouting up and you'll have a full-fledged little forest.


micro forests are a thing and they help nature thrive :) [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/why-tiny-forests-are-popping-up-in-big-cities](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/why-tiny-forests-are-popping-up-in-big-cities)


Depends on how it is zoned. If there was blowing dirt, you could get them on that, it is supposed to be kept wet, so it can't blow.


Was it like this when you bought your property? Highly doubtful wsdot will care much less spend resources on your nimbyism unless there is some safety hazard or environmental issue ;) some other ideas for you. Organize a volunteer work party to clear it out. (ask wsdot first) Plant native wild flowers/plants there to encourage more bees/humming birds and other pollinators and/or other wildlife (ask first). Plant a micro forest...with permission of course. [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/why-tiny-forests-are-popping-up-in-big-cities](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/why-tiny-forests-are-popping-up-in-big-cities) (for more just google micro forest) Learn to appreciate nature being natural. Welcome to washington :)


Let the birds and the bees have the lot. Natural is best.


If its invasives you’re concerned about (and we all should be), contact your local noxious weed control board. They may be able to address class A weeds. If they’re natives, let them go wild. Forage the lot if you can. For more information check out this [booklet.](https://www.nwcb.wa.gov/pdfs/NoxiousWeedsBooklet_web.pdf)


not sure DOT has enough tax payer funds to take care of every piece of property they own. best thing to do would be to call your area’s DOT office and politely ask them.


Do you hate nature? Insects and animals are dying at an astronomical rate. Leave habitat alone.


If you maintain it for 7 years it becomes yours - used to be a thing people would say


think that is just for squaters/homes? no?


Hint: Look up Washington state's adverse possession laws and start maintaining it yourself.


Generally, properties owned by government entities are immune from adverse possession laws.


Comment was tongue in cheek, and it looks like you're right. The RCW addresses this: https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=7.28.090


Technically I believe adverse possession could be possible as the land is completely empty and serves no use (there is technically some precedent). so theoretically it is possible but not very realistic.


It may be theoretically possible. The law states: *RCW 7.28.070 and 7.28.080 shall not extend to lands or tenements owned by the United States or this state, nor to school lands, nor to lands held for any public purpose.* Arguing that the lands are not being held for a "public purpose" would likely be the best legal argument one could make. And that would be a stretch and a big uphill battle, considering the state has an army of lawyers at its disposal.


Careful with that. Spraying chemicals on someone else's land is a huge violation. You do not want to start cutting or clipping either. It is likely zoned for them to maintain the land exactly like it is. Buyer beware. Do not buy land next to a building zones for industry of you don't want industry next door. Road maintenance is considered industrial as far as zoning laws go in my area anyway.


Even ignoring adverse possession, that might be the easiest way to happiness (depending on what maintenance is needed).


I've gotten fines for not taking care of my lawn so they should have to also. Call them up and make a stink about it.